the first god

Chapter 52 Where did the orange-picking thief escape?

Chapter 52 Where did the orange-picking thief escape?

Ma Yunteng: "..."

His thoughts were interrupted by Orange's crisp voice. Just as he was about to respond, he found that Xiao Xian'e didn't expect his response, so she ignored him, went straight past him, and happily picked oranges.

Orange, who gave this name?
It is not an exaggeration to regard orange as life.

You know, she already holds the Tianyuanmen's thousand-acre fairy orange garden and the larger fairy orange garden in the Mylabris Kingdom.

Come on, the owner of this immortal orange garden in front of you should take it easy and be careful.

Ma Yunteng just glanced at Chengzi lightly, and he was no stranger to Chengzi's flamboyant behavior.

Suddenly, a fragmentary picture flashed through his mind.

Orange, the name is exactly what this Dharma body deity took.

The Tianhuo dog, who was arrogant and despised Ma Yunteng for a long time, was also completely attracted by Chengzi Xian'e's actions.

The nose of the Tianhuo dog trembled slightly, and the dog sniffed.

A faint scent of orange wafted over, and it felt a little intoxicated. This sweet and light orange scent was so familiar!

The Tianhuo dog with black, white and brown hair showed a hint of confusion in his cute eyes, and then the light in his eyes brightened a lot, making his eyes much bigger.

It jumped past Xueyuan with a "whoosh" and ran directly in front of Chengzi Xian'e, stretched out its furry right paw, and rubbed against Chengzi Xian'e's dress. Spinner swayed.

The dog's head and body threw directly at Chengzi Xian'e.

Orange was indulging in the joy of harvesting countless immortal oranges, and did not guard against the sudden enthusiasm attack of the big dog of black, white and brown.

Startled, he quickly jumped back three feet with great alertness.

When I took a closer look, I found that it was a cute and cute big dog.

Cheng Zi looked at it carefully again, and was amazed. In the eyes of the big dog, there were many changes in his expression.

At first, there was joy and joy in the cuteness, but later, there was a trace of melancholy and loneliness in the cuteness.

This dog has such a personality!

she likes!
Orange's round almond eyes suddenly released more light, overshadowing all the light in the big dog's eyes, she licked her lips, clapped her hands, and said with a smile: "You dog, when you eat it, it will definitely taste good. Different!"

Skyfire Dog: "..."

Xue Yuan: "..."

Ma Yunteng: "..."

Heng Er: "..."

Hengzhi: "..."

Heng Er and Mylabris King Heng Zhi walked out of Taoyuan Paradise together.

The two happened to see the picture of the Tianhuo dog rushing over to rub against Xiao Xian'e, but Xiao Xian'e smiled and said that she wanted to eat dog meat.

Heng Zhi smiled and said, "You little Xian'e has a good taste. This day fire dog, since ancient times, has only been like this one. It can be regarded as a powerful character if it can eat the sky fire dog."

Heng Er couldn't help laughing, the haze in his eyes lightened a lot.

Only then did Chengzi notice everyone's expressions, touched the back of his head, and said embarrassingly, "I'm teasing it..."

The Tianhuo dog seemed to understand Chengzi's words, and began to hop on Chengzi happily again.

Cheng Zi reluctantly rubbed a handful of dog hair with his hands amid the crowd's attention.

The dog's fur was soft and not thorny, she was in a better mood, and said with a smile: "Ah... such a big garden, there may be animals eating birds and finches nearby, maybe we are lucky and can catch a few plump ones. Try it out."

Thinking of what to eat, Orange suddenly wanted to drool, couldn't help swallowing a handful of saliva, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

Everyone laughed in unison.

Only then did Chengzi notice that the Tianhuo dog was sitting slopingly and cutely, staring at her, his tongue sticking out and moving, almost rolled up to his nose, both naughty and cute.

The movements of the fire dog this day... Why are you so familiar with Nirvana.

It turned out that she and Tianhuo dog did similar actions.

No wonder everyone was laughing.

Heng Er smiled, suddenly burst into tears, choked and said: "Hua Shen, and the eldest sister, the third, the fourth, the fifth and the seventh, and they don't know what to do now..."

Xue Yuan couldn't help crying too, she wiped the tears from her face and said, "When I rushed over, the goddess had already used [Shen Meng] on you, Xiao Qi, the five of them, and the other golden magic brakes are still in battle. The purple lotus barrier was reinforced in the middle, and I couldn't get out. I was going to enter the formation to protect the formation, but I didn't expect that the empress also used [Shen Meng] on me..."

Hengzhi's eyes were full of gloom, and he said with a wry smile: "So it's [Shen Meng]! Sister Xuanji, why bother... After 10 years of companionship, if she says she can abandon it, she is really cruel!"

Chengzi's eyes were full of doubts, and he didn't seem to understand what the three were talking about. Seeing that the dog hair under his hands was really good, he gave it a hand, and casually stroked the dog hair with a happy expression on his face.

The black-white-brown Tianhuo squinted his eyes with great enjoyment, and jumped up and down around the orange a few times, but couldn't help but look back at Ma Yunteng.

Ma Yunteng was looking at the southeast of Orange Garden alertly at this time.

"Someone will be here soon!"

Hearing the oranges, he quickly stopped trolling the dog, and continued to wave his hands to harvest the ripe oranges.

In less than a quarter of an hour, she picked nine out of ten oranges that were already ripe in the garden.

The oranges are still being harvested without stopping.

The smile on her face was completely unconcealed, and she was in a good mood while picking and singing.

Ma Yunteng didn't know when, he caught a few fat bullfinch beasts and was roasting them on the fire.

The bullfinch in the Myriad Spirit Immortal Realm is a very common edible spiritual bird, just like the black bird. It is slightly larger than the goose in the previous life, but much smaller than the black bird.

There are many finches for food, including spirit finches, fairy finches, blue finches, vermilion finches, flower finches, black finches...

There are no chickens, ducks and geese in Wanling Immortal Realm, only finches, which are bigger than chickens. These spiritual birds have stronger flying ability than chickens, ducks and geese, and their flying ability is comparable to that of swans.

In the meantime, Cheng Zi generously contributed her kitchen secrets: plucking fairy utensils, portable spring pools, spiritual poultry cooking utensils, fried fairy pots, fairy wheat flour, barbecue fairy racks, fairy charcoal, fairy brushes, various Fairy Seasoning...

Ma Yunteng's cooking skills are as good as ever.It didn't take long for the fragrant and tempting Bullfinch feasts to be freshly released one after another.Roasted bird body, roasted bird wings, roasted bird legs, fried bird cubes, fried bird tongue and miscellaneous...

Crispy and soft!
Heng Zhi, Xue Yuan, and Heng Er were originally gloomy, each immersed in their own thoughts, but their thoughts were interrupted by the seductive aroma.

The three of them had not eaten for a long time, smelling the aroma of roasting sparrows, they could not help but open their appetites, and they felt hungry.

Five people and one dog ate happily together. The taste of delicious food made them temporarily forget their worries and worries.

"The thief who stole the orange is right there!"

Five people and one dog continued to eat while looking towards the source of the sound.

(End of this chapter)

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