the first god

Chapter 4 Master!I'm still hungry...

Chapter 4 Master!I'm still hungry...

"Master! I'm still hungry..."

Hearing this magic voice in a soft and cute skin, Ma Yunteng trembled in his heart, and he no longer dared to bite in his heart.

Because, this magic sound has been around in Ma Yunteng's mind for a long time and cannot be dissipated...

Kongmeng echoes continuously in my mind: "Sect Master! I'm still hungry..."

"Well, this is a big deal, how can I do it?" Ma Yunteng sighed and said indifferently.

In fact, Ma Yunteng was gritting his teeth and secretly thinking: Am I really hungry?You don't know how many big oranges you have eaten, and you have eaten two so big black sparrows on your back, and you still have the face to cry aggrievedly and hungry in front of a sect master who is about to faint from hunger... The sect master just endured starvation and gave you such a sumptuous feast of the whole bird, but you were merciless, and all of them were wiped out... How can you bear it!

The petite and exquisite super big stomach king - Orange Fairy, seems to have seen through Ma Yunteng's inner monologue long ago. A crow who is alive and fragrant but can't jump around.

Chengzi Xian'e had a look of strategizing and winning the battle thousands of miles away, and smiled proudly: "Fortunately, I also emptied the sect's Ten Thousand Beast Garden, I am too witty!"

Zongmen's Ten Thousand Beast Garden... is also... evacuated?

As the fifth-generation head of Tianyuan Sect, although I don't know how many species of immortal beasts are in the Ten Thousand Beast Garden, the general situation is still a bit. .

This little Xian'e is emotionally the housekeeper of the sect!She is a housekeeper who is not inferior to the charter wife!

The Immortal Domain space that can hold all the immortal birds and beasts of the entire Tianyuan Sect should be of the Heavenly Rank or above.

Ma Yunteng stared at the five black bird beasts, and Yun Danfeng gently wiped off the saliva that flowed out from his lips again unconsciously.

Then, Yun Danfeng praised softly: "Well, you are indeed too witty..."

"Unfortunately, my teacher is about to faint from hunger. I'm afraid I don't have the energy to give you a whole bird feast..."

"Master, this is for you to eat!"

In Ma Yunteng's hands, a big orange suddenly appeared miraculously.

What a big orange!
If you can't hold it with one hand, you have to hold it with both hands.

Ma Yunteng gently wiped his saliva again.

Immediately, at the speed of a hungry tiger, he used his spiritual power to cut the big orange... into four pieces.

Cut big oranges!Eat big oranges!
The big orange with the skin off to reveal the flesh is really tempting!
The flesh is plump and moist, the color is delicate and pure, the juice is sweet and fragrant, and the aura is overflowing.

As a result, Ma Yunteng broke the fastest eating speed record in his ninth life.

Of course, he still maintains the most elegant appearance. After eating, his whole body is clean, and there is a drop of orange juice left on the corner of his mouth, which is also very cute, naughty, and charming.

At least, Chengzi Xiaoxian'e was in a daze for a while.

At this time, Ma Yunteng's mind once again appeared out of thin air with a mute prompt:

[Orange Fairy] Wool 10 points!
Total value: [119 points]

The progress bar of the primary task [Open the Realm of the Gods]:


The primary mission points have not been reached yet!

Congratulations to God - Roll up your sleeves and cheer!

The prompt slipped away quietly, but did not take away a cloud.

It was just a small ripple in Ma Yunteng's heart.

Ma Yunteng was stagnant, so this is also called wool?

This 10-point value, isn't it really that the system came here to mock the evidence he left behind?
These 10 points are hard to come by!
It is too precious, and he should cherish it.

Chengzi Xiaoxian'e blinked and returned to her senses. She was really shocked by the fast eating speed of the Sect Master. She felt that the Sect Master might be really hungry and she had to take care of it carefully.

So, she said very thoughtfully: "Master, you eat a big orange first, you won't faint from hunger! Don't worry! These five black sparrows are ready, I'll save you a small half, you can Don't be too polite, you really don't have to save it all for me..."

Hehe, you actually left me half of them, this little fairy is really too caring.

Ma Yunteng looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

The weather is so nice today, the sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, the breeze is so soft, and he is in a really happy mood.

Maybe Ma Yunteng, who doesn't have to travel thousands of miles a day and only focus on cultivating or studying food all day, really can't eat half a black bird, but at this time he has eaten three or five black birds, and there is no problem at all.

With a loving and approving smile, Ma Yunteng said, "Thank you!"

The first time it was fresh, and the second time it was cooked, Ma Yunteng used those kitchen utensils this time, and he was very handy, the cooking speed was much faster, and the color, aroma and aroma of Quanque Banquet were even better.

However, Ma Yunteng's cooking process this time has one more process, which is to try it himself.

Ma Yunteng tried to eat while cooking, and said from time to time:

"Oh, I made five black sparrows at once this time. There are a lot of ingredients. I have to try them to make sure that every food is unparalleled and delicious."

"Sure enough, there are too many ingredients, the taste is too strange, failure failed..."

"Huh? This Orleans Roasted Sparrow Wing is not cooked yet..."

"Well, the salty and bland fried chicken is not suitable, and I need to put more immortal salt..."

"This roasted bird's leg seems too unpalatable... Oh, the immortal grade pepper is too little, and the heat is not enough..."


Orange looked anxiously at all kinds of food that had not yet been cooked, and the rapid reduction at a miraculous speed visible to the naked eye made him a little worried.

Sect Master, if you eat so many unripe and bad-tasting black sparrows, will you have a stomachache?
The elder sister said that she is the head's caring little padded jacket, and she must take good care of the head master.

"Master, let me try it for you!"

Ma Yunteng hiccupped secretly, with a loving, generous, approving face, and said with a smile: "My teacher already knows your thoughts, you are really a good and sincere girl, and my teacher can't let you eat these. Terrible food. Don't worry, delicious food will be ready soon!"

Orange's eyes were full of joy, and her glowing lips seemed even more rosy. She jumped and said, "Really? Great! I'm drooling."

Another moment passed.

Cheng Zi was lying on her back, almost falling asleep, and dazedly heard the very nice celadon voice of her head master: "This plate of dragons, whiskers and phoenix palms is ready!"

Orange's sleepy worm has long since disappeared with the wind, jumping three feet high.

"Anything to eat?"

"Well! The newly created dragon beard and phoenix palm for the teacher!"

Orange stared at the small plate of food in front of him in a daze.

It is really very small and compact, about the size of her palm.

On closer inspection, the small saucer might be smaller than her palm.

"What is this? Stir-fried soybeans with bean sprouts?"

 Originally, the contract could be mailed when I was walking tonight, but I changed it to mailing the contract tomorrow... Those who invest in wool should hurry up (#^.^#)
(End of this chapter)

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