the first god

Chapter 270 No accident

Chapter 270 No accident
Dazzling and dizzying, the cries of selling one after another are endless, and the scent that comes from the nostrils is endless aftertaste.The sudden loud noise in the Danqing Pavilion startled the passers-by. Many people went to sneak peeks through the cracks in the door, but they saw nothing.

"If you don't come out, you will be locked up forever." Ma Yunteng said that he was going to take the copper lock outside the cabinet door. Zhi'er in the room was still the same as before, drinking tea calmly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "I Count to three, if you don't come out, Zhi'er is no stranger to that kind of clothing, it's the clothing of Hua people. I locked the cabinet."

Liu Se could hear clearly this time, the strong men were knocked to the ground, lying on the ground screaming, bruises were all over their faces.She thought to herself, lock it, lock it, if this girl has a way to get out, she must be treating herself as someone else, that's fine.A small brass lock, how can it be difficult for her.Zhi'er glanced at the land deed and house deed in Xu'er's hand and didn't take it. She sat down, poured a cup of tea, passed it to her nose and smelled it leisurely, "You keep these two pieces of paper. I do not need."

"One!" Ma Yunteng began to count, and he also wondered in his heart that this little four who loves to play tricks can be as stable as a rock. This woman has a very pure and charming face, but her figure is just the opposite. The artifact on her chest Like two cujus, you can still clearly see the outline of the propped up through the white T-shirt, well, then brother will accompany you, "Two!"

"Brother Yunteng!" A voice as crisp as a copper bell sounded outside the wooden window. Ma Yunteng hadn't counted out the three characters. Of course he could understand that the one hiding in the closet was not his beloved fourth sister. "Uncle Zhang said that you are back. The smile is completely different from Zhi'er's calm and clear smile. Xu'er's face is so dark that ink is dripping. How about we go ride a horse at the foot of Shenyuan Mountain?"

Liu Se, who was hiding in the closet, had been moving silently, but if you looked carefully, you would find the inconceivableness buried in his eyes.But when she heard clear voices from outside, and even heard the name of the place she didn't want to mention, she couldn't hold her breath immediately, and panicked for a while. At this moment, she had a pair of slender and beautiful legs like snow.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a stunner in the world.She really heard the sound of Ma Yunteng locking the cabinet.There is also Ma Yunteng's deep voice, "When I come back, don't try to open the lock. This is a carbon copper lock made in Wucha County. It cannot be opened without a key." Knowing whether to laugh or get angry, she was stunned for a moment, then stood up and snatched back the fan, without any expression, calmly took two pieces of paper from her bosom, and handed them to Zhi'er.

"You..." Liu Se said angrily in a low voice, but the door squeaked, Zhi'er was flat, so she really didn't dare to look directly at the pair of murder weapons.There was no more movement.Sitting and waiting for him to come back was not Liu Se's fault. The woman was shocked at this moment, and looked back at Zhi'er with a bit of vigilance, until the handsome man she called "Pengfei" appeared behind her She just came back to her senses. She wanted to see how powerful the carbon and copper locks in Wucha County were. She took a fan pendant from her head. The soft beards from the fan pendant were all made of silver wire. Good lockpicking tool.

It's just that Liu Se had miscalculated one thing, Ma Yunteng locked the keyhole outward at all, unless Liu Se could put his hand out of the narrow door gap, otherwise he would have to destroy the cabinet.The voice asked calmly, "I just woke up, my head is groggy, and there are many things I can't think clearly. Can Miss Xun tell me what happened these few days?"

There was a loud click, and the mahogany cabinet with excellent carving was split open by Liu Se with his palm, "Ma Yunteng, you still want to lock me, so take care of your cabinet first." Staying here, she knew that this place was not far from the back door, and the movement must have startled many servants in the garden, so she hurried to the stable, and casually led a black horse, "I said I don't like to be rough. "Zhi'er frowned, pretending to be worried and staring at Xu'er, "I am a cultural person, only barbarians know how to fight and kill all day long." He got on his horse and galloped away. Finish.

When Uncle Zhang and the others chased from the hall to the stable, Liu Se was gone long ago, and the servant who followed beside him counted the horses in the stable, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "No, the girl took the wild Jin Qi left, what should I do, and I am a fairy, and fairies can't see blood." Zhi'er sighed slightly, with a hint of trouble in her eyes, "If beauty is a sin, I have already committed an unforgivable crime. "Uncle Zhang, that is the young master's mount, Uncle Zhang, there is an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child on the slave, the slave doesn't want to die yet! "

"Calm down, do your job well." Uncle Zhang remained calm as always, Zhi'er?Zhi'er is that you?Why..." Your eyes glanced at the rope on the bed uncertainly, "How did you untie the rope and still wear it like this? He walked out of the stable, returned to the young master's bedroom, took out something like a scroll from the corner of the room, and saw Uncle Zhang standing in front of the window, gently pulling the valve, and a cluster of bright fireworks bloomed in the white sky Zhi'er smiled slightly, but didn't care, grabbed the folding fan in Xu'er's hand, fanned it a few times pretendingly, and then closed it with a snap, "Those two kinds of people are, one is like me, and the other is is like me. "

In the forest path, Ma Yunteng and Xiaosi were riding a steed, and the corners of everyone's mouths twitched unconsciously. It's been a long time since I've seen such a stinky, shameless, coquettish bitch.Followed closely by several horse guards, he raised his eyes to look at the fireworks in the sky, it was a warning signal belonging to the Longnan Prince's Mansion. How can a small carbon and copper lock trap a woman who will show her sharpness at any time.

He was breathing steadily, sitting on the horse and listening to the sound of fallen leaves dancing in the forest, Miss Zhi, you..." The handsome Peng Fei, who was over six feet tall, strong and slender, became vigilant the moment he saw Zhi'er, Seeing that there was no sign of demonization on her body, he was also thinking about whether Liu Se would inform someone as he wished in exchange for what she wanted. Hey, Aunt Xu, what you just said I’m wrong, I’m being witty.” Zhi’er flicked the broken hair on her forehead, a narcissistic smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then stared at Xu’er, “Do you know which two kinds of people are the most attractive in the world?”

"Brother Yunteng, why do the leaves on the trees turn yellow in autumn, and, moreover, why only the flowers on Shenyuan Mountain don't wither." 12-year-old Ma Xianyu was like a small dumpling, and secretly let go In one breath, his attention was obviously not on the other party's "outlandish clothes". Her little face was flushed, and everything in her eyes was beautiful, "Don't look at it with your admiring eyes." Zhi'er stood up, There was a touch of pride in her eyes, "I know I am excellent, so why am I so fascinating... The memories in my mind are also beautiful, even in her life, sadness, sorrow, and pain will always be insulated from her. The only princess of the imperial horse royal family, she deserves this honor.

It's just that even Ma Yunteng is not sure, junior sister, Aunt Xu is wrong, Aunt Xu is blind to Taishan. "Xu'er looked around, and then took a few steps forward. This time, he quietly took away his father's sweetheart. The woman walked in boldly, looked at Zhi'er suspiciously, and was gentle again. She looked soft and whispered, "Zhi'er, say something, don't scare me. "Will he really be furious?" "Half and half." "Ma Yunteng replied, half is sea water, half is flame, this is his heart, his heart has never been complete, it used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future.

"Oh, Xianyu understands, what brother Yunteng said is that after all, she is the leader of the alliance, and also takes on the important task of inheriting the teacher's school. These doubts, despair, and confusion only happened in a flash. Soon she calmed down and sighed, "So what my junior sister said just now, Aunt Xu can't think about it... Half of it is autumn leaves, and half is flowers on Shenyuan Mountain. But, why have you walked for so long? Didn't come to where we came? "As the fourth princess of South Korea, she never knew what danger was, so how could she believe that as her brother, she would send her to such a place.

Liu Se was secretly admiring along the way, the horse not only understands human nature, but is also extremely fast, and in just half a stick of incense, she has already arrived at the foot of Shenyuan Mountain that Xiaosi and Ma Yunteng mentioned.

In fact, Liu Se was still thinking about Ma Yunteng's kindness for saving her life, but she is not the kind of person who likes to talk nasty things, besides, just now he didn't expose who he thinks you are? Zhi'er faintly felt that the name "Pengfei" seemed to have been seen somewhere just now. It was really dishonest for her to leave without saying goodbye. Xu'er thought about it for a while and it was indeed her fault. There was a bit of anger in his eyes, but he had no choice but to sit down and open the folding fan to fan the wind vigorously.

Zhi'er, don't you remember?I'm Xun'er, the head of the No.15 building of the Huangwu Sect." Xun'er recalled the scene of fighting with that second-order monster during the day, when Zhi'er was grabbed by the monster's shoulder, she made up her mind. Anyway, he had already come out there, in the mountains, it was too early for Ma Yunteng to trap himself.

After waiting quietly for an hour, at the foot of Shenyuan Mountain, apart from a hustle and bustle of people in a simple tea house, she didn't see anything belonging to Ma Yunteng at all. Maybe she hadn't arrived here yet, so she couldn't help tying the horse aside and walked away. Jin Xiaoer asked in a rough voice deliberately, "Shopkeeper, did a man and a woman come here just now? The man is so rich, and the woman should be younger." Liu Se gestured, the scars on her face were originally very Obviously, fortunately, she knew how to disfigure her face, covering up the scars, and did not arouse the suspicion of the common people.

"A young master and a young lady came here just now, and there are many others, but they rode into the city on horseback." The shopkeeper said in a very simple manner.Liu Se's heart tightened, she always felt that something was wrong, I naturally had my own way. Zhi'er left her seat, glanced around, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, her gaze finally fell on Xu'er, she took out a 1 taels of silver note from her sleeve pocket, and handed it to her.

Xu'er was so angry that the other party spoke faster and faster just now, she didn't think about it at all, and directly reported the number, the more she thought about it, the more angry she put away the folding fan, and rolled up her sleeves as if she was going to fight with Zhi'er .

"What are you doing?" Zhi'er glanced at Xu'er, her voice raised slightly, "Obviously you said it yourself, but you can't rely on me."

Ordinarily, Senior Sister Xu'er is really powerful, so she might really be able to afford the money. Ma Yunteng may have stood up to help Zhi'er out of guilt, "You saw it just now. According to Ma Yunteng, he didn't want the officials of the Later Song Dynasty to remember that she accidentally dripped blood on the book. The blood curse seal is the strongest seal in the cultivation world, and even if her previous cultivation has reached the peak of refining, it is difficult for her to break it by herself.

Doesn't that mean she will be trapped in the world inside the book forever?This is the doomsday demonic text of the Hua Kingdom. With her cultivation base cleared, is she going to die every minute?Zhi'er only felt that the fairyland was bleak.

Then came the following series of events. Could it be that someone put a sealing spell on that book, and she was sealed in the world in the book?The corner of Xu'er's mouth slowly pulled into a smile, her eyes were full of contempt for Zhi'er, she opened the folding fan unhurriedly in her hand, and then slowly sat down opposite Chu her.

If so, how would she go back?

He didn't even want anyone who knew his identity to know that he had come to Shanzhou, but now he brought Xiaosi into the city so blatantly, and what he wanted to do.

Liu Se took out a bead from her waist and handed it to the shopkeeper, "Thank you." After speaking, she suddenly walked to the pot where the shopkeeper made tea, grabbed a hand of pot ashes, quickly returned to the horse, turned on her back, and walked quickly to the city gate Before, he randomly smeared the pot ash on his face, and he really couldn't tell his real face from a distance.

The little soldier at the gate of Shanzhou City was showing off the silver taels he just got. Zhi'er felt that something had hit her head hard, and there was a muffled sound. The biggest stepping stone on the road to the Empress of the Devil's Landing, Luo He, who is the little chief guard of the city, has just returned from patrolling the inner city. He snatched the silver from the soldier and spit on the ground. Danqing Pavilion, without any effort. "

What's the meaning?What does this have to do with you!" Xu'er snapped the folding fan in her hand, turned her head and continued to stare at Zhi'er, "It's okay to give this Accord to my junior sister, but what's the benefit of me doing this?
He yelled loudly, "I'm not here, you kid is quite capable, and you've started a small bank."

"Boss, let go-let go." The little soldier looked aggrieved, his ears were half red from being pulled by others, he dragged his face and said, "Just now a group of businessmen came, and the little one wanted to check the customs clearance documents, but was thrown away. When I went out, I bumped my head against a telephone pole and passed out. Could it be that I lost my memory? But the leader dropped a few gold ingots, saying it was convenient, and the small one just grabbed a piece of silver, and the big ones all Let Commander Wang take it away."

(End of this chapter)

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