the first god

Chapter 415 Laughing

Chapter 415 Laughing
With a faint smile on Wei Tianxiang's face, he touched Ma Yunteng's head with his hand, and a look of kindness flashed in his eyes.

"Qian'er, I have something to discuss with Fei'er, you go first." Zhao Qian bowed and agreed, and slowly withdrew.

After coming out, Zhao Qian sighed deeply, his heart was scratching his heart, in Ma Yunteng's fiery eyes, he just found some feeling, his heart was itching, suddenly the master came, and he didn't scratch it , every pore in the whole body exudes a feeling of not being addicted. I was depressed, and suddenly remembered the younger brother who was sitting with me at dinner today, and my face suddenly glowed, as if I had found a new goal in life, and I was excited. Chong Chong quickly rushed to the front yard.

Wei Tianxiang looked at Ma Yunteng lovingly, patted his small shoulder, then took his hand and sat down, looked at Ma Yunteng quietly with a smile on his face, and asked in a slightly warm voice:

"Fei'er, how is your practice going recently? Has there been any progress?" Ma Yunteng blushed, with a flash of excitement in his eyes, and nodded vigorously, wanting to talk about his gains and progress during this period.

Wei Tianxiang seemed to have something on his mind tonight, obviously he didn't really care about how he was practicing, he hummed lightly, and then said:

"Fei'er, everyone will observe Tianquexing tomorrow, do you still want to go?" Wei Tianxiang paused for a while, and the smile on Wei Tianxiang's face became a little gentler, "Uncle thinks that you are still young, and the exercises have not yet seen the door. We will fly very high, coupled with the impact of the lack of stars in the sky, you may feel very uncomfortable when you go there, so uncle means."

Wei Tianxiang didn't finish speaking, and looked at Ma Yunteng, but his meaning couldn't be more clear.Hearing this, Ma Yunteng's face turned pale for a while, he lowered his head, and slowly stood up, his fists clenched tightly at some point.

"Uncle, I'm going!" Ma Yunteng's voice was low, but there was a hint of stubbornness in his tone.

Ma Yunteng's determination seems to have surprised Wei Tianxiang.

"I can hold on!" Ma Yunteng raised his head, looked at Wei Tianxiang, his voice was much louder, and his expression became more determined.

Wei Tianxiang opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but seeing Ma Yunteng's stubborn look, a look of pain flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something more, but finally he sighed softly.

"Okay, then you should rest early, tomorrow will be very hard. But uncle believes that Fei'er will be fine." After finishing speaking, he patted Ma Yunteng on the shoulder, gave him a gentle smile, turned and walked out, and gently Gently close the door.

Ma Yunteng stood there quietly and sat down for a long time.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the faint morning light covered the entire Tianling mountain peak. All the disciples of the Tianling faction got up early, finished their morning classes and breakfast, and gathered in front of the Lingxiao Pavilion in the front courtyard of Tianling. During the discussion, the excited expression did not seem to fade after a night of buffering. Wei Tianxiang, his wife and several major disciples waited quietly in Lingxiao Pavilion.

Ma Yunteng also got up very early today. In the front yard that followed everyone, some disciples saw that Ma Yunteng also followed, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes, but most of them did not speak.

Wei Yunzheng was chatting and laughing with Senior Sister Liu Yan, and suddenly turned around and saw Ma Yunteng.The little girl made a big face at him, then turned her head and ignored him, obviously the anger from yesterday hadn't subsided.

Naturally, Ma Yunteng would not take the initiative to touch her, so he quickly found a very remote corner and stood there, so that most people would not be able to see him.Seeing everyone talking and laughing in twos and threes outside Lingxiao Pavilion, a sense of loneliness arises spontaneously in my little heart.

The front yard and the back yard of Tianling are not far apart. They are both located on the mountainside of Tianling Peak, the main peak of Tianling Mountain. The front yard faces south and faces north, surrounded by green pines and cypresses. The mountain is surrounded by white clouds, and the main peak of Tianling Peak stands in the clouds. It looks illusory, and the beauty of heaven and earth is gathered here.

According to Wei Tianxiang, when the Tianling sect was established, the front yard was supposed to be built to the top of Tianling Peak, but for some reason, it was built halfway up the mountain instead. The Tianling sect was built nearly 3000 years ago. As far as Pai is concerned, the foundation is still very shallow.

Ma Yunteng was standing quietly in a secluded corner, thinking silently, when someone patted his shoulder suddenly, he took a closer look, it was the big brother who came out of Lingxiao Pavilion at some time.With a gentle smile on Li Guiqing's face and concern in his eyes, Ma Yunteng suddenly felt warm in his heart.

"Yunteng, the lack of stars is coming, its power will be very strong, and there may be a strong sense of oppression at that time, if you feel unable to support, please stand by my side." Ma Yunteng nodded vigorously.

Seeing Ma Yunteng's seriousness, the senior brother couldn't help laughing, suddenly remembered something, took out a shiny stone from his pocket, the whole body was transparent, and the whole was light blue, and stuffed it into Ma Yunteng's hand.

"This is a gadget I got by chance. It emits colorful lights. What's more amazing is that the time for each rotation of the colorful lights is exactly one day. Now it's morning and it's light blue. With this, it's even in the middle of the night. You only need to look at his color, and you can roughly estimate the time, so let’s play with it.”

Ma Yunteng's youthful heart, holding this thing, he couldn't put it down, and thanked the elder brother again. The elder brother Li Guiqing took a deep look at Ma Yunteng, sighed secretly, and looked up at the sky, obviously waiting for something.

Soon, a green light shot from the sky, and instantly turned into a green dragon descending from the sky. The green dragon was about ten feet long, and its body was emerald green. , and then walked straight to the main hall, turned around, flicked the sleeve of the robe, the green dragon blurred and became smaller, as if it was tucked into the sleeve.

The middle-aged man in gray is Suo Yunfei, the second son of the Tianling School, and the green dragon is Suo Yunfei's magic weapon.Seeing that Suo Yunfei had arrived, Li Guiqing rushed to meet him and walked into the inner hall together.Leaving a group of envious eyes from the juniors.

Now that Suo Yunfei has returned, the time is almost up, and the disciples of Tianling are obviously excited again. As expected, not long after Suo Yunfei entered Tianxiao Pavilion, Wei Tianxiang walked out with everyone.All Tianling disciples looked at Wei Tianxiang quietly, and there was no sound for a while.

Wei Tianxiang looked around at the crowd, cleared his throat, and his expression was rarely serious.

"The coming of Tian Que this time is a very rare opportunity for us practitioners. I discussed it with Junior Brother Suo and agreed that for everyone's future practice, this time I will use the immortal weapon Tiansuo to show you Tian Que up close. , but the closer the distance, the greater the power that Tianquexing will bring to us. Although there is Tiansuo's protection, some parts may still infiltrate. Gather together for protection. As for how much you can comprehend this time, it depends on your own opportunities, aptitude and luck."

In fact, according to Wei Tianxiang's original intention, he did not bring disciples such as Ma Yunteng, Wei Yun, Wei Shi, and Zhao Qian. With the protection of the Tiansuo Immortal Artifact, Wei Tianxiang didn't think there was any big problem. As for what he said just now, it was just a wake-up call, just in case.

"Junior brother, what else do you want to explain?" Wei Tianxiang turned to look at Suo Yunfei.

Suo Yunfei's figure is about the same as Wei Tianxiang's, a scholar's figure, but with a vigorous face and usually dressed in black, the disciples of Tianling are much more afraid of this No. [-] person than Wei Tianxiang.

The disciples are usually not serious about their homework and their progress is slow, so they will often be reprimanded by the second son of Suo. Suo Yunfei has a solid foundation in practice. Like Wei Tianxiang, he has also entered the sixth return to the primitive stage. When he taught his disciples to practice, he did his best and taught him everything, so everyone respected and feared him.But Suo Yunfei never reprimanded Ma Yunteng. After all, the success of Ma Yunteng's cultivation is no longer a matter of whether Ma Yunteng works hard or not, and whether he works hard or not.

Seeing Suo Yunfei shaking his head, Wei Tianxiang turned to look at his wife again, and Shi Fenghuang also shook his head.

Shi Yunfei wore a set of purple clothes today, her skills are high, she looks like 27, but in fact these old guys are hundreds of years old, and their practice has no years. Practitioners can change their appearance and completely reborn. From then on, the appearance of practitioners changes very slowly.

Once the inner alchemy is formed, Suiyue Wuhen is the best term to describe these practitioners.However, if the practitioner cannot break through the seventh level of breaking through the ordinary layer for a long time, after a certain period of time, the practitioner will rapidly age, and eventually die like a lamp going out.Exactly how long this interval is is not fixed. It depends on a person's physique, the skills they practice, or luck. It takes a few hundred years to memorize, and it can reach 3000 to [-] years if you are lucky.But now Wei Tianxiang and Suo Yunfei are in the period of returning to basics.The next level is the breaking stage.But when he will be able to practice to the next level, I'm afraid God doesn't know.

"Do you have any questions?" Wei Tianxiang looked at the disciples, but they were speechless.

"Daddy, can Tiansuo take us to Tianquexing?" Wei Yun's small eyes had been rolling for a long time, and he asked curiously.Wei Tianxiang and his wife, Suo Yunfei and several senior brothers all laughed, but some disciples with low cultivation bases also looked at Wei Tianxiang with the same doubts.

"No, the surrounding environment of Tianquexing is extremely harsh. There are many boulders larger than Tianling Peak surrounding them at high speed. Not only that, but there may be many unknown things in it, which are very dangerous." Wei Tianxiang answered very clearly, with an expression on his face. Very serious.

Hearing this, Wei Yun stuck out his tongue, but Wei Tianxiang ignored her, and then added.

"I believe everyone knows that we practitioners can use flying swords to control thousands of miles, and we can also rely on spirit beasts to soar nine days, but no matter whether it is spirit beasts or Yujian, the height we can fly is limited. When we fly to a certain height, I couldn't fly anymore, it was like running on the spot, as if there was a tearing force pulling us to the ground.

The height of flying is equal to the level of skill. Only those who have broken through the seventh level of breaking the mortal can break free from this bondage. However, there are very few masters who have practiced to such a level, but Tiansuo of this school can rely on his own great magic power , Breaking through this shackles, we have the opportunity that other sects cannot have, and we can observe Tian Que up close. "Speaking of this, Wei Tianxiang's eyes flashed with brilliance. The disciples of Tianling were even more excited.

Next, there are still some trivial matters to be dealt with quickly, opening the protective barriers of Tianling, and leaving a few disciples to guard the house. In his eyes, he could only sigh to himself that he was unlucky.Finally, the preparations were completed, and there were less than 30 people left in front of Lingxiao Pavilion.

Wei Tianxiang waved his hand to let all the disciples give up a large open space. He raised his hand and shot out a ball of silver light. This ball of silver light rotated rapidly and quickly grew in size. It didn't stop until it was about four or five houses in size. It faded away slowly and fell to the ground. All the disciples saw that it was a big disk. The whole disk was bright silver, and there was faint glow flowing in it.The edge is also like a plate, with a small edge standing up all around, and the thickness of the plate is no more than half a palm.

Wei Tianxiang and his wife and Suo Yunfei stepped into Tiansuo first, and all the disciples hurriedly followed in, for fear of being left behind by any accident.Most of the disciples of Tianling know that there is an immortal artifact of the sect, but it is the first time for most of them to see it with their own eyes, so their eyes are full of curiosity, and the disciples of the younger generation have no scruples. , eyes full of excitement and exclamation.

Tissot's tentacles are cold, and there are faint unknown patterns on the disk surface. The color of the pattern is consistent with the base color, so you can't see it if you don't pay attention. There is a sudden flash of splendor in the pattern, which is very magical.

Wei Tianxiang and Suo Yunfei glanced at each other and nodded. The two of them muttered silently on their lips at the same time, and each played a trick to inject mana into the fairy Tiansuo at the same time. A transparent barrier rises from the raised edges, and when it rises to the height of two people, it gathers in the middle, and the whole is like a transparent cover, covering a plate.

The disciples of the Tianling Sect who were standing on the side couldn't help but touch the transparent shell covering the outside. It felt soft and quite elastic. When pushed outward, the shell would bulge outward, but if pushed again, the shell would bulge outward. Not moving anymore, many people tried to feel it for themselves, and Wei Tianxiang didn't stop it. Forcibly suppressing the curiosity of the disciples is harmful to the practice.

The corners of Ma Yunteng's mouth turned up slightly at this time, feeling like small animals locked in a cage, and couldn't help but want to laugh, but at this moment, Zhao Qian suddenly muttered in a non-surprising way.

"I think we are like a plate of leftovers, covered in a plate."

The disciples of the Tianling Sect were stunned, and then roared with laughter. Even Suo Yunfei couldn't help laughing out loud. Zhao Qian looked at everyone proudly. What he enjoys most is the gaze of others, let alone everyone now All looking at him.The little face was flushed with excitement, and the hands and feet didn't know where to put it.

"Everything is ready!" Wei Tianxiang said loudly when everyone's laughter gradually stopped, turning his palms outwards and slowly lifting them up.

(End of this chapter)

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