the first god

Chapter 300 Qin Rou's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 300 Qin Rou's Careful Thoughts

"The female ancestor who defeated the Ice and Fire God King countless times was named Han, and she called herself 'Haihan God King'. Her place of ascension was in the North Sea near the outer sea. It is said that she once planted a 'Hai Po Ice Lotus' At the junction of the outer sea and the inner sea, I hope you will have a chance to meet." Ma Zhennong said with a smile.

Haipo ice lotus? !Cheng Zi could hardly bear the green light in his eyes, it was a ninth-grade elixir!She has only seen it in the secret books of the Mo tribe, and none of the ancestors of the Mo tribe who have lived over a thousand years have ever seen the real Haipo ice lotus.

"If possible, you should try to avoid dealing with people from Taixu Temple on Yinyang Island. It would be best if you can not go to that island." Ma Zhennong Yunzhong reminded.

"Why?" Cheng Zi was very strange. She had heard the elder brother talk about Yin Yang Island before, and the weird and wretched and fascinated attitude made her think that there was something so good about that island?
Ma Zhennong was embarrassed to talk about such a topic in front of his future daughter-in-law, so he thought about his words and said, "That island is very weird, as long as you step on the island, even the late ninth-rank cultivation will be suppressed to the point where you can only use seventh-rank Only those who have practiced the secret technique of the Taixu Palace are not limited by this. The disciples of the Taixu Palace are a little... overly enthusiastic about the handsome male cultivators and beautiful female cultivators from outside."

Overzealous?Orange is full of question marks.

Ma Yunteng had heard the conversation between the elder brother and those disciples of Subaozhai, so he naturally knew what his father meant, so he frowned and said nothing.

Chengzi looked at this and then that, as if he was the only one who didn't understand, so he tugged on Ma Yunteng's sleeve to ask for help.

Ma Yunteng said angrily: "The disciples of Taixu Palace like to practice double cultivation!"

Uh?Double cultivation?

Uncle Ma's expression... He is also a disciple of the Ma family, and he must have participated in the annual training trip to Beihai. Has he also been overly enthusiastic?His appearance is [-] to [-]% similar to Ma Yunteng, and he is also very handsome.

Chengzi couldn't help but start to think about it, Ma Yunteng's eyes flashed, obviously thinking of something with her.

Even though she and Ma Yunteng had serious expressions, Ma Zhennong still felt the need to clarify, and explained with a dry cough: "I used to go to the island... I was scared and fled, and I never dared to go there again."

How much "enthusiasm" does it take to be able to scare the first genius of the Ma family of Qixia School into fleeing?
Ma Zhennong realized that he was getting darker and darker, and he refused to continue such an embarrassing topic in front of the two juniors. Instead, he talked about the situation in the North Sea and the things that need to be paid attention to when exploring the North Sea.In the cave of the Chongyang Immortal of Qixia Mountain, a disciple in charge sent a list of disciples who will go to Beihai for training in a month.

Chongyang Xianjun is the person who led the team for this experience. In the past, this kind of thing was not laborious and he would go out in person, but this time it was his beloved disciple Ma Zhennong who came to plead in person.

The North Sea is extremely dangerous, and it will be a bit safer if there is one more powerful fairy in the lineup. Ma Yunteng is definitely attracting the wind now.With this old man in charge of the Qixia Sect after the Great Elder, some young people dare not make random decisions.

Chongyang Xianjun also wanted to see with his own eyes how capable this genius disciple was, and the trip to Beihai was just a good time to observe his character and strength carefully.So he made a rare promise to go out in person.

The list is divided into three parts, which are divided into seventh-rank elders, sixth-rank disciples, and fifth-rank disciples according to their cultivation bases.There are very few people who are promoted to elders, just a few people.Their greatest role is to assist the elders who lead the team to manage the fellow disciples.

The rest are mainly fourth-rank disciples and very few third-rank disciples.

The only thing that Chongyang Immortal had in mind was Ma Yunteng, so he casually glanced at the list.But at the very end, I saw a strange name that seemed to be heard somewhere——Qin Rou.

Next to her name was her cultivation age: 26nd grade, [-]nd floor, [-] years old.

"What is this?" Chongyang Immortal frowned and said contemptuously, the little boy who guards the door under him has more than this level of cultivation!How dare this kind of trash get mixed into their Qixia faction's team, it would be embarrassing to take it out!
The disciple in charge saw clearly the name he was referring to, and hurriedly reported, "This was added by the Great Elder who sent a notice."

He thought for a while, and carefully reminded: "The reason why Elder Zhu had a dispute with Senior Ma last time was because of her. A month ago, Senior Ma also fought with two eighth-rank immortals because of her..."

"Disaster water! This kind of troublesome thing should be killed early!" Chongyang Xianjun said angrily. He now regarded Ma Yunteng as his own family. When he thought of this woman causing his apprentice and grandson to fight, he was almost killed. When the two eighth-rank immortals were killed, they were full of anger, wishing to crush her to death on the spot.

The disciple in charge didn't dare to speak too much, no one in the Qixia Sect dared to disobey what the Great Elder decided, and the Chongyang Immortal Lord was also not something he could persuade.Can only hold wood.

Immortal Lord Chongyang suddenly remembered something, picked up the list and looked at Qinrou's age and cultivation level again, frowned, waved and said: "You go. Call the disciples according to the list."

The disciple in charge didn't know why he suddenly changed his mind and no longer objected. If he was granted amnesty, he went up to pick up the list and withdrew.Chongyang Xianjun murmured: "Poor aptitude, low-level cultivation, and low status in the sect... She is quite similar to that woman back then, and that kid Yun Teng is so interested in her. Could it be that the elder is thinking about her?" Let this girl hook Yun Teng kid's heart?"

Based on his understanding of the Great Elder, the Great Elder never does useless things, and there is a purpose behind everything he does.He suddenly noticed that such an insignificant disciple as Qin Rou must have some schemes, and the only thing worth remembering about Qin Rou is his relationship with Ma Yunteng.

My precious apprentice and grandson seem to be people who value love and righteousness. In order to be able to stay with his wife, the apprentice went all out to practice uncharacteristically. It is not a surprise that the disciple is willing to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan for this little girl.

Immortal Lord Chongyang guessed the intention of the Great Elder, so he no longer objected to Qinrou's journey.

As for Chengzi, the Chongyang Immortal had never even thought about it. Apart from the three good points of being able to control a spirit beast that looks dull and powerful, there are no other advantages. Ma Yunteng would probably like her because of it. It must be due to her ability in alchemy and beast control.

Qin Rou was also very surprised to learn that she was on the training list in Beihai. She remembered that in the past years, all the disciples who could participate in the training were at least the third rank and above, and they were all elite disciples in the sect. There were no outside disciples like her. Eligibility to participate.

She knew that Ma Yunteng would also go.

She has been struggling these days, and she admits that what her mother said makes sense, some people have things, and she is really not qualified to think about them.Although their family was often bullied in the past, no one ever thought of putting them to death.

But since she reunited with Ma Yunteng, in less than a month, she almost lost her life twice, causing her mother and younger brother to suffer together. She felt that she should be careful to keep a distance from Ma Yunteng, but there was something in front of her that she was nostalgic for. It is all because of Ma Yunteng that he has the opportunity to enjoy it.

On the night when she received the news that she was going to participate in the training in Beihai, Qin Rou couldn't sleep because she was afraid that this would be the next trap to deal with Ma Yunteng, but she couldn't help but wonder if the "people above" wanted to give her a chance?
After thinking about it for most of the night, she became more and more inclined to the latter idea.

With the fate of Uncle Ma and Third Master Ma, no one in the Qixia faction would dare to continue plotting against Ma Yunteng. His identity has almost been considered semi-public, and whoever dares to touch him will openly make things difficult for the First Elder.

With the support of "people above", what else does she have to worry about?If this opportunity is not seized tightly, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Thinking of Ma Yunteng's extremely handsome appearance, thinking of his heroic figure of standing up for her against a powerful enemy, as well as his cultivation and strength, and his future status in the Qixia Sect... Qin Rou no longer hesitates.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to set off for the North Sea, but some male immortals began to be reluctant to leave. The reason was simple. The legendary Mo tribe saint was finally ready to show her face and invited all the alchemists of Baiyuejiao to discuss the way of alchemy.

Holy Maiden of the Mo Tribe!In this ancient cultivating family that has been passed down for many years, there are the most handsome men and beautiful women, and those who can become saints must not only have excellent alchemy skills, but also have even more outstanding looks!
It's a pity that the saintesses of the Mo tribe didn't plan to show up before the meeting. Everyone was heartbroken at the thought of missing out on a peerless beauty.

Su Baozhai, who was walking with them, said to Zhuanqian: "How can a holy woman of the Mo tribe compare with the beauties on Yinyang Island? And think about it, those beauties are all disciples of the Taixu Palace... the Mo tribe Saintesses are definitely not as charming as them!" Xiang Zhuanqian smiled happily.

The male immortals were right when they thought about it, and the entanglement was reduced by half.

Cheng Zi felt that the Mo tribe saint they were talking about was completely different from herself, so she wasn't angry that they made fun of it.

She turned her head and looked in the direction of the Moon God Tower. Three days later, the elder sister will pretend to be herself and make a public appearance here. She hopes to confuse the Xuantianzong spies so that she can safely go to Beihai to find Xiquan Qinghuo.

But for some reason, Chengzi always felt a little uneasy. She wondered if the severe pain of merging with the eternal fire last time left her too deep a shadow. Something terrible is about to happen.

As the departure date approached, this feeling of fear grew stronger.

Cheng Zi dared not mention this to anyone, including Ma Yunteng. If he told him, he would probably insist on letting her stay in the safest place and would not let her take risks.

Ma Yunteng's temper is definitely not good. He usually makes fun of her and picks her around, and drives her around, but when something is really dangerous to her, he will be the first to stand in front of her and bear everything for her.

Several powerful coercion came from the sky, it was the Supreme Elder who was in charge of leading the team from the three sects arrived!
Subaozhai and Xianlingzong each have an acquaintance, one is Jinshan Xianjun, the other is Jixiang Xianjun, Qixia sect has Ma Zhennong in addition to Chongyang Xianjun.

The three parties greeted each other in the air, and Immortal Jinshan looked at Ma Zhennong enviously and said: "Your sect is indeed a place where geniuses gather, and the scene of Zhennong's promotion ceremony is still vivid in my mind. Today we meet and I am already of the same generation as me. Such speed is truly enviable."

Jixiang Daojun also said: "Brother Jiahuo taught well, and three eighth-rank immortals came out of one person's sect. Even the great elder of our sect is very envious."

Thousand wears and wears flattery, not to mention that the other party's praise is the most proud of Chongyang Xianjun. Although he is not overjoyed at the moment, his mood is obviously much better. He stroked his beard and said humbly: "Where is it, I am also taking advantage of it." Taking advantage of the sect, and only selecting disciples with excellent aptitude, you guys are overrated, hehehe." He said it was true.

Ma Zhennong stood silently at the side from the beginning to the end, only when his eyes glanced at his son who was faintly surrounded by the crowd, his eyes showed some warmth.

The strength of the three major sects is extraordinary. This time, the Qixia faction prepared a huge flying magic weapon to pick up the disciples. The leading immortals had a tacit understanding, so Ma Yunteng and others were naturally arranged to mix with the Qixia faction.

When Gan Ning and the others saw the giant ship that was [-] to [-] feet long parked in the canyon, their eyes became a little straight. This treasure ship itself is a high-grade spiritual weapon, and its value is at least tens of millions of immortal crystals.

And even if you can afford this price, you may not be able to gather so many high-quality materials. Without tens of thousands of years of martial art background, you can't make it at all.

Cheng Zi's apprehension was temporarily forgotten when she suddenly saw such a huge and luxurious treasure ship, but when she boarded the treasure ship and saw the slim Qin Rou on the deck, she couldn't help but smile.

She was surprised that Ma Yunteng's relationship with her was the same thing, and she was unavoidably upset to see someone who had an ambiguous attitude towards her Yunteng.

Ma Yunteng was also very surprised when he saw Qin Rou, frowned slightly and said: "This trip has a lot of risks, why are you here? Your cultivation base is not enough, how can you protect yourself in danger?"

He didn't mean to dislike Qinrou, but he was used to speaking directly and rarely considered the other party's ability to bear it.

Full of enthusiasm, Qin Rou was splashed with a bucket of ice water, glanced at Cheng Zi and lowered her head, and said, "I don't know, it was the disciples in the sect who informed me to set off together."

Ma Zhennong has been paying attention to Ma Yunteng's situation, he sighed secretly at Qinrou's appearance, knowing that it was not accidental but intentional without asking.

But it's a good thing to let this little girl see clearly earlier and stop thinking about it.

In fact, the Qixia Sect is not bad. Among the disciples from Xianlingzong and Subaozhai, the proportion of female cultivators is obviously higher than in previous years, and all of them are the proud daughters of heaven with a lot of background, aiming at their father and son. His expression was full of consideration and evaluation.

Ma Zhennong felt bored and speechless for a while, and decided to go back to his quiet room to meditate after he decided to set sail, and thanked the guests behind closed doors.

There were several more beautiful female cultivators on board, and the male immortals were all elated.

Heng Zhi was unusually silent, often distracted, and didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Heng Er saw Qin Rou for the first time, she was so nervous that she couldn't see the dark tide between Cheng Zi and this woman, and couldn't feel the weird atmosphere on the ship for a while, she just looked around curiously, very happy.

Gan Ning and Xue Yuan knew it well, but they didn't say anything. Immortal Yunteng had to deal with it by herself. They couldn't help, so they couldn't kill Qin Rou secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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