the first god

Chapter 697 Artifacts

It's a pity that Fengyuan didn't see it. Xiaowei and Dingxu behind him both showed a smile of conspiratorial success.Dingxu's giant sword sent a wonderful shock wave, which made his body stop, and then the shock wave merged into a wave, knocking Fengyuan far away.

Xiaowei rushed to Dingxu's side, the corners of his mouth raised, "Do you want to use that trick?"

"Well, use that trick to get revenge on this bastard, hehehe"

Feng Yuan fell into a state of dementia, and was stunned to see the yellow light flashing vaguely on the two friends and the rising fiery red and earthy fighting spirit.Dingxu didn't intend to let him go, Dingxu and Xiaowei each slashed forward with a wave of fighting energy, and flew towards Fengyuan. On the way, the two waves of fighting energy suddenly merged together, forming a yellow light wrapped in red fighting energy ball.

"fire star"

These three words came out of the mouths of Dingxu and Xiaowei.Of course, because Fengyuan has no defense at all now, they only used one success power.As a result, Fengyuan accepted all the orders, and like Dingxu and Xiaowei, his clothes were tattered, but two were cut by the wind blade, and one was burned by fire, and it was still charred and black.The three stopped their hands tacitly and fell directly to the ground.

Feng Yuan said viciously, "Okay, you two boys were pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, and you have also reached the yellow level, and you have developed fighting spirit."

Dingxu smirked for a while, and Xiaowei said with a mature face, "Who is beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy it. A real sword should hide its sharpness. Only broken copper and iron can be used to show off everywhere. I wish everyone knew that I was a magic weapon. The 'Chaos Locking Yuan Jue' you told us when A-Tian is for looking good."

"Okay, you boy turned a corner and scolded me"

"Is there, I don't have one"

"Humph, old boy, I want you to look good." As he said that, he threw himself at Xiaowei, wrestled into a ball, and bickered while fighting. "Don't bother me, I've always looked good"

Later Ding Xu also joined, and the three of them scuffled into a ball, all using the strength of the Huang level, and there was a "bang bang" sound when they were hit on the body. Shen Qingtian walked in and saw how "serious" and "fierce fighting" they were, and retreated in satisfaction. come out.

"Hoo hoo hoo!" The three of them ceased fighting and rushed to Ma Yunteng's gravity room.

In the two-girl gravity room, the two girls fighting are not as crazy as Ma Yunteng, nor are they messing around like the three of them.One trick and one style, quite satisfactory.Ye Xiaoyue's short stick turned into sticks all over the sky and attacked Xiao Qingya. Although Xiao Qingya gave people a very weak feeling, she was not sloppy in the fight. When the weak point is too heavy to handle, she always uses Tai Chi to defuse it, and sometimes counterattacks with force.Sure enough, martial arts are like men, with softness as the main focus, less skill and more defense, and skill comes from boxing. Every time the punches and sticks hit each other, it is like the sound of metal intersecting, echoing in the gravity chamber of the two women, and it is difficult to distinguish between them, or It should be because of their personalities, Ye Xiaoyue has a stronger personality, and Xiao Qingya has a softer personality, so although Xiao Qingya has a way to gain the upper hand, she still keeps defending.

Shen Qingtian is very satisfied with these two girls, thinking that when Shen Qingtian was the same age as them, she was not as strong as them.Shen Qingtian couldn't help sighing that young people are awesome.With their strength, they can fight against the seventh-level ancient warriors without losing.And those three just now are almost at level nine. As for that Ma Yunteng, she couldn't help shivering at the thought of that guy. The warriors have fought, and they may even have the upper hand.It's terrifying to have such power at the age of 14.In fact, her estimate was not accurate. If the three of Dingxu were fighting seriously, coupled with full fighting spirit, and the integrated attack using various attributes shown today, even the peak level 4 of the location could fight.As for Ma Yunteng's strength, it is true that he can only compete with the peak of the tenth level, but if he is full of fighting spirit, he dares to say that he will not be defeated in the first-level single-handedly.

Shen Qingtian looked at the time, picked up the headset, and said, "Okay, everyone, the training is suspended, get out of class is over now, those who have not taken other subjects go back to the dormitory, of course you can stay and continue to practice, but you must pay the usage fee, there are electives. Students of other subjects please go to class immediately"

Ma Yunteng was so disturbed by the harsh electronic sound that he had to wake up from his practice, opened his eyes, and found Dingxu and Xiaowei.Fengyuan and the three sat cross-legged around him, and they seemed to have just woken up from cultivation. Ma Yunteng asked them if they wanted to stay or go to rest.The three of them headed up and wanted to rest. They came out of the gravity room and were going to the cafeteria, looking for a dormitory by the way.At this time, Xiaowei smiled a little, and said, "Everyone, I have already found a dormitory. Hahahahaha, I bought a villa just outside the girls' dormitory." No wonder he smiled so cheaply. In this way, the two wild wolves around Ma Yunteng also howled excitedly, and Ma Yunteng rewarded him with a chestnut. The unlucky Xiaowei was still drooling, almost touching his tongue.

After leaving the battlefield, Ma Yunteng went directly to the cafeteria. He had to admire St. Angel's College. The environment here is really perfect. Everywhere has the feeling of deep nature, which makes people feel very peaceful. Even the cafeteria was shaped like a huge tree stump. He felt that the four years he had been isolated from the world were like four centuries.

"Are we all going to eat here?" Xiaowei asked bitterly
"What's wrong?" The other three asked strangely.
"It's not bad, but I have hired a chef at the villa, and the food is no worse than here. If I eat here, the chef from the villa will be a waste." Ma Yunteng thought about it, and finally decided to go back home.

Although Ma Yunteng has talked about his problems with Xiaowei, and now he eats Xiaowei's and lives here, and doesn't want him to buy so many luxurious things for himself, but this guy always threatens Ma Yunteng with breaking up friendship , he said, if you care about him like this, don't be a brother.Every time at the end, Ma Yunteng had no choice but to give up, never mentioning money.In fact, there is another reason for Xiaowei to do this, that is, you can enjoy the beautiful food while eating in the villa.This is his main purpose.And they didn't expect that it was because of Xiao Wei's nonsensical reason that they escaped a danger without any risk.

Back at the villa bought by Xiao Wei, the group went upstairs to the restaurant
"I rely on..." Dingxu and Fengyuan roared together, and each of them gave Xiao Wei an international standard gesture, because Xiao Wei had a telescope in front of him, and the mirror was facing the girls' dormitory of St. Angel's College. This guy is really free, or really It's boring enough to prepare even this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it for you too." After saying that, Xiao Wei ran out to get two telescopes and set them up by the window. Xiao Wei asked Ma Yunteng while he was busy, "Ah Tian, ​​can you see it?"

"No, take a look, I'm going to visit this villa."

Ma Yunteng walked downstairs slowly. This villa has three floors, the living room on the first floor, the dining room and kitchen on the second floor. Looking around, the decoration on the first floor is very simple and elegant. It really doesn't look like it was designed by Xiao Wei. With his design Personality, all designs exist for the sake of it, and it will definitely be decorated magnificently. When you bring it next time, it will directly dazzle people's eyes.The 3D stereo TV in the lobby has a pair of speakers on the left and right, and a set of sofas on the opposite side. An ancient painting and an antique sword hang on the wall.There are several potted plants on the ground, and various antique vases are placed on a showcase.The walls are beige, not too dazzling.

There are four rooms on the second floor, a large kitchen, and a dining room by the window.The rooms of the four of Ma Yunteng are well distinguished. Once the door is opened, Ma Yunteng's room has no decorations, only a bed, quilt, and bed cabinet.As for Xiaowei's room, when he opened the door and walked in, it was full of pictures and posters of beautiful girls pasted on the wall. I really don't know where he went to collect so many.Dingxu's is different, but there are books on the bed, and they are ancient books, such as "Shan Hai Jing", "Sou Shen Ji", "Nan Shan Jing", what makes Ma Yunteng most dumbfounded is that there are still books next to his pillow. He wrote a "Prajparamita Heart Sutra".Later, Ma Yunteng asked Dingxu if he wanted to become a monk. Dingxu said that because he was tempted by the devil, he read a few Heart Sutras to keep the little pure land in his heart.Fengyuan's room is very retro. His room is painted with black walls, and the walls are covered with daggers and knives.He also hung a still photo of a movie called "Young and Dangerous" from a long time ago.

These decorations may be related to their family background and growth environment. After all, in a different environment, different personalities will be developed.Xiaowei, Fengyuan, and Dingxu are not simple. Even in St. Angel's College, where there are a lot of second-generation military, second-generation rich, and second-generation officials, they can all be regarded as top-notch.

Dingxu's family can be said to be all politicians. Grandpa is the current chairman of Longguo (the highest leader of Longguo is the chairman), and his father is ***.Dingxu can be said to be a veritable second-generation official, but his family education is very strict, and the old man is a very upright person. When Dingxu's father left school, he did not give him a financial aid at all, and kicked him out on the day of graduation. In such a serious family, it is no wonder that Dingxu looks like a little old man, but Dingxu has no plans to participate in politics, and of course his family has not explicitly asked for it. What should Xu do in the future?

Fengyuan is much more ruthless. His father is the number one non-governmental organization in Longguo (actually the underworld in the twentieth century), the head of the century group. Don't look at them using the group name. In fact, their associations are all over the country. The members of the regiment are strictly disciplined, and there are branch offices in all major cities of the Dragon Kingdom. It is the largest chain of entertainment venues in the Dragon Kingdom.

But they are not contaminated with drugs, but they have the right to manufacture arms, and sell them to the country at a low price. It can be said that they are also an important force to support the country. The Century Group also often sends people to cooperate with foreign countries to export arms. In fact, they secretly Infiltrate other countries and acquire advanced technologies.

Now that the ancient martial arts are on the rise, their century regiment has gradually stopped the arms business, but there are still some transactions. Now the original arms transaction has become a cold weapon transaction. In addition to opening entertainment venues, it has also opened many cold weapon chain stores. The quality of the century regiment's weapons is very good. Similarly, Haoxiong, even Fengyuan's father, still ordered discounts to be provided to the country. Therefore, the country turned a blind eye to the firefight incidents that occurred when the century regiment expanded its territory. Eye.But in fact, the deciphering of the technology of the "Century" spacecraft by the Century Mission has also provided great help to the country, especially their group of scientific researchers who specialize in arms research have deciphered 21 major technologies and 30 military technologies. 70 weapon technologies.

Xiaowei, formerly known as Liu Chengfeng, is the head of the Xiaolong Group. His father, Long Xiaotian, started from scratch, and climbed up to the top of the global business world step by step, without knowing how much he suffered.He was in his prime, but his hair was all white. Anyone in business would give him three points of face when they saw him, and those who respected him called him "White Dragon".Xiaolong Group can be said to be the well-deserved No. [-] company in Dragon Country and the top three companies in the world.Xiaolong Group has a wide range of design fields, including catering, furniture, architecture, and high-tech products.Now a new clothing industry has started again. Facts have proved that "Bailong" has a very unique vision, and he can see the business opportunities brought by this cross-century at a glance. His clothing industry specializes in producing various samurai uniforms. It has been extended from samurai clothing, and now it is the most popular clothing industry company in China.

After visiting the rooms of the four of them, Ma Yunteng walked to the restaurant and asked, "Xiaowei, does this villa have a gravity room?"

"Ah Tian, ​​you are really an out-and-out cultivator. You have to combine work and rest, don't be too tired, understand. The gravity room is on the third floor, and the whole third floor is a practice field." Ma Yunteng laughed Smiled, didn't say anything more, went upstairs, the three perverts turned around and smirked while grilling rice, and continued to do their "business"

Recalling today's battle with Shen Qingtian, Ma Yunteng found that he still has many shortcomings, so he decided to seal up all his fighting spirit in the future and use only his own strength from tomorrow, although because of the hard special training, let him His body quickly advanced to the green level, but due to the constant increase in strength, he hardly had time to become familiar with the soaring strength. Before he could use his body strength freely, he planned to learn in school only by his body strength.

Ma Yunteng adjusted the gravity device to 120 times, picked up the Void Dragon Wolf Sword, and started to swing it. He was doing the daily compulsory courses. Due to the self-sealing of the sword spirit, the Void Dragon Wolf Sword turned into a stone sword. Although the weight of the Void Dragon Wolf Sword has dropped significantly, But for Ma Yunteng, it is still not a light weight, and it is perfect for him to carry out gravity training.

When Ma Yunteng was waving the Void Dragon Wolf Sword tirelessly, a sudden change occurred. Cracks appeared on the blade of the Void Dragon Wolf Sword, slowly cracked, and then began to spread to the entire sword. After a while, the entire sword All full of cracks.The crack became bigger and bigger, and a strong light shot out from the sword. One side of Ma Yunteng's eyes was white, and he was blinded by the strong light. When Ma Yunteng opened his eyes again and refocused, the Void Dragon Wolf Sword had already Disappeared.

Ma Yunteng was stunned for a moment, at a loss. In his eyes, the Void Dragon Wolf Sword is the personal weapon of the Destroyer Sword God. The only personal weapon of the Creation God level in the Nine Realms must be a powerful divine weapon.

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