the first god

Chapter 291 Qin Rou

Chapter 291 Qin Rou
Yu Qing was the elder in charge of Xing Lifeng, and Xing Lifeng was hit hard by the former elder Su Jing, and finally got better. Now that he has participated in the martial arts competition, Li Lingfeng hopes that he will go back and continue to perform his duties.

Working with Ma Yunteng and the others has gained a lot, but Yu Qing was born in Xing Lifeng, and he couldn't let go of the wish of his disciples and his eleventh senior sister to revitalize Xing Lifeng. After much consideration, he decided to go back.

Hengzhi Xueyuan wanted to have a good time in the city of worshiping the moon, as a farewell for Yu Qing.

They have been at the Moon Salvation Church for a few months, and they are either busy practicing or fighting with others, and they have never visited the most famous capital in the world.

Most of the immortals of the Moon Worship City gather in Chongwufang City behind the imperial palace, and there are two Fencheng cities in just one square city.Cheng Zi and the others are already the top VIPs in Jubaolou, if you want something, just tell the person in Jubaolou, and someone will deliver it to you soon, but this is completely different from the feeling of wandering around looking for treasure.

It has been a long time since Cheng Zi walked in the lively market so easily. Before, he went to participate in the martial arts competition, but he passed by the fishing city but failed to take a good look at the square market there. This time he can finally play a painful game.

Ma Yunteng is not very interested in anything other than cultivation, but seeing Cheng Zi's happy expression as if he had been released, he couldn't bear to spoil her interest, so he patiently accompanied her around.

The companions liked to see different things, and they agreed to meet at the teahouse in the middle of Fangshi at dusk, and they parted ways.

Chengzi pulled Ma Yunteng to look at the stalls, and bargained with the stall owner for a few fairy crystals, Ma Yunteng rolled his eyes when he heard that, this girl is worth tens of millions, why waste so much time drooling just for a few fairy crystals? 1
The stall owner finally reached a deal with Chengzi with a painful expression of cutting meat and selling blood. Chengzi smiled as if he had earned hundreds of thousands of fairy crystals, took a bag of spiritual grass seeds, stood up and pulled Ma Yunteng away.

"Saving those few fairy crystals is worth your joy?" Ma Yunteng couldn't help but knock Cheng Zi on the head.

Chengzi pouted and said: "Who said that a few fairy crystals were saved, there are two seeds of 'Baiwei Snow Ginseng' mixed in this bag, and with just two seeds, thousands of fairy crystals can be sold in Jubaolou! I It only cost fifty celestial crystals to buy this whole bag, even if the other seeds are useless, you can make money with just two!" As he said, he lowered his head and wanted to pick out the two seeds to present as a treasure.

Suddenly she felt something flying towards the back of her head, she was too surprised to react, Ma Yunteng had already put one hand on her shoulder, pulled her into his arms and took a big step back, Cheng Zi shook her hand and almost spilled the whole bag of seeds.

A small dagger flew past her ear, and slammed into a wooden post beside them with a thud.

There was a faint breath of mana on the dagger, and it was a middle-grade magic weapon.

The one who issued the dagger was a beautiful girl in light purple clothes who looked like a teenager. She didn't intend to hurt Cheng Zi, but she was defeated in a fight and the weapon was blown out, which made Cheng Zi and Ma Yunteng have a false alarm. field.

Ma Yunteng frowned and looked up, just in time to see the purple-clothed girl exclaiming and being restrained by two other men.

One of the men reached out and touched her face, and smiled very dispiritedly: "It's useless to practice with your aptitude, you might as well serve the seventh young master obediently. If the young master is happy, he will take you by the hand, maybe you and you That trash brother has a chance to build a foundation."

These few people are all wearing Qixia School's costumes, but at first glance they are low-level disciples of the second rank.Even so, the immortals passing by did not dare to provoke them, let them fight and make trouble here, and bullied weak girls.

Anyway, it's the Qixia Sect's own family's business, and it's not uncommon for this kind of female cultivator with superficial cultivation but a pretty face to be taken over by a male fairy with status.

After hearing what these people said, Ma Yunteng was slightly taken aback.

The male fairy who spoke raised his hand to put away the magic dagger nailed to the wooden pillar, and he and his companion escorted the struggling girl in purple to leave.

Ma Yunteng suddenly reached out to stop them and said, "Let her go!"

"Boy, it's not your turn to take care of our Qixia sect's affairs!" The two male immortals raised their eyes and stared at him fiercely.Ma Yunteng was wearing the Immortal Crystal of Enchantment, and he looked like a young man around the second rank, not to mention Cheng Zi, such a pair had no deterrent effect at all.

Ma Yunteng was too lazy to talk nonsense and snapped his fingers. He only heard two muffled grunts. The two people who were arrogant just now had turned into gourds. Others didn't even see clearly how he hurt them.

Ma Yunteng gave the two people on the ground a cold look, pulled Cheng Zi and turned to leave.

Cheng Zi noticed that his movements were a little stiff, obviously the scene that happened just now had touched some memories in his heart, if it wasn't for not wanting to completely turn against the Qixia faction, these two people might not even be able to save their lives.

The rescued purple-clothed girl was also a little dazed at the sudden reversal of the situation, she stared blankly at Ma Yunteng's back, suddenly remembered a person, couldn't help but chased after him a few steps, and called out tentatively: "Ah, Yunteng? "

The familiar address not only made Ma Yunteng stop in his tracks, but even Cheng Zi couldn't help turning his head stiffly.

Under the sun, the purple-clothed girl described herself as embarrassed, holding the corners of her skirt with both hands and standing timidly behind, her clear and beautiful face revealed a bit of expectation and disbelief. Seeing Ma Yunteng looking back at her, her expression gradually turned into affirmation and affirmation. joy.

"You, are you really Yun Teng?!" The purple-clothed girl blinked hard.

Ma Yunteng's heart moved, he hesitated for a moment and said: "You are... Rourou?!"

soft? !
The hairs all over Chengzi's body stand on end, and they scream so affectionately!Who is this girl to Ma Yunteng? !
"Rou Rou" over there nodded with joy and said, "It's me, Yun Teng, it's really you! Where's Aunt Zhang?"

Ma Yunteng didn't expect that the person he rescued turned out to be an old acquaintance. Hearing her mention of his mother, he felt sad and said softly, "My mother passed away many years ago..."

Rou Rou was at a loss and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

Ma Yunteng shook his head: "It's nothing. Are you still in the Qixia School? How are your mother and younger brother?"

There is the logo of Qixia faction on Rourou's belt, both Ma Yunteng and Chengzi saw it just now, if it wasn't for what the male cultivator said touched the memory in Ma Yunteng's heart, maybe he wouldn't care about this nosy business at all.

Thinking of the scene just now, Rourou turned pale: "Yes, they are all good... who is this girl?" She saw Chengzi standing beside Ma Yunteng with an intimate posture, and as a woman, she quickly and sensitively noticed Seeing that Cheng Zi seemed to be wary of her, he suddenly understood, but he still couldn't believe it.

How could Ma Yunteng, who is as handsome as Zhilan Yushu, be with such an ordinary little girl? !

"Her name is Chengzi, she is my junior sister. Chengzi, this is..." Ma Yunteng couldn't remember Rourou's full name for a moment.

"Qin Rou, the qin that plays the qin." Rourou smiled as softly as water, as if the name is such that no explanation is needed.

Cheng Zi is very depressed, she is Rou Rou Qin Yun, she is Cheng Zi, unhappy.

Qin Rou talked to them a few words, suddenly remembered something, said in a low voice "wait a moment", turned around and left, Ma Yunteng followed Cheng Zi, but saw her standing in the place where Ma Yunteng rescued her just now with a depressed face. The place is tranced.

The two Qixia sect disciples who bullied her just now have disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Zi asked strangely, did she want to come back and kick those two bastards a few times?
Qin Rou forced a smile and shook her head, "No, nothing."

Ma Yunteng thought for a while, took out a set of twelve small crystal flying swords from the storage belt, and handed it over, "You can use this."

The whole set of crystal flying swords was a low-grade treasure that they got from a group of bandits for "doing good deeds every day". Orange looked crystal clear and beautiful, and it matched the image of Ma Yunteng's cultivation skills very well. Casually stuffed it to Ma Yunteng.

Cheng Zi's psychology became unbalanced again, and she now understood why Qin Rou came back and wanted to get back her stolen magic weapon.

When did the villain become so considerate? !Really annoying!Orange heart is very sour.

"Too precious!" Qin Rou looked at the set of twelve crystal flying swords and was very moved, but she dared not accept it.This set of low-grade treasures is at least worth tens of thousands of immortal crystals!
"Take it, I don't need it either." Ma Yunteng didn't say much, and directly thrust the flying sword over.

Thinking of Ma Yunteng's current strength, Qin Rou didn't refuse any more, and silently accepted the set of flying swords.

At this time, three men and two women ran out of the roadside, a total of five second-rank immortals, and one of the blue-clothed female immortals held Qin Rou with a dark face and said in a bad tone: "Mr. Qin, where did you go? Let us Easy to find!"

As he said that, he glanced at Ma Yunteng indifferently. He looks very good, but his cultivation base is too poor, and he doesn't wear the Zongmen logo on his body. He is probably a disciple of some third-rate sect.

The female cultivator in blue judged Ma Yunteng's value with her eyes, she turned her face away and continued to criticize Qinrou, ignoring him.

Another female fairy said some kind words for Qinrou in a low voice before persuading her.

Qinrou was going out this time to follow orders, so she couldn't stay longer, and everyone in her companions looked impatient, so she had no choice but to nod to Ma Yunteng, and reluctantly let them go.

Cheng Zi was full of joy because Qin Rou's appearance was mostly gone, and she clearly felt that Ma Yunteng's attitude towards Qin Rou was very different.

Chengzi walked around for a while, and finally couldn't help but said to Ma Yunteng: "Are you familiar with her? We knew her in Ma's Manor when I was young?"

Ma Yunteng nodded and said: "Yes, Rourou's mother is also surnamed Zhang, and she became a Taoist couple with a disciple named Qin from the Qixia Sect. Before Rourou's younger brother was born, her father went mad and was seriously injured because of the failure of the promotion. Rourou's mother and daughter's qualifications are not very good, and they are not taken seriously in the Ma's manor. The yard where their family lives is not far from ours. Rourou often comes to play with me. Their mother and daughter are the only ones in the Ma's manor. A person who treats us well with sincerity.”

No wonder!Not only met Yu Weishi, but also a childhood sweetheart!Although Chengzi knew that Ma Yunteng was not a person who would be half-hearted because of the old friendship, he still couldn't help but mind.

"I, I'm very narrow-minded. If you get too close to her, I'll be sad!" Chengzi pouted and declared her sovereignty.

Ma Yunteng was taken aback, rubbed her head, and said, dumbfounded: "Silly treasure!"

"She's Rou Rou, I'm just stupid..." Cheng Zi protested.

"Sour silly baby!" Ma Yunteng smiled and patted her forehead.

A small disturbance, Ma Yunteng did not take it too seriously, and Chengzi quickly forgot about it.

More than two months later, the three major sects would send their disciples to the North Sea to practice and discover the "Ice Soul Profound Crystal". Xueyuan and the others also heard about it, and they even clamored to go there without Mo Ju's encouragement.

Ice Soul Xuanjing is a kind of high-quality fairy crystal that stores a large amount of ice-type spiritual energy. It is stored deep in the bottom of the North Sea. At this time of year, there are fewer storms on the sea and the current is calm. Many powerful monsters in the sea will migrate to the southern sea. To breed offspring, it is most suitable for Xianjun to go to the sea to search for the ice soul profound crystal.

The three major sects and many other sects will send disciples there, firstly to increase wealth for the sect, and secondly to give the disciples experience and knowledge.

In addition to ice soul crystals, there are various other mineral deposits on the seabed, and some special elixir are also abundant in various islands in the North Sea. According to legend, there are also several caves of ancient powerful immortal kings. Xueyuan heard Xiang Zhuanqian brag , the blood is boiling, even Heng Zhi and Heng Er are also very interested.

Just as they were preparing to go, someone from the Qixia faction suddenly came to the door.

"It's an outer disciple of the Qixia sect, second grade, about fourteen or fifteen years old, he claims to be surnamed Qin, and asked to find Senior Ma by name, he seems very anxious." A sixth grade disciple who was in charge of entertaining them came here specially send word.

Ma Yunteng and Cheng Zi glanced at each other, they both remembered Qin Rou whom they met a few days ago, and according to the disciple's description, the person who came might be her younger brother.

"Ask him to come in and meet." Cheng Zi felt a little ominous in his heart.

Brother Qin turned pale with anxiety when he was brought in front of Ma Yunteng. When Ma Yunteng left the Ma family, he was just a little doll who didn't understand anything, and didn't know what Ma Yunteng looked like, but he heard from his sister that Ma Yunteng Teng looked a lot like the third young master Ma, so he recognized him quickly.

He forced himself to calm down and walked in front of Ma Yunteng, saying word by word: "My sister is called Qinrou. Please go and save her quickly, they falsely accused my sister of injuring Senior Sister Hua for no reason. They also stole a set of magic weapons from Uncle Zhao, My sister said that a friend gave her the magic weapon, but they didn’t believe it, and said that if my sister didn’t apologize to Senior Uncle Zhao and Senior Sister Hua, they would send her to the execution hall to be punished.”

"They said your sister stole the magic weapon. What does it look like?" Cheng Zi confirmed.

"It's a set of twelve transparent little flying swords. My sister said it was given to her by Senior Ma." Although Brother Qin was in a hurry, he spoke clearly, neither humble nor overbearing.Even in the face of Ma Yunteng, he did not rush to get close to him as soon as he came up, but called him senior in a respectful manner.Heng Zhi listened and nodded secretly.

Although this boy's cultivation base is not very good, his character is good.

"I'll walk with you." Ma Yunteng got up immediately and said.

Heng Zhi was afraid that Yun Teng would make a big fuss in the Qixia faction, so he also said: "I will accompany you."

Naturally, Cheng Zi also wanted to go with her, and the group of four quickly arrived at the gate of Ma's Manor in Hongchou Valley, Qixia Mountain.Hengzhi put a voice-transmitting talisman on the old Wan Xianjun's side to explain the matter simply.

It's too exaggerated to come forward for a second-rank female disciple to work for an eighth-rank fairy, but if something happens on the other's territory, there must be a sensible person to speak out to be fair.

(End of this chapter)

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