the first god

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Even though it was night, the camp was brightly lit, because there were not a few days left before the martial arts conference. Most of the martial arts teams invited to participate in the martial arts conference had arrived. Some of them were led by teachers, and some were like Ma Yunteng and the others. Forming a team on their own, they all wanted to take advantage of the few days before the conference to inquire about their opponents.

When the group of them walked into the camp, they met many other contestants participating in the martial arts competition along the way. Most of them glanced at them and turned their heads away.
Such a low-level player is really not worth their while.

These people from the Lingyun faction were also carefully looking around, and at the same time, Hengzhi also asked Guanshi Zhang about the level of the contestants in this martial arts competition.

Guanshi Zhang tried his best to control his expression, not showing the slightest disdain, and said seriously: "It is rare for all sects and sects to gather to learn from each other, and the sects are all the top elites among the disciples under the age of one hundred in the sect, most of them are in the middle of the sixth rank There are also a few outstanding ones who have reached the late stage of the sixth rank."

"Is there no seventh grade?" Heng Er asked curiously.

She was wearing a veil and only showed a pair of bright eyes. Even so, Guanshi Zhang felt his heart flutter when he saw her extremely beautiful eyes, and he said for a long time: "Of course there are, but very few, seven ranks within a hundred years old." Even among our three major sects, they are elites that are rare to see, but although the disciples of the three major sects also participate in the martial arts competition, they rarely fight against the disciples of other sects, let alone participate in the rankings."

When mentioning his own martial elite, Zhang Guanshi and You Rongyan couldn't help showing a bit of pride and arrogance on his face.

Xue Yuan was happier than him when she heard what he said. Rank [-] is a "rarely seen elite" in all first-class sects. Isn't she a genius among geniuses with a rank [-] like her? !
Glancing at the expressionless Ma Yunteng, his teeth immediately became sour. What are those who are less than [-] and less than [-]th rank?

abnormal!And it's a rare pervert!Xue Yuan hated to evaluate in her heart.

"Oh! By the way, I heard that the elite disciples sent by the Penglai Sect and the Five Western Sects Alliance this year are all at the seventh rank. It is estimated that they will have the opportunity to compete with the disciples of our three major sects." It's all about people, and Guanshi Zhang gets angry when he thinks about the attitude of those people in Penglaizong.

It's just a new second-rate sect, relying on the stinky feet of the young master of Xuantian Sect, he wants to be among the first-rate sects, dreaming!

The few disciples who came to participate in the competition also had an unobtrusive and arrogant attitude. When the elite disciples of their Immortal Spirit Sect showed them some strength in the martial arts competition, they would know that the sky is high and the earth is thick!
While talking, the group of them walked to a slope in the southeast corner, and several exquisite courtyards built with emerald cloud bamboo appeared in front of them.

Cuiyun bamboo is a special product along the coast of the East China Sea. It grows very fast and is emerald green like jade. It will not change color for several years after being cut.The most special thing is that it is very sensitive to the consciousness of the gods. Once it encounters the consciousness of the gods trying to pass through, it will make a melodious "woo-woo" sound.Using this and bamboo trees to build a courtyard is beautiful and elegant, and it can easily perceive other people's spiritual exploration and avoid being peeped by others.

There are as many as twelve small courtyards like this on the hillside, and most of them live in martial arts players who are valued by the three major sects, so the environment is also very quiet and comfortable.

The courtyard where Xueyuan and the others live is called Tianzi Haiyuan. Zhang Guanshi introduced: "The temporary camps on this hillside belong to the Tianzi District, and they are arranged in order of the twelve earthly branches. Guests check in according to their arrival time."

This arrangement is also to avoid disputes between some guests because of the serial number. Although Guanshi Zhang thinks that it is inappropriate for these people from the Lingyun faction to live in the best Tianzi District, there is no reason to arrange with other powerful players. It was a battle of spirits, but thinking of Master Liu's cautious expression, he explained it carefully.

Ma Yunteng and the others were very satisfied with this kind of residence. They nodded and wanted to go in and have a look. It just so happened that the immortals from Tianzi Xuyuan next to them came out when they heard the voices of people. The sixth grade fairy frowned.

One of the sixth-rank mid-stage immortals with a hooked nose snorted coldly, and said dissatisfied with Zhang Guanshi: "I and a few colleagues are curious about which family's talented masters can live in this Haiyuan, why are these different people?" Influx of things?"

As Guanshi Zhang said, those who can be selected to participate in the martial arts competition are the top elite disciples of their respective sects. They have achieved extraordinary achievements far beyond their peers at a young age, and naturally one is more arrogant and rebellious than the other.

Only the disciples of the three major sects are qualified to let them put down their stance, and Xue Yuan and others are not members of the three major sects, and their cultivation base seems ridiculously low, so they are very sharp and mean when they speak.

Cultivators have always respected strength, and without strength, they can only let people fish for flesh. This is already the behavioral habit of most immortals.

Guanshi Zhang was very embarrassed. He wanted to defend the members of the Lingyun faction, but he didn't know where to start, so he pretended not to hear: "These distinguished guests were personally invited by Uncle Liu of the Changzong sect. The Lingyun sect is a big faction. Please follow me to the inner room first to have a look, if there is something you don't like. Seniors, I'm sorry, junior." As he said that, he wanted to bring Xue Yuan and others into the yard.

"The number one faction in the Southwest actually produces something like this? Haha, senior brother, why don't you and I go back and report to the teacher, and go to the Southwest to start a school? You will be the leader, and the younger brother will be the deputy. You will be able to dominate the Southwest in less than a year. We will also send a few disciples who are not good enough to play in the next martial arts tournament." Another sixth-grade immortal with a pair of triangular eyes laughed.

Xue Yuan and the others originally didn't want to argue with this ignorant villain, but hearing what they said went too far, and even insulted the Lingyun faction, they couldn't help frowning.

Xueyuan snorted coldly, put on Xueyuan's airs, and said to Ma Yunteng: "Old Ma, you go and teach them a lesson."

Guan Zhang was getting serious, he quickly stood in front of them, and said: "Those two seniors were just joking, why bother?" What happened when you went up, how can I explain to Uncle Liu? !
Ma Yunteng walked around him slowly, and stood in front of the two immortals who spoke just now, with Xueyuan behind her with her hands on her waist, and said in her mouth: "Our master is not something they can use as a joke, old horse, make a move!" Don't be too harsh, just knock out their dog teeth casually."

Ma Yunteng pursed his lips and remained silent, this Xueyuan really made him addicted!

The hooked nose was furious, and said with a sneer: "The martial arts conference is not for you and the low-ranking immortals to participate in. Today, on behalf of your teacher, I will teach you what real strength is!"

"Let's do it! The two of you together." Ma Yunteng said impatiently, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cheng Zi holding Doudou and yawning, and he wanted to finish cleaning up these two guys earlier so that Cheng Zi could go to rest.

The triangular eyes snorted at Guanshi Zhang: "You also saw that they are looking for death themselves, so don't blame us for any damage."

Guanshi Zhang wanted to persuade him, but Hengzhi smiled and stretched out his hand to grab his arm. His whole body trembled and he couldn't say anything.

Both the hooked nose and the triangular eyes are only mid-level sixth grade cultivation bases, and they are of average strength among the participating teams in this sect. They are about to try their best to find an opportunity to show off, but the two of them just want to show off their special skills so that they can stand out Showing his face, as for whether Ma Yunteng will live or die under their joint attack, it is not a problem at all. If he dies more tragically, it will be more beneficial to them to establish their prestige.

The two looked at each other, and both saw bloodthirsty and cruel pride in each other's eyes. Immediately, they began to practice Xuan Gong, and only waited for a fairy from Chenyuan who was acting as a temporary referee to announce the start.

Ma Yunteng stood on the spot with a calm expression, not half of his mana leaked from his body, and the other immortals in Tianzi District who heard the movement and came to watch were secretly surprised. Could this kid be looking for death? !
Only a few immortals with strong eyesight and sensitive mind vaguely sensed something was wrong.

"Start!" After the temporary referee yelled, there were two loud bangs of "bang, bang".Plus two painful muffled groans like a dying beast.

No one inside or outside the venue could see clearly what happened just now, but Ma Yunteng was the only one standing quietly in front of the gate of Haiyuan. Everyone wandered and waited, and suddenly found that the hooked nose and triangular eyes had fallen several feet away. On the grass, their mouths were covered with blood, their jaws were deformed by the beating, their facial features were distorted and horribly distorted, and they had already passed out.

This second-rank fairy who seemed to be in his early twenties actually slapped two sixth-rank mid-stage immortals with one palm? !how is this possible!

The sound of gasping came and went, and several late-stage sixth-rank immortals completely changed their faces, thinking to themselves that even if they tried their best, they would not be able to do this. How did this guy do it? !

The hooked nose and triangular-eyed classmates were dumbfounded, staring blankly at Ma Yunteng, as if seeing a three-headed monster suddenly appearing.

"Dog!" Xue Yuan snorted, and Cheng Zi and Heng Er glared immediately, and even Doudou came out of Cheng Zi's arms and stared at her.

Xueyuan laughed dryly twice and quickly changed her words: "Slip of the tongue! I shouldn't insult the dog, he is not even worse than dog dung!"

What a joke, I provoked Doudou, came up and spit on her, and she immediately lost all scum.

Alas, I have pity on her, a majestic seventh-rank fairy, a genius among geniuses, but she can't even provoke a dog!
The news that a young immortal in Tianzi Haiyuan sent two sixth-rank mid-stage immortals flying with one palm spread throughout the temporary camp that night, as if they had grown wings.Many people are guessing who is the immortal who lives in Tianzi Haiyuan, and what kind of cultivation is it.

Liu San straightened her clothes, and honestly went to Juxianju in the city to visit the patriarch of her sect and report the situation.

The representatives of the three major sects who came to preside over the martial arts conference have all arrived, and each sect has sent two eighth-rank patriarchs, and the six immortals are sitting in the hall to discuss the matters of the martial arts conference. When they heard that Liu San had arrived, they actually stopped the meeting Tell him to come in and speak.

Liu San tremblingly walked into the hall, although the six immortals restrained their pressure, he still felt the pressure. In the past, he might not have had the chance to meet one of them for several years, but today there are six Waiting here at the same time shows how much they attach importance to what he is going to report next.

Immortal Lord Ji Xiang of the Immortal Spirit Sect said: "Tell me about what you have seen and heard along the way."

Liu San said respectfully: "Yes." Before he was sent to accompany several disciples of Lingyun Sect to participate in the martial arts competition, his superiors had told him to carefully observe the strength, cultivation and character of these disciples along the way.

From the perspective of others, the newly promoted sects that have received the full support of the three major sects after winning the martial arts competition are boundless. The team is gone, and those who have conflicts of interest with them, such as the Penglai Sect that was invited this time, and other sects that are close to the Xuantian Sect royal family, will definitely not have the chance to win the final championship.

And the sects that have been unanimously approved by them, even if their strength is weaker, will get their help before the competition, or secretly provide convenience during the competition.

Liu San was very clear about his mission, and told all the details of what happened all the way from Wuli City without any concealment, even the part where they dealt with Ma Liu and others before.

When talking about this matter, he couldn't help secretly looking at the expressions of the two immortals of Tianshuzong, lest they would be dissatisfied. Otherwise, he will be very embarrassed. From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want to cause disaster for Ma Yunteng and others because of his report.

The two immortals of Su Baozhai looked at each other and smiled, and said as best they could: "It's no wonder these disciples of the Lingyun Sect have become the top guests of Su Baozhai. It turns out that in addition to alchemy, they are also good at robbery! Interesting and interesting!"

Immortal Yin Shan echoed: "It's rare to learn it in a proper way. This old man is really envious of that Youxian Monarch of Lingyun Sect. No matter his cultivation level or character, his disciples are the top choices."

Jixiang Daojun gave Liu San a funny look, and said, "Did you get rich along the way?"

Liu San laughed twice and bowed his head, not daring to answer.

Immortal Ru Yi, who also belongs to the Immortal Spirit Sect, is concerned about another matter: "Have you ever found out the origin of the milk dog? The spirit beast that can severely injure a seventh-rank immortal with a single fire is at least at least seventh-rank or higher. Transformed into a human?"

Liu San was most troubled by this point, because no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see what level Doudou was, and he even felt that it didn't look like a spirit beast at all.

When not breathing fire, she is just like ordinary peas in the world, but her body is full of vitality, she looks cuter, and she is more human.And from the beginning to the end, a dog is a dog, and there has never been a sign of changing form or opening its mouth to speak.

Immortal Yin Shan stroked his gray beard and said: "The owner of Doudou, Cheng Zi, is a disciple of a seventh-rank alchemist. Maybe there are some special methods to breed this milk dog."

When it came to alchemy, no one at the scene was a professional, so he shook his head and put this topic aside for the time being.

The two immortals of Tianshu Sect were in the most complicated mood. After confirming Ma Yunteng's identity repeatedly, Immortal Guwan couldn't help but sighed: "The Ma family doesn't know if luck is good or bad, but it's hard to be a genius if you try your best. There's constant infighting."

If Ma Yunteng's true identity is the ten young masters of the Ma family's younger generation, it would be really great. To be able to reach the seventh rank without the support of the family under the age of 30 is too ordinary to describe it as a wizard.

It's just that they didn't connect him with the head of Tianyuanmen at all.

(End of this chapter)

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