the first god

Chapter 64 The Ke Family Dog Shi Zhenxiang

Chapter 64 The Ke Family Dog Shi Zhenxiang
"Shi Zhenxiang! Didn't you say last time that you want to talk to me about something? I happen to be free today!"

Hearing that Ma Yunteng took the initiative to talk to him, Shi Zhenxiang was full of surprise!
Although their Shi family had long since moved away from Bingmo Star, in Hestia Star, it was the most down and down family. The temperament of groveling and flattering.

In front of Ma Yunteng, he obviously had a sense of superiority, but he had to ask for others, so he had to lower his face and talk to this untouchable son of Bingmoxing.

Shi Zhenxiang followed Ma Yunteng away from the crowd and walked to a secluded place.

Shi Zhenxiang said impatiently, "Boss Ma, last time I actually wanted to book a few ice lobsters with you! My cousin, Dean Ke, was celebrating his birthday today and asked me to come over for dinner. He likes it very much. The ice and snow lobster in the ice sea, Admiral Nuo An once gave Dean Ke ten second-order ice and snow lobsters, and Dean Ke got four of them. He often talks about the deliciousness of the ice and snow lobster. send it to him."

Ma Yunteng nodded.

Ma Yunteng naturally knew about this, so he deliberately found him.

Shi Zhenxiang looked at Ma Yunteng embarrassedly, and then opened his mouth again: "I heard that your store has delivered ice and snow lobster to Instructor Huo Yan several times. How many do I have?"

Ma Yunteng smiled and said, "What a coincidence! I just brought a batch of ice and snow lobsters today! It's just that this thing is very difficult to get, and it was bought at the risk of life..."

Shi Zhenxiang saw that Ma Yunteng really did, his eyes lit up, and his voice was full of smiles: "I know! This ice and snow lobster can only live in the ice sea in the extremely cold snow area that is half covered by ice poison, and The ice sea is also full of methamphetamine, once it is contaminated, it will immediately kill you, and most of them have already mutated and advanced, it is extremely difficult to obtain."

Ma Yunteng asked directly: "So, do you really have the sincerity to negotiate this business?"

Shi Zhenxiang also knew his family background and asked Ma Yunteng to buy it at a clear price. He definitely didn't have that many gold coins and spar, so he thought about it and said, "I'm determined to get this thing! However, I don't have enough for the time being. Gold coins and spar for you. Otherwise, the civilians of Bingmoxing are not qualified to visit the retired aviation warships. How about I take you to visit the aviation warships? Enough!"

The civilians of the ice desert star!

Their Shi family really has a sense of superiority!

Ma Yunteng sneered secretly, he, a commoner of Bingmoxing, has never been as hungry as the Shi family.

Visit a decommissioned aviation warship?

Even on an aircraft carrier that is in service, he has a way.

Still need him, Shi Zhenxiang, to give him a chance to see a dilapidated warship that has been retired?
Ma Yunteng originally felt guilty because he was about to take advantage of the other party, but at this time, this guilt disappeared.

He shook his head calmly and said, "My big lobster has already been grilled. My ancestral barbecue shop has a unique flavor. The umami is locked in a sealed fresh-keeping tin can. You can send it directly to eat... What do you think? Is this deal really equal?"

Shi Zhenxiang had a displeased look on his face, "It's not that easy for me to take you to visit the aviation warship. Why, are you still not happy?"

Ma Yunteng said nothing, turned his head and left.

Shi Zhenxiang was in a hurry, so he chased after him and shouted, "Don't go! We can still talk about it! Otherwise, can you tell us about your conditions?"

Ma Yunteng did not stop and continued to walk forward.

Shi Zhenxiang ran in front of him, panting, reaching out to stop him, "Tell me, how on earth are you going to sell it to me?"

Ma Yunteng smiled, "Why are you stopping me? Since we don't have enough gold coins and spar, we can only say that there is no righteousness in buying and selling. Let's work together again if we have the opportunity in the future!"

Shi Zhenxiang gritted his teeth, and seemed to have made a great determination. He took off a jade finger from his hand and handed it to Ma Yunteng.

"Let's work together today! If I miss today, I have to wait for a year! Well, although this jade wrench does not look very good, it has been passed down in my family for many generations. For our historians, It is of great significance, I will temporarily hold it with you, and when I have enough gold coins and spar in the future, I will find you to redeem it immediately!"

Ma Yunteng took the jade wrench and looked at it carefully.

"This thing does look old, but the color and texture are not good. What's the use of me holding it?"

After speaking, Ma Yunteng threw the jade wrench to Shi Zhenxiang again.

At this time, a voice sounded in Ma Yunteng's mind, "You just follow him! This jade finger has some origin!"

It was the invisible little cute pet Xiaolinger in his head who was talking.

His mother Bai Qian gave him a book called "Nightmare Art". He practiced for a year and summoned this invisible little nightmare. Now, it has been promoted from zero to fourth.

It lives in his brain.

According to its recollection, it is a world from a very advanced and developed [-]-level civilization, and the world where Ma Yunteng is located belongs to the second-level civilization world.

At first, Ma Yunteng didn't believe it at all.

At present, he really believes a little bit.

Shi Zhenxiang was probably really anxious, and suddenly there was a cry in his voice, and he forcibly shoved the jade wrench into Ma Yunteng.

"Boss Fang, you should be a friend to help out! In the future, I will definitely go through fire and water whenever I need Shi Zhenxiang!"

Ma Yunteng didn't speak, and looked at Shi Zhenxiang quietly.

A clone of Xiao Linger, also an invisible little nightmare, flew into Shi Zhenxiang's head quietly.

Because Shi Zhenxiang's current combat power is significantly lower than that of the fourth-order mutant beasts, he cannot stop any activities of the fourth-order nightmare insect clone in his brain.

Xiao Ling'er's clone started a silent brain search, and it went extremely smoothly.

This brain-searching behavior does not cause any discomfort to the brain-searching subject, but only extracts his past memories and experiences, including dreams and some past thoughts.

It can be said that the information obtained from the brain search is much more detailed, true and reliable than the information in the resident information database of the Star Alliance Military Government.

The results of the brain search showed that this jade wrench was picked up by Shi Zhenxiang when he was a child, not the heirloom he said.

Xiao Linger laughed in Ma Yunteng's mind.

Ma Yunteng rushed to Shi Zhenxiang and laughed.

"Look at what you said, it's all about it. If I, Ma Yunteng, don't give you face today, wouldn't it be too ignorant to flatter me?"

When Shi Zhenxiang heard the drama, his tone immediately became arrogant: "That's it! You are a commoner of the Ice Desert Star, if there are not a few iron buddies in the high-level star field, the shop may not be able to continue to open."

(End of this chapter)

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