the first god

Chapter 271 No one sees through Ma Yunteng

Chapter 271 No one sees through Ma Yunteng

Ma Yunteng covered up his appearance, and even the people of Penglai Sect didn't realize that he was the head of Tianyuan Sect, and they marveled at him and Chengzi at the same time.

It is really two extremes!

Others who were expecting another miracle from Chengzi couldn't help talking about it. They did witness a miracle, but this miracle was completely different from what they expected-they had never seen such a waste of qualifications when they grew up. , no spiritual roots, even zero aptitude, such an ordinary little girl, is actually a student of a seventh-rank alchemist?What the hell!

Zhao Kun was hit hard just now by these guys from the Lingyun Sect with ridiculously good aptitude, and the scenery that should have belonged to him was also snatched away. It was because he was full of resentment that he couldn't help sneering when he suddenly saw this result.

Heng Er was afraid that Cheng Zi would be sad, so he took her hand and said, "It's okay, Cheng Zi, you are born with spiritual roots, you are so good at alchemy, no one dares to underestimate you!"

Xueyuan squinted at Zhao Kun, and said in a vicious voice, "Whoever dares to bully my sister-in-law, I will destroy him and remake him!"

Chengzi is not sad at all, but everyone is so kind to her, she is still very happy, because the "shocking appearance" of Ma Yunteng and others caused the teams of the five western alliances to play and did not cause much response.

The five players sent by the Western Five Sect Alliance, the youngest is about 60 years old, the oldest is nearly a hundred years old, and they are all seventh-rank immortals, a few middle-level seventh-level players, and one early-level seventh-level player. There are also three single spiritual roots.They all knew that Cheng Zi was an elder of their five sect alliances and an alchemist, and three of them had even tasted the elixir refined by Cheng Zi, so they had a very peaceful attitude towards the Lingyun Sect, even close to them.

In the end, the people from the three major sects made their final appearance.

In front of them were the three teams of Penglai Sect, Lingyun Sect, and Western Five Sects. In terms of strength, they were almost the same as them. In terms of aptitude, the Lingyun Sect was able to overwhelm the audience with a single Ma Yunteng. Therefore, the expressions of the players from the three major sects were much more dignified and calm than before. Now, the previous arrogance and pride have subsided a lot.

Ma Zimo of Tianshu Sect stood in the team and looked at Ma Yunteng from a distance—his real opponent finally appeared.

Several members of the Lingyun Sect entered the finals without any suspense. The Penglai Sect, the Western Five Sect Alliance, and two other sects that were also well-known in the world of Ten Thousand Spirits were also rated as first-class and entered the finals.

However, there is only one Xianjun in the early stage of the seventh rank in these two participating teams, and everyone knows that they cannot compete with the top three for the top three positions.

The rest of the participating teams are divided into three levels according to their strength, B, C, D, and draw lots within the levels to start the knockout round.

According to the competition schedule, only the preliminary round will be held today to determine the rankings within the three levels. The top three in each level can enter the finals and gain the right to challenge beyond the next level.

However, due to the obvious difference in strength, the chances of success in the leapfrog challenge are not high. If a team ranked D can beat a team ranked C, it will be very popular.

Therefore, the general finals are actually the finals between five first-class teams. The chances of the top three of the second-class teams defeating the first-class teams to enter the top three of the Fighting Fighting Tournament are extremely low, let alone the third-class and fourth-class teams.

Even so, the internal competition in each level is still fierce, and it is a great honor to be able to stand out in one's own level.

Up to five first-class teams can stay at the venue to watch the game today or go back to rest first.

Xue Yuan and the others are aggressive, how could they be willing to give up such an exciting competition, besides, watching the battle can also benefit a lot from other people's fighting skills demonstrations, so without saying a word, they each showed their magic weapons and flew to the mid-air of the three sea rings To watch the battle.

Ma Yunteng is still flying magic weapon with Orange.

Seeing that the brothers and sisters were all attracted by the fierce fighting skills below, Ma Yunteng opened the protective magic shield of the flying magic weapon and cast a magic spell with the cold pool water mist to add an additional layer of enchantment to isolate the exploration of spiritual consciousness, and then asked Chengzi: "Your What's up with the qualifications?"

He knew that Chengzi's wood spirit was sealed in a copper bracelet, and she had no spiritual roots at all, but why did her aptitude become zero?Her body is the real Dharma Body of a Third Grade Immortal Monarch!

Cheng Zi explained: "The so-called aptitude is judged by the magic stone, but there are two criteria... one is the purity and quality of the spiritual root; the other is the matching degree of the physique and the cultivation level. People without cultivation base, the easier it is for his body to absorb To accommodate the aura of heaven and earth, the better the aptitude, the meridians of a person with cultivation are strong, and the smoother the flow of true essence, the better the aptitude. I happen to be low in cultivation, but my meridians are too strong, unable to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, let alone circulate in the body Reiki, naturally, has the worst aptitude."

Ma Yunteng breathed a sigh of relief, so it turned out to be the case: "You are the most qualified in the entire Mo tribe, you must have tried this magic stone back then? You can't be the tenth-class qualification that has never been seen before or since?"

No wonder she dared to go forward to test it, she must have known the principle of this magic stone for a long time.

Chengzi's expression froze, nodded and said softly: "Mother told me that when I was more than one year old, she and Dad took me to see my sister, who took them to play in the capital, and my mother wanted to go to Mo Temple. Only outstanding disciples recognized by the Mo people have the opportunity to enter, and it is a holy place that all Mo people yearn for. At that time, my sister was highly valued by the Mo people, so she brought her parents and mixed in."

"There is a magic stone in front of the Mo Temple. My sister hugged me for a while, and pressed my hand on the magic stone. As a result, the beam of light showing spiritual roots and aptitude suddenly shone brightly. Even the guards in the Mo Temple The elders were all alarmed, I was left in the main house of the Mo people with the completely balanced fire and wood dual spiritual roots, tenth-class aptitude..."

Cheng Zi didn't go any further, but Ma Yunteng already knew what happened later. Such a genius came out of the Mo tribe, which gave the tribe the hope of revitalization, especially at that time, the young master of the Xuan clan of the Xuantian sect had already become prominent , the Mo people naturally want to cultivate a master who can compete with them as soon as possible.

At the beginning, because Chengzi was too young, her parents were allowed to stay by her side to take care of her. Later, in order to allow her to concentrate on practicing, she was isolated by herself, and her parents could only visit Chengzi occasionally, and they hardly enjoyed normal life. When he was a child, Ma Yunteng felt even more distressed for Chengzi when he thought that he had spent at least a few years of happy and warm days with his parents.

He didn't know how to comfort Chengzi, so he reached out and hugged her, rubbed her head, and said in a relaxed tone as much as possible: "You are so talented, although you are not very lucky and lazy, but there is still me.

Cheng Zi rubbed against his arms hard, feeling very sad, Master is too bad at comforting people, did he ever talk like that?This is simply scolding her and boasting!

On the high platform of Bieyun Island, the six immortals of the three major sects had no intention of watching the battle. In fact, this kind of competition between the sixth-rank immortals was like children fighting, and there was really nothing to watch.

The purpose of the martial arts competition is actually just to take the opportunity to grasp the situation of the elite disciples of various sects, so as to make preparations earlier. Now these sixth-rank immortals who are very weak to them will grow into disciples of various sects in the future. The core elites of the sect want to know where the future achievements of a sect will be, and they can get a general idea by looking at these immortals.

After all, it is definitely special to have so many young seventh-rank immortals emerge in such a short period of time like the Lingyun sect.

By secretly controlling the results of the match and various other means, the three major sects can immediately choose to win over or suppress the emerging forces that are still in their infancy, and firmly control the situation in a direction that is beneficial to them.

It is definitely not a fluke that they have been able to stand at the peak of the Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal World for thousands of years.

However, there is no need to work hard for these six immortals to observe these newcomers and tender seedlings. They only pay attention to three things now. The first is how to clean up the Penglai sect. Showing off their power on their own territory, the three major sects will lose face.

The second is Ma Yunteng's matter. Such a good seedling grows in other people's fields, and it hurts to think about it. We must find a way to win him back.

As for the third item, it is about the attitude to be adopted towards the Lingyun faction. With the current strength displayed by the Lingyun faction, and with the backing of a pair of extremely powerful alchemists, master and apprentice Yunyou, it is foreseeable that they will It grows rapidly, and even has the strength to rival Penglaizong within a hundred years.

As far as the five young people I saw today, let alone Ma Yunteng, and the rest, no matter which one has the strength to conceive a baby within a hundred years, the Lingyun faction can give birth to five seventh-rank immortals in just a few years, More will be born in the future. In terms of threats, in the long run, they are probably much more powerful than Penglaizong.

Should such a sect win them over as an ally as early as possible, or suppress them completely?

Forget it, let's go back and ask the ancestors of our families about the matter of the Lingyun faction, and we are not in a hurry to make a decision now.The matter of Penglai Sect is imminent, how will we fight tomorrow's games? "Jixiang Xianjun sighed.

"Call those boys over to talk at night." Xianjun Jinshan suggested.

Zhu Bo Xianjun frowned: "Look, do you want to call those from the Lingyun Sect?"

Immortal Yin Shan said twice: "Lingyun Sect and Penglai Sect have such a relationship, so naturally they should be recruited. One more team will give more strength."

In the minds of these immortals, the five members of the Lingyun Sect are indeed outstanding, but after all they are too young, their cultivation base is made of pills, and their foundation is not stable (they insist), and none of the whole team is really good. The seventh-rank mid-stage Xianjun does not have powerful magic weapons like the Western Five Sect Alliance teams, and it is really the weakest team among all the teams.

Inviting them to cooperate with Zhao Yi to deal with Penglaizong is nothing more than nothing.

The martial arts competition on Bieyun Island lasted until the middle of the month before it was declared over. Xue Yuan, Ma Yunteng and a few others were still enjoying themselves. Although the immortals who participated in the competition were only at the sixth-rank stage, their methods of casting spells to deal with the enemy were still impressive. They got a lot of inspiration.

Heng Zhi was inspired, and added a few more ways to deal with the enemy, and was planning to go back with them to prepare for Zhao Liang, when Liu San rushed over to stop them and said: "Several, some immortals would like to invite you to come over for a while. See."

That arrives so fast? !Before they went out, the head of the sect, Li Lingfeng, had already expected that his few geniuses would attract the attention of the three major sects, so he told them how to deal with it in advance.They didn't refuse at the moment, and followed Liu San.

In the hall behind the Juxianju headquarters, countless sunstones illuminate the entire hall like daylight. This is just a branch of the Immortal Spirit Sect. With such handwriting, the strength of the three major sects can be seen.

Ma Yunteng and the others were the last ones to come. When they arrived, three teams from the three major sects and teams from the five western sects were already present.

The five members of the Western Five Sect Alliance first smiled and nodded to them, and their attitude was very friendly. Although the rest of the people from Subaozhai and Xianlingzong were relatively indifferent, they were still very polite on the whole. The five turned a blind eye to them, even vaguely hostile.

Because of Ma Yunteng's relationship, Xue Yuan and the others let Chengzi show their shame in public this morning because of Ma Yunteng's relationship, and they didn't have much affection for Tianshuzong. They looked colder than them at the moment, and stared back directly.

Gan Ning and Heng Er couldn't help snickering, Xue Yuan had such a temperament, I really didn't see it before.

Heng Zhi also found it incredible.

After paying respects to the elders on the seat, they sat aside and waited for the adults above to speak.

The two immortals of Subaozhai are the closest to the juniors of the Lingyun Sect. They cooperated with the Lingyun Sect the first time. They are well aware of the abilities of the two masters and apprentices, Yunyou and Aiwu. They are also very kind to the disciples of the Lingyun Sect.

Immortal Yin Shan stroked his beard and asked with a smile, "You guys just came back from Bieyun Island? Did you gain anything from watching the battle today?"

"It has benefited a lot." Everyone is used to asking Hengzhi to come forward in this kind of dealing with the outside world.

Bu Ziliang of Tianshu Sect couldn't bear it any longer, he snorted softly and said, "Those sixth-rank immortals have poor cultivation, what's there to see? I don't know much!"

"Ziliang...don't be rude!" So Wan Xianjun hurriedly stopped.

Hengzhi smiled slightly but was not angry, why are you angry with such an idiot?It's best if he doesn't understand the benefits, and it's best if he doesn't understand it all his life, then he won't have any great achievements.

Although Xueyuan and the others were not happy with this bastard, but their thoughts were similar to Hengzhi, so not only were they not angry, but they looked at this fool like an idiot.

Zhu Xianjun glared at Bu Ziliang and said, "How much knowledge do you have to be arrogant?!"

Bu Ziliang didn't dare to refute when his elders scolded him, and kept silent with a full stomach full of grievances.

Jixiang Xianjun coughed twice and said: "I invite you to come here to arrange for tomorrow's competition. In terms of cultivation strength, there is a seventh-rank late-stage Xianjun in the Penglai Sect team. The team is not weaker than any of you in terms of strength. The first team is even above you, what do you think?"

Cheng Li, Xue Yuan, Heng Zhi and the others looked at each other, they were discussing how to deal with Penglai Sect tomorrow!Although they were very displeased with the Penglai Sect, they were also somewhat uncomfortable with the actions of the three major sects.But how can there be so much fairness and purity in the world?
They say theirs, and we don't have to mingle—the couple quickly agree in eye contact.

Compared to their silence, the players from the other three sects were much more enthusiastic and proactive. Ma Zimo took a look at Ma Yunteng from a distance, stood up and said, "This junior is willing to be a pioneer!"

(End of this chapter)

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