the first god

Chapter 63

Chapter 63
Elpis Star, Novi College.

Many boys and girls gathered around the electronic bulletin board, and there was a lot of discussion.

"The academy hasn't expelled students in the last ten years, but Bai Fangyi was expelled? Strange, why didn't he explain the specific reasons for his expulsion?"

"Isn't this Bai Fangyi who suddenly came to the academy by air, his family background is quite mysterious?

"This person is usually quite low-key, and he has never heard rumors about him causing trouble. Why should he be fired?"

"Once he is expelled from the academy, wouldn't he be completely abolished in his life?"

"He doesn't fit in with the group, and he always wears a silver-white mask to show people. This kind of person is not suitable for the coordinated fighting style on the battlefield of the star field. Anyone who fights with him will suffer losses... Wouldn't it be a waste of a meritorious place to keep him? "

"Although he doesn't fit in with the group, he hasn't heard of anyone having a grudge against him. If he has outstanding personal abilities, it won't affect everyone, right?"

"Have you heard that his personal ability is very strong?"


"I heard that Ke Lei, the daughter of Vice President Ke Zhen's family, especially likes Bai Fangyi, but Bai Fangyi never pays attention to her, and even bluntly rejected her many times. I haven't seen Miss Ke Lei in the past two weeks. , could it be related to this matter?"

"Ke Lei? I heard that she recently got engaged to the Eleventh Young Master of the Hai family, one of the big families of Elpis, and the Ke family and the Hai family are a match for each other! Hey! Shi Zhenxiang, you are here, Ke Zhen is Your cousin, you should know?"

Shi Zhenxiang hesitated for a while, then nodded slightly and didn't say much.

The Ke family lives on Elpis, and Shi Zhenxiang is from Hestia. He is indeed Ke Zhen's distant relative, but Ke Zhen has always looked down on their Shi family.

He has been rushing to curry favor with Ke Zhen and Ke Lei all day long, but he has never been looked at directly by their father and daughter.

Therefore, he is actually not very clear about the Ke family.

However, he really knew something about Ke Lei's engagement. It was he who secretly reported to Ke Zhen that Bai Fangyi had deliberately approached and deliberately hanged Ke Lei, and that Ke Zhen was eager to marry his daughter.

For this reason, Ke Zhen gave him a slightly higher look recently.

Today is Ke Zhen's birthday, and he specially invited him to the banquet. He never had this honor before.

However, he has not yet chosen a suitable birthday present, and is anxious.

Starfield wars are frequent, and the living environment of the starfields is extremely harsh, and food, water, and various resources and energy are extremely scarce.Most of the food is given priority to the battlefield, and the students in the academy can only survive on energy pills.Ke Zhen has always been gluttonous, so it would be best if he could give him some delicious food as a gift...

More and more people gathered at the electronic bulletin board, and for a while, there were different opinions.

"What you said doesn't seem to be enough... to be expelled from the academy? Because of limited resources, there is only one academy in the entire star field, and it was expelled from Novi Academy, which means that not only will he not be able to make achievements and become a lord in the future, but also , can no longer engage in any profession, his future in this life is completely ruined, and he can only be an ordinary civilian for life. I think he is quite wrong... and very aggrieved..."

"Tsk tsk! This incident is the 107th unsolved mystery since the establishment of the academy!"

"Hey, Bai Fangyi's name is engraved on a pillar of shame, and his life's future is ruined..."


"Hey...Isn't that Ma Yunteng from Bingmoxing Baima Grill? He finally came to deliver delicious food to our college's teacher Huo Yan..."

"His parents worked hard enough to even risk their lives to get food. My family hasn't opened the pot for almost two days... The energy pills I bought at a high price seem to be eaten and not eaten. I'm really hungry... …”

Hearing everyone's discussion, Shi Zhenxiang, who was also hungry for several days and could only rely on the energy pills donated by his cousin to maintain his life, heard the words and saw Ma Yunteng. He immediately smiled and tried to approach Ma Yunteng. Too much, he couldn't get close to him to talk.

Ma Yunteng also wanted to see the content of the sign clearly. As soon as he approached the electronic sign, he was crowded with people and had to stop.

Most of the young female students were attracted by his handsome looks.

Even Li Xian'er, one of the three school beauties of the academy, couldn't help sighing in her heart: It's such a pity that such a good-looking and temperamental person was born in the Bingmoxing slum.

Everyone wanted to ask him to buy some food and bring it along when they came to the academy next time.

Ma Yunteng was helpless, tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and sneered: "Bingmoxing is far away from Elpis, the food is inconvenient to store, and the taste is not delicious. If you come to the store in the future, you will definitely give you a [-]% discount! Cash it out with the student ID! Can you borrow a way, let me see the public sign too..."

"[-]% off? This is what you said, you must do what you say!"

"Well... it would be great if your family opened a barbecue branch near the college..."

"Yeah! Everyone will have a good time..."

"Do you have enough spar and gold coins? Don't think about eating and drinking..."

Some students secretly wondered: Ma Yunteng is the son of the civilians of the last planet, Bingmoxing, and he is not qualified to study at Novi Academy. Why does he care about the publicity board of the academy?
Although everyone thought it was a little weird, they all gave way.

Ma Yunteng squeezed in with difficulty, and finally saw the content of the electronic bulletin board.

He couldn't help but sneer, and he was fired without even thinking of a reason for his dismissal.

In fact, he was not very interested in continuing to stay at Novi College.

It's just that this approach is simply too deceiving!

You must know that being expelled from the academy is not much worse than being sentenced to prison. Not only will your name be engraved with a pillar of shame, but your life will be ruined.

He didn't know that the person who was rescued was Ke Zhen's daughter, otherwise, he might not have rescued people, and he would not have gotten into the trouble now.

Anyone with eyes should be able to see it. He has been steadfastly rejecting Ke Lei's approach, and has been avoiding her as much as possible.

He saved people, but he didn't get a word of gratitude from Ke Zhen, but he actually avenged his revenge!
If he was strong enough, wouldn't he be able to avoid such humiliation!
The fingers of Ma Yunteng (that is, Bai Fangyi) clenched his fists, and the tyranny in his heart suddenly soared.

"Master! Please calm down!"

A soft and tender voice suddenly sounded in Ma Yunteng's mind.

Ma Yunteng's face was calm, even with a hint of a smile.

He communicated with the little Linger in his head: "Do you think I'm going to be dry?"

He glanced at Shi Zhenxiang, who was extremely inconspicuous in the crowd—

That famous Kejia loyal dog!
This person's name... is a bit interesting!
Ma Yunteng suddenly had a good idea in his heart.

Everyone pays attention to etiquette!

Since Ke Zhen gave him an unforgettable coming-of-age gift on his 15th birthday, he also gave him an unforgettable birthday gift in return!

(End of this chapter)

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