the first god

Chapter 426

Chapter 426
After pondering for a while, he separated a trace of his consciousness to probe into the jade, but was blocked by a kind of resistance. He calmed down and tried again. His consciousness forcibly probed into the jade, and finally the resistance was loosened, and his consciousness came alive. squeezed in.

Ma Yunteng secretly called Rao Xing, knowing that thanks to his "half-immortal" body, relying on the spiritual power of a half-immortal, he managed to squeeze in.After I went in and checked it, I couldn't help being surprised, happy and afraid. What was recorded in this fairy book was actually a set of cultivation methods in the fairy world, including some fairy formations, making utensils and refining medicine.

Ma Yunteng weighed and weighed again and again, and finally couldn't resist the temptation. He took out a jade stone from the storage ring, and transferred the information to the past through his spiritual consciousness. After recording, he added a few more restrictions on the jade stone. Jumping wildly, I don't know if it is right or wrong to do so.

Tell Xuanlingyu to put the fairy book back to the original place, Xuanlingyu will come back in a while, there is nothing in his hand, believe that there is nothing else in the stone room, call Xuanlingyu to return to the empty space, Ma Yunteng sits on the ground In a daze, I tried to figure out what to do.

In fact, the fairy book is indeed a set of basic cultivation methods in the fairy world. After building Tianque's cultivation cave, Xinfan stayed here for a while to look through the fairy book, but the fairy book is super powerful compared to Xinfan's level. For those who read it, there was not much novelty, so when leaving Tianque, Xinfan just threw the fairy book into the inner cave.

Xinfan is still very confident about the enchantment he placed at the entrance of the cave. With Ma Yunteng's ability as a practitioner, even if he reaches the Guiyuan stage, he will not be able to break it, so he can leave with peace of mind.

It's not that Xinfan is reluctant to show it to his disciples, but the book of immortality must be cultivated by immortals after ascension. It is impossible for ordinary practitioners to cultivate, so it is not mentioned.

Ma Yunteng struggled in his heart for a long time before he calmed down. He guessed in his heart that the book of immortality might be master's cultivation method. The reason why master didn't give it to him must be because he didn't think he could practice the book of immortality, otherwise he would rely on his care and love for him , wishing to give everything to himself, and certainly would not mind letting his lover learn more.

Thinking of this, I feel a little relieved, my master should be happy that I can practice more skills, took out the reprinted fairy book, banned the spiritual consciousness from entering it, and carefully browsed the contents recorded in the fairy book.

The first is a set of cultivation methods. Regarding this, Ma Yunteng still has self-knowledge. What kind of person is the master, who is comparable to the four heavenly kings in the fairy world? The cultivation method of the old man is definitely not something that he can comprehend now. If he forces himself to practice, I am afraid that the old birthday star will hang himself, and his life will be too long.

As for other fairy formation barriers and artifacts, etc., you can comprehend it by yourself. As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your luck, but I believe that there must be more or less gains.

In the days that followed, Ma Yunteng devoted almost all his energy to the fairy book. Although it took a lot of time, the progress was still slow, and he only mastered some very basic things. Although these small space magic circles take a long time and consume a lot of energy, they still enjoy it.

After mastering the arrangement of the small space magic circle, Ma Yunteng can refine the magic weapon for storage by himself. This kind of magic weapon is very useful for practitioners. Unfortunately, due to inherent limitations, practitioners cannot refine it by themselves. Due to sufficient time, the master gave There are quite a lot of refining materials, and no special materials are needed to place the space magic circle, so Ma Yunteng has been working with the refining of storage magic weapons during this period.

In the beginning, only a space of one foot square could be created, and the shape was like the size of the ring left by the master. Gradually, the space could be expanded to two or three feet, but it could not be expanded any more. Ma Yunteng sighed With a deep breath, he knew that it was due to his lack of celestial power, and no matter how hard he tried, it was useless. Looking at the storage ring that his master made for him, there was actually a hundred feet of space inside, and he felt very envious.

I was thinking wildly, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, Ma Yunteng jumped up, patted his head hard, and cursed himself for being stupid, his thinking was unconsciously trapped by the master, his own I don't have enough spiritual power to make Nuo's large storage space into a small ring like Master did, but I can make other shapes of storage treasures. It doesn't have to be the size of a ring, and it's not necessary Only add a space law circle.

After making up his mind, Ma Yunteng made the magic weapon square this time, as big as half a palm, and added several small space magic circles inside. After checking it, the space is tens of feet long, and he is quite satisfied. Then adjust the appearance, remove the sharp corners, and engrave patterns and birds and animals at the same time with Yang engraving. After spending a lot of time, it is finally completed.

Putting the treasure in his hands, Ma Yunteng was quite proud of this half-immortal artifact made of half-spiritual power by looking at himself. The whole treasure is emerald green, like a jade pendant. He named this thing a storage card. He put it in his storage ring casually, and started to make the next one.

This thing is so useful. When I return to Tianling, I want to give one to each person. Anyway, I have plenty of time, and the materials left by Master are enough. I can also take this opportunity to get acquainted with the device.

Then Ma Yunteng fell into the excitement of frantically refining storage cards.

After making dozens of storage cards, it became smoother and smoother, and Ma Yunteng became childish again. The names of the heavenly spirits were engraved on the storage cards made later. Mainly, the sisters and sisters mainly made flowers and plants. They made nearly a hundred of them before they stopped, and all of them were put into the storage room for future distribution.

It took a lot of energy and a lot of time to make the device this time, but it also brought great benefits to Ma Yunteng. When he practiced again, he could obviously feel that his cultivation base had improved a little bit, although he did not break through the third level. Meaning, but the harvest is still very large.

As a result of comprehending the fairy book, he also has a better understanding of the formation method. After sorting out the defective fairy weapons again, Ma Yunteng repaired more than a dozen pieces, but there is nothing he can do about the rest, which is beyond his current level. .Having said that, when he has the corresponding ability, he may not be able to repair these defective artifacts anymore.

During Ma Yunteng's boring practice, Tian Que once again experienced the change of time and space, as if the space folded again and entered a new galaxy.

Standing in the sky above the sky, the gray-blue dark sky, the vast nebula, and the boundless world contain all kinds of fantasies, but Ma Yunteng's eyes are firmly attracted by another thing.

It was a comet about the size of Tian Que. It was white in color as a whole. It seemed to be covered with solid ice. With a long tail behind it, it was actually very close to Tian Que.

The two stars are like accompanying each other, never leaving each other, running crazily.Ma Yunteng was really afraid that the two comets would collide, but fortunately, what he was worried about never happened.

Ma Yunteng has no idea how long the two stars have been flying together, but he only remembers a very long time. Ma Yunteng has experienced a few times of long-term training, and when he looked at the vast dark sky during the training interval, he found that this white star has been in the sky. Tianque is not far away.

On this day, finally unable to hold back the loneliness of practicing, Ma Yunteng had a very bold idea in his mind, to take a stroll on Tianque Companion Star.As soon as this idea popped up, it was no longer possible to suppress it.As a result, Ma Yunteng could no longer calm down to practice, so he immediately started to make preparations.

First, set up a small induction formation on Tian Que. If you are on the companion star and Tian Que is separated from the companion star, then you can sense it immediately and come back quickly. Although the two stars have not changed for a long time, be careful. In the ten-thousand-year boat, problems often occur when you think it is impossible to go wrong, and the results are often fatal.

There is nothing else to prepare, Xuan Lingyu and Tianwaizhou are in their own realm of nothingness, the exercises, materials, elixirs in the storage room, and even the black jade that gave birth to Xuanlingyu and Tianwaizhou before. The boulder was also received in the storage ring early.

Pinch the magic formula, exhale the boat outside the sky, Yujian flies to the companion star, not too fast, Ma Yunteng is still in a strange mood at this time, this is his first adventure, although it is estimated that it is not difficult, but it is exciting and fresh The feeling is still very heavy.

The companion star is getting closer and closer, and you can already feel the surrounding meteorites. At first, it was some fine meteorites, and then it became bigger and bigger. At the same time, a lot of solid ice appeared. How much trouble would it cause him? A ray of dim light galloped forward like light smoke.

The companion star has become extremely huge at this time, and the entire surface is as expected, covered with a layer of white solid ice, which looks extremely clean and reveals a kind of crystal clear beauty.The surface of the companion star is generally relatively flat, and there are few abrupt mountains. Even if there are, it is difficult to see it covered by ice and snow.

Passing through the outer meteorite layer without any risk, Ma Yunteng's body gently landed on the companion star.The silent world appears spotless against the backdrop of solid ice.Tian Que was clearly imprinted in the eyes, and the pea-shaped star was spinning slowly while running. Compared with the purity of the companion star's surface, Tian Que's surface gave people a sense of desolation.

Tianwaizhou was speeding on the surface of the snow-white companion star. It felt that the companion star was a little bigger than Tianque. It might be that the ice layer wrapped around it took up a lot of thickness. There was nothing else on the surface of the companion star except ice. After a long time, Ma Yunteng was also quite feeling bored.

Tianwaizhou was flying faster and faster, and a tall iceberg suddenly came into view in front of it. Because the whole body was white, it was only visible when it flew close.Ma Yunteng doubted that if he flew faster, he might hit him directly.It is said to be an iceberg, but it is actually more like an ice cone. It is not too big, but it goes straight into the sky.

Ma Yunteng was excited, and controlled Tianwaizhou to fly to the top of the mountain, and soon reached the top of the ice. The top was flatter than expected, with a radius of only a hundred feet, and it was still covered with solid ice.But in the middle, a large cave suddenly appeared. The cave was more than ten feet wide and bottomless.

Ma Yunteng frowned slightly, his personality has always been cautious, which can be seen from the fact that he arranged the induction formation on Tianque before he came to the companion star, he thought over and over again, and couldn't make up his mind whether he should go down and explore.

Since he was born in Tianque at the age of ten, he has never gone out before, and he always has a sense of strange fear of unknown affairs, so when encountering troubles, Ma Yunteng is quite hesitant.At this moment, there seemed to be a flash of light under the cave.Ma Yunteng's mind moved, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, Yu Jian flew down the cave.

Because I don't know what's going on below, I dare not go too fast. When I fly down a stick of incense, there are snow-white ice on both sides of the mountain wall. I slowly feel that the cave begins to tilt to one side, and the cold air is getting heavier and heavier. , the mountain wall became narrower and narrower, and finally the cave became almost parallel, and the mountain wall was only a few feet wide. After flying for a while, a bright light appeared in front of it, and the speed continued to slow down, but soon reached the light. Export.

Ma Yunteng rushed out of the cave cautiously, and the inside suddenly opened up. It was a large ice cave, with a width of tens of feet, but the height was limited, and there were many ups and downs. Huge ice edges hung from the roof of the cave, with uneven thickness and different heights. , most of them hang halfway up, and some hang directly to the ground, the upper and lower are integrated, crystal clear, like being in a crystal world, reflecting strange brilliance, but Ma Yunteng obviously doesn't care about these at some time, because after rushing in, At a glance, it was discovered that there was a person standing in the ice cave.

Ma Yunteng never expected this to happen, his eyes showed deep consternation, and the man had already turned around, with only a touch of surprise in his eyes. Eight-year-old, with a handsome face, a stable expression, unarmed, and no trace of a practitioner, but there is an ice dragon lying under his feet. It seems that he has just died not long ago, and his body is not yet stiff.

Ma Yunteng has never seen a spirit beast like an ice dragon, but he read it in a book when he was a child, and it vaguely looks like this, with a snow-white body covered with scales, four golden dragon claws, and a pair of light blue dragons on the huge dragon head. The whole ice dragon was motionless, lying there quietly, with its head tilted to one side, and a dark blue liquid flowed out of the dragon's mouth. Looking around, there were no traces of fighting. looked at the man.

The surprise in the man's eyes disappeared, and he looked at Ma Yunteng expressionlessly.

"Practitioner?" The man's tone seemed to be asking and talking to himself.

"I'm Ma Yunteng, I've met my seniors." Ma Yunteng arched his body, but the look of guard was clearly visible in his expression.

The scholar nodded slightly, and continued to look at Ma Yunteng again, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"What kind of technique does the kid practice, it feels so weird?"

Ma Yunteng's heart tightened, he didn't dare to say more because the opponent was not divided into friends and foes.He replied in a respectful voice: "The junior's trivial skills are not in the eyes of the seniors."

The scribe obviously understood that Ma Yunteng was unwilling to answer, and he didn't force it. He looked at Ma Yunteng calmly, as if he was thinking about something, and said after a while, "I am Yuyangzi, from the fairy world." It's quite cold.

Ma Yunteng was taken aback, although he guessed that the person in front of him was very important, but he didn't expect to meet a fairy again, so he hurriedly bowed and saluted. "Junior's eyesight is dull, please senior Haihan."

Yuyangzi nodded slightly, his brows furrowed, then opened again, his face softened a bit.

"Is the kid from Earth Star?"

(End of this chapter)

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