the first god

Chapter 299 Anecdote of the Moon God Tower

Chapter 299 Anecdote of the Moon God Tower
"The sparrow noodle soup made with oranges is delicious, Ado, would you like to try it too?" Ma Yunteng said awkwardly.

The first sentence he calmly said to his father after the reunion of father and son was related to the most important person in his life and one of the three things he likes to do the most, that is oranges and eating.

The other two things, one is cultivation and the other is fighting skills. Ma Zhennong naturally agreed again and again, but when he looked at Cheng Zi, a strange look flashed in his eyes unconsciously.

In the next few days, Ma Yunteng was finally able to get up, but he was still unable to use his mana. He was completely in the state of an ordinary person. Since he started practicing, he has never been idle for such a long time. Although he is not irritable, he still feels very uncomfortable. .

Ma Zhennong often came to talk to him about his cultivation experience. He came from a famous family and is a top genius in the world.

This day, Chengzi finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and asked Ma Zhennong for advice: "Uncle Ma, I think you are very different from other immortals. They are all cold and don't care about anything except training and improving their strength. Stone The same! Uh... I can't describe it..." Chengzi racked his brains to express his doubts clearly, but Ma Yunteng snorted coldly, "I don't care about anything except training to improve my strength, Stone Same"

Wasn't it him? !
Cheng Zi laughed dryly while hugging the puppy, as if he accidentally stepped on Yun Teng's foot.But this question is very important to her, Yun Teng is angry and she wants to ask.

Ma Zhennong understood what she meant, and said with a smile, "Because I practice the way of following one's heart."

Cheng Zi and Ma Yunteng have only heard of Dao Ruqing and Taishang Wangqing, but they have never heard of the way of following one's heart.

In fact, the higher the cultivation base of Xianjun, the colder his temperament, and the less he cares about the things around him, which is the normal state they usually see.

Including Chengzi when she was a child in the Mo tribe, the elders taught her to abandon her emotions and desires, to purify her mind and forget herself, wishing that she would become a log or a stone.

"Actually, it's just four words - do whatever you want." Ma Zhennong said.

"Uh, if you want to do bad things, kill people and set fires, do you think you can do whatever you want?" Cheng Zi timidly asked.

"Naturally, to do whatever you want is to do whatever you want, and there is no good or evil in the behavior itself. The so-called good and evil are just the impact of the results of this behavior on yourself or the environment around you, as well as the rules and standards established by the world. In the final analysis, the judgments made come from the heart." Ma Zhennong explained.

Ma Yunteng and Cheng Zi vaguely understand, but they don't seem to fully understand.

Ma Zhennong felt that this issue must be understood by themselves, so he did not continue to talk about it, but talked about the past: "I didn't like Ma's set of rules of the jungle, and I didn't want to turn against my brother for the sake of power. A person left the sect to wander around, and then met Yun Teng's mother in the southwest, and only then began to realize the way of following one's heart."

"What is the purpose of cultivating immortals? For longevity? For peak strength? For freedom? In fact, as long as you realize what you want in your heart, that is the way. If you can't even do what you want most, what you want to do most, What is the meaning of longevity? What is the meaning of peak strength? Where does the detachment come from? I like Yun Teng's mother, so I love her wholeheartedly and treat her well. If she can't accompany me to live forever, I won't seek longevity. , I tried my best to seek longevity for her, this is my way. Unfortunately... I am so useless..." Ma Zhennong said later, and he fell silent.

"Aunt Shen has always been in your heart." Cheng Zi said softly.

Ma Zhennong stared at Chengzi in shock. It was because he had realized this that he truly got rid of the demonic barrier of his heart and was promoted successfully. This little girl had such an understanding just after listening to a few words from him, which surprised him. .

"It's a pity that you can't practice, otherwise your achievements will still be above Yunteng!" Ma Zhennong praised. Poor aptitude can be remedied with time and medicine, but good or bad understanding is innate and cannot be improved through practice. , no matter how hard you work, you can't change it.

Cheng Zi's savvy is undoubtedly the strongest among the people he has ever met!

Hearing what his father said, Ma Yunteng squinted at Chengzi and said nothing. If she didn't reveal Chengzi's secret, he would never tell anyone, even if he was as close as father and son.

Chengzi thought that the old monster of the Great Elder knew her secrets, and instead hid it from the master's own father for no reason, so he hesitated and said, "Actually, I can practice, but I have a very powerful enemy, so I put away my mana for a while. Seal it up so that no one will find it."

"Oh?!" Ma Zhennong was a little surprised, but he was relieved when he thought of the power of the puppy. It is normal for someone who can control such a powerful spirit beast to have enough cultivation.

But he didn't continue to ask about Cheng Zi. She has a puppy to defend herself, but she is still so afraid of her enemy, so this enemy must be very powerful.

The great elder didn't tell anyone about Chengzi. Even the two great elders of Subaozhai and Xianlingzong only knew that he planned to let Ma Yunteng marry the saint girl of the Mo tribe, but they didn't know the mysterious thing in everyone's mind. The saint walks around her property with her puppy in her arms every day.

Ma Zhennong took care of Ma Yunteng in the Luna Pagoda that day until a few days after the turmoil, he left among the immortals, so he didn't know that Chengzi first resisted the elder, and then joined hands with the elder to force Xuan Hao away brilliant record.

He thought that his son was already extremely perverted in terms of cultivation, but he didn't know that the seemingly ordinary girl in front of him was actually much higher than his son, or even his cultivation. .

A month passed quickly, and the meridians in Ma Yunteng's body were repaired, and the situation was much better than Ma Zhennong expected. The mana in his body was gradually unsealed, and Ma Yunteng obviously felt that his cultivation had improved.

Chengzi was a little disappointed, and muttered: "I thought I could directly advance to the ninth rank."

Ma Yunteng knocked her on the head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Do you think that the promotion to the ninth rank is to eat and drink soup? How can it be so simple?!"

In fact, Chengzi has never even been promoted to the fourth rank, let alone the ninth rank. Her previous cultivation bases were directly passed on to her by the two elders in the clan, so she doesn't know much about these things. Ma Yunteng was promoted non-stop, and Ma Zhennong only talked about the benefits of secret medicine, so some imaginations were overdone.

Xue Yuan, Heng Zhi and Heng Er have been retreating in Su Baozhai's temporary cave, and it is said that they will not come out until they leave for Beihai.

After Ma Yunteng recovered, he went back to his old days of practicing day and night. Occasionally, the Ma Town Farmers Association played against him. As he learned about Ma Yunteng's practice, his doubts became deeper and deeper.

Finally, after dinner one day, Ma Zhennong couldn't help but ask: "Yun Teng, where did your skills come from? And your celestial artifacts should have the same origin as your skills."

Naturally, Ma Yunteng would not disclose the artifacts left by the Flower God and the exercises of Tianyuanmen.It only talked about the skills and immortal artifacts of the Ice and Fire God King.

"What?! You actually found the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King!" Ma Zhennong was taken aback, and after a moment of ecstasy, he said: "No wonder, no wonder..."

Cheng Zi asked strangely, "What's wrong with the God of Ice and Fire?"

"The God of Ice and Fire came from the Ma family." Ma Zhennong said with a wry smile.

"Ah?!" Both Chengzi and Ma Yunteng were greatly surprised.They had benefited greatly from the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King. Xueyuan and the others packed everything else in the treasure and brought it back to the Lingyun faction.

It's really ashamed to think about it. They emptied the family's property, but they didn't even know the details of their experience.

"It's a long story. Ma's distant ancestor was a powerful immortal who ascended to immortality. In ancient times, no one could beat him in the world of all spirits. He is also a single spirit root of the ice element, and passed down a set of Incomparably powerful skills, so among the descendants of the Ma family, the children of the ice family with a single spiritual root have always had a higher status, because they can practice this set of supreme treasures left by their distant ancestors." At this point, he glanced at Ma Yunteng, two The reason why my uncle pays special attention to his son is because he is a rare ice-type single spirit root.

"Single spiritual roots of the ice system are very rare, and it is unlikely that one of Ma's disciples will appear every thousand years, and disciples with double spiritual roots and three spiritual roots who have ice spiritual roots can also practice this ice system. They are not as powerful as people with a single spiritual root of the ice type." Ma Zhennong knew a lot about the old secrets of these clans, and explained the ins and outs of this legend.

"The God of Ice and Fire comes from the direct line of the Ma family. His original name was Ma Chenghuai. After completing this set of exercises, the cultivation base surpassed the God King even more quickly. Since then, the two have faced each other, and the God King has never won."

"They are the two most outstanding stars in the Ma family of that generation. The elders of the patriarch intended to make them become Taoist couples, but the god king was unwilling. He left the family alone, determined to create a set of exercises that could surpass their ancestors. .After that, he started wandering around in the world of Ten Thousand Spirits and Immortals, his cultivation level became higher and higher, and his fame became bigger and bigger, but he never returned to the Ma family. As for whether his wish will be fulfilled, it is unknown." Ma Zhen When Nong said this, he paused and said to Ma Yunteng with some emotion: "Your mother once mentioned to me about the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King, but I had no intention of practicing at that time. Although I was curious about the treasure, I didn't think about spending it. I searched with all my heart, but I didn't expect that you would be the one who got the chance in the end."

"Father, how do you think "Tianbing Jue" compares with the kung fu handed down by the family?" Ma Yunteng has thoroughly comprehended "Tianbing Jue", and all he needs is the time to practice and apply it. The power of this exercise is so powerful, so I am particularly curious whether this set of "Heavenly Ice Jue" created by the Ice and Fire God King surpassed the original supreme exercise of the Ma clan.

Ma Zhennong said with a wry smile: "It is impossible to compare now, because the exercise of the Ma family has been lost for many years. The Ma family has encountered more than one catastrophe that almost wiped out the family. The secrets of the family, including this exercise, have long been lost. Destroyed, what is handed down to the world now is incomplete, and it has been handed down by countless people, so it is far from the original."

Ma Yunteng couldn't help feeling disappointed when he heard this, but he soon heard Ma Zhennong say: "However, it is not completely impossible to find the original copy of Ma's exercise."

Cheng Zi couldn't help but ask first: "How do I get it back?"

"As long as you can climb to the ninth floor of the Moon God Tower, that's fine. Although "Sky Ice Jue" is good, but for Yun Teng, Ma Shi's exercise should be more suitable." Ma Zhennong replied.

Cheng Zi and Ma Yunteng looked at each other and said, "Didn't you say that you will ascend to the ninth floor?"

Ma Zhennong waved his hands and said: "That's just a rumor. On the ninth floor, there are many exercises and spiritual thoughts left by the top nine-rank Dzogchen gods of the Moon Worship Sect, including Ma's set called The exercises of "Ice Moon Jue". This set of "Ice Moon Jue" was left before the ascension of the female patriarch who defeated the God King mentioned earlier."

"But if Yun Teng can go to the ninth floor, he must be at least a late-stage Ninth-Rank cultivator, so what's the use of that "Bingyue Jue"?" Cheng Zi said weakly.

Ma Zhennong smiled helplessly and nodded: "That's true. But on the ninth floor, in addition to having the opportunity to see those extremely valuable exercises, if you get the approval of the Moon God Tower, you will also become the Moon God The owner of the tower. The Moon God Tower is one of the three rare artifacts in the world, and the other two artifacts only exist in legends, and no one has seen them for thousands of years."

When Ma Zhennong said this, he suddenly remembered something, his face changed slightly and he said to Ma Yunteng: "Yunteng, do you still have the storage ring I gave you back then?"

"Yes." Ma Yunteng glanced sideways at Cheng Zi, Cheng Zi quickly found the ring from the storage belt, and took the other identical ring from the hand of the dying old man Ma Yi in Xuanwu Mountain. out.

Ever since Ma Yunteng knew that he was going to be in contact with people from the three major sects, he put away the two rings and hung them around his neck to avoid trouble, and then he simply stuffed them into Chengzi.

"Why is Ma Zhenqing's ring also in your possession?" Ma Zhennong asked with wide-eyed surprise.Ma Zhenqing is Uncle Ma's name. Ma Zhennong hated him for plotting and persecuting his family of three, so he refused to call him eldest brother, and called him by his first name instead.

Before he found out that Ma Zhenqing's eldest son was out on errands secretly, so he repeatedly disclosed the news to his third brother, Ma Sanye Ma Zhenchun.

Ma Zhenchun and Ma Zhenqing have been fighting openly and secretly for many years. They are resentful and wary of this talented nephew, so they simply take the opportunity to kill this nephew, cut off Ma Zhenqing's left and right hands, and at the same time seize the Sumeru ring from his hand.

In the end, the man was killed successfully, but the Sumeru ring representing Ma's inheritance was nowhere to be found.

Both Ma Zhenqing and Ma Zhenchun kept this matter very tight, one refused to reveal that he had lost the Sumeru ring, and the other had to imply that the other party had the Sumeru ring in his own hand, so as to increase his bargaining chips.

No one expected that the two rings were in Ma Yunteng's hands by accident.

Ma Zhennong held the pair of rings and looked at them for a moment, handed the oranges away, and said: "It is said that there is a big secret hidden in this ring, which is related to the things sealed on the ninth floor of the Moon Tower. Once it is in your hands, you will take good care of it, maybe you will be able to use it one day in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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