the first god

Chapter 451 Cultivation

Chapter 451 Cultivation
Generally, a person with a high cultivation level can easily see the strength and state of a person with a lower cultivation level than himself, but he can't see through Ma Yunteng's cultivation level. If the other party's cultivation level is higher than his own, then Unless he has already reached the Heart Tribulation Stage or entered the Returning Yuan Stage, but as Wei Tianxiang's nephew, this is impossible, so he believes that Ma Yunteng's cultivation has a special function, which can hide his cultivation base. Thinking of this, There was another hint of arrogance in his eyes.

In the practice world, he is already a top master in the world of breaking through the world. With his current cultivation level of Lingji, he is indeed worthy of pride.

Ma Yunteng smiled slightly, without explaining, but said casually:

"Today, I am lucky to be able to meet a senior master who has entered the stage of spiritual solitude. Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for making a breakthrough in cultivation!"

As soon as Ma Yunteng's words came out, everyone was shocked, and this Elder Lei was even more horrified. The other party actually saw through his own cultivation base at a glance, and he also knew very clearly that he was just a newcomer. During the period of spiritual silence, Elder Lei was even more shocked when he thought of this, and he almost didn't know what to say for a while.

The altar master Xue was drinking tea with his head down, but he raised his head abruptly when he heard this, and looked at Ma Yunteng in surprise.To be honest, as the head of the Xuanjiao altar, he really didn't pay attention to Wei Tianxiang, his nephew, at first, but just pretended to be polite. Now that he looks carefully, he really can't see through Ma Yunteng's cultivation, could it? Is this person really unfathomable?

Wei Tianxiang, his wife, and Suo Yunfei were also very surprised. Tianling had never had any contact with Xuanjiao. He suddenly came to visit today. for.As a precautionary measure, he quietly sent his disciples to call Ma Yunteng over, in case the other party made a sudden attack. Unexpectedly, this Elder Lei turned out to be an expert in the spiritual death period. He was surprised and even more vigilant in his heart.

Not only everyone in Tianling was surprised, but Ma Yunteng was also secretly suspicious. There is an unwritten rule in the general practice world. Once a practitioner enters the spiritual solitude period, he can put aside the worldly affairs and concentrate on cultivation, no matter where you belong to. A sect can be let go, no matter how strict the sect's sect rules are, it cannot be forcibly restrained, even if the sect is at the moment of life and death, it is voluntary to control it or not.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Spiritual solitude has entered, and heart calamity is ahead. Practitioners should put aside thousands of mundane things, be indifferent to joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. If their minds are still full of power, enmity, wine, sex and wealth, how do they want to overcome heart calamity?Don't even think about it.Therefore, once they enter the stage of spiritual solitude, practitioners will find a secluded mountain and meditate alone. Even so, no more than [-]% of them can successfully cross the tribulation.

The atmosphere was a bit stalemate, and the altar master Xue kept turning his eyes on the crowd. At this moment, he laughed and bowed his hands to Ma Yunteng.

"Brother Ma Shi's vision is really admirable, I am willing to bow down, haha..."

Ma Yunteng nodded slightly, but said nothing.Lei Mu coughed lightly, the arrogance in his eyes had disappeared, and Wei Tianxiang was no longer polite, with a straight expression, he cupped his hands and asked:

"Elder Lei came to the Heavenly Spirit, and our faction is full of glory. Wei is presumptuous, but I don't know what Elder Lei learned from this trip?"

Xuanjiao and Xuanjiao came for a while, but just now everyone didn't get to the point, they were polite to each other, and chatted about some interesting things in the world of practice.Seeing that Ma Yunteng had already arrived, Wei Tianxiang introduced the topic. He wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd by this super expert in the spiritual period.

Lei Mu sighed when he heard this, and said slowly:
"Master Wei is favored by the cultivation world. Xuanjiao is one of the four major sects. My sect has always cherished its feathers, worked hard, and dared not live up to the entrustment of the cultivator. I think back then my sect killed dragons and fought poisonous women. Fairy Ren Boyin, although she suffered heavy casualties, she has also won the respect of her friends in the cultivation world. If you want to come to the head of Wei, you have heard of it."

Wei Tianxiang nodded, with a look of respect in his eyes. Xuanjiao suffered heavy casualties in the battle that year, and the current leader of Xuanjiao, Li Que, became famous all over the world.

"For nearly a thousand years, the world of practice has been calm, and Xuanjiao has restricted its disciples to seldom get involved in the grievances of the rivers and lakes, and concentrate on meditation, but Xuanjiao has always cared about the dynamics of the practice world. Half a year ago, in the depths of the Black Lake Mountain behind Xuanjiao, we again We found some Demon Cult monsters gathering. Due to the large number of people, our sect leader personally led people to exterminate them, but for some reason, the news got out, and all the demon people dispersed on their own. It is obviously refining a kind of elixir, although I don't know what it is refining, but the leader feels that this matter is not trivial."

Speaking of this, Lei Mu looked around, seeing that everyone was listening attentively, nodded slightly, and then said:

"After the leader went back, he was restless, and he didn't hesitate to waste his mind. He did a fortune-telling with the divinatory hexagrams, and the conclusion was that it was a big disaster. The leader figured out that the demon sect is still preparing, and there should be no trouble within 20 years, but after 20 years It is already difficult to be sure, and although the current practice world is peaceful, the intrigue among the various factions is really a state of disunity."

Having said that, Lei Mu sighed, looking rather frustrated.

Wei Tianxiang and others also nodded in agreement. The current practice world is indeed as Lei Mu said. There are quite frequent fights between the big and small sects, and the whole practice world is full of smoke. As for the merger between sects, it can be said that new sects are born every day in the practice world, and old sects are either disbanded, exterminated or absorbed by other sects.

"Except for a few of these small sects, most of them are attached to a certain larger sect, and these larger sects are attached to some larger sects, and eventually they all belong to the four major sects. For these small sects. The four major sects are jealous of each other, so they just turn a blind eye and close their eyes. The chaos in the cultivation world is becoming more and more rampant because no one manages it. If the demon sect invades on a large scale at this time, it can be said that the cultivation world is doomed. Even if the demon sect is defeated in the end, I'm afraid it's also a serious injury."

Speaking of this, Lei Mu looked at Wei Tianxiang and his wife and Suo Yunfei with a questioning expression.

"I wonder if you agree with my views?"

Most of the people in Tianling nodded, Wei Tianxiang pondered for a moment, and said:

"Elder Lei's views are indeed extraordinary. Due to the fate of the cultivation world, I don't know how many catastrophes he has experienced since ancient times, but evil does not overwhelm righteousness. At the critical moment of life and death, all sects will definitely abandon their past suspicions. Elder Lei does not need to worry too much."

There was a sneer in Elder Lei's eyes, but it disappeared in a flash.

"In a real fight, there is no distinction between good and evil, but only a battle of strength. The reason why the practice world has been able to defeat the Devil's Cult at the last moment is that its strength is ultimately higher than that of the Devil's Cult, not because of its reputation as a decent person. But this time is different, the Demon Cult has been accumulating for thousands of years, this time the disaster is really no small matter, Head Wei thinks that for this disaster, is the practice world really sure that it can win?"

Lei Mu's words reminded everyone in Tianling of those mysterious masked men. The strength of the other party was so powerful and the magic weapon was so strange. If it was not a coincidence this time, all ten Tianlings might have been wiped out. Thinking of this, everyone fell silent for a while.

Wei Tianxiang breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Lei Mu.

"Elder Lei has any great opinions, please express them clearly, and there is no need to go around in circles."

When Lei Mu heard this, a smile flashed across his face.But the smile passed in a flash, and then his expression changed.

"To tell the truth from the head of the guard, the little old man has already cultivated into spiritual silence. He should have returned to the hermit mountain horse and no longer interfered with the affairs of the practice world, but a catastrophe in the practice world is about to happen. At that time, people will be devastated and all people will be miserable. The little old man can't bear to think about it." .”

Having said that, Lei Mu sighed again.

Xue Bujing has been smiling and squinting at the side, listening without saying a word. At this time, he also put away his smiling face, with a solemn and sincere expression, and said:
"To tell you the truth, fellow Taoists, for this reason, we have persuaded Senior Master Lei many times to let him live in seclusion for peace of mind, but Senior Master is merciful, alas..."

Having said this, Xue Bujing looked helpless.

Lei Mu laughed, apparently indifferent.

"Sect Master Wei, it's not that the old Taoist is deliberately hypocritical. In fact, this is also the heart demon of the old Taoist. If this matter is not handled properly, even if I immediately live in seclusion, but if the demon is not driven away, it will be difficult to survive the catastrophe. Head Wei should also think about it. To understanding."

Everyone in Tianling nodded, and Ma Yunteng admired him when he heard this, but Wei Tianxiang and Suo Yunfei are both experienced people, and they will never be moved by others with a few words. The teaching elder didn't explain exactly what the trick was, so Wei and Suo both had smiles on their faces, but they didn't comment either.

"For this reason, the little old man specifically asked the head of the sect for orders, and took the initiative to go down the mountain to negotiate with the various factions."

Having said that, Lei Mu looked at Wei Tianxiang with an extremely serious expression.

"The catastrophe in the practice world is imminent. Instead of waiting for the demon sect to invade and hastily forming an alliance, it is better to make a decision before making a move. If the practice community puts aside the views of sects at this time and works together, why worry about the demon sect's invasion?"

Wei Tianxiang looked at Lei Mu suspiciously, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Elder Lei means that the practice world puts aside the views of sects and unifies them as one?"

"Exactly, there are emperors in the mortal world, and immortal emperors in the fairy world, why can't the practice world have its own co-lord?"

That's it.Lei Mu's face was flushed, and he was extremely excited.

"The reason why the practice world is chaotic is that, to put it bluntly, there is a lack of a co-lord like the Immortal Emperor, and a unified law code like the Heavenly Rules. Although the rules of each sect are strict, they are all based on their own There are many conflicts of interests between each other, and people in each faction fight for strength, how many practitioners die every year for this? Moreover, each faction has its own advantages and disadvantages in practicing exercises. It is definitely not less than [-]% who can survive the catastrophe of the heart safely!"

Wei Tianxiang and Suo Yunfei looked at each other, Lei Mu's idea was too bold, even Ma Yunteng found it unbelievable, Suo Yunfei couldn't help asking:

"Elder Lei, who will be the co-master, and how will he push it? I don't know what your leader Li thinks, is he the same as the elder?"

"Friend Suo Dao, don't worry, the little old man came out to lobby you, and naturally he has won the support of our sect. Master Li has calculated that if the practice community does not abandon the gap and unify the outside world, then the final result must be the only way out. Although my sect ranks fourth Great sect, but one tree is powerless to return to the sky, for the sake of the cultivation world and the common people in the world, what are these false names, even if you fly up to meet the ancestors in the future, the people in my Xuanjiao will rise up to the sky right from the top, and rise to the ground right from the bottom As for how the co-lord pushes the law, my Xuanjiao does not dare to be arbitrary, and when the time comes to invite the heroes of the world to discuss together, Xuanjiao has no other intentions."

Lei Mu's words were powerful and resounding.

Ma Yunteng, Wei Tianxiang, Suo Yunfei and others were all silent.

"In order to win the trust of the heroes in the world, my Xuanjiao will first take out the magic weapons and cultivation methods of our school for the reference of the heroes in the world."

When Lei Mu said this, his eyes fell on Wei Tianxiang again, and his tone paused.

"Of course, it's a big deal. Head Wei and you can discuss it again, and it won't be a few days away."

Wei Tianxiang and the crowd looked at each other for a few moments, everyone's thoughts were obviously long-term, and then they said a few polite words. At this time, it was almost dusk, and Wei Tianxiang stayed with Lei and Liu for one night. Everyone in Tianling thought that these two people would not stay here, because night is nothing to practitioners, but what they didn't expect was that both of them agreed to stay, which surprised everyone in Tianling.

In the evening, Tianling hosted a banquet for Lei and Xue, and arranged a room to live in. There was nothing to say all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Ma Yunteng finished his work and walked out of the hut, and went to the backyard. Lei Mu and Xue Bujing, the elders of the Xuanjiao, had already woken up. From afar, I saw Zhao Qian's cheerful expression and Xue Bujing's face was full of smiles, his eyes almost narrowed into a slit, and the two actually had a good conversation.

Seeing Ma Yunteng passing by, the two stopped talking. Lei Mu opened his eyes, nodded to Ma Yunteng, and then closed his eyes to rest alone. Xue Bujing still had a smile on his face, as if nothing made him feel uncomfortable. Happily, he greeted warmly and said:
"Morning, Brother Ma."

Ma Yunteng also responded with a smile, and Zhao Qian called out big brother in a polite manner.

With just a glance at Zhao Qian, he knew what this kid was showing off, or else he looked excited, and the complacency still lingered.On the contrary, Ma Yunteng felt a little worried. It seems that Zhao Qian really didn't understand the principle of not revealing his wealth. He had to warn him later, otherwise he would bring disaster to him with his good intentions.Ma Yunteng really had the idea of ​​taking back the storage card given to Zhao Qian at this time.

Zhao Qian also saw Xuanjiao Lei and Liu when he came out early in the morning. But he has no pretensions, and his words are very funny. After a few polite words, Zhao Qian felt a little lost. Then he started talking all over the place. Point broken.

When Zhao Qian talked about his pride, he couldn't help but took out the storage card that Ma Yunteng gave him intentionally or unintentionally, and lit it up. This was the only thing Zhao Qian could take out. When the unremarkable jade token turned out to be a storage artifact, he was immediately taken aback. He never thought that this seemingly inconspicuous disciple of the Tianling sect actually had the treasure that the cultivation world could only dream of. Ask about the origin of the storage card.

Although Zhao Qian was out of tune, he was not stupid either. Knowing that he couldn't tell the truth, he opened his mouth and talked about it, roughly saying that there was an elder protector of Tianling Sect who was already a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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