the first god

Chapter 290 The Dispensable Elder Palm Peak

Chapter 290 The Dispensable Elder Palm Peak

The Moon God Pagoda has not successfully recognized its owner for thousands of years. According to the legend, the ancestor of the Ma family who ascended to the ninth floor and ascended to the sanctuary actually climbed to the eighth floor and sacrificed his soul and all his cultivation bases. Therefore, the Moon God The soul of the tower has persisted so far and has not fallen asleep.

It is precisely because Ma's ancestor made such a great sacrifice for the Moon Worship Sect that the Ma family enjoys such prestige and authority in the Moon Worship Sect. Even the members of the three major sects secretly follow their lead.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the successive generations of Ma's geniuses, whose strength has never diminished.

Ma Minghao said with a wry smile: "If any one of us sacrifices, Xuantianzong will immediately take advantage of it. It's really a dilemma."

The reason why the Xuantianzong Alliance and the Moon Worship Alliance maintain a relative balance is because they have the same number of peak and powerful immortals, and no one can benefit from the fight. Once the Moon Worship Alliance loses a ninth rank In the later stage, Xianjun's strength will be tilted immediately.

The three late ninth-rank immortals couldn't discuss any good ideas, so they could only shake their heads and sigh with wry smiles, and decided to let their elite disciples go to the tower to practice in batches this year.You can get as much spiritual inheritance in the tower as you can get.

"There is also the matter of marriage. Brother Ma, you are not authentic. There is no nephew and son of Zhennongxian on the list." Liu Tianhong picked a relatively easy topic.

In order to fight against the Xuantian Sect, the three major sects and the five Western countries each listed a group of elite core disciples to strengthen their relationship by marrying each other.At the same time, it is also a statement to the outside world, showing the determination of these major forces to cooperate seamlessly and advance together.

The list was just made ten days ago. Originally, Liu Tianhong and others would not have cared about such a trivial matter, but yesterday, Su Baozhai Suzerain, who was in charge of this matter, personally invited several Supreme Elders to see him, pointing out that the most important thing was missing from the list of Qixia Sect. of two characters.

In fact, Ma Yunteng is a child of the Ma family, and it has been tacitly understood among the top three sects. His performance is too outstanding, and it is inevitable that he will be missed.

Seeing the heavy atmosphere, Liu Tianhong casually mentioned this matter to relax.

Ji Kunyang vaguely remembered that he had also heard people complain about this matter to him, so he put on a gossip expression.

Ma Minghao said angrily: "It's not like you haven't heard about the incident that Zhennong boy made in the past. Now he refuses to come forward to work for Mrs. Ma. Do you still expect him to accept the marriage? As for that kid Yun Teng, If you don't mind the female disciples marrying to be children, then I don't mind either."

"Being young? Brother Ma's words are too irritating. That kid already has a candidate for his wife? Could it be the princess of the five western countries?!" Liu Tianhong was upset, and Ji Kunyang also showed concern.

Even the princesses of the five Western countries are not as good as the elite female disciples carefully selected by their three major sects.

Ma Minghao stroked his beard, and said with a hint of complacency in his eyes: "It's not a princess, but a saint of the Mo clan."

Over there, the "Saint of the Mo Tribe" that Ma Minghao called was cooking chicken noodle soup...

Xue Yuan thought that she had lost out to the perverted Ma Yongteng despite her advanced cultivation. She was inexplicably sad and indignant. She robbed Ma Yunteng of three bowls of chicken noodle soup in one go, and ran out to find someone to fight and consume when she was full.

Ma Yunteng was too lazy to argue with her, and slowly ate another pot of oranges. Hearing what happened these days, there were only the two of them left in the cave. She said it all.

"Yunyou and your elder sister must hate me when they know about this." Ma Yunteng understands that Cheng Zi's identity was revealed this time because of him, but there is no need to say between the two of them who is dragging the other. if.

Chengzi said sadly: "The Great Elder must know my identity, what shall we do in the future?"

"Take one step at a time. I will go to retreat to stabilize the realm later. This time it will take about a month. If you advance too quickly, you must meditate for a period of time. You should stay in Subaozhai during this period. Go deal with them. You're so 'useful' that the Grand Elders never do you any harm. "

Ma Yunteng showed a sarcasm smile. He had experienced Ma's people's way of thinking many years ago. He knew that Chengzi had the strength to fight against Xuanmo Yinhuo, the young master of Xuantianzong, so he would find a way to stabilize her no matter what. Pulled her into the gang.

Instead, he was not worried that the elder would be unfavorable to Cheng Zi, but he had to be wary of the rest of the Ma family, especially his so-called uncle and third uncle.Moreover, since the Young Sect Master of Xuantian Sect knew that Cheng Zi was in the Moon Worship Sect, he would definitely try his best to harm her. This threat was much more terrifying than those jumping clowns of the Ma family.

Fortunately, the young lord of Xuantian Sect was seriously injured by the great elders of the three major sects. It is estimated that he will have no time to do anything else for a while, so Ma Yunteng can go to retreat with peace of mind.

One month passed quickly, and the late Xianjun from Qixia faction came forward to let Xueyuan and others go to Jinshenquan to practice again, and promised that there would never be any incidents such as malicious harassment last time, several people After discussing it, he readily agreed, and simply lived in the Golden Body Spring, practicing day and night.

On the tenth day of Ma Yunteng's retreat, Yunyou and Moju visited secretly through the people of Subaozhai. Moju grabbed the orange and cursed: "What did you promise me before? You will go to worship as soon as you turn around." Regarding Yuejiao’s matter, you still exposed your identity to confront that lunatic, do you think you didn’t die fast enough?!”

Chengzi hid behind Eleventh Senior Sister with the puppy in her arms, pulled her sleeves and whispered, "Eleventh Senior Sister, Senior Sister is so fierce!"

After Chengzi recovered her memory, she naturally knew that the Eleventh Senior Sister and the Big Sister were all from the Mo tribe. She was not too impressed with the Eleventh Senior Sister.

Yunyou was very satisfied with Chengzi's title, and immediately put on a loving face, protecting Chengzi, and persuading Moju.

Mo Ju was dumbfounded by Cheng Zi's cunning.From the bottom of her heart, Chengzi was able to resist Xuanhao's mysterious Yinhuo alone, and she also felt very proud. Their little saintess of the Mo tribe was finally no longer a little girl who relied on others to protect her.

But thinking of the risks that would be brought about by her early exposure, it was hard for Mo Ju not to be troubled.

It's all for that Jack Ma!As long as it is related to him, Cheng Zi will ignore everything!If they hadn't tested it many times to confirm it, she would almost suspect that the traces left by Ma Yunteng on Cheng Zi's Dao Heart hadn't been cleaned at all.

Although Ma Yunteng is their teacher in name, he didn't teach them any skills when there were no masters and apprentices. On the contrary, when Tianyuanmen was in financial difficulties, the property they brought from the Mo people helped Tianyuanmen.

"Fortunately, Xuan Hao can't confirm Cheng Zi's current appearance, but he only knows that Mo Ling'er is worshiping the Moon Sect. There are three major sects here, and it's not so easy for people from Xuantianzong to sneak in to harm Cheng Zi." Yun Yuzu comforted.

"Why don't the Mo people cooperate with Moon Worship Sect to deal with Xuanhao?" Cheng Zi suddenly asked, she had been wondering about this question for a long time, although she didn't like the leader of Moon Worship Sect very much, the patriarch of the Ma clan and the head of the Qixia sect The elders are old monsters, but from a practical point of view, they have a common enemy, why don't they join forces, isn't it good for both sides to get what they need?
Mo Ju glared at her: "What do you know?! You think I don't want to? But the elders didn't agree. The ancestors of the Mo Clan and the Xuan Clan once had an oath to rule the Xuantian Sect together. Disputes between the two clans can only be resolved by two The people of the tribe can solve it on their own, and they must not collude with other tribes to participate in the internal struggle. If they break the oath, the gods and gods will abandon it and exterminate the tribe. Xuan Hao never asked half of the outsiders to intervene when he plotted against our Mo tribe, and our Mo tribe cannot violate the oath."

"Ah?!" Cheng Zi was dumbfounded. She was still very young when she was in the Mo tribe, and she didn't have enough time to learn various alchemy techniques and practice exercises. No one mentioned these things to her at all.

No wonder the Mo people were harmed so badly by the Xuantian Sect's Xuan Clan. They just hid everywhere and did not accept the protection and support of any force.

Chengzi was very conflicted. Moju had mentioned to her the current strength of the Mo clan. Simply speaking, there were only seven people left at the eighth rank and above plus her and the eleventh senior sister, about 20 people at the seventh rank, and about 100 people at the sixth rank There are more than [-] people. Speaking of which, this level of strength is enough to be regarded as a great sect in the Myriad Spirits Immortal Realm, but compared with the Xuantian Sect Xuan Clan, it is not ordinary shabby.

Moreover, the specialty of the Mo people is alchemy, and their fighting skills are much worse than those of ordinary immortals. It is simply an impossible task to rely on this kind of people to fight Xuan Hao who is in full swing.

Chengzi suddenly thought of Mo Xuanji and Yaohu. Mo Xuanji's cultivation was close to the late ninth rank before his death. The illusion of Yaohu was also capable of fighting with the immortal kings of the late ninth rank. With their help, his family's strength would undoubtedly increase greatly.

The elixir she had collected for Yaohu was almost done. I don't know how the Yaohu is going. If all the medicines are complete, there is only one person who needs to refine the medicine to make Mo Xuanji reborn.

"Eldest sister, I said last time that I want to ask the elders to help refine the ninth-grade elixir, do you think there is hope?" Orange asked, she promised Yaohu that she would invite the Mo clan for him by the end of this year at the latest Several old ancestors of my family refined the Great Reincarnation Pill, and now there is only half a year left before the agreed time.

Mo Ju said: "Ninth-grade elixir is no small matter, even if a few ancestors try it themselves, they may not be able to succeed. I have not been to the island to meet them in the past two years. It happened that we found out the possibility of 'Xiquan Qinghuo' You will be in the North Sea, and you will go to find Tianhuo later, so you can stop by to meet a few ancestors. They know that you are safe and sound, and they have merged and absorbed two kinds of Tianhuo, they must be very happy."

She took the risk to see Chengzi, not just to blame her for revealing her identity, but more importantly, because they finally discovered another kind of sky fire "Xiquan Qinghuo", as long as Chengzi can successfully absorb and fuse the third kind Tianhuo, they have the power to fight against Xuanhao.

To fuse the three kinds of heavenly fires, Chengzi may face ten times or a hundred times the difficulty of merging the eternal immortal fire, so Moju dare not take it lightly, and plans to ask Chengzi to discuss with several elders in exile and seclusion in the clan before making a decision.

After hearing what Mo Ju said, Cheng Zi hesitated, and finally bit his lips and said, "I'll bid farewell to Master before going out, okay?"

Mo Ju nodded and said: "Naturally, if it is possible, I think you can go with a few companions, and there will be someone to take care of you on the way. It is not convenient for us to accompany you. Since Xuan Hao has found your trace, he will definitely find a way to deal with it. You do it, I will pretend to be you to distract him." She had already considered all the details before coming.

"Three months later, the three major sects will send a group of disciples to Beihai to practice and discover the 'Ice Soul Profound Crystal'." You just happened to mix with those people and set off together, so as to deceive others. "

Moju explained his general plan to Chengzi, and then left with Yunyou.

Chengzi sent the two of them outside the house, but Xiang Zhuanqian said respectfully: "The great elder and suzerain of our school would like to invite Lord Yunxian to have a meeting. I don't know what Lord Yunxian wants?"

Yunyou's status as a seventh-rank alchemist, even the late ninth-rank immortals would not dare to underestimate Yunyou's status as an alchemist, and could only be treated as an equal.Yunyou has always been that kind of aloof and arrogant to outsiders, and when she heard this, she gave a "hmm" and motioned to Zhuanqian to lead the way.

Cheng Zi was a little worried, and was glared back by Mo Ju.

All right!With the senior sister around, no one can make the eleventh senior sister suffer, Cheng Zi shrank back obediently.

Moju and Yunyou didn't know what they had discussed with the people from the three sects, and they didn't return until dawn the next day, and then they got busy.

After more than ten days, Ma Yunteng finally left the customs, his realm was completely stable, people who are close to him, such as Jinshan Xianjun and Xiang Zhuanqian, couldn't help muttering, what kind of structure is this guy, how can he practice faster than others It's so much faster, he finished it in a month, and the effect seems to be no worse than others.

The gap between people should not be so big!It was so exciting.

What's even worse is that all these guys from the Lingyun faction are like this!

Xueyuan and the others could not come out of the Golden Body Spring every day. They went to see Zhuan Qian and Xiao Shou worryingly a few days ago, and found that these people were already close to the realm of Golden Body Dacheng. I also soaked in it when I got a chance, but I didn't have the same effect as them after soaking for a whole year.

I don't know what kind of weird cultivation methods they have, or what magical pills they have taken, they are not like normal people at all!

How do they know that Ma Yunteng and others have such a fast cultivation speed, which is entirely due to the top-grade Ice Gui Immortal Crystal and Eternal Immortal Fire.With these two sharp weapons in hand, their cultivation speed is at least dozens of times faster than others.

A few days later, Yu Qing, Xue Yuan, Heng Zhi, and Heng Er also left the customs one after another. After more than a month of training, the four of them have already approached the ninth-rank Xianjun in physical strength. Although they cannot compare with Ma Yunteng's, but compared with On that day, Ma Zimo, Bu Ziliang and others were almost the same.

Among them, the one who benefited the most was Heng Er. Her innate divine power was matched with such a strong body, which was completely comparable to that of a fairy who specialized in body training.

Several people from the same sect gathered again to try each other's entry skills, and they were all very satisfied.

Su Baozhai repeatedly sent a letter from Li Lingfeng, the head of the Lingyun School, instructing Yu Qing to return to the Lingyun School if there is no special matter.

Xue Yuan and the others left the Lingyun Sect not long after they were promoted, before they had time to hold any real positions in the sect. Although Ma Yunteng was the elder in charge, he never had a director, and Lingyun Sect's own chief elder handled matters.Therefore, the bond between them and Ling Yunfeng can be said to be dispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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