the first god

Chapter 447 Power

Chapter 447 Power
Shangguan Jian's wife also got along with her temper, but neither of them showed any intention of staying with me after reading it. Although I was surprised, I thought maybe they had some difficulties and didn't care.

Shortly after that, my practice went awry, and I seldom went down to Tianling Mountain. In those few years, we got together once. Although your father and Shangguan Jian still chatted and laughed freely with me, in the eyes of both of them, I felt Arrived with deep apprehension.

Another year later, when you were already five years old, your father and Shangguan Jian suddenly wrote to me urgently, asking me to meet up immediately, I felt strange, hurried down the mountain, saw them, both of them forcefully smiled when they saw me, But the sadness on his face could not be concealed. At that time, your father took you by his side and entrusted you to me, saying that he would look after you for a few days. I was extremely surprised, but I thought your parents might have something to do , readily agreed.

I saw that the two of you had serious concerns, so I asked carefully, but both of them said nothing was wrong. Although I was puzzled, I couldn't figure it out, so I carried you back to Tianling Mountain. After a few days, your father died again. Passed an urgent letter to me, entrusting you to me solemnly, and entrusting that this matter must not be known to others, otherwise your life will be in danger, but your father did not elaborate on the cause and effect of the matter, but only mentioned his It is only by doing one wrong thing in life that today's fruit can be produced."

Having said that, Wei Tianxiang stopped and looked at Ma Yunteng.

"Fei'er, do you know why your father gave you this name?"

Ma Yunteng nodded sadly.

Wei Tianxiang sighed again, and continued:

"I was shocked when I received this letter. I knew that your father must have encountered serious trouble. After making arrangements for you, I immediately went down the mountain. On the way, I thought to myself. You entrusted it to me, as if arranging funeral arrangements, so it can be seen that the other party is really important. I didn't rush in rashly, but disguised myself, and found out that your father's courtyard was empty, so I asked the surrounding folks privately , learned that your parents have moved out a few days ago.

I ran to Shangguan Jian's house again, and it was the same. At the same time, I also found that there were powerful masters waiting around the two houses, and I had already been noticed. I didn't dare to linger any longer. After that, I never saw your father and Shangguan Jian again. "

Speaking of this, Wei Tianxiang looked numb, with a touch of sadness on his face.Ma Yunteng kept his head down and didn't ask any questions.

"In the following period of time, I never gave up. I secretly went out to investigate the whereabouts of your father and Shangguan Jian, but there was no news. The two families seemed to have disappeared from the world suddenly. I gradually lost my mind at that time. Provoking the enemy who is serving in the dark, trying to find some clues, but the opponent is extremely powerful. I am far from an opponent, and then I escaped desperately. To be safe, I endured the injury, but I dare not return to Tianling immediately, for fear of being caught in the dark. Stalk."

Having said that, Wei Tianxiang showed a wry smile:
"I went to and fro in the world of practice and flew nearly ten thousand miles. After confirming that no one was following me, I returned to Tianling. After I came back, I healed my injuries and my mind gradually understood that the reason why the other party still sent people to serve in secret is that one possibility is Your parents have escaped, but the other party has not succeeded. Another possibility is that the other party has succeeded, but because they have escaped you, they are waiting for an opportunity to kill the weeds.

Regardless of the possibility, for your safety, I can't take any more risks.So in Tianling healed his wounds with peace of mind and thought hard about countermeasures. It was not until a few years later that I figured out why the two of them had to move out. "

Having said that, Wei Tianxiang was silent again, and tears slowly flashed in his eyes.

"When the three of us first met, we were happy and carefree, and we only cared about traveling in the mountains and rivers, and didn't want to get involved in anything famous. But soon after we got married, I discovered that the two of us had hidden worries. Tianling Mountain, every time we meet, it's very secretive now. Your father and Shangguan's younger brother must have had something happened, or got into a serious enemy, but the two of them protect me thoroughly, and don't let me get into trouble. , and the two seem to have been guarding against crime for a long time.

Given how powerful the enemy is, your father and Shangguan Jian are both smart people, how could the two of them deal with it by moving the house, and how could they leave if they dragged their families along? "

Speaking of this, Wei Tianxiang became more sad, but his eyes seemed a little hollow.

"It wasn't until later that I figured out that your father and Shangguan brothers moved because of me. It made me stop looking for them. Peaceful, but extremely arrogant in his heart, Shangguan Jian is a person who is not afraid of heaven and earth, and he doesn't care much about life and death as a practitioner. What kind of enemy makes them make such helpless arrangements?

After I recovered from my injury, I went down the mountain again. There was still no news, so I had no choice but to give up. Remembering your father’s entrustment, I had to raise you with peace of mind. Not long after, I took over the Tianling Sect, and everything was troublesome. I also secretly sent my disciples out to investigate the cultivation world There is no clue as to whether something happened.

Speaking of this, Wei Tianxiang turned his head to look at Ma Yunteng, raised his hand and gently stroked Ma Yunteng's head, with a look of kindness in his eyes, and his voice softened.

"When you first came to Kailing Mountain, you kept crying. It took nearly a month of crying before you got better. During that time, I almost didn't know how to get here."

Ma Yunteng's head drooped even lower. According to Uncle Wei's judgment, the parents may be in danger. Thinking of this, tears flowed down silently, and a large part of the navy blue scholar's shirt was wet.

In his heart, he always resented why his parents left him alone in Tianling Mountain and never came to visit him. Sometimes the anger was so strong.Now it seems that my parents and myself may have been separated forever. They used their last efforts to send themselves to a safe place and survived. Thinking of their resentment towards their parents over the years, Ma Yunteng felt extremely regretful. The dream of reunion hidden in the deepest part of my heart was instantly wiped out.

Ma Yunteng's grief was stronger, his shoulders twitched involuntarily, tears fell down like a broken thread, and scattered on his clothes wantonly, but Ma Yunteng did not cry from the beginning to the end.

Wei Tianxiang didn't persuade him either, and sat there quietly.

After a long time, Ma Yunteng held back his tears, wiped them vigorously with his arm, and asked:
"How about the children of Uncle Shangguan's family?"

Although it was crying silently, her voice was already hoarse.Wei Tianxiang was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly.


Wei Tianxiang adjusted his emotions, as if he didn't want to talk about these sad things anymore, and then said:

"Later, when you were seven years old, I was going to let you start practicing kung fu, but I found that you were a miscellaneous body of the five elements that could not be cultivated. At that time, I was almost desperate and searched the world of practice, but there was no cure. Every time I saw you I practiced again and again in vain and stubbornly. Although I didn't say anything, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

In the end, I was forced to find a book of martial arts for you, and you secretly went to the mountain behind Tianling to practice. In fact, the uncle often watched you in the tree horse. Thinking about your missing parents, I really hated myself for being incompetent, you I have suffered a lot while cultivating alone in the back mountain. I can see that some places are obviously wrong. I can also be regarded as the head of the Tianling sect, but at that time I didn't have the courage to go over and face you. "

Speaking of this, Wei Tianxiang's voice slowly changed from low to excited.

"But God is so pitiful, Fei'er, you have to meet the fairy fate. Having such a fortuitous encounter, you have cultivated such a super powerful mana. Although it is not the work of my heavenly spirit, it will make me no longer feel ashamed of your father and mother. The uncle was extremely happy, and he also had something on his mind."

Ma Yunteng was moved when he heard it. He thought that no one in Tianling thought highly of him, and no one really cared about him. Now it seems that he was still too young at that time, and he had many feelings that would not show on the surface, but must be felt with his heart.

Seeing Ma Yunteng's mood stabilized, Wei Tianxiang continued:

"Fei'er, I think you can rest assured that your parents may not have suffered any accidents, and they may still be alive now."

Ma Yunteng was shocked violently, and a strange look radiated from his eyes.Wei Tianxiang smiled slightly.

"I don't have conclusive evidence, but I just have this feeling. Now that I think about it, the matter between your father and Shangguan Jian is very strange. The two seem to have felt something years ago, and they have already made plans. The strange thing is here, you My father has a calm temper and almost no disputes with others. How could he provoke such a fierce enemy? He said that he only did one thing wrong in his life to cause today's evil results. What is it? Among them, why is this?"

Ma Yunteng was thoughtful. Although what Uncle Wei said was mostly conjecture, there was some truth to it. Thinking of this, some hope was kindled in his heart, and he secretly made up his mind.

The two chatted for a while, and seeing that Uncle Wei seemed to have said almost the same thing, Ma Yunteng turned his head and remembered the attack on Tianling yesterday.

"Uncle, what do you think of those masked men yesterday? What is their intention to snatch Tissot?"

When Wei Tianxiang heard this, he fell into deep thought, his eyes obviously showed a look of worry, and after a while, he shook his head, smiled wryly and sighed.

"There is no clue. The other party's clothing has never been heard of in the practice world. What's even more strange is that the other party obviously has magic skills, and I have never heard of any practice school that has this technique. What is even more worrying is that the other party's obvious strength The strength is extremely strong, as can be seen from the attack on Tianling. Before this, they have inquired about Tianling several times, and you, Second Uncle Suo, fought against the other party once. This time the attack, the other party was originally determined to win, Fortunately, it wasn't you, otherwise, hehe..."

"Heaven's spiritual energy is not exhausted, so it should not be exhausted. Even if my nephew is not there, there should be other abnormal changes. Don't worry about it, uncle."

Wei Tianxiang smiled wryly, obviously he didn't agree with what Ma Yunteng said, but he didn't mention the words of thanks again, and then continued:
"The practice world is controlled by the four sects, Qingfengmen, Tianlonggu, Lingjue Temple, and Xuanjiao. The four sects rely on each other and restrain each other, so that the practice world maintains a stable situation.

The master of Qingfengmen, Situ Hualong, is proud by nature, but his fame spreads far and wide; although the name of Tianlong Valley has the word "dragon" in it, there are mostly female disciples in the valley. He is a generation of thieves and thieves; Lingjue Temple presides over Zen Master Li Yuan, who is humble and respected by the practice community; the leader of Xuanjiao is also very famous, and the practice world has been peaceful for hundreds of years. Practicing in teaching, very few disciples venture into the rivers and lakes.

So the person who attacked Tianling this time was not like the actions of the four major factions, but the opponent's strength is obviously extremely strong, but they are so hidden, so I am afraid that chaos will happen in the practice world. "

While analyzing, Wei Tianxiang explained to Ma Yunteng some of the situation in the practice world. In fact, Ma Yunteng had already inquired about this information from Yang Xing.

Both of them fell into deep thought, but after thinking about it, they couldn't figure it out. After discussing it again, they couldn't figure out why.However, Wei Tianxiang firmly believes that no matter what sect it is, the loss of two masters who have broken through the ordinary stage and three masters who have returned to the basic stage is a serious injury, not to mention there are three magic weapons that are not trivial.

Having said that, Ma Yunteng took out the three magic weapons and watched them with Wei Tianxiang.The small transparent silver net is still intact. It was only temporarily disabled by Ma Yunteng's blow at that time, but it was not damaged.The small silver shield is obviously a fairy artifact, and it is of good quality. There is a shallow crack on it, which was smashed out by Ma Yunteng with his powerful martial arts at that time. Feeling for this fine line, Ma Yunteng Separated a trace of spiritual consciousness to check, the internal formation is still relatively complete, after a preliminary judgment, it may be able to warm up.

And that small black card feels different as soon as you get it. There is a black skull engraved on both sides of the small card. It has a gloomy feeling when you hold it in your hand. When I probed inside, a miserable cry rose from my heart, and the black card actually had a strong suction force, as if a strange force appeared to grab the consciousness and pull it towards Li, Ma Yunteng hurriedly used his skills to forcibly withdraw, scared out In a cold sweat.

Wei Tianxiang saw that his expression was different, Ma Yunteng briefly described his feeling just now, Wei Tianxiang also felt a chill in his heart, took the black card and observed carefully, there was a faint shading on the whole black card, and there seemed to be flashes of light in the hollow eye sockets of the skull. There was a trace of strangeness, and with Ma Yunteng's lessons learned, he didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to probe in. He just carefully observed the surface of the black card. The whole black card was thicker, like a little finger. Looking at the edge, there were some strange flames drawn on it. One side is engraved with two small words 'Jiehun'.

Wei Tianxiang thought carefully, feeling as if he had heard of it, but he couldn't figure it out after careful thinking.Just put it aside for now.Handed back the black card to Ma Yunteng.Ma Yunteng thought about the word "stealing souls" carefully, and remembered that his spiritual consciousness was almost trapped just now. If he realized something, although the masked man activated the soul-stealing array, Ma Yunteng's mana concentration was repeatedly broken up by Ma Yunteng, so "soul-stealing" Both Ma and Wei have not seen the power of the card, but they also know that this is really an extremely ferocious monster.

The other party's three magic weapons are not trivial, why do they attach so much importance to Tianling's Tiansuo?This is really puzzling.Ma Yunteng asked Wei Tianxiang the question, but Wei Tianxiang didn't understand.Tiansuo is just a magic weapon for flying. Its outstanding feature is that it is extremely fast and can get rid of the gravity of the earth and stars. It has no other purpose. It is also what Jack Ma has always wanted to know.

(End of this chapter)

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