the first god

Chapter 31 [Cage Technique]

Chapter 31 [Cage Technique]

The flower god Xuanji gave Xue Yuan a few words, gently hugged Heng Liu's body, and put it down again.

She said to Heng Er calmly: "Xiao Er, Xue Yuan will give you some elixir to replenish vitality and blood energy and elixir to heal wounds. When you can get up, you will bury Xiao Liu in Sakura Valley with your own hands."

After speaking, she held the golden lotus scepter in her hand, and before Heng Er had time to react, she quickly injected a purple beam of light into her body.

"Niangniang! You can't..."

Waiting for Heng Er to react, Hua Shen got up and was about to leave.

She glanced back at Ma Yunteng, hesitated a little, handed him the Chaos Mirror, and instructed: "Take this item and take away the oranges and Hengwu, Xueyuan will give you the recipe for the antidote, She will take another antidote in three days, and she must take a full two-hour soak. You should immediately follow the original road and leave the Red Stone Forest. I have set a ban, and the evil spirits can't get out for the time being. Be careful... Take care of the oranges. !"

Ma Yunteng caught the Chaos Mirror, and at the same time he also caught Xuanji's hand holding the mirror, and held it firmly.

"Are you going to sacrifice yourself and die with that evil demon?"

"You think highly of me. I just trapped the army of evil demons here. The war between gods and demons has something to do with me. The place where the demons were suppressed was the place where the gods sealed the evil demons. The evil demons have been broken thousands of years ago. However, in the last 1 years, although I have repeatedly sealed it back, but he has quietly summoned a powerful magic army in these 1 years. It can be said that it has been planned for a long time, and it can be regarded as my A momentary negligence. When I found out, it was too late to start training the Demon Suppressing Army. However, they should not be able to break through this last cage barrier within a hundred years. Once the cage barrier is opened, even I in my heyday will not be able to successfully go out."

After finishing speaking, the Flower God took his hand away, turned into a purple light and left, and before leaving, a gate barrier was set up and reinforced, and only those approved by the Flower God could come and go at will.

Ma Yunteng's hand was still in the air, but it was empty. His heart suddenly felt a little heavy and stuffy.

Kind of like the instinct of this body.

Some vague and hazy images suddenly flashed into his mind.

Thousands of miles of peach blossoms, gurgling streams, short boats, a pair of young men and women, one sitting on the bow and the other leaning on the stern.

"Why are you so persistent, and you want to practice this [Cage Technique] so hard? You want to imprison those disobedient demons and monsters? Could it be that you want to imprison the sky and the earth?"

"That's not it! If you ignore me one day and want to sneak away, I will imprison the two of us in this [Taoyuan Blessed Land]. Outsiders can't get in, and we can't get out. The two of us are in Here, the rest of my life is old, do you think it's okay?"

"Pfft! You always have some strange thoughts in your mind. No wonder the gods, fathers, and goddesses are afraid of being tossed by you..."

"I don't care! Is it okay? You have to answer me solemnly!"

"Good! Good! Good! Is this the head office?"


Obviously, the picture is not complete, it's just a fragment. The men and women in the picture can't even distinguish their appearance, but can only tell their gender and age by the voice of their clothes.

The voices of the pair of men and women in the picture turned out to be...

It was the voice of the flower god Xuanji and his body.

It's just that the flower god's tone is very playful and lively, and the tone of talking with oranges is very similar.

Could it be that this body is really the dharma body of the God of Chaos?

However, those childhood memories of the original body, the memories of family life, although blurred and jumping, they really exist, and there is no memory of the gods. What is going on?

"Xianjun, this is Miss Chengzi's antidote. After three days, it will be soaked for two hours."

"Also, this [Taoyuan Blessed Land] was handed over to Xianjun by Niangniang, and God Hengwu and Miss Chengzi have already lived in, they all slept in their own rooms, and God Hengwu lived in Hengwu Garden. , Orange girl lives in Orange Garden, please Xianjun take them away from Red Stone Forest as soon as possible."

Ma Yunteng held an antidote bag in his left hand and an exquisite pendant in his right hand, both of which were handed to him by Xue Yuan.

He threw the antidote bag into his personal space, but stared at the words [Taoyuan Blessed Land] engraved on the exquisite pendant for a long time.

This handwriting is very similar to his handwriting, it is simply engraved by one person.

【Taoyuan Blessed Land】!

Thinking of these two words, he felt that his "heart problem" had suddenly occurred again.

There was dense sweat on his forehead, and he couldn't tell whether it was hot sweat or cold sweat.

Under Xue Yuan's repeated urging, Ma Yunteng walked all the way to the Red Stone Forest.

This cage, obviously, has not been opened yet.

The looming whirlpool gate of the Red Stone Forest is still there, and he can still walk out.

He stepped into the whirlpool door with one foot, but the other foot did not move for a while, still staying in the Mylabris Kingdom.

Just as he was hesitating in his heart, Orange's clear and delicate voice suddenly appeared in his ear.

"Sect Master? Why am I sleeping in a strange bed? Where is [Taoyuan Blessed Land]?"

It turned out that the orange had woken up and ran out of the [Taoyuan Blessed Land] by himself.

"Are we leaving? However, I haven't said goodbye to Sister Hua Shen in person, head, wait for me here for a while, and I'll be back when I go!"

When Chengzi spoke, he had already run away for a certain distance, but it was not far. If Ma Yunteng wanted to stop him, he could still stop him immediately.

However, he did not stop the orange.

Instead, involuntarily followed the orange and went back the same way.

When Cheng Zi and Ma Yunteng rushed over, Xue Yuan happened to come out of the house and was about to leave.

Xue Yuan was shocked and said eagerly: "Xianjun, why haven't you left? I saw from the water mirror that Xianjun had stepped into the exit of the Red Stone Forest, so I didn't pay attention to the water mirror anymore. A lot of things have to be sent to the Demon Suppression Land, just now, I have already sent a message to the Empress to open the cage barrier, how can I do this?"

"Sister Xueyuan, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Orange was obviously at a loss, completely unaware of the sudden mutation that occurred after she fainted.

Ma Yunteng just smiled at Xueyuan and said, "If you can live in this cage for 10 years, I can naturally too. Orange, how about you?"

Orange looked puzzled, but nodded very cutely and obediently.

"Where the master is, the orange is naturally there."

Ma Yunteng's "heart problem" happened again by accident.

Along with the sharp pain came some memory pictures that did not belong to him, and came again.

However, this time, it was even more blurry. I couldn't see the face of the person, I couldn't even see the clothes, and I couldn't even see the background picture.

Only sound can be heard.

"Where Yunteng is, Xuanji is naturally there."

"Yunteng, if you dare to leave me again, after I find you, I will throw you into my cage..."

(End of this chapter)

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