the first god

Chapter 266 Abnormal opponent

Chapter 266 Abnormal opponent
He was so angry and hated that he suddenly realized that even a seventh-rank immortal could not cast this type of spells in such a continuous manner. The other party was probably using illusion to deceive him!

If he continues to retreat like this, his fame will be ruined for the rest of his life!

The vest gritted his teeth, intending to deal with Heng Er even if both sides were hurt. Besides, he quickly formed a seal on his hand, and a flame leopard and a giant flame eagle appeared in front of him again, and he did not dodge the attack of the golden gun. Rush towards Heng Er.

The Flame Leopard and the Flame Eagle collided with the golden gun head-on, but they were not injured at all, but Heng Er had to dodge.

The rest of the golden spears pierced the vest one after another, and the vest used all the remaining mana to strengthen the protective armor. As a result, he was naturally nervous for a while, and the imposing golden spear pierced him, but he didn't feel it at all.

The vest was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his eyes, that he was tricked by such a yellow-haired girl!

If Ma Jia knew Heng Er's real age, he would be very surprised to be his grandma.

Gritting his teeth, Jie Yin transformed into two flame beasts again, one flame elephant, and the other the flame bear just now, and the five beasts besieged Heng Er together.

"Fire beast ten image transformation" practiced to the highest level can transform ten flame monsters at the same time, but with the power of vest showing time, it is already the limit to transform five. It is necessary to manipulate five kinds of beast fires and five kinds of beast souls in the body. It's stressful for him and it won't last.

Now the power of a single flame beast is slightly lower than before, but when five of them attack at the same time, the overall strength is more than three times stronger than when there was only one flame beast just now.

All the escape routes of Heng Er were blocked, but she was not flustered. Ten fingers like orchids danced quickly to form seals, and dozens of golden spears stabbed at the vest. The beast flew away.

The vest fell into a battle between heaven and man in an instant. Could these golden guns have hidden one or two genuine ones this time?Judging from Heng Er's posture, it seems that he intends to fight with him and hurt both sides. He is now using all his mana to drive the flame beast, and only has a treasure armor for self-defense. Although it is a high-grade treasure, it is not necessarily safe.

But if he was asked to dodge again, he couldn't do what he wanted. Once he dodged, the attacks of the five flame beasts would also be affected... Could it be that this stinky girl is pretending to be for this purpose?

Majia hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to fight to the end. Regardless of trying his best to manipulate the five flame beasts to take Heng Er in one fell swoop, if he can't even deal with a yellow-haired girl, what face does he have to continue to be the boss of the ten generals of the Ma family? !
He fixed his eyes on Heng Er's direction, ruthlessly ignoring the sharp golden spear piercing his body.

Under the light of the fire, he could see clearly that what Heng Er threw at the five flame beasts was just an ordinary magic weapon, and he wanted to use these junk to resist his flame beasts?It's just a joke, once the two touch, these crap things will be burned to pieces.

It's a pity that he thought of the beginning, but didn't expect the ending...

Heng Er released the magic weapon as the vest thought. After colliding with the flame beast head-on, he failed to hurt the flame beast at all, but destroyed it immediately. "Erupted!

The talisman carefully crafted by Xue Yuan exerted infinite power at this moment. The powerful water-type aura made the five flame beasts tremble for a while. The mist filled the air.

The vest felt a rush of water spirit energy, which almost tore him into pieces with the real energy spirit energy. His eyes were dizzy from the discomfort, his chest felt a sharp pain, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of black blood on the spot.

Chest? !The vest lowered its head in astonishment, and found that a big hole had been pierced through his right chest by the golden spear transformed by Heng Er. Dissipated, leaving a big hole gushing blood, the pain made him almost dizzy.

Dozens of golden spears were all phantoms, and the only one really stabbed at his vital point. Fortunately, it almost missed the heart, otherwise he would have died on the spot even if he was a seventh-rank immortal.

Although the person is not dead now, he is not much better. He suffered two severe injuries at the same time, and the vest couldn't even make a scream, and he fell to the ground on his back with his hand on the wound.

Ma Liu was watching by his side, he couldn't believe his eyes, Jiao Didi's beauty was just a seventh-rank fairy, but in a short period of time, he seriously injured the vest with the longest history among Ma's ten generals !

Heng Er's victory was a fluke, but she did win. Heng Zhi taught her this set of illusory tactics, and the Phantom Demon Fox gave her the most top illusion in the world, even if she is an eighth-rank immortal, If you don't have a special research on illusion or have a special way to deal with it, you may not be able to see the way in a short time.

In terms of real cultivation strength, Heng Er is the weakest of these people, but once she uses the magic illusion, the rest of them may not be able to beat her.

Ma Liu didn't know this, he only saw that a moment ago, the vest commanded the flame beast to besiege Heng Er aggressively, but now he was seriously injured and unconscious, the flame beast lost control and disappeared completely, and only Yu Heng Er's three-eyed red fire lion was in front of him He stared at himself arrogantly...

He turned pale with fright, and bluffed and shouted: "Demon girl, you are so brave, you dare to hurt my Tianshu sect!"

Isn't this nonsense?Heng Er didn't bother to pay attention to him, and commanded the three-eyed red fire lion to jump forward and clean him up as well.

Ma Liu's cry alarmed Martin and the other three. Ma Gui, who was the closest, rushed over and took Ma Liu and the vest off the ground with one hand.

"Heng Er, catch that kid!" Heng Er heard Heng Zhi's sound transmission in his ears, and immediately chased after him with the three-eyed red fire lion.

During the fierce battle between Heng Er and Ma Jia, Heng Zhi and Ma Yunteng faced the siege of the poisonous carrion crocodile in a bitter battle, and Martin and Ma Ren waited for the opportunity to attack them from time to time. The hostages are seized and the fighting will soon be over.

Their strength exceeded the expectations of Ma Liu, Ma Jia and others, and the sudden appearance of a few poisonous swamp carrion crocodiles also caught them by surprise.

These copper-skinned and iron-skinned monsters are much more difficult to deal with than the vests and other seventh-rank immortals!
Even Xue Yuan and Ma Yunteng felt a little apprehensive when they saw these vicious and ugly Poison Swamp Rotten Bone Crocodiles. Fortunately, these guys moved slowly, unlike other monsters, otherwise it would be even more difficult for them to wait for the Poison Swamp Rot Bone Crocodile. Opening her mouth wide towards them, a disgusting stench came in her nostrils. Xue Yuan, who was standing in the front, felt sick immediately.

"Damn it! These guys even breathe poison!" Xueyuan's head grew bigger.

Cheng Li went down the mountain with his master to practice in the past. He had seen the third-level poisonous rotting bone crocodile, and he knew their characteristics quite well, so he reminded him: "The venom on their bodies is even more powerful, with a very strong poisonous smell. Just a little bit can damage the aura of magic weapons, and if they are magic weapons, they will be scrapped as soon as they touch their bodies."

Ma Ren sneered and said, "You are wise!" He and Ma Gui were only at the beginning of the seventh rank, and they were able to rank among the top ten generals of the Ma family. In hand, their strength is recognized as the highest among the Ma family's ten generals.

Martin was even more thankful to himself, fortunately there were sixth-order monsters like Ma Ren and Ma Gui sitting in the town, otherwise the ship would have capsized in the gutter today. Are they all seven-rank cultivation bases? !

Baiyuejiao Ma family has no shortage of seventh-rank immortals, but it is really rare to see such a young one. Such a talent and strength, just put in their Tianshu sect, and they are also the top figures among the favored sons of heaven. There are more than one small sect that I have never heard of, and there are as many as five, it is unbelievable!
Ma Yunteng and the others faced the pressure of the poisonous rotting bone crocodile, so they could only choose to dodge passively.These poisonous swamp carrion crocodiles move slowly but are extremely explosive in an instant. Ma Yunteng tried to attack their eyes and throat several times but failed.

Seeing Heng Er quickly packed up his vest over there, they both felt relieved and felt a lot of pressure at the same time—they couldn't wait for her to come to the rescue!
Hengzhi observed for a while, thinking quickly about the countermeasures in his mind, and he said to Ma Yunteng through voice transmission: "These poisonous bone carrion crocodiles live in the hot and humid south, and they seem to be quite afraid of your ice spells. We want to way to trap them, and then you freeze it with all your strength."

Ma Yunteng nodded to show his understanding, Hengzhi greeted him, and suddenly got out of the battle group, walked around the crowd, and threw some weird seeds into the field as he walked.

Martin and Ma Ren didn't understand what it meant, but they knew it would be a bad thing, so they both stepped forward to stop it. Hengzhi moved quickly and didn't confront them head-on, but just ran to them, and at the same time, they ran in the direction of Ma Yunteng and others Shouted: "Get up!"

Ma Yunteng and others moved in response, and jumped into the air.

A few poisonous swamp carrion crocodiles and other limbs also flew up to chase after them, but they realized that something was wrong when they were only a few inches off the ground. Something unknowingly entangled their limbs, and they struggled vigorously. The thing that entangled them suddenly collapsed, but their movement was hindered and they fell back to the ground again.

The seeds of these vines are provided by oranges. The biggest feature is that they grow fast, and they are spawned by Hengzhi's wood-type magic.

Although they are strong, under the crazy growth of vines, it is difficult to break free for a while.

Ma Yunteng, Xue Yuan, and Cheng Li were still in the air with their hands ready to form a small joint magic circle. Ma Yunteng fully stimulated the ice magic power in his body, and the icy white mist accompanied Xue Yuan and Cheng Li. A large amount of condensed spring water poured down from mid-air.

The spring water fell on the poisonous swamp carrion crocodile and instantly turned into ice. At the beginning, they were able to shake their heads and tails to shake off the ice blocks. Later, the temperature in the field dropped sharply, and their movements became more and more sluggish.Although the sixth-order monsters have developed their intelligence, they are not as flexible as humans after all.

Martin and Ma Ren, who were chasing Hengzhi, also found something wrong, turned around and tried to destroy Ma Yunteng and other three people's spellcasting, this time it was Hengzhi's turn to entangle and delay. There are many methods, by the time the two get away and go back, the poisonous swamp carrion bone crocodile has already been frozen unconscious.

They are powerful, but they have not escaped the body of monsters after all. Their breed characteristics determine that they can't stand the cold. Surrounded by the overwhelming cold, soon even the blood almost freezes. What resistance is there?
Ma Ren didn't expect Ma Yunteng's ice mana to be so powerful that he could freeze even a sixth-order monster. He slapped the spirit beast bag anxiously and angrily, and released all the other monsters around him. Only the fifth-level monsters and dozens of monsters of the same level swarmed out.

The reason why these monsters were not released just now is because the poisonous swamp rotting bone crocodile is too fierce. If these monsters fight with them, they will be eaten by the poisonous swamp rotting bone crocodile first as a tonic. Already unable to move, it is very suitable for these monsters to play.

Xue Yuan waited for a sixth-level monster to finally get it done, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another group of big and small beasts bared their teeth and prepared to pounce on them, and their eyes almost popped out. How many monsters like this are there?

On the other side, Ma Gui dealt with Heng Er and the Three-Eyed Red Fire Lion by himself, and finally saved Ma Liu's life. His magic power was not as good as that of Ma Jia, but his ability to control beasts was as powerful as Ma Ren's. Three five-level monsters were released all at once, and dozens of other-level monsters dealt with Heng Er together.

Even if Heng Er's illusion is powerful, he can't help it, and he can barely support it.

The Three-Eyed Scarlet Fire Lion also suffered a lot of flesh injuries from the bite of those monsters, the ground was splashed with blood from it and other monsters, which made Heng Er's face turn pale from the pain.

Xueyuan was very annoyed and cursed angrily: "You are the only ones who have monsters! Orange, let the dog go!"

As soon as the words came out, it suddenly occurred to Doudou that what was in Doudou's stomach was Tianhuo!If all the monsters and humans here are burned to ashes, it will not be a big loss!
So he quickly added: "Take it easy and burn it, don't burn the valuables!"

Ma Shi and the others kept all kinds of monsters besieging her senior brothers and sisters, Cheng Zi couldn't help it a long time ago, but because they all like to practice in actual combat, that's why they kept hiding behind the Five Elements Ruyi Shield and remained silent.

Now that Xueyuan made a sound, there is no need to be polite, she immediately picked up Doudou and threw it on the field.

The others cooperated seamlessly, each staring at the opponent's seventh-rank fairy, and quickly joined forces with Heng Er, moving the battlefield from the side of the poisonous swamp carrion crocodile to the other side.Otherwise, Doudou sprayed fire and thawed the few predators they managed to control, which would be bad.

They are not afraid that Doudou will not be able to deal with those predators, but they are not willing to burn this sixth-level monster, they are very valuable from top to bottom!
Martin and the other three couldn't figure out their intentions, but the impact these youngsters had given them was too great today, and they had no intention of fighting.

They thought that with three people plus six fifth-level monsters and dozens of other-level monsters, they should still have the power to fight. As long as these young boys are suppressed, they can separate Ma Ren or Ma Gui to fight Wait for the poisonous swamp carrion crocodile to be rescued.

Their thinking is normal, but it is a pity that they have encountered a very abnormal opponent.

A chubby little milk dog ran to the battlefield...

(End of this chapter)

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