the first god

Chapter 450 Unique 1 Grid

Chapter 450 Unique

For this reason, Ma Yunteng still weighed in his heart for a while, thinking again and again, thinking that it should be able to be placed.

But I didn't expect that the placement was successfully completed, but when it was activated, the requirement for mana was so abnormal. With the continuous shooting of the formulas, the inner alchemy in the body became more and more violent, frantically absorbing the energy of the five elements around it Inhaling the realm of nothingness, Ma Yunteng felt the mana in his body rushing out again like a tide.

At this time, Ma Yunteng was secretly startled, and secretly complained that he was too confident. After all, he only had a little fairy power. He was always cautious in doing things. Why did he plan for a long time this time and still make such a risky move.Thinking of this, the sweat on his face became even more obvious.

After returning from Tianque, Ma Yunteng has never encountered an opponent who can really threaten him, so his self-confidence has increased a lot, and his consideration of problems is not as careful as before.

Originally, the activation of this fairy array did not require too much fairy power, but more or less is relative. Compared with the little spiritual power in Ma Yunteng's body, it is already beyond his ability.Forcibly activated, after the spiritual power is exhausted, it can only be replenished with human power.

After all, spiritual power and mana are not at the same level. Compared with spiritual power, mana will consume ten times or even dozens of times more mana when shooting the same hand formula. He didn't take it too seriously, it also taught him a lesson.

But fortunately, there will be no backlash in the arrangement of the fairy array. The worst result is that the arrangement fails. Therefore, although Ma Yunteng is worried that he will not be able to support himself, he is not afraid of failure.

As the tricks were continuously shot, the silver light around Tianling became less and less, but the silver light on Ma Yunteng's body became more and more intense, and finally, the last silver light also disappeared.Tianling Mountain returned to tranquility, only the golden gourd in the air was floating in the air with a faint golden glow.

Ma Yunteng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally held on. At this time, his whole body was soaked in sweat. Looking at the golden gourd in the air, he knew that there was still the last work to be done, which was to combine the enchantment he had set up with the rope. Yunfei Liu Yanbu's first layer of enchantment is connected, and at the same time, the formation hub is hidden.

After adjusting his breath secretly for a while, the energy of the five elements poured into his body continuously, and his mana was recovering rapidly. The silver light on his body did not dissipate, but became more and more intense.Ma Yunteng didn't delay any longer, and flew towards the golden gourd. In an instant, the golden gourd was already under his feet, tumbling and spinning quietly, exuding a soft brilliance.

Ma Yunteng slammed the inner alchemy, and shot a few spells around. Since it was in the outer barrier, it was easy to connect the two layers of barriers.

The last is to hide the pivot. Ma Yunteng walks around the gourd lightly, and takes pictures of various formulas from time to time. Every time the formula is shot, the golden light of the gourd becomes weaker, and the silver light of Ma Yunteng's body also dims. Slowly, the silver light gradually dissipated, and the golden gourd gradually became nothingness, and finally disappeared.

Ma Yunteng took a few more spells, and finally the formation of the enchantment was completed. At this time, it was almost dusk, and the faint setting sun was falling loosely on Tianling Mountain. Tianling Mountain was as quiet as usual.Everyone in Tianling stood in place without moving. Wei Tianxiang kept his hands lightly tied behind his back, and watched Ma Yunteng set up the formation with a smile. He knew very little about formations. From the beginning to the end, he watched with joy, and nodded from time to time.

Liu Yan is also very obsessed with the arrangement of formation barriers, but most of the techniques used by Ma Yunteng have never been heard of, let alone understood. Seeing his master nodding frequently, he seems to be deeply impressed, not only puzzled, She really couldn't help but have a few question marks in her heart about Master's ability to understand Ma Yunteng's technique, but she has always respected her master, so naturally she would not reveal her doubts in her heart.

Ma Yunteng came to the crowd in a flash, with a tired look on his face. Everyone was surprised when they saw this. Ma Yunteng waved his hand and told everyone that he was fine. Everyone knew that Ma Yunteng's formation was not trivial, but they didn't expect him to Tired like this.Everyone is a cultivator, knowing that this is a manifestation of the huge consumption of mana, and they can recover after a short rest, so they are relieved.

Wei Yun looked at Ma Yunteng secretly, and saw that his face was slightly red, and the sweat stains on his face were still obvious. It was obvious that the clothes on his body were almost soaked in sweat, and Ma Yunteng did not hide his embarrassment.Seeing this, Wei Yun felt a sense of relief in her heart. Ma Yunteng's exhaustion made her feel that he was still a practitioner. Although his mana was powerful, it had its limits. This made her feel more and more distant. People, suddenly a lot closer.

Ma Yunteng cheered up and returned to Tianxiao Pavilion with everyone, and explained the enchantment formation to everyone in Tianling, including how to hide the inner enchantment, how to enter and exit the enchantment if the core killing formation is activated, How to activate the outer phantom array and maze, how to cut off or connect the inner and outer barriers, and how to activate the inner barrier when the outer barrier is attacked. deep.In contrast, Suo Yunfei and Liu Yan benefited the most, while Wei Tianxiang just gained some knowledge.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then dispersed. Suo Yunfei, master and apprentice, went to understand the technique taught by Ma Yunteng alone.

By the time Ma Yunteng finished his work, it was already the afternoon of the second day, and his mana had been fully recovered, but his cultivation had made limited progress. He clearly felt that he was about to break through the third level, but he still didn't know how to cross it.After pondering for a long time, Ma Yunteng couldn't help sighing secretly, knowing that there is no rush for this matter. Generally, it takes a long time for a practitioner to complete a level of cultivation, and the higher the level, the longer the time. I have practiced for hundreds of years. If I don't have my own help, it is normal to practice for another few hundred years. Thinking of this, I feel relieved.

Master said in the jade stone left for himself that if you want to improve your cultivation as soon as possible, the best way is to constantly challenge yourself. Extraordinary experiences make extraordinary people. Thinking of this, Ma Yunteng suddenly thought of the fairy formation on the top of Tianling Mountain , With a move in my heart, a desire to explore the competition arises spontaneously, but this is a big deal, there is no need to rush for a while, and I still need to discuss it with Uncle Wei.

Ma Yunteng made up his mind, and remembered that the Nine Illusion Techniques for Uncle Wei and others and the storage cards for Tianling's other disciples had not yet been issued, so he went out to the front yard and handed these things to Wei Tianxiang and Suo Yun. fly.

Wei and Suo are quite confident in their Tianling skills, and in fact, Tianling's skills are indeed top-notch, otherwise, no matter how much Ma Yunteng helps Wei Tianxiang, it is impossible to break through.But first-class and top-notch are never things on the same level. When the two were distracted to check with suspicion, they didn't look up for an hour. If Shi Fenghuang hadn't forcibly interrupted the two, they still don't know see when.

Both of them are experts, and it is easy to tell the difference between good and bad exercises. After watching it for a while, they realized that Jiuhuan is by no means comparable to Tianling's exercises. Many hours.Wei and Suo are very clear about what a top-level cultivation technique means to a sect. With this technique, the possibility of Tianling stepping into the top-level sect has taken a big step forward.

In fact, Tianling's original exercises are fire-based, followed by wood-based exercises. Other metal, water, and earth exercises are commonplace.However, the Nine Illusion Kung Fu method provides a complete five-element cultivation kung fu method, all of which are at the top level, and there are also various formations. In terms of kung fu, Tianling no longer has any shortcomings.

Then the surprise was far from over. When Ma Yunteng took out many kinds of fairy weapons like a magic trick for Wei Tianxiang and others to distribute wantonly, everyone was speechless.

However, Wei Tianxiang did not hand out the storage cards of low-level disciples, but announced that as long as the disciples can cultivate the inner alchemy, they can get the storage fairy artifact presented by Ma Yunteng. Is gearing up.Thinking back on Uncle Wei's decision, Ma Yunteng couldn't help feeling ashamed. He was still too young. If the low-level disciples were allowed to have the fairy artifact, the risks would far outweigh the benefits for them.

When Ma Yunteng handed over the storage card to Wei Tianxiang, he also gave him a large number of crystals of the five elements, which Wei Tianxiang gave to each disciple according to their cultivation level.Naturally, these Five Elements Crystals have not been distributed, and the cultivation base cannot reach the alchemy stage, so using the Five Elements Crystals is a waste of conscience.

From Tianling up to Wei Tianxiang, Suo Yunfei down to a few young disciples who have just started, they are all flushed, high-spirited and excited.Suo Yunfei sternly warned all the disciples that Tianling's possession of many storage cards must not be exposed, otherwise the consequences can be imagined.

All disciples are naturally careful to remember.Zhao Qian was also very excited, because for some reason, the head didn't want to take back the storage card he had already got.However, in line with the excitement of the disciples, Wei Yun was obviously a little unnatural, and there was a hint of loss and confusion in his expression, but no one paid attention to these at this time.

In the following period of time, Tianling slowly recovered its tranquility. As Wei Tianxiang expected, the masked man did not come again, and he was indeed severely injured after thinking about it.During this period of time, Wei Tianxiang, Suo Yunfei and Shi Fenghuang were almost in a semi-closed state, devoting themselves to studying the Nine Illusions Cultivation Technique, but the others including several major disciples did not start to practice.

This is not because Wei Tianxiang and others are hiding their secrets, but because the cultivation base of the other Tianling people is too low. It is very dangerous to practice a new set of exercises and no one can teach them, and it is easy to go away. to the fork in the road.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed, and Ma Yunteng lives in Tianling. When he has nothing to do, he just goes out for a walk. Sometimes he teaches Tianling's junior disciples to practice, and sometimes he chats with Zhao Qian.

During this period of time, Wei Yun's temper was a bit cloudy, but the image of a lady was still intact or persistent. Although he often flashed in front of Ma Yunteng's eyes, he never paid attention to him. Naturally, Ma Yunteng would not Take it to heart, be happy and quiet.

This afternoon, Ma Yunteng was chatting with several Tianling junior disciples in the backyard, when suddenly a Tianling disciple ran in and shouted to Ma Yunteng from a long distance:
"Brother Ma~, Brother Ma~"

When he got close, he panted and said:
"Brother Ma, the master invites you to Tianxiao Pavilion, there are guests here."

Ma Yunteng was taken aback, he knew only a limited number of friends, except for the disciples of Tianling, Yang Xing from the Jiyang Sect, and Situ Zhe from the Qingfengmen were also counted as friends.But Yang Xing is currently practicing in seclusion, and Situ Zhe's friendship with him is a bit average. Besides, Situ Zhe still doesn't know that he is from the Tianling sect, who could it be?
Seeing that the disciple who reported the letter was still standing in front of him, he casually asked:
"Oh? What guest?"

"I don't know either. The headmaster is very solemn. He should be a practitioner of the sect. There are two people here, one is older and the other is younger."

Ma Yunteng wondered in his heart, could it be Feng Lingzi from Qingfengmen? After much deliberation, he couldn't figure it out. Ma Yunteng's figure flickered, and soon he arrived at the front yard. The gate of Tianxiao Pavilion was open, and Ma Yunteng walked away slowly. go in.

There were five people sitting in the hall, Wei Tianxiang, his wife and Suo Yunfei were there, the other two looked like an old man in his sixties, but he was hale and hearty. Dressed up, the old man's expression was indifferent, and there was a hint of arrogance in his eyes. The old man and Wei Tianxiang sat in the upper seat, and Suo Yunfei and Shi Fenghuang sat side by side.

Along with the old man was a young man who was fat, with a full moon face and a smile all over his face. He wore a silk robe and a scholar's scarf on his head. Although he was dressed like a scholar, he felt more like a pampered outsider , not bookish.

Seeing Ma Yunteng coming in, Wei Tianxiang was overjoyed, stood up and introduced to the old man with a smile:
"Elder Lei, this is my nephew Ma Yunteng."

After finishing speaking, he explained to Ma Yunteng:

"Fei'er, these two are masters of Xuanjiao, Elder Lei Mulei and Master Xue Bujing."

"I have seen two fellow Daoists."

Ma Yunteng cupped his hands, which was regarded as a salute.

Both of them were a little surprised, Lei Mu frowned slightly.The two thought that Ma Yunteng would perform the junior salute, but they didn't expect it to be a greeting between peers.Especially towards Elder Lei Mu, he was suspected of being disrespectful.

The chubby Xue Tanzhu's eyes flowed, and then he stood up with a smile on his face, with enthusiasm on his face.

"Brother Ma Shi is restrained and has an extraordinary complexion. He thinks he has a high level of cultivation. He is really a heroic boy. I am Xue Bujing, and I have taken the liberty to come to your sect. I hope we will get closer in the future."

"Master Xue Tan is polite." Ma Yunteng smiled and cupped his hands again.

The Taoist-dressed Elder Lei turned his head to look at Ma Yunteng, nodded at him, said nothing, turned his head to Wei Tianxiang again, and was about to say something when he suddenly turned his head around and looked at Ma Yunteng , a horrified look flashed in his eyes.

Ma Yunteng just looked at the two of them for a while, and was also secretly surprised. That Xue Tan's major was in the middle stage of returning to the basics, and he was considered a master in the practice world, but this Taoist Elder Lei had already stepped into the stage of spiritual solitude. Fan has to be stronger.This not only made him puzzled, but also felt that Xuanjiao was worthy of being one of the four sects, and its strength was really extraordinary.

Elder Lei stared at Ma Yunteng for a while with a strange expression on his face before saying:

"Ma Xiaoyou's cultivation seems unfathomable, and the exercises you want to practice are also unique?"

(End of this chapter)

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