the first god

Chapter 427

Chapter 427
When Ma Yunteng heard the word "earth and star", his body couldn't help shaking. "Yes, this junior is from Planet Earth, but this junior hasn't been back to Planet Earth for a long time." After speaking, his expression was a little sad.

"You've been staying in Tianque?" Yuyangzi seemed surprised.

Ma Yunteng was taken aback, and blurted out, "How did senior know?"

"Needless to say, you are a cultivator of Earth Star, if you didn't follow Tian Que, how could you come here!" Yu Yangzi said with a slightly mocking tone.

Ma Yunteng's face turned red when he heard this, and Yuyangzi seemed to take another deep look at Ma Yunteng.

"Boy, what is the level of cultivation?"

"The sixth weight."

Ma Yunteng gritted his teeth again, this is also forced to tell lies.If you honestly say the third level, according to the law of the practice world, it only belongs to the rebirth period, and you don't even have the inner alchemy, how can you survive the lack of heaven?How could it be possible to come to this ice and snow planet?If I told the truth, the best result might be that the Immortal Yuyangzi in front of me thought he was despising the Supreme Immortal, and slapped himself down.

"How did you run to Tian Que?" Yu Yangzi frowned again.

"The junior watched Tian Que together with his fellow disciples. Unexpectedly, there was an accident and encountered a strong wind. The junior got separated from many fellow disciples. By mistake, he ran to Tian Que. At that time, he had a bad idea and wanted Tian Que to be quiet. , I wanted to stay on it for a few years to meditate, but I didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”

What Ma Yunteng said was very vague and skillful, but Yuyangzi was good at the world, so he could tell there must be something hidden in it. He had seen countless people, and he could feel a trace of childishness and righteousness from Ma Yunteng's expression, demeanor, and speech. He is by no means a demon, so I don't think he has a good impression.

Ma Yunteng stayed in Tianque when he was ten years old. Although he has practiced for thousands of years, he has no experience in the world, and it is reasonable to have a trace of childishness. A cave for cultivation was built.

The two fell into silence for a while, Yuyangzi looked at Ma Yunteng carefully, and a strange look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Looking at Ma Yunteng, Yuyangzi had a strange look in his eyes.More gentleness slowly appeared on his face, he sighed softly, and said, "It's a coincidence, I also ascended from the earth and stars. Which sect are you from?"

"The younger generation comes from the Tianling sect, and they have been practicing in Tianling before coming to Tianque." Ma Yunteng himself was cautious in his actions, and his master specially told him not to spread the matter of practicing the Tianjing, so he dared not disclose any information about it. What he said just now is indeed the truth, but what Yuyangzi wants to know is definitely not the answer.There is often no difference between truth and lies, and lying often does not require lying.

Yuyangzi thought for a moment, shook his head lightly, and sighed again after a while.

"I have no impression. It should be a small sect. It shouldn't be established for a long time, not more than 3000 years. However, your cultivation method is quite weird and special."

Since they both come from Earth, the atmosphere is no longer as cold as it was at the beginning, and Ma Yunteng is not as guarded and cramped as he was at the beginning.

"Is there anything the senior needs the help of the junior?"

"Are you practicing water-based exercises?" Yuyangzi's eyes suddenly flashed again.

"The juniors practice water-based exercises." Ma Yunteng replied very tactfully.

Hearing this, Yuyangzi's face showed a gleam of joy.Ordinary practitioners only practice the first series of the five elements, and very few practice the second series. Yuyangzi only practiced the first series no matter before or after his ascension, so affected by his fixed thinking, he did not hear the hidden information .

"Little brother, come with me to see." Yuyangzi was obviously very happy, and he changed the address he called Ma Yunteng, and got closer to him a lot.

Ma Yunteng turned around and walked back, Yuyangzi didn't even look at the ice dragon.Walking forward for about twenty feet, a stone pit with a width of two feet appeared in front of it. The cold was unbearable in front of the stone pit. There was some black viscous liquid in the pit, which seemed to be extremely thick. popping out inside.

"This is Bing Po." Yu Yangzi pointed to the black liquid and explained.

"This is the ice soul?" Ma Yunteng was taken aback. This kind of thing was introduced in the jade left by the master. This thing is extremely cold in nature and is very rare. I didn't expect that there is a big pool here.

Yuyangzi nodded and continued. "This time, I was sent by the Immortal Emperor to search for the elixir snow fruit in the practice world. The Immortal Emperor needs this medicine to make alchemy. I searched for a long time, and finally determined that it is here. I calculated that it is under this pond.

It's a pity that it is full of ice souls. I major in fire-based exercises. Although it is easy to force the ice souls away, fire resistance and ice souls are two extreme attributes that are incompatible. I was afraid that the ice pod would explode, and if Xueguo was affected, it would be troublesome, and I didn't bring a suitable magic weapon, so I have been hesitant to make a move. "

Hearing this, Ma Yunteng suddenly realized. "If there is anything the junior can do for you, the senior just arrange it."

Yuyangzi nodded.

"You can indeed help me. In fact, it's very simple. As long as you can force the ice soul away with water-based exercises and reveal the snow fruit underneath, I can easily get it. Ice soul is a very special special substance, and spiritual consciousness is If you can’t find it, you can only find it a little bit.”

After figuring out what was going on, and feeling that the Immortal Yuyangzi had no malice towards him, Ma Yunteng also put his heart back into his stomach, looking at the stone pit and the thick black ice soul in front of him, Ma Yunteng encouraged Shui Nei Dan , to control mana to pour out slowly from the palm, and slowly pour into the ice porch.

Can clearly feel the heavy resistance, a bucket-sized hollow slowly appeared in the Ice Soul, and slowly went down, the stone pit was not deep, only more than ten feet, the further down, the greater the resistance, until it reached the bottom, The resistance has exceeded Ma Yunteng's original expectation by a lot.But this will not cause difficulties. Ma Yunteng's body is full of mana at this time, and he continues to pump the inner pill of water. The pit that the mana forcibly squeezed out moves slowly, and slowly searches for it in the stone pit. There is obvious resistance when moving. It feels much bigger again.

Yuyangzi looked at Ma Yunteng urging his mana, but his expression was the same as usual, without showing the slightest effort, and his doubts deepened.After searching for a while, Ma Yunteng slowly felt that Bing Po was sending the extreme cold up through mana, and his mind moved slightly. While sending mana, Ma Yunteng slowly absorbed the cold air from Bing Po.

The companion star is covered with a thick layer of ice, and the five elements are partial to water. The realm of nothingness absorbs a large amount of energy from the surrounding water system, and slowly transfers it to the inner alchemy of water. The mana in the body circulates in an orderly manner, endlessly.

While absorbing the energy in the realm of nothingness and the severe cold from the ice porch, Shui Neidan delivered a lot of mana to Ma Yunteng.At this moment, the Fire Nei Dan in the realm of nothingness suddenly radiated light and automatically took over the warming barrier originally formed by the Water Pill, Ma Yunteng suddenly felt his body warm a lot.

This tiny change did not escape the perception of the immortal Yuyangzi. If Ma Yunteng just brought Yuyangzi an accident, the immortal did not hide his surprise this time.It is extremely difficult for fellow practitioners to overcome the mutual restraint of water and fire in the practice world, and my interest in Ma Yunteng has greatly increased in my heart.

The stone pit is not big, and not long after, a low tree about one foot slowly emerged from one side. Before Ma Yunteng could say anything, Yuyangzi next to him reached out with his right hand, and a silver light flashed , the small tree has disappeared.

"Okay." There was a hint of joy in Yuyangzi's tone.

Ma Yunteng put away his exercises and saw Yuyangzi smiling, holding a small snow-white tree in his right hand.The small tree has only a few branches, the leaves are the size of copper coins, but there is a white fruit the size of a fist growing on the top. , the big one is a little abrupt.

Ma Yunteng knows that there are spirit fruits and there are often strange beasts. He believes that the ice dragon should be the guardian of the snow fruit. He was so unlucky that he ran into a fairy. Judging from the scene, he probably didn't even struggle a few times. , and died.

Yuyangzi showed Xueguo to Ma Yunteng a little bit, then opened his left hand, and a huge crystal bottle appeared out of nowhere above his palm, and carefully put the whole small tree into it. With a shake of his hand, the crystal bottle disappeared, obviously It was put away.Having completed the mission of the Immortal Emperor, Yuyangzi was very happy in his heart, with a smile on his face.

"Little brother, thanks to you this time, not only did I get the snow fruit, but I even got the snow tree. Let's go out and talk first."

After speaking, he waved his sleeves, Ma Yunteng only felt a golden light covering himself, his hands tightened and loosened, and he quickly realized that he was already on the surface of the companion star.

Ma Yunteng admired it deeply, knowing that this is a supernatural power that only immortals possess, and it can be achieved instantly within a short distance.Yuyangzi raised his head to the sky, as if he couldn't decide what to pay attention to, but after a while, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes returned to Ma Yunteng again.

"Little brother, you've helped a lot this time, so I won't treat you badly, and I still have some things to tell you, but first..."

Speaking of this, there was a pause in the voice, and there was a hint of eagerness in the eyes.

"Let me experience your strength in water and fire dual cultivation. I am very curious about you. Come up with your most powerful moves. Don't let me down." Yu Yangzi looked at Ma Yunteng with shining eyes, and there seemed to be expectations in his eyes.

Ma Yunteng was a little dazed for a while, he didn't know how this immortal saw that he was a dual cultivation of water and fire, let alone whether the other party saw something else, he felt a little uneasy.But at the same time, there is an impulse in my heart that is eager to try. I don't know how the effect will be after thousands of years of cultivation. I usually perform the tricks by myself, and now I want to take this opportunity to try.

Yuyangzi slowly rose into the air, his clothes were windless, exuding a heroic aura, with a faint smile on his handsome face. "Boy, come on, don't worry, I only defend but not attack, catch you a few times, show your full strength, don't let me down."

Ma Yifei gritted his teeth, although he didn't know why, but if he didn't practice a few moves, Yuyangzi might not give up today.He also raised his figure into the air, he had already exposed the two elements of water and fire, and he didn't want to expose anything else, so he pinched the formula, drummed up the inner alchemy of fire, and slapped the sky with fire rain, turning into a huge The ball of fire, like a rolling tide, surged towards Yuyangzi.

Yuyangzi's facial expression remained unchanged, his hands were behind his back, and he looked at the rushing flame lightly. When the flame was still a few feet away from Yuyangzi, it quickly became smaller and became invisible, and he didn't even move a finger. a bit.

"Take out your true strength of both water and fire cultivation, and don't show this kind of pediatrics." Yuyangzi said lightly.

Ma Yunteng also secretly scolded himself for being confused, the other party was an immortal who practiced the fire-type kungfu, but he used the fire-type attack technique of ordinary practitioners, which is really ridiculous.He paused for a moment, and at the same time encouraged the Fire Neidan and the Water Neidan, pinched the formula, the fire rain and the strong wind were mixed with crushed ice, like two long dragons, one red and one white, circling and crashing towards Yuyangzi.

Yuyangzi nodded slightly. "It's kind of interesting." Swinging his sleeves lightly, he drew a circle in front of him with shaking hands, and slapped it lightly. The two long dragons quickly dissipated as if they had hit an indestructible wall.

Ma Yunteng was a little frustrated, the gap was too big.The other party is a fairy after all.

"Water is water, fire is fire, form melts but mind doesn't, that's all?" Yuyangzi nodded slightly, with a hint of disappointment in his expression.

"Let's do it again!" After all, he was young and vigorous, and Ma Yunteng was eager to win. He shouted loudly and exhaled the boat. Anyway, the martial spirit was cultivated by himself, so there was no need to hide it.

Drumming the power of the pill, two sword lights as tall as a man leaked out from the sword end, like a crescent moon, one red and one white, slashing at Yuyangzi at the same time, this is the light splitting in the martial soul.

Although Yuyangzi is a fairy, he still has the common problem of ordinary practitioners in his mind. He never thought that a practitioner would practice martial arts, and he thought that the two-handed practice was a transformation attack in the Five Elements Kung Fu, and he still couldn't break away from the category of the Five Elements .

With a faint smile, he still drew a defensive knot with his fingers and pushed it in front of him. Two sword lights, one red and one white, hit the protective knot at the same time. It was too late, the sword light was delayed for a while, the barrier shattered, and the two sword lights hit him firmly.

Silver light flashed on Yuyangzi's body, and at the same time his body flew back, Fang received two sword lights, due to his misjudgment, using defensive five-element skills to resist this purely physical attack that is not in the five elements, has limited effect .

The two sword lights were inherited by Yuyangzi with the powerful cultivation base of an immortal. Although the magic power is high, the blood is surging. Let him suffer a little dark loss.

Yuyangzi's face turned red. Although he was too careless this time, it is indisputable that he was in such a mess. He has always regarded himself as noble, but he dared to act bravely. He would not marry a practitioner for this matter. Turning from embarrassment into anger, he moved to Ma Yunteng's side, and patted Ma Yunteng's shoulder with a smile.

"Okay, kid, let's go down and talk."

When he came to the ground of the companion star, Yuyangzi shook his hands and released two purple futons, signaling Ma Yunteng to sit down.

After Yuyangzi sat down, Ma Yunteng dared to sit down. He still admired this fairy very much. Although the last move took advantage of it, it was purely accidental and suspected of a sneak attack. He was quite heartbroken.

"Little brother, have you ever practiced martial arts?" Yuyangzi asked softly.

Ma Yunteng nodded. "The younger generation likes martial arts very much, and they often practice hard, making the senior laugh."

(End of this chapter)

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