the first god

Chapter 3 The Devil who Occupied Tianyuan Xianshan

Chapter 3 The Devil who Occupied Tianyuan Xianshan
Ma Yunteng combined with the looming memory of clouds and fog in his mind, after some analysis and pondering, he came to the conclusion that it was purely a wrong account of confusion.

To put it simply, it means that people sit at home and lie down with guns without incident.

Canghai Nujun is recognized as the number one beauty immortal in the Myriad Souls and Immortals from all over the world. She has occupied the top spot on the list of beauty immortals for several years, and her admirers and followers claim to be able to fill several galaxies.

Somehow, Lady Canghai has a unique affection for Immortal Yunteng, who has only three-way relationship, and she has publicly confessed several times that her favorite Taoist companion is Immortal Yunteng, and she is not married.

The [-]nd place on the Beauty Immortal Ranking [-] Years Ranking Autumn Shui Lady, has always been at odds with Lady Canghai. In order to dazzle Lady Canghai, she made the first move, fearing criticism, and led [-] disciples to move to the cliff where the head of Tianyuan Xianshan lived in Tianyuanmen. The peak stayed for a long time.

Yunteng Xianjun, the deity of the head of Tianyuan Sect, because of his reputation, he repeatedly persuaded to send off Qiushui Nvjun and his three thousand female disciples to his sect. Stay at the foot of Tianyuan Xianshan Mountain to avoid suspicion.

However, people's words are terrible, and rumors become a tiger.

All kinds of peach-colored absurd rumors, more and more prosperous, enduring.

As a result, the flower-guarding army, who doted on Mu Canghai and Qiushui, formed a two-way army of killing horses and formed a wartime alliance.

Poor Yunteng Xianjun, the unlucky horse, after showing off his cooking skills, a good table of dishes was disturbed by the army of killing horses before he could move his chopsticks.

Canghai's father, Wuya Xianjun, and Qiushui's elder brother, Wujiao Xianjun, are the leading brothers of these two horse-killing troops.

Yunteng Xianjun is a rookie head, and his fighting strength is slightly inferior to the two elders.

However, killing the horse army, they were murderous all the way, and they chased after them.

Ma Yunteng was really hungry, and he felt more and more hungry.

He is so hungry!

In order to have a quiet meal, he plans to use magic to detect the enemy's situation first.

"Clearly inspecting Qiuhao! Telescope!"

Strange, there are no chasing troops for thousands of miles?

So, Ma Yunteng expanded the search range again.

"Clearly inspecting Qiuhao! Wanli Mirror!"

Strange, there are no chasing troops in a radius of ten thousand miles?
Ma Yunteng did not doubt that there was a problem with his spell itself, because "Ming Cha Qiu Hao" was an immortal spell, and everything in the light mirror could be seen clearly, not invisible.

Moreover, "Ming Cha Qiu Hao" can break the blindness of the nine-rank immortals. The Wuya Immortals and Wujiao Immortals are only eighth-rank immortals. Even if they use the blinding method to hide their bodies, they will show up, and the rest of the immortals will appear. Immortals are not to mention.

What's more, when they chased and killed, they were already aggressive, and they never thought of deliberately hiding their figure.

Could it be that this master and apprentice are both soldiers and trees, frightening themselves and making an oolong?
Should be unlikely.

Ma Yunteng had to change to a higher-level spell and try again.

"Shadowless Tracking Lock! Wuya Xianjun!"

This is a higher-level celestial spell than an immortal spell, and even a tenth-grade Great Perfection Immortal Monarch who has been able to soar can lock its specific location.

This time, Shadowless Tracking Lock finally responded.

This is kind of weird!

Immortal Monarch Wuya is actually [-] miles away from him!
Moreover, the tracking lock showed that Xianjun Wuya was running at a high speed in the opposite direction to him.

How is this going?

Could it be that something big has happened somewhere?
"Shadowless Tracking Lock! Hornless Immortal!"

This is even more strange!
The Hornless Immortal Monarch is also [-] miles away from him!
Moreover, the tracking lock showed that Immortal Monarch Wujiao was also rushing in the opposite direction to him.

Very coincidentally, Immortal Monarch Wuya and Immortal Monarch Wujiao are in the same place!
what on earth is it?

Could it be that something really happened somewhere?
Or, these two eighth-rank old immortals are both lunatics, and then, with the group of pursuers, they continue to chase and kill him...

The opposite is true!

It turned out to be "the opposite of the south"!
Unexpectedly, the original Ma Yunteng really had two strokes. With the rank of a sixth-rank immortal, he actually comprehended the domain spells that only a ninth-rank and tenth-rank immortal could understand.

This "separate from the south" is the same as "clearly inspecting Qiuhao", both of which are domain-based immortal spells.

This Ma Yunteng is indeed a cultivation genius, and his cultivation talent is much stronger than his first life.

Sure enough, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and one generation is stronger than the next.

No, today's Myriad Spirits and Immortal Realm has obviously gradually moved towards a low point, and one generation is not as good as one generation.

It should be said that this person is a special case, he is more focused on cultivation than others, and the things he pays attention to are even rarer.

He only studies cultivation and cooking, so he can concentrate on it, and can quickly indulge in it, reaching the state of unity between art and me, and thus comprehend more esoteric and high-level spells.

Now that he is here, I will do something for him to thank the virtue of the flesh.

As for the soul of the original body that was reborn in another world because of the use of "south and opposite", it depends on his own fortune. Maybe there is a new opportunity waiting for him, but I hope this person can learn a little while studying hard. world affairs.

Ma Yunteng's attention returned to those aura-filled and dazzling kitchenware and seasonings.

Not to mention, his hands are really itchy!

Since the chasing soldiers haven't come after him for the time being, he can just take time off to do some personal hobbies.

Ma Yunteng's last career was an Internet celebrity chef broadcaster.

At first, he was just curious about cooking, but then he became more and more interested and became addicted.

Like the original Ma Yunteng, he is also obsessed with cooking.

Ma Yunteng looked at Xiao Xian'e who was cheering but stood by, and couldn't help asking, "Aren't you going to help me?"

Unexpectedly, Chengzi Xian'e showed a surprised look, and seemed a little unbelievable.

"Master, how dare you ask me for help?"

"What? Are you a cannibal tigress?"

Orange quickly waved his hand, revealing a hint of shyness.

"No, no, no! I just burned down the sect's kitchen five times, scrapped ten sets of immortal-grade kitchen utensils, and then destroyed your five god-grade outer robes, five god-grade middle robes... and five god-grade robes... It's just a robe..."

After he finished speaking, the orange blushed slightly, feeling a little uneasy about his extravagant behavior.

As for the matter of destroying the sect master's middle robe and inner robe, the one who was shy and uneasy should be the sect master himself.

Ma Yunteng waved his sleeves, he did not intend to use practice to test the truth of Xiao Xian'e's words.

If it is true, he really has no clothes to change, so he can't wait to confront her sincerely at this time, the timing is not right.

Besides, it's really not suitable for each other to be different genders... Even if they are the same gender, it's not very suitable, it's indecent.

Although Ma Yunteng was not familiar with the use of the new kitchen utensils, he quickly got started with Xiao Xian'e's guidance.

His cooking skills are as good as ever.

It didn't take long for the fragrant and tempting Quanque Banquet to be freshly released one after another.

Crispy and soft!
Roasted bird body, roasted bird wings, roasted bird legs, fried bird cubes, fried bird miscellaneous...

These fairy products were delicious, and before Ma Yunteng could taste them, they disappeared as quickly and strangely as the wind swirled in the clouds.

Yes, two giant black sparrows, not a single bit left, all went into Orange's small and delicate red lips.

Those small, rosy lips glowed with a seductive radiance after being moisturised.

Ma Yunteng pursed his lips and stared at Cheng Zixian'e's red lips for 38 seconds without saying a word.

Don't ask him how he knew it was 38 seconds, he was really hungry, he gritted his teeth, and bit the target he was staring at for 38 bites in his heart.

Why not 39 seconds, or 380 seconds?
Because, after he took 38 bites in his head, he heard a soft and soft magic voice: "Master! I'm still hungry..."

 I would like to recommend to you a friend's ancient work - "The Rebirth of a Noble Girl is Blessed", it has 50 words, with black-bellied strategies and sweet dog food.Please support a wave of friends, and if you like it, you can work hard to gain weight!You are also welcome to Amway to the girls around you.The female frequency ticket in your hand can raise your hand to cast it.One sentence brief introduction: The Marquis of Wuling, who is known as the first son, recalls the history of chasing his wife, and his heart is bitter!But I feel that the life of this wife and slave is a little sweet...


(End of this chapter)

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