the first god

Chapter 53: A Familiar Scene

Chapter 53 A Familiar Scene

I saw two strong men staring fiercely at Chengzi Xian'e... The golden bracelet on the left hand - the Chaos Treasure Qiankun Bracelet.

At this moment, Chengzi Xian'e was nibbling on a fat, tender and crispy bird's leg with both hands raised, and her sleeves slipped, just revealing her white and tender wrists.

The bright big gold bracelet is particularly conspicuous.

Behind the two strong men, there were a dozen or so... strong men who were equally vicious.

It just came out of an assembly line.

If you look closely, it looks different.

These immortal cultivators are extraordinarily strong, probably because they have good benefits in terms of food and drink, and they use the same method to keep fit.

As for whether the face is disgusting or not, it will take time to prove it.

Ma Yunteng could see at a glance that the two strong men at the head were the same strong men who had previously encountered the Qiankun bracelet treasure hunter.

According to the two, their treasure hunting experience was too suffocating. For three years, after untold hardships, they finally found clues and went through all kinds of difficult twists and turns. Not long after the treasure was in hand, it was smeared with honey in the mouth again. Zhang Qiang, a cockroach thief who secretly hides a traitor and is virtuous, stole away for flickering.The two went through untold hardships and chased all the way, and finally found the thief. Just when they hoped to regain the treasure, they were unexpectedly cut off by the silly looking Xiao Xian'e.

The two strong men originally thought that Xiao Xian'e was very easy to fool, and they should return to the Qiankun bracelet soon.Unexpectedly, the two of them have not yet received their Qiankun bracelets, but they have already lost the blood and sweat fairy crystals that they have worked hard for half a lifetime... Even, inexplicably, they made a contract between heaven and earth...

Later, the two tried to fool Xiao Xian'e to Chayanbao, but failed.

She tried to force Xiao Xian'e, who was alone, to take away the treasure, but it didn't work.

Xiao Xian'e, who is in charge of sweeping at Tianyuanmen, not only has a pair of [Sky Eye Body] smart eyes that can see things clearly, but also has finally mastered the fairy spell [One Leaf Obstruction], and in an instant, she has reached [-] top-grade fairy crystals. I got two IOUs for the contract of heaven and earth, namely [-] high-grade immortal crystals.

"The thief who stole the orange is indeed you!"

One of them had a big black mole on his chin. It was the strong man who spoke before. He ran a few steps and pointed at Chengzi Xian'e again and yelled angrily.

His stature is two heads taller than Orange, and his body is at least twice as wide and thick as Orange.

Orange continued to nibble on the unfinished big bird's legs, with a look of doubt on his face, and asked in surprise: "How did you know it was me? It's amazing! And... don't you know me? "

After speaking, she continued to nibble on the bird's legs leisurely.

The strong man with a large black mole on his chin became more and more angry when he heard this, and sneered again: "What? You forgot about our brothers so soon? Are you still going to pretend to be stupid?"

This time, Chengzi felt even more strange. She threw away the sparrow's leg bones, wiped her mouth, burped, and asked curiously, "Who are you? I really don't have a good memory."

"You..." The strong man with a big black mole on his chin was so angry that he choked on his own saliva.

"Cough cough..."

"Cough cough..."

Coughed a few times.

Chengzi Xian'e happily ate the fruit after dinner (an oversized fairy orange) and asked curiously, "You really know me? That's an acquaintance! You've been feeling unwell recently? But you've caught a cold? I have us here. Tianyuanmen's original cough-relieving spirit, do you want to buy ten courses of treatment to try?"

"You..." The strong man with a big black mole on his chin heard this and opened his mouth to speak, but unexpectedly, he coughed even harder.

"Cough cough..."

"Cough cough..."

Therefore, Chengzi continued to make persistent efforts and continued to sell: "Our Tianyuanmen's original cough-relieving spirit is really effective. It guarantees that the medicine will cure the disease, treat the symptoms and cure the root cause. You only need a mere [-] high-grade fairy crystals. If you are really an acquaintance, I will give you a [-]% discount. You only need [-] high-grade fairy crystals! How? "

The strong man with a big black mole on his chin wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, and he kept coughing.

The brawny man standing next to the brawny man with a big black mole on his chin had been silent before, just staring at Chengzi Xian'e glaringly. At this time, after listening to Chengzi Xian'e's words, he couldn't help but speak. Said: " are just too deceiving...cough...cough..."

Unexpectedly, the strong man also coughed, probably also in a hurry, and choked on his own saliva.

Perhaps it was because they were too shocked that Shuangshuang choked on their own saliva.

Chengzi Xian'e took a closer look at the other strong man, and said with a little regret: "Huh? You don't have a mute disease? I also plan to sell you a sect secret that can be called a hit, specializing in the deaf-mute and the handicapped. What about the medicine..."

"Cough cough..."

"Cough cough..."

"You...cough..." The strong man who was silent before glanced at the strong man with a large black mole on his chin who was still coughing, pointed at Chengzi Xian'e, and coughed completely. Can't speak.

Chengzi Xian'e looked at the two strong men who were suddenly coughing, and was a little anxious, and hurriedly rummaged through the storage space.

But she didn't find anything. She scratched the back of her head and said apologetically, "Oh... two good guys, I was going to search for cough medicine for you... but suddenly remembered... that... …Hmmm… I was in a hurry to go out this time, and I forgot to bring it with me… You cough so badly, I’m afraid that you are already terminally ill. Now, both of you have to go to Tianyuanmen of Tianyuan Xianshan to get the cough suppressant that our Tianyuanmen created, really It is very effective, and it is guaranteed that the medicine will cure the disease, treat the symptoms and the root cause. If the two of you buy a group together, I will give you a 18% discount, only [-] top-grade fairy crystals. If the two of you are in trouble, IOUs are also okay. After all, the treatment is the most important thing .”

Chengzi continued to comfort himself, thinking that he was very understanding: "Relax, I won't come to ask for it every day, and you two don't have to worry about making arrangements, but don't be in a hurry to whiten your hair because of a little fairy crystal, or be in a hurry. If I suffer from any other disease, I will be very sorry, and as for the interest on credit, I will give you a little less..."

Ma Yunteng was eating his latest "Beggar Sparrow". He felt that the words of oranges were too familiar, but also a little weird.

These two strong men are probably really going to be in a hurry now.

Heng Er, Xue Yuan, and Heng Zhi didn't understand what happened before, they just thought Xiao Xian'e's words were very interesting, and couldn't help but laugh.

The dozen or so strong men who followed behind the two strong men also looked at each other, wondering why the two leaders suddenly coughed.

However, they have always been very conscientious and continued to maintain a vicious image.

The Tianhuo Dog's nose moved, the look in his eyes gradually darkened, and he suddenly jumped out.

(End of this chapter)

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