the first god

Chapter 446 The Same

Chapter 446 The Same
When I first met Uncle Wei when I came back this time, even though I was seriously injured, I still had to retreat from the crowd and wanted to talk to myself alone. It can be seen that what I have to tell myself may not be trivial, which undoubtedly added to Ma Yunteng's doubts.The instinctive sense of escape has prevented him from summoning up the courage to ask about his life experience.

There was a brief silence in the hall, and everyone in Tianling was concentrating on the storage cards in their hands.

Wei Yun was even more excited. For such a precious treasure, in addition to the three elders and three disciples of Tianling, Ma Yunteng specially made one for himself, which made him even more happy. It can be seen that he is in Ma Yunteng's heart. His status is no lower than that of the three major disciples, and his face flushes with excitement at the thought of this.She didn't know that storage cards are the least valuable in Ma Yunteng's eyes. Everyone in Tianling let alone one, even if someone proposes to have a pair, as long as the materials are sufficient, he will not refuse. Wei Yun's self-feeling is doomed Can't last long.

Ma Yunteng wanted to inquire about his family affairs again, but he saw that Uncle Wei and his wife and Uncle Suo were obviously excited with a trace of exhaustion. The three of them were seriously injured today, so it is really not appropriate to be overworked. He is still living in Tianling, and he must be staying here for a long time, so there is no need to rush about his life experience. Thinking of this, the pressure in his heart eased, and Ma Yunteng found a sufficient reason for himself. In fact, this is still his Escape is at work in my heart.

Everyone chatted for a while, and Wei Tianxiang also told everyone the process and reason of his breakthrough, and how he was dragged back by Ma Yunteng when he was on the verge of death. Everyone suddenly realized that Shi Yunfei didn't say anything, but his gratitude was not. Words can describe.

Everyone in Tianling is also terrified of today's events. If there is no Ma Yunteng, or if Ma Yunteng and Wei Tianxiang leave the customs later, no one dares to think about the consequences.

Seeing that the conversation is almost over, Ma Yunteng suggested that the top priority for Uncle Wei and Uncle Suo is to heal their injuries as soon as possible.Everyone also thought it was true, although there were still many unanswered questions, such as why Wei Tianxiang was injured, but since the head of the sect didn't take the initiative to mention it, no one was in a hurry to ask.

While talking and laughing, I went back to Tianling’s backyard. It was already night here. There were a few spars floating above the backyard, exuding soft light, illuminating the entire backyard. Wei Shi was directing Tianling’s disciples to step up repairs on the house.

The return of Ma Yunteng and others immediately attracted everyone's attention. All the disciples cast kind eyes on Ma Yunteng. In the scorching eyes, they could read family affection, gratitude, admiration and a lot of admiration. Ma Yunteng I felt warm in my heart, and a smile appeared on my face unconsciously.

Ma Yunteng's eyes turned, and Zhao Qian was seen in the crowd. Obviously, he was also working hard. The extremely uncoordinated golden crown on his head was already a little skewed, and his eyes met. Zhao Qian was a little embarrassed, and his face turned red. His expression was extremely unnatural, as if he was escaping, he turned his head and continued to work, but his face seemed to turn redder.

Ma Yunteng was secretly amused, and didn't say much. With Wei Tianxiang and others walking in, Suo Yunfei and others needed to heal their injuries. Today's battle was really thrilling. After taking a rest, he said goodbye to everyone, and returned to his hut alone.But Wei Yun was extremely excited at this time, seeing the crowd disperse, he went to show off alone with the storage card.

Sitting on the bed in the hut, Ma Yunteng was full of thoughts, and finally gathered them together. He was about to exercise his skills and adjust his breath, when he suddenly felt someone outside the door. After a little judgment, he knew it was Zhao Qian.Zhao Qian kept wandering around the door, obviously hesitating, Ma Yunteng didn't speak, let's see what this kid is going to do again.

After a while, there was a slight knock on the door. The sound was very soft. If it was the previous Jack Ma, I'm afraid I wouldn't even hear it.Ma Yunteng didn't feel it was funny, he opened his mouth and said:
"come in"

The door was gently pushed open a small crack, and Zhao Qian squeezed in through the narrow gap. After entering, he looked very reserved, with his eyes wandering.

Ma Yunteng lived here when he was a child, and Zhao Qian came here often, but he used to knock on the door symbolically, and then broke in. Looking at his childhood playmates and recalling his childhood, Ma Yunteng was full of peace and smiled. Standing up, looking at Zhao Qian who was still cautious, he pulled him to sit beside him.

"Zhao Qian, what do you want from me? Is there anything interesting you want to tell me?"

Thinking of the time when Zhao Qian came to his room, the only thing he did was to blow his throat. Although it was very annoying at the time, but later, when he was standing alone on the sky, he missed him very much. Thinking of this, Ma Yunteng showed a smile heart smile.

Zhao Qian's face turned red again, he opened his mouth and said:

" Ma..."

When Ma Yunteng heard Zhao Qian calling himself that, he couldn't help laughing, but then he thought about it, he was born later than Zhao Qian, but lived much longer than Zhao Qian, although the logic is very strange, but calling himself big brother He will never suffer.

"Okay, for the sake of calling you big brother, big brother will give you a present."

Ma Yunteng patted Zhao Qian's shoulder with a smile.Then there was an extra storage card in his hand, and he handed it to Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian was full of surprises, and quickly took it over, and said in a hurry:

"Thank you, brother, thank you, brother..."

He obviously knows this thing. Just now Wei Yun showed off outside for a long time, drooling with envy, and strengthened his courage for a long time. Relying on the fact that he and Ma Yunteng had an unusual relationship when they were young, he came to see if he could get something. I thought it was a worthwhile trip.

Looking carefully at the storage card in his hand, he saw his name engraved on one side and a dancing crane engraved on the other. Obviously, he had prepared it for himself a long time ago. Seeing this, Zhao Qian's self-esteem was greatly satisfied. I looked inside out of consciousness, and found it was empty, and asked with a playful smile:

"Brother, is there nothing else in it?"

Talking and gesticulating non-stop.Ma Yunteng saw that Zhao Qian's true nature was revealed again, slapped his hand aside, and reprimanded with a smile:

"It's a stinky problem again. I'll give it to you when you cultivate the inner alchemy."

Zhao Qian wanted to say something more, but seeing Ma Yunteng glaring at him, he shut his mouth obediently for the time being, and continued playing with the storage card.

The reason why Ma Yunteng didn't give him the corresponding crystals of the five elements was because Zhao Qian's cultivation was still too low. The low-level disciples no longer give it alone, so as not to waste this natural treasure.

Zhao Qian played with it for a while, then raised his head with a look of pity on his face.

"Brother, can you turn the crane on my jade card into a flying dragon?

Seeing Ma Yunteng's bad eyesight, he hurriedly changed his words.

Zhao Qian suddenly laughed.

Seeing his dirty smile, Ma Yunteng pondered for a moment, then laughed too.

The two chatted in the room for a while, and Zhao Qian's eldest brother became more and more smooth. Ma Yunteng tried Zhao Qian's cultivation again. In the late stage, there were already signs of breaking through and entering the rebirth period. In fact, Zhao Qian's qualifications It's still good, but the personality and temper are a bit different.

The two chatted for a while, Zhao Qian got up and left.Only then did Ma Yunteng calm down, practice his skills and adjust his breath. Today's battle was quite difficult, and the stalemate lasted for too long.

On the second day, Ma Yunteng got up and stood up, feeling full of energy, and his skill had increased significantly. Based on his feeling, Ma Yunteng guessed that he had already entered the late stage of the third level. Thinking of this, he was very happy.

Strolling outside, just after walking out and entering the door, I suddenly found Wei Yun standing there. It seemed that he had stood there for a while. Seeing Ma Yunteng walking out, Wei Yun smiled and stared at Ma Yunteng. Wait for the other person to say hello.

Ma Yunteng nodded slightly, he didn't want to get entangled with Wei Yunduo.

"Ma... Ma... Brother Ma... Good morning."

Wei Yun's greeting was very loud, and after he finished speaking, his face flushed, and he looked very delicate and charming.

In fact, Wei Yun's address is the same as Zhao Qian's address last night, but Ma Yunteng felt a little disgust in his heart. He is not a saint, and his emotions are controlled by his own emotions. Wei Yun used to look down on Ma Yunteng and never bothered to call him big brother. Even if Shi Fenghuang didn't need to say it anymore, it suddenly changed today, it would be better to continue to call Yunteng to make Ma Yunteng feel better.

While Ma Yunteng was hesitating, Zhao Qian from a distance saw him coming out, and shouted loudly: "Brother, brother, come here." The loud voice may be heard by the whole sky.

Ma Yunteng was thin-skinned, blushed for a while when Zhao Qian called him, distracted, forgot Wei Yun, walked towards Zhao Qian without saying anything.

Wei Yun stood there blankly, and Ma Yunteng left without saying a word after thinking about it last night.I got up early in the morning and ran to this door. I have been standing there for a long time, and finally waited for him to come out. In my impression, as long as I called him big brother, Ma Yunteng would not be flattered. There was no reaction, and it seemed a little disgusted.

Seeing Zhao Qian and Ma Yunteng going away, Wei Yun was annoyed for a while. She has always been the central figure of Tianling and has a strong sense of self.Those who are older than her like her very much and let her go; those who are younger than her are afraid of her, Tianling really never ignores her.She lowered her body and took the initiative to talk, but the other party turned around and left without even saying hello. She had never received such cold reception in these years.But in addition to being angry, there was a huge sense of loss in my heart, and at the same time, there was a faint inexplicable fear.

Abandoning Wei Yun and going out, Zhao Qian took a group of Tianling juniors and greeted them from a long distance away. When he ran up to him, Zhao Qian grabbed Ma Yunteng's hand and looked at everyone with satisfaction.

Ma Yunteng couldn't help laughing. Ma Yunteng knew most of Tianling's disciples, but in recent years, he had recruited some new disciples. Zhao Qian introduced them to Ma Yunteng one by one, and Ma Yunteng also recorded them carefully with a smile.He has a calm personality, and the distance between him and the disciples quickly narrowed. Everyone talked and laughed, and Ma Yunteng was also quite happy.

Wei Yun stood at the same place and watched from afar, wanting to go up to hear what they were talking about, but her strong self-esteem finally made her give up this idea, bit her lip, turned around and walked backwards, but almost bumped into the old man just now. On Wei Tianxiang who came out.

Ignoring his father, Wei Yun walked in in a fit of anger, and Wei Tianxiang was quite surprised to see it.

Seeing the master came out, all the disciples were respectful, Ma Yunteng stepped forward to say hello, and learned that Aunt Wei and Uncle Suo were both practicing kung fu, and that Uncle Wei's injury has recovered after a night of breath adjustment.

Wei Tianxiang greeted all the disciples, pulled Ma Yunteng straight and walked back, and returned to Ma Yunteng's room.

When he came to Ma Yunteng's room, Wei Tianxiang pulled him to sit down, and the two were silent for a while.Wei Tianxiang looked at Ma Yunteng quietly, with a kind look in his eyes.Ma Yunteng sat beside him silently, with his head bowed, his heart filled with a touch of sadness. Ma Yunteng already had a feeling for what Uncle Wei had to say.

Sighing inwardly, Wei Tianxiang took Ma Yunteng's hand and patted it lightly.

"Fei'er, you have grown up, there are some things that uncle should tell you, and you should know."

Ma Yunteng's gaze was still fixed on the ground, and he nodded slightly.

Wei Tianxiang let out a long breath, his eyes slowly became far-reaching, he was silent for a while, and continued:

"Your father's name is Ma Qing, and your mother's name is Zhou Yaru. Your father and I are inseparable. Both your parents are practitioners, but they don't belong to any sect. The practice is purely from family tradition. When I met your father, the Ma family had already left." One of them, according to what your father said, his parents are dead, although I am surprised, but it is inconvenient to ask too much, we two had a good chat, after traveling side by side, and soon met your father's close friend Shangguan Jian..."

Speaking of this, Wei Tianxiang was stunned for a moment, with a sad look in his eyes.

"Your father has a peaceful personality and has no rivalry with others, just like you. He is also slightly older than the two of us. Shangguan Jian has a bold personality, is daring, and is the youngest. The three of us cherish each other like brothers. Traveling the world side by side, footprints all over the famous mountains and rivers, those days are also happy and happy.

Later, the three of them got married one after another, and the relationship between them became less and less. The two of them got married quite suddenly, and they notified me in the future, but bought me a drink afterwards. Although the relationship between the three of us is good, the two of them never When I went to Tianling Mountain, when my brothers missed each other, they sent me a letter to tell me to meet each other. Your father and Shangguan Jian always waited for me at the agreed place. Although they didn't care about it, they didn't take it to heart. Anyway, everyone was happy together.

Later, the three of us had children. Your aunt Wei gave birth to Wei Shi. Not long after, your father also had you. After a few years, Shangguan Jian also had a child. Fewer and fewer, every time I met, I asked two people to come to Tianling to stay for a while, both of them smiled and agreed, but they never came.

Because of this, I was quite unhappy, and later, I also proposed to visit the family members of your father and Shangguan brothers. At that time, the two felt quite embarrassed, and I was very upset, so they took me to have a look.I have also seen that side of your mother, she has the same personality as your father, plain and virtuous, she is really a good wife and mother.

(End of this chapter)

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