the first god

Chapter 54 The big dog is not fierce at 1 point

Chapter 54 The big dog is not fierce at all

It sensed the unfriendly aura, and its figure suddenly grew bigger, like a hill, stopped between a dozen strong men and Chengzi Xian'e, and uttered an extremely fierce and fierce cry at those strong men with ferocious expressions. Voice.

None of the strong men were on guard against the sudden transformation of the three-colored dog that looked cute and docile before, and they were all startled.

Looking at the originally docile big dog, the expression at this moment is actually many times more ferocious than theirs.

The wicked have their own wicked dog town.

If they continued to maintain a vicious image, it would be a bit more vicious than the big dog in front of them.

The strong men looked at each other and looked at their two leaders.

It seems to be asking, boss, do we want to be more vicious than this dog?
The Heavenly Fire Dog seemed to feel something, and stretched out a stout right forelimb, making a threatening attack.

Well, it is a very reasonable big dog. If the other party gives up, it can let them go. If there are bad intentions, it can kill them at any time.

The strong man with a big black mole on his chin finally stopped coughing. He originally wanted to speak with his finger at the orange, but he looked at the black and white brown sky fire dog as huge as a hill, and the sky fire dog holding it high as if he wanted to shoot a few times at any time. The individual's right forelimb...

He didn't want to be shot directly by the big dog, so he changed his mind and said politely: "Female fairy, you are too forgetful, we both bought 18 high-grade fairy crystal cough medicine not long ago, and paid [-] cash crystals , and there are [-] high-grade immortal crystals, and I have issued two IOUs for the heaven and earth contract, but you still owe the cough medicine, and have not given it to us..."

Cheng Zi thought for a while, and asked with doubts on his face, "Ah? There are such bizarre coincidences, why do I have no impression at all? However, I have never been a person who cares about everything, so let's trust you for the time being. As for the cough suppressant, Hurry up and go to Tianyuanmen Tianyuan Xianshan to get it. Don't worry, you will never be shorted. Oh, I understand, you are worried, and I will rush to collect debts from you? Actually, you don't have to rush to pay it off, wait I don't have enough money, so I'll come back to you to ask for this credit."

"By the way, Sect Master, can we still have enough high-grade fairy crystals?"

Cheng Zi suddenly thought that the sect leader seemed to have spent a lot of high-grade immortal crystals when he was setting up the formation. In case the immortal crystals on hand were really not enough, now the two of them took the initiative to pay the bills, they should not pretend to be generous and let themselves suffer. suffocated.

Ma Yunteng glanced at his private storage space, his complexion changed immediately, and there was a trace of imperceptible embarrassment in his calm and calm tone: "Well, it's really not too much, there are more than 100 yuan left..."

Orange opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe it.

"What? There are more than 11 high-grade fairy crystals, and there are only more than 100 yuan left? Ah...we are really too poor! This...two strong men, if it is convenient for you, please pay off the debt immediately. It is really not good Sorry, you see, we, the master and the apprentice, are so poor that we almost can’t afford to eat. Please be considerate. Since you came here to pay off the debt, I won’t be polite to you. Eighty thousand high-grade fairy crystals directly Just leave it to me."

After speaking, Chengzi Xian'e bowed her hands very politely, and then extended her slender hand.

The two strong men at the head, at this time, the complete explosion of the small universe in their hearts... is brewing.

The strong man with a big black mole on his chin recalled what he said again. What he meant was to ask for cough medicine, to prove that they did not need to buy cough medicine again, to prove that they had had a relationship before, yes Helping Xiao Xian'e recall what happened before, this is very obvious. How can it be said that Xiao Xian'e is here to take the initiative to return the debt?

Besides, they don't need any kind of cough-relieving spirit at all. When they first met the master and apprentice, they were just awkward coughing, not real coughing. What about IOUs?

Heaven and Earth Bracelet!
Everything is to get back the Qiankun bracelet.

As long as you get back the Qiankun bracelet and pay a little immortal crystal, it is nothing.

Thirty percent of the oranges in the Shili Xiancheng Orange Garden are already ripe, and they are nothing.

So, the brawny man with a big black mole on his chin and the brawny man standing beside him looked at each other with a heart-to-heart look.

"Nv Xianjun, are you satisfied with the fairy oranges in our master fairy orange garden?"

Chengzi Xian'e felt that she couldn't lie, so she told the truth: "The taste is quite good, it's almost catching up with our Tianyuanmen Xiancheng."

The strong man with a big black mole on his chin quickly said: "Actually, our tea-colored milk tea from Chayanbao is more fragrant and more popular with the majority of female immortals. Otherwise, how about you move to Chayanbao? ?"

Cheng Zi thought for a while, and said, "[-] high-grade fairy crystals, should I give it now, or will I give it when I get to Chayanbao?"

The strong man with a big black mole on his chin continued to reply: "The fairy goddess forgive me, we have already given you all the high-grade fairy crystals on our body. I'm afraid I will go to Chayanbao to pay off the debt."

Cheng Zi nodded and said with a smile: "This is easy to say, as long as you accept the account, the world contract IOUs will not allow you to default. Is there a chef with outstanding craftsmanship under your master?"

The strong man with a big black mole on his chin quickly replied: "The three cooks are all good at cooking meat dishes, so you are satisfied!"

Cheng Zi smiled even more brilliantly, revealing a few neat teeth as white as jade, and said with a smile, "You are all good at cooking meat dishes? It really won my heart... Sect Master, should we go to Chayanbao as a guest? No, it's to get back the money we owe. I went to Chayanbao to collect debts..."

Ma Yunteng said in his heart: Can you recover this debt? It's still two things, but don't lose the big golden bracelet.

He said indifferently on his face: "It's good to experience it."

The appearance of the cloud is light and the wind is light, just like the demeanor of an expert outside the world, which is exactly in line with the personality of the head of Tianyuanmen.

Xue Yuan and Heng Er were a little surprised that this little Xian'e never suffered a loss when she spoke.

Heng Er couldn't help but think of the first dispute with Xiao Xian'e, she really didn't say anything about her.

Xueyuan was immediately impressed by Chengzi. The temperament of this little girl and the Goddess of Flowers was somewhat similar.

Thinking of the God of Flowers, Xue Yuan's eyes became a little darker.

Heng Zhi couldn't help but take a few more glances at Xiao Xian'e.

What came to his mind was the scene when he first met Sister Xuanji...

The group set off in a mighty manner.

Chayanbao is more like a town, very lively, bustling with crowds, all kinds of shops, and a dazzling array of commodities, making it very prosperous.

The practitioners here are definitely very rich.

The Tianhuo dog carried oranges on its back, attracting the attention of many passers-by along the way.

The main reason was that the dog was too cute. Almost all the children were attracted by the fluffy tri-colored dog, and couldn't help but come over and touch the slow-walking big dog.

The big dog is very tame and friendly to all the little children.

A group of strong men followed, but their hair fell from the ground in shock.

This dog, it turns out, is not fierce at all.

They must have had hallucinations before, and they mistakenly thought that the dog was too ferocious.

(End of this chapter)

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