the first god

Chapter 414 Admiration

Chapter 414 Admiration
Ma Yunteng couldn't figure out why he should be so impassioned after pouring out the stuff in his belly several times, and he was not only impressed.I chose a position on the side of Zhao Qian, and far away from him, so that he would not see himself all of a sudden, be out of sight, out of mind, out of ear, and out of mind.

After a while, Wei Tianxiang and his wife walked in quickly. They were dressed lightly and had smiles on their faces.

"Zhao Qian's selfless show off, I don't think anyone will be able to see who is coming, and I'm afraid he will make a fool of himself in front of the uncle." Ma Yunteng thought while leaning forward to take a look at Zhao Qian, but his jaw almost fell off. Zhao Qian was sitting upright, With a calm face and a level gaze, he was extraordinarily quiet compared to the brothers who were still whispering to each other, and Ma Yunteng couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Aunt Wei's name is Shi Yunfei, and she is called Shi Fenghuang in the practice circle. Her cultivation base has reached the fifth stage of imperial gods. Because the couple often go in and out together, Wei Tianxiang is also called Fengwu Tianxiang because his wife is often by his side. Very satisfied with this title.The couple have a son and a daughter, the son's name is Wei Shi, and the daughter's name is Wei Yun.Wei Shi is the same age as Ma Yunteng, slightly younger.Wei Yun is eight years old this year, and Ma Yunteng is two years old.

The dishes came out quickly. The Tianling School does not avoid meat and vegetables, but it is not luxurious. Wei Tianxiang waved his hand, and everyone began to eat. Practitioners do not need to eat after they have reached the fourth stage of alchemy, but the Tianling School has always had The habit of eating together, the meal process was very quiet, Ma Yunteng found that the second uncle Suo Yun Feisuo was not there, and Uncle Wei seemed to be very happy, probably something should be announced after the meal.

After the meal, the tea was served, and the atmosphere in the dining room became more relaxed.

"Ma'am, are you going to talk about this or me?" Wei Tianxiang took a sip of tea and looked at his wife next to him with a smile.

"Tianxiang, it's better for you." Shi Fenghuang had a gentle smile on his face, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.At this time, all the disciples present below looked at the master in unison, with more or less expectation in their eyes.

Wei Tianxiang coughed lightly, stood up slowly, and slowly glanced at the disciples of the Tianling sect present, with a smile slowly appearing on his face.

"My fellow disciples, Tianquexing... is coming again!"

All the disciples of the Tianling Sect present were stunned at first, but then it was as if a pot exploded. Almost all of them were excited and chatting with each other fiercely. Only Ma Yunteng and some new disciples looked around dumbfounded. , with a puzzled look.

At this time, Zhao Qian opened his mouth the most, his mind was full of doubts, and he kept asking the brothers who were discussing around him persistently, but no one cared about him.

Wei Tianxiang chuckled, and pressed down his hand, asking everyone to be quiet.

"It is said that 60 years have passed since the last time Tianquexing came. This time it suddenly appeared in the sky. I was fortunate to be discovered by Junior Brother Suo. Junior Brother Suo has already reported to other friendly sects. I believe he will come back soon. The absence comes very early, and we can make sufficient preparations, because the opportunity is so rare..."

Wei Tianxiang paused, smiled and looked around the disciples again.

"We have decided to use the Tiansuo, the immortal weapon of our faction, to take everyone to observe Tianquexing up close!"

Immediately, the pot was exploded again, and the whole dining room was full of voices, only Ma Yunteng, Zhao Qian, Wei Shi, Wei Yun and other juniors looked at everyone blankly.
After the meal, all the disciples of Tianling walked out of the dining room one after another, and the heated discussion did not mean to stop. Ma Yunteng was at a loss in his heart. When he went out, he happened to meet Zhao Qian who was even more at a loss than him.

"Brother Zhao, what is Tianquexing?" Ma Yunteng asked casually.

"This..., I'll tell you later, brother, I need to make it easier for me first, and then I walked out quickly." Zhao Qian's small face flushed red, and there were very few squeaks when he spoke.

Ma Yunteng didn't realize it was a little funny, and watched Zhao Qian's back disappear quickly in a daze.Since Zhao Qian started, it was the first time that someone took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, but he avoided it.

Turning around, I saw Wei Shi and Wei Yun pestering the elder brother, don't ask, it must be about the matter of Tian Que Xing, asking this and that, the strong curiosity made Ma Yunteng rarely take the initiative to join him.

Four or five young disciples of Tianling, including Ma Yunteng, Wei Shi, and Wei Yun, surrounded the senior brother and came to the northwest corner of the backyard under a big tree.Wei Yun is the youngest, so he can't wait to keep urging her on the road, and her little mouth is not idle. The big brother just strokes her little head, and doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

Eldest senior brother is very strong, he looks taller than Uncle Wei, with a light beard, strong from the bones, bronze-colored skin, very healthy, practitioners can treat their bodies when they enter the third layer of rebirth After undergoing a certain transformation, it is also called the rejuvenation period, which means reborn. The senior brother has always liked the tough shape, especially when his master Wei Tianxiang gave him one of the rare magic weapons of the Tianling School, after the Julan Sword. , which complements him even more.

The elder brother practiced the fire-attributed exercises, and most of the disciples of the Tianling Sect also practiced this kind of exercises. The reason is very simple, because Wei Tianxiang and his wife practiced the fire-attributed exercises, so they had a choice when accepting disciples. This is understandable, because after long-term immersion in this way, the understanding and understanding of fire-nature exercises must be higher than other exercises.

But Tianling is not all fire-type exercises. A school should be full of flowers. If the whole school has the same attribute, it is quite scary. Tianling has all kinds of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Most of them are fire-type, and wood-type Secondly, Wei Tianxiang's younger brother Suo Yunfei is a wood-type skill.The third senior sister, Liu Yan, also practiced the wood system and was Suo Yunfei's apprentice.

Everyone flocked to the northwest foot of the front yard and sat down on the stone bench. The younger brothers and sisters gathered around and stared eagerly at the senior brother. The name of the senior senior brother was Li Guiqing. Embracing the little juniors on both sides.

"Brothers, do you know what Tianquexing is?" The senior brother sorted out his thoughts, looked at everyone and asked with a smile.

"It's a star!" Wei Shi hurriedly said, Li Guiqing not only couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, it is a star, more accurately it should be a huge star rock, this star rock will fly to us every few years."

Hearing that Tian Que was indeed a huge star rock flying in the dark sky, Ma Yunteng and other juniors were silent for a while, but their eyes were full of strange light.

"How many years does Tianque happen? Is it 60 years as my father said?" Wei Yun's eyes widened, his eyes flashed, and his two hands were firmly grasping the sleeves of the elder brother, as if he was afraid that he would run away.The elder brother smiled and patted Wei Yun's head, then shook his head lightly.

"How many years does Tianquexing come once? Actually, there is no fixed number of years. This time it is 60 years. Sometimes it reaches 60 years. Sometimes it will come back every five or six years. [-] years is already considered a long time."

Seeing that all the juniors were still looking at him intently, Li Guiqing continued to explain.

"Tianquexing always appears suddenly from one end of the sky, passes by us at a very short distance, and then flies to the distance. The strange thing is that after flying for a while, Tianquexing suddenly disappears and is never found again. , and then I don’t know how many years later, it suddenly appeared from the other side of the sky again. Why this is so, in fact, everyone does not understand, some senior experts in the practice world explained that the sudden disappearance and sudden appearance are due to the sudden illusion of time and space changes, but these very mysterious things are beyond our comprehension.”

The young disciples of the Tianling Sect obviously don't understand what is the illusion of time and space, and they are all dizzy when they hear it.

Ma Yunteng pursed his lips and looked around secretly. Seeing that no one was talking, he plucked up his courage and asked softly: "Elder brother...why is everyone so happy when the sky is short of stars? Is there any benefit?"

All the people looked at Li Guiqing again.

"The realm of a practitioner is very important. A natural spectacle like this, a wonder that surpasses the heavens and the earth, is of great benefit to broadening the horizon and knowledge of the practitioner." At this point, the elder brother raised his eyebrows, as if he was thinking about something , There was a flash of light in his eyes, and then he said slowly.

"The road to practice is long and difficult, and the further you go, the more difficult it becomes. It is often difficult to make a breakthrough when you go to a high place. It is said that thousands of years ago, there was also a time when the sky was short of stars. There was a senior who was in the eighth stage of spiritual silence. After practicing for hundreds of years, I still haven't seen the slightest breakthrough. After witnessing the arrival of Tianquexing that day, I quietly left, and suddenly reappeared after ten years of disappearance. According to legend, he was enlightened when he watched Tian Qu Xing, and quickly found a place inaccessible, retreated and practiced, and finally achieved the Dao."

The elder brother's tone seemed to be declarative, but also seemed to be talking to himself, and the expression of leisurely fascination was all written on his face.

"Really?" Wei Yun's small face became even more excited, and he continued to question heartlessly, but brought the original brother's wandering thinking back to reality.

Li Guiqing collected himself, chuckled, and continued.

"Since then, the practice community has believed that the magical star Tian Que Xing can give practitioners some insights, and then achieve self-breakthrough. This is the main reason why the practice community is so interested in this small star stone .”

The young disciples of the Tianling Sect seemed to understand, but they all nodded their heads as if they understood.

"Because the time and location of Tianquexing's appearance is uncertain, it is difficult to notice its appearance. Generally, it takes less than three days for Tianquexing to fly past us. I can see him, but I can no longer observe him at a close distance, and it also loses the meaning of observing him." Having said this, Li Guiqing became visibly excited.

"Because Uncle Suo discovered it by accident when Tianquexing first appeared, this opportunity is very rare. I have to say that our Tianling faction is really lucky this time, so Master made up his mind to use the suppression It is really our blessing to send the immortal Tissot to take everyone to watch it up close."

Hearing this, Ma Yunteng was thoughtful. Could it be that the sunset that appeared for no reason in the past two days was due to the lack of stars in the sky and the abnormal weather changes?Thinking of the senior who was promoted due to the lack of heaven, Ma Yunteng felt fascinated for a while, and then felt sad for a while.

Seeing that the other Tianling boys were still surrounding the elder brother asking this and that, and the elder brother obviously couldn't answer much new things anymore, Ma Yunteng walked away silently and walked towards his hut.On the way, I saw other Tianling disciples gathered together to discuss enthusiastically, and Zhao Qian was among them, and the expression on his face was extremely rich, as if he had been completely immersed in fantasy, fascinated.

Back in his hut, he took off his shoes, and lay down on the bunk with his clothes on. Ma Yunteng was still a little excited, and he became more and more fascinated by the senior who had ascended. On the contrary, he breathed heavily, closed his eyes, looked inside for a moment, drew a circle with his hands on his chest, and slowly raised his right index finger, only to see a slight breeze blowing from the top of the index finger.

Ma Yunteng sighed his hands, relaxed his hands, and remained silent. A fellow disciple who practiced water-type exercises with Ma Yunteng could already blow a gust of wind when he raised his hand. Although it was not very powerful, but with this finger Compared with a thin wind, it is indeed too strong.And this wisp of wind is already the most successful technique he has practiced among the five elements.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang..."

Ma Yunteng was thinking wildly when suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door. Before Ma Yunteng could answer, the door was pushed open a foot wide, and then a small head poked in from outside the door, it was not Zhao Qian.

When Ma Yunteng saw him, his head grew big, and he hurriedly sat up on the bed. Zhao Qian squeezed in through the one-foot-wide door, his face flushed with excitement written all over his face, looking at Ma Yun. Teng's eyes were even brighter, but Ma Yunteng seemed to be a thief.

"Eldest brother told me about the lack of stars." Ma Yunteng pushed his right hand forward, trying to block his small mouth that was about to spit out stars, but obviously he overestimated himself His ability also underestimated Zhao Qian's determination.

Zhao Qian directly ignored what Ma Yunteng wanted to express, and walked quickly to the bed. Before Ma Yunteng agreed, he blew again and again, listening to the meaning, and comparing the sky with stars He was still familiar with Ma Yunteng, and while he was blowing, he looked at Ma Yunteng with his eyes. Seeing the other party's expression was unmoved, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, then stopped talking, rolled his eyes, and his small face showed a mysterious look.

"Yun Teng, do you know the name of that ascended immortal? Which sect is it from?"

Ma Yunteng didn't hear the big brother say this, and his interest immediately came, and he lifted his spirits, and looked at Zhao Qian with a flash of eagerness in his eyes.The little guy enjoyed this kind of gaze very much. In fact, he didn't know these things, but seeing that Ma Yunteng was not interested, he always felt that he was not satisfied. The purpose of showing off was obviously not achieved, so he opened his posture and began to prepare nonsense.

"Bang... bang..."

There was a sudden knock on the door, and the two children were stunned. Ma Yunteng quickly got out of bed and stepped forward to open the door.

A refined man stood outside the door with a smile on his face. It was Wei Tianxiang, the head of Tianling.

"Uncle, please come in." Ma Yunteng hurriedly invited Wei Tianxiang in, and subconsciously looked back at Zhao Qian.

"I've seen the master." Zhao Qian lowered his hands at this time, with a calm expression, and bowed to say hello. The flow on his face just now disappeared in an instant, and Ma Yunteng looked more and more admirable. .

(End of this chapter)

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