the first god

Chapter 32 Another Orange

Chapter 32 Another Orange

"Do you mean [Taoyuan Blessed Land]? There is a vast area and attractive scenery. Even if I live for a lifetime, I will be happy."

"Really? Is what you said true? Do you really like [Taoyuan Paradise]?"

"Of course it's true! [Taoyuan Blessed Land] is the paradise that the gods yearn for, how could I not like it."

"Then hurry up and make [Taoyuan Blessed Land] into a ring, I will give it to you, and you must hang it on your waist all the time."

"it is good!"


"Master, are you alright?"

Orange opened her moist and pure almond eyes, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes.

"No problem!"

As Ma Yunteng said, he stared at the orange in a trance.

The sharp pain caused by the "heart problem" came again. He knew that there might be some messy pictures in his mind, but time was waiting for no one, and he had to rush to help the Goddess of Flowers.

"Xueyuan Xian'e, since our master and apprentice can't go out, let's go to the Demon Suppression Land as soon as possible and do our best."

Xue Yuan hesitated.

After thinking about it, she still said: "Alright! You have a Chaos Mirror, you can break through the void and leave at any time, but you need to use the multi-colored primeval stone to repair the void in time, otherwise, it will eventually become a hidden danger, so let's go together first. Find your maiden."

Ma Yunteng turned into a clone and followed Xueyuan Chengzi to leave, while he was out of his body and continued to stay here to receive some forcibly injected pictures.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be...

He thought that he had completely forgotten the second life.

Now that he saw the sporadic pictures, he suddenly remembered it again.

Oh, although his second generation has always been called Ma Chongha, he actually had the name Yunteng at the beginning.


in the kiln.

Dozens of cars came in and out, the wheels of the cars turned fast, and the shadows of the cars were crazy and fast.

"Dance King, your pulling speed... is just... a wild horse!"

"It's like running for one's life... It's like fighting for fire on the battlefield! Our Dafeng country's military supply vehicle... is not as fierce as you, right?"

"You're doing it so hard, calling us big to live?"

The middle-aged man, who was chasing after him, seemed to have reached the limit of exercise at this time, panting heavily, his dusty face seemed to be scalded by a soldering iron, turning red in the black.

"My old life is about to die... I only pulled 26 cars, but you have already... pulled 38 cars!"

"I am a veteran of pulling cars..."

"...Also willing to bow down!"

He wasn't stuttering, it was just that he was gasping for breath and was out of breath, and his voice was a little unstable.

The erratic ghostly resentment, with some vibrato.

It's a bit like having a fight with a goblin in a kiln on a lonely night, and your vitality has been emptied.

Fortunately, in the ears of others, it is still coherent, and most people do not deliberately think about it.

Wan Xiaoer, known as the "King of Breakdancing", slowed down because he was pulling bricks for the last time, and replied calmly, "Are you blind? Didn't you see a more desperate boy in front of me? He Pulled 41 cars!"

Just now, his voice was unsteady, and the man in his late thirties with a suspicious vibrato finally caught up.

The two wooden flatbed trucks marched hand in hand, and this time his breath was much calmer.

"That new temporary worker? I don't remember his name, how can I compare with you? It's only the next day to pull bricks. After he has given full play to his youthful passion these two days, he will definitely be shriveled tomorrow. Well..."

When Wan Xiaoer heard this, a few thin ripples suddenly appeared on his calm face, and he smiled slightly: "Whether it will be shrivelled tomorrow, it has yet to be identified, but according to my identification - you are not young. The body must be...the passion of youth has been swayed."

The brick-pulling guy in his late thirties actually copied the original words of an online novel he was reading recently, and he didn't understand the hidden connotation at all.

He asked blankly, "Is there a hidden connotation in your words? What do you mean? You have read a little book, and you insist on showing ink in front of our group of old, rough and semi-literate people.

"Playing the qin to the ox?" Wan Xiaoer couldn't hold back, and burst into laughter, "I really didn't see it, you always use idioms indiscriminately, but I didn't expect there to be a lot of ink in your stomach! The idiom of playing the qin to the ox is wonderful!

Wan Xiaoer's voice just fell, when the dozens of brick-pulling migrant workers who were surrounded by them one after another heard a burst of laughter that didn't know the so-called follower of the trend.

Maybe it's because of the deep connotation of the content of the words, and maybe it's because of the amusing effect of their unique voices.

Wan Xiaoer, a straight steel man with a clear and suave appearance in Yushu Linfeng, and the childish voice of a girl who is too discordant in his mouth probably accounts for half of the elements that induce laughter.

In the red brick kiln, the fired red bricks have already been pulled, but there is still a lot of work in the brick factory to pull rough adobe bricks.All the migrant workers pulling red bricks are resting on the kiln corridor outside the brick kiln, which is shaded by the kiln eaves, waiting for the team leader to arrange the work of pulling rough adobe bricks.

The floor of the kiln corridor is a soil floor, and the dust on the ground is mostly black and gray, mixed with other dull colors.

Dozens of people are resting at will, or sitting directly on the ground, or half-squatting, or sitting on the crossbar in front of the flatbed...

Among the migrant workers, several loud voices came one after another.

"Break dance king! Come on!"

"hurry up!"

"I started the live broadcast, and the live broadcast room was instantly full, don't wait any longer!"

Copy the guy!
Put up a battle!
The few migrant workers who claim to be a professional live broadcast team are indeed very dedicated. They were exposed to the scorching sun and dust. After pulling the bricks, they were all wet and dirty.

Dozens of people followed suit.

The Internet celebrity "Brick King of Break Dance" Wan Xiaoer, without saying a word, stood up from the crossbar of the trolley and walked directly to the best place for the shooting and framing of the guy who started the live broadcast and stopped.

Break dance performance, show is show.

The super explosive power is seamlessly connected with the strength of the dance that combines rigidity and softness. A large number of fast footsteps with hands on the ground, various inverted freeze-frame movements, and incredible difficult rotations on the ground or in the air all have unparalleled impact. sense.

Most of the migrant workers at the scene were calm, and they were accustomed to Wan Xiaoer's impromptu performances, so they were not surprised.

But the live broadcast room immediately boiled!

"Wow! The King of Breakdance Bricks is broadcasting live at the Brick Factory again!"

"How handsome!"

"Just like Jackson!"


"Dance so well!"

"Why do I keep learning and can't learn Nirvana?"

"Cattle fork!"

"Worship the boss!"



"Beside the king of breakdance, the handsome guy sitting on the crossbar of the scooter is so eye-catching!"

"Huh? You paid attention to him too! Who is that little brother? What a goddess!"

"The dance king deliberately looked at him a lot. According to my observation, the dance king's eyes hide deep affection. Could it be the dance king's true love?"

" that him? He has such a temperament! Besides, his face is clean, and he looks different at first sight. Is he a star who came to learn breakdance?"

"The new traffic male god?"

"Could it be which Internet celebrity little brother?"

"(⊙o⊙) Wow... This beauty, this temperament, is simply against the sky!"

"Are you talking about the handsome guy next to the Brick King?"

"Yes! It's him!"

"He is the most perfect dream male god in my mind!"


As time goes by, in the live broadcast room of the King of Breakdance Bricks, the screen is frantically swiped, wave after wave.

Ma Chongha, who has already pulled 41 carts of red bricks, seems to be concentrating on watching the performance of the breakdance king Wan Xiaoer next to him.

At this time, his appearance was extremely calm and calm.

In fact, his heart was extremely excited.

At this moment, the light curtain mute reminder of the soaring leek value is constantly coming in his mind.

If he doesn't dislike the constant noise harassment in his mind, he can have "ding!"

There can also be "when..."

However, he ultimately chose to mute the prompts.

Leek value +300 points!
Leek value +2000 points!
Leek value +5000 points!
Leek value +8000 points!
Leek value +1 points!

Leek value + 2 points

Leek value +10 points!

Grass!It's crazy!
Leek grass, this plant—

Also known as sun grass, aphrodisiac, this grass... This plant is really crazy!
I really can't believe that he harvested 10 leeks so easily!
The "Leek Harvesting Technique" that he cultivated can quickly refine the [-] points of leeks into the martial spirit that this martial artist world needs.

His disciple Cheng Ziruo really didn't fool him!
Before her death in her previous life, the newly created martial arts secret "Leek Harvesting Technique" based on the latest market conditions is really super practical!



Cheng Ziruo, nicknamed "Orange", deserves to be the most talented apprentice in his previous life, she is really a leader who is better than blue!
In contrast, those martial arts secrets he created by himself are really rubbish.

"Orange! Are you awake?"

Ma Yunteng patted a sweet orange he carried in his pocket, letting the aroma of the sweet orange permeate his body, and called "orange" three times in a row, but no one responded.

In the previous life, as long as he took out a sweet orange for a little temptation, she was sure to appear like a ghost.

It seems that oranges can really only appear at night, and even the seductive scent of sweet oranges, which she loves to eat, has not been able to seduce her to show up, oh, it's a sound.

Perhaps, he accidentally accepted her as a disciple in his previous life because she liked oranges.

Because, a female immortal who he has longed for for a long time but has no fate, also likes to eat oranges.

The remnant soul that she miraculously survived is so weak that even phantoms cannot be condensed. They can only make a sound for two hours in the middle of the night when the yin is at their peak, and the rest of the time is dormant in his soul consciousness. Nurturing the soul.

Xiaochengzi shouldn't be able to witness the miracle of his crazy soaring Martial Realm this time, and he can't share this surprise with her for the time being. He can only thank her at night.

He was reborn in the body of a 17-year-old high school student from a poor family.

The family is poor, and it doesn't matter. At most, there is a lack of martial arts resources and a low level of martial arts. This is not a problem.

That night, Orange suddenly appeared, and her "Leek Harvesting Technique" made him rekindle his ambition again.

Practice has proved that Chengzi's strategy of "relying on his own appearance to gain the popularity of breakdance brick kings and gain fans' attention and leek value" is really reliable!
(End of this chapter)

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