the first god

Chapter 267 Xue Yuan's Yearning

Chapter 267 Xue Yuan's Yearning
Martin was concentrating on dealing with Hengzhi's onslaught, when suddenly a feeling of extreme danger came over him, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. One Hengzhi, and the rest of the enemies are all fighting with Ma Gui, Ma Ren and their monsters.

Suddenly Hengzhi smiled at him, and his eyes moved down to him.

Martin was startled, and his instinctive reaction was to jump up to avoid it, but he didn't have time to move, a heart-piercing pain and a terrifying high fever came from his feet.

The pain almost made him stop breathing, and he felt like a wooden stake that had been chopped off by a knife, falling backwards when he couldn't stand up.

Following the overturned body, his gaze moved down rapidly, and he saw a terrifying scene——one of his feet was missing!Disappeared from below the knees!Right where the feet were originally standing, a group of purple flames flashed away, and a plump, pink-white figure was running in the direction of Ma Ren and Ma Gui.

"Ah!" Martin's shrill scream came, and Ma Ren and Ma Gui were shocked. Even Xue Yuan and the others felt their ears numb and their hearts cold.

However, before Ma Ren and Ma Gui could see clearly what happened to Martin, they met the same fate.

Three seventh-rank masters who had been famous for many years were easily knocked down by Doudou in an instant!
The Qipin Xianjun's body is far from being comparable to ordinary people, and the injuries suffered by the three of Ma Shi are not fatal, but the extreme psychological panic made them lose their senses for a while.

Although Ma Liu responded quickly, his strength was far behind Ma Yunteng and others, so he was restrained and thrown aside on the spot. The remaining dozens of monsters in the field also felt the master's panic, and rushed towards Ma Yunteng and others. People frantically attack with the intention of breaking through.

Under Cheng Zi's command, Doudou did not kill them all, but only burned the legs of the six fifth-level monsters headed by them, preventing them from getting up and attacking.

Ma Yunteng and the others didn't like the monsters they were looking for, so they let the other monsters go.These monsters were all controlled by Ma Ren and Ma Gui with secret methods, and they didn't make a master-slave contract. Now the two brothers are in a state of confusion and can't control them at all, but dozens of monsters ran away in a short time.

Doudou threw herself into Chengzi's arms to ask for credit, and Liu San looked at this cute and well-behaved Doudou who often made fire for them and cooked for them, and rubbed his eyes hard... everything that happened just now was an illusion, right? !
There are five people in the Ma family, three disabled and one seriously injured, and the only intact Ma Liu was dragged to one place.The five faces were ashen, waiting for an unknown fate.

Since the boys in front of them dare to injure them severely, there is nothing they can't do if they go one step further and completely kill them. Anyway, the seeds have already been formed, so it's better to completely cut the grass and roots to prevent future troubles.

But they were already mentally prepared, and they even thought about their last words, but Xue Yuan and the others were all focused on those poisonous swamps and rotten bones, talking to you around those quick-frozen bars I discussed what to do with them.

Some proposed to record them, pull out their teeth, and dig out demon pills, and some suggested to subdue them and use them as helpers. It seemed that everyone thought that those few monsters were much more valuable than these important figures of the Ma family who worshiped the moon. .

Their storage bags and other valuable items were also searched. The man named Xueyuan squatted on the ground with green eyes and counted their belongings without even looking at them from the corner of his eyes.

Only Ma Yunteng looked at these people coldly without saying a word. Cheng Zi stood beside him and held his hand tightly. Doudou also seemed to feel the master's solemn mood, and climbed onto Ma Yunteng and hugged his other hand. Looking up at him, he rubbed against him from time to time, as if he wanted to express the same concern and comfort as his master.

If they hadn't experienced it personally, Martin, Ma Ren, and Ma Gui would never have believed that this weak and clingy dog ​​was the horrible creature that had suddenly launched an attack just now and crippled the three of them.

Ma Liu was worried for a long time, but no one came to attack him. He thought to himself that these Lingyun sect members hadn't killed them yet, and they probably had other plans. Maybe they still had a chance.

So he settled down and asked, "What exactly do you want? Draw a path."

"Why did you come here to ambush us?" Ma Yunteng said.

Ma Liu is only looking for a chance of life now, and dare not hide it: "You look too similar to my third brother, we want to ask you to help with something." This is polite, but in fact they want to subdue these people, Then use some tricks on Ma Yunteng to control him to replace Ma San and go to Ma's uncle to work as a secret agent.

When Ma Shu and other five people besieged them that day, they didn't see Ma Yunteng's face clearly, otherwise he would not have let him leave without any response. Later, because Ma Ren and Ma Gui arrived in time, Ma Shu failed to succeed, which is also true. This deepened Ma Liu's determination to deal with his uncle.

When they met by chance in Xiancheng before, Ma Liu recognized Heng Er by his scent, his face was calm, and then he planned the ambush.

It's just that they never imagined that sending out seventh-rank immortals plus a sixth-rank poisonous rotting bone, which is equivalent to eight seventh-rank immortals, would have such a tragic end.

Ma Yunteng asked a few words, and probably knew that it was another dispute between his so-called uncle and third uncle, so he didn't have the heart to ask further questions, and instead asked about the black man who seemed to have something to do with the Moon Worship Sect Ma Shi that day. The origin of Yibapin Xianjun.

As a result, none of the suspicious candidates mentioned by Ma Liu could match the name. Presumably, that person was unwilling to reveal his identity, so he changed his appearance.

At this time, the vest who had been silent all this time suddenly stared at Ma Yunteng and said, "You are the tenth young master?!"

Ma Yunteng's hands trembled slightly, and his eyes were icy looking at the vest.

Although the latter's chest was severely injured by Heng'er, the Seventh Grade Immortal's body has a strong recovery ability. At this moment, the bleeding has stopped, and the wound has even begun to show slight signs of convergence, so he can distract himself from thinking about some things that he had ignored before. detail.

With Ma Yunteng's expression, the vest knew that he guessed it right, and tried his best to say: "As long as you let us live, we can cooperate. You must want to avenge the second master and the second wife, right?! The one who hurt you is the uncle!"

Ma Jia had never met Ma Yunteng before, but he suddenly remembered that before the big accident that year, he had vaguely heard Ma Sanye mentioned that the second master's son turned out to be a single spirit root of the ice system and so on.

From Ma Yunteng's pure ice-type mana, it is not difficult to guess that he should be a rare ice-type single spiritual root in the world, coupled with his appearance, the combination of the two is almost enough to confirm his identity.

The vest has lived for hundreds of years, and he knows that begging for mercy is better than trying to ask for cooperation. Seeing that Ma Yunteng is still unmoved, he can only wink at Ma Liu and Martin. Life depends on what they say.

Ma Liu came to his senses first, and said, "Tenth brother, you also lived in Ma's manor back then, so you should know how powerful Ma is. Uncle himself is only at the beginning of the eighth rank, but the people around him You have at least two middle-level eighth-rank immortals to accompany you all year round. It is not easy for you to kill him. Moreover, the current patriarch is our uncle, and his old man pays attention to the interests of the family. I want you to challenge uncle. With an old ancestor like him in charge, it is impossible for you to touch uncle!" Ma Yunteng glanced at the people in front of him one by one, and finally said indifferently: "Is it all finished?"

Ma Liu hesitated to speak, but he searched his brains and couldn't think of any better reason. Back then when Ma Yunteng was in Ma's Manor, he bullied the tenth brother a lot, saying that the family relationship was just ridiculous.

"I will avenge myself. But don't worry, I don't intend to kill you with my own hands." Ma Yunteng said calmly.

Ma Jia, Ma Liu, etc. had not had time to be surprised in the future, so they heard him continue: "I just want you to try to be ordinary people and live a life of precarity and mermaid."

Ma Liu and others were puzzled, Ma Yunteng patted Cheng Zi on the shoulder and said, "Go and find Heng Er and the others, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Chengzi let out an "oh", glanced at him worriedly, hugged Doudou and walked away obediently.

Just when Ma Yunteng was about to make a move, he suddenly heard someone say: "Little brother, can you sell your favor and give these people to me?"Ma Yunteng raised his head suddenly, and at some point in front of him, there was a man in black, who was the mysterious late-level eighth-rank fairy whom he had seen a few days ago.

Cheng Zi found out a little earlier than him, but it was still before he could remind the other party. Fortunately, this man had no ill intentions towards them, otherwise it would really be a headache.

Ma Yunteng looked at this person for a moment, said nothing, cupped his hands, turned around and set off with Xue Yuan and the others with their poisonous rotten bones.

In the face of absolute strength, saying anything is superfluous.

Anyway, it's useless for Ma Liu and others to stay.The other party's willingness to take over has solved a big problem for them.

The fairy in black watched them leave, and sighed: "This child is still too soft-hearted."

Ma Liu and the others looked at him in surprise, and the black-clothed fairy turned around, his appearance completely changed.

"It's you?!" Ma Liu and the others exclaimed almost in unison.

"Now that you understand, let's go on the road with peace of mind." The man in black said indifferently.

After Ma Yunteng and others left, they quickly found a place to divide the spoils. Sure enough, the seventh-rank immortals of the famous sect were very rich. In addition to their own entire net worth, the storage bags of the vest and Martin also included those from various sects under the Ma family. Received a large sum of tribute to Ma Sanye.

The biggest harvest is the oranges, because among these things there is an elixir for blindly refining the Great Samsara Pill, which is exactly what the fox needs.

Chengzi happily put the elixir back into the jade box, and kept it carefully, not noticing Ma Yunteng's long face.

Ma Ren and Ma Gui each have half of the "Beast Controlling Heart Sutra", which is their heart formula for controlling monsters and spirits.Normally, a fairy can only control and command monsters and spirit beasts for their own use by signing a master-slave contract with a monster or spirit beast that is lower than his own cultivation level, and an immortal monarch can only have at most one Able to sign a master-slave contract with three spirit beasts and monsters.

However, "Beast Controlling Heart Sutra" can control spirit beasts and monsters that are stronger than oneself without signing a contract, and there can be up to a hundred of them, but the methods are very complicated and cumbersome, and the requirements for the practitioner's spirit and soul are quite high.

Once practiced, it is equivalent to holding a powerful army of monsters, and the strength will not only increase a hundred times? !Seeing that the two brothers Ma Ren and Ma Gui each brought two poisonous swamp rotting bone crocodiles, which are equivalent to several ordinary seventh-rank immortals, one can know the power of this and the kung fu.

Cheng Zi's soul is very powerful, but it is mainly for plants and trees, so this set of exercises is cheaper than Heng Er in the end.

It is precisely because of this set of exercises that everyone feels that it is a pity to kill the other poisonous rotting bone crocodile.

However, this kind of crocodile is too famous, if you use it casually, I am afraid that the people who worship the moon will come to the door soon, and their current strength is not enough to deal with this behemoth.

Several people discussed it and decided to keep them in a frozen state for the time being. Let’s talk about it later. Although these predators are frozen anyway, with their sixth-level monster cultivation base, as long as they "thaw" at most a few The month will return to its original state.

"In the future, it will be really majestic to guard the mountain gate with these sixth-order predators!" Xue Yuan looked forward to it.

When everyone thought of the poisonous, ugly and terrifying crocodile, entrenched in front of the Lingyun Sect or Tianyuanmen's fairy-like mountain gate, their heads were covered with black lines. Lingyun Sect and Tianyuanmen are not evil cults. Such a thing guards the mountain gate, who would dare to come to the gate.

Liu San looked at them happily sitting on the ground to share the spoils, but just frowned and smiled bitterly. Hengzhi gave him all the confiscated pills as usual, and picked out some unobvious treasures and a large sum of fairy crystals and distributed them to him. No rejection either.

One is that he is used to taking it along the way, and two, if he refuses at this time, it will inevitably make people feel that he deliberately stays out of the matter. With the disposition of Ma Yunteng and others, they will not kill him, but the friendship that has been established with great difficulty will definitely be affected. .

Liu San already admired these seventh-rank immortals who were much younger than himself, and felt that there would be more benefits in the future with them, so he gritted his teeth and made up his mind to go all the way to the dark end up.

After finishing the preparations, everyone no longer walked slowly as before, each sacrificed their magic weapons and rushed to Xianyun Island in the East China Sea at full speed, and finally arrived at Yule City, the largest fairy city on the east coast, at night.

In the past, it was very lively here, because of the martial arts competition that will be held soon, the city was even more overcrowded, and the original inns were already full. The sect stays temporarily.

Liu San took Ma Yunteng and others into the city to find the disciple in charge of Juxianju, personally picked a better location in the camp outside the city for them, and asked the disciple in charge to send them there.

The disciple in charge felt strange, it was strange that a small local sect like the Lingyun Sect was invited, and it was the second-rank Xianjun who came... It's not that he looked down on people, the disciples of the Xianling Sect's gatekeepers had higher cultivation bases than them, so People who come to participate in the martial arts competition will be severely brushed off in the first round. Why is Uncle Liu San being so polite to them?
But he still had to carefully handle what his uncle personally ordered Ma Zhong to do, so he enthusiastically led Ma Yunteng and others out of the city to the temporary camp.

(End of this chapter)

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