the first god

Chapter 698 Strength

"With a strong body to support us, we can practice battle qi without any scruples, without worrying about being overwhelmed by too much battle qi, understand? Now let me see how your body is strong. Now start with Ten times the gravity begins."

The final result surprised Ma Yunteng. Among them, Fengjing Liuyi had reached the peak of the orange level and was about to advance to the yellow level. He was really talented, while the other 97 people were all red level.Can the level of physical strength be converted into multiples of gravity? Even if someone survives 40 times, he is not necessarily orange level. The level of physical strength is the qualitative level produced by the human body after exercising every part of the body and surpassing the limits of human beings. leap.Ma Yunteng asked the other 97 people to exercise in this gravity room, and said to Fengjing Liuyi, "Liu Yi, come with me here"

"Brother Ma Yunteng, don't call me so stupid, you can just call me Liu Yi." "This, it's not very good, after all, you are the prince of a country."

"Is that so?" Liu Yi looked very lonely for a moment, "It's because of this identity."

Ma Yunteng looked at the loneliness on Fengjing Liuyi's face, it was a helpless, hesitant and lonely expression, Ma Yunteng couldn't bear it, so he said, "Okay, let's go, Liu Yi"

Hearing Ma Yunteng directly calling his name, Liu Yi's eyes showed joy, Ma Yunteng took him to a relatively small single-person gravity room, and said to him, "Liu Yi, your physical strength is good, so I let you and They practice separately, you start with forty times and then bring those."

Ma Yunteng pointed to the weight beside him, Liu Yi was a little surprised, and said timidly, "Can I do it?"

Ma Yunteng encouraged, "Believe in yourself, you can do it, go beyond your limit. Also, this is for you." Ma Yunteng took out a small piece of warm jade and gave it to him.Ever since Xiaowei and the others began to practice, Ma Yunteng divided the original Wen Yu into four pieces, each of them took one piece, and now what he gave to Liu Yi was originally his.

Then Ma Yunteng walked out of the gravity room.Liu Yi in the gravity room looked at this piece of warm jade exuding strange energy, his eyes were wet. He was familiar with all kinds of legends and deeds of the Dragon Kingdom, so he naturally knew that this was a piece of thousand-year-old warm jade, but he never thought that it was the first time. After meeting, someone gave him such a valuable thing.Except when he was a child, no one has treated him so well.It was also at this time that Liu regarded Ma Yunteng as more important than his life.He turned around resolutely and started training, leaving a few crystal drops in midair.

My name is Fengjing Liuyi, I am the crown prince of Rongguo, how about it, my family background is great, hahahahahahahaha, if possible, I am willing to exchange everything of mine, replace everything of mine.Even as a commoner, I think my life would be much better.

In order to consolidate the power of his family, Feng Jingyegou, this man wants me to be the next emperor of Rongguo.And so, my nightmare began.When I was three years old, Feng Jing Ye Gou asked me to read a book every day. This is not a children's book, but a book on enlightenment education, elementary education, secondary education, higher education and various literature. , and asked to memorize them all first, he would check them every day during meals, if I failed the check, I would have no food.What fascinates me the most is the culture of the Dragon Kingdom. This great civilization with a long history has a history of 7 years.Moreover, Fengjing Yegou also asked me to pay attention to learning the cultural knowledge of the Dragon Kingdom, which is probably the least uncomfortable thing in my exhaustion and pain.My heart was drawn to Dragon Kingdom back then. …

I have to learn the cultures of more than a dozen countries every day, and there are various exams. How can I, a young child, remember it.But my childish begging for mercy was exchanged for a severe beating. Fengjing Yegou didn't care that I was only three years old, and threw me to the medical class after the beating. Although I was afraid of being beaten, my memory was much better, but as a child, my brain capacity is limited, and I was still beaten once or twice in three or four months.When I was six years old, when I was able to memorize the cultural customs of various countries like a treasure, Feng Jingyegou didn't let me stop, and continued to let me learn about the major battles in the world, ancient and modern, and the strategies of the royal family to seize power.It's still the old rule, if you don't pass, beat me, beat me hard.

I didn't feel any warmth in that gorgeous Rongguo palace until I met her, a ray of light in my life.I remember that when I saw her for the first time, she was beaten by several servants. I sympathized with her who was also beaten.Although I was often beaten by Feng Jing Yegou in Rongguo Palace, it is an indisputable fact that I am indeed his son, no servant dares to be rude to me.So I saved her easily.It turned out that she was from Long Country and was sold to Rong Country.For Rong Guo, who is full of hatred and dragons, she can't move a single step, so she can only study Rong Guo language hard while looking for a job.After that, I often let her live with me, and pestered her to teach me Dragon Mandarin and tell me stories about Dragon Kingdom.She told me that she also has a lovely child like me, so she has always given me the same warmth as my mother.And what about my biological mother?She is the same as Feng Jing Ye Gou, in her eyes, I am just a flag used to stabilize and expand the power of the family.For me, Aunt al is my mother.When I was beaten, she was the one who protected me and wiped my wounds.

Finally, after countless beatings, I became extremely strong and became the heir apparent of Rongguo at the age of 12.I said a word that almost killed me - my dream.That day, I stood on the high platform and said, "If I can, I want to be an ordinary Longguo person." After returning home, Feng Jingyegou beat me up without saying a word. This time it was different from the past. After the beating, he took out his pistol and pointed it at me. I have violated his big taboo by being close to Longguo. Even if I have another child, I will not allow him to have an offspring to be close to Longguo after more than ten years of preparation.In desperation, al's mother shouted "no" in Long Mandarin, which made the man even more furious.

He pulled the trigger, the gunshot rang out, I was fine, but, al fell, right in front of me, blood gushing from the wound, I threw myself on top of her, tears kept streaming from my eyes Come out, "Wake up" I kept yelling in her native language, and hearing my Dragon Mandarin brought the man back to his senses, and seeing that he didn't kill me, he spat at her, "Damn Chinese woman" again Raised the pistol.

But I'm fine, I was rescued by my hidden guards, and since then, I have been living in the training base of the hidden guards, that day, I broke up with Rong Guo, that day I No longer of the affinity or of the radical, I, only myself.Fui Yegou, I want you to pay for everything you have done. …

Ma Yunteng walked out of Liu Yi's gravity room and immediately went to see the situation of Fengyuan and the three of them. When he went in, he found that the gravity room was in a mess. Bloodshot, sitting on the floor to adjust breath.Ma Yunteng guessed that the three of them had vented their anger for a long time in the frenzied battle just now, which resulted in a lack of fighting energy and physical injuries.He shook his head helplessly, walked behind them, and untied the thick non-attribute holy demon battle qi blocked in his body to irritate their bodies. It took six hours for them to wake up. Although the battle qi had not fully recovered, their bodies His injury is no longer serious.After the madness, they calmed down a lot, and Ma Yunteng dragged them back to the dormitory.On the way, I met Fengjing Liuyi. He respectfully called "Brother Ma Yunteng" and thanked Ma Yunteng. Ma Yunteng found that he had broken through the bottleneck and reached the yellow level. Ma Yunteng told him tomorrow But he had to redouble his efforts, and he left happily.Ma Yunteng turned his head and saw three pairs of suspicious and distrustful eyes. He sighed and told them all about the cause and effect. Even so, the three of Fengyuan still had some estrangement from Liu Yi and Ying Erdai.Hey, it seems that this bombing incident made them hate all the Rong people.

At the entrance where Ma Yunteng was about to walk out of the battlefield, Ma Yunteng met Xiao Qingya. The gentle and lovely girl panted slightly, and said to them anxiously: "Mr. As soon as he was beating people outside, he even picked out the one who was on the school's draft list, and he has already injured several people who were on the list."

Looking at the anxious and beautiful expression of this cute little girl, they would have made a move already normally, but now they all lowered their heads and didn't say a word. Ma Yunteng comforted this kind girl and said softly, "Xiao Student Qingya, don't worry, just speak slowly, who is that Fuino Noichi you mentioned, is he very powerful? Most of the people on the school draft list are from the ancient martial arts department, and their family background is also good, there should be people in the dark Private bodyguards are right, how could they be injured so easily?"

"You don't know, Feng Jingyeyi is the second son of the current emperor of Rongguo, and the younger brother of classmate Liu Yi. His own strength has reached the seventh level of ancient warriors, and there are a large group of hidden guards acting as his thugs. Although the people on the school draft list have good family backgrounds and have bodyguards, they are just overlords in the final analysis, and Feng Jingye is the son of the emperor of a country. Although the people on the school draft list are not fatally injured, they are all hurt. , and their bodyguard almost had several comminuted fractures."

"Wow, they are all here, very good, save me looking for them one by one..."

Just when Ma Yunteng was inquiring about the ins and outs, a weird and crappy voice in Long Guoyu came, and a man who looked a lot like Feng Jingliu walked in with a group of people wrapped in black cloth. The kind Fengjing Liuyi lost a bit of humility and became a bit more arrogant.When he saw Xiao Qingya beside Ma Yunteng, his eyes lit up with joy.

"Girl, hello, wait until I abolish all these little grass gangs (school grass list, crappy Dragon Mandarin), and I will want all the beauties from your little flower gang (school flower list) one by one." Try to make friends, hahahahahaha" Said, Fuino let out an arrogant laugh. …

Hearing this, Xiao Qingya, who was a little scared, leaned towards Ma Yunteng in fear. Maybe this is due to the girl's nature. Although she is really not weak, but facing a group of vicious people, she can't help but feel a little scared. Find someone to rely on.Ma Yunteng naturally pulled Xiao Qingya behind him, and said softly, "Student Xiao, don't be afraid, just treat it like a group of mad dogs barking. We are going to beat the dogs. You can enjoy the show here."

As soon as the voice fell, even Ma Yunteng himself was surprised, he had never whispered to anyone so softly, maybe this is the power of beautiful women.It's a pity that the three of them are all on fire now, and they didn't notice Ma Yunteng's strangeness at all.

Just when Xiaowei and the others were planning to make a big fuss, Yingerdai and Fengjing Liuyi just came out of the gravity room together. Seeing something happened here, they rushed over, "Brother Ma Yunteng, what happened?" "

"Liu Yi, this is your younger brother, right? Now they are causing trouble for us, and we want them to pay in blood. What are you going to do?" Brother, and Fengjing Liuyi is not bad, he is a friend worth making, Ma Yunteng still asked Fengjing Liuyi, but the result was beyond his expectation.

"No, I have nothing to do with the Fengjing family. I don't know the mad dog across the way. Since he dares to trouble Brother Ma Yunteng, let my younger brother take care of this garbage." Liu Yi said with red eyes. , even Ma Yunteng felt the murderous look in his eyes.

"That's right, Brother Ma Yunteng, let us take care of these rubbish, don't get your hands dirty." The second generation of Eagles also spoke out one after another, and they all stood around the four of Ma Yunteng, surrounding them all Inside, Liu Yi and Feng Jingye were confronting each other, murmuring in their Rongguo language, they didn't know what they were talking about.

"Feng Jingyeyi, get out of here, you don't want to touch a single hair of Brother Ma Yunteng when I'm here."

"Ryuichi Fengjing, you really think you are my elder brother. Since you said that, you are nothing. If it weren't for those old bastards from Yinweimen to protect you, you would have died a long time ago. It's on the street."

"Hmph, so what, anyway, I never thought of myself as a member of Fengjing's family, let alone as a native of Rongguo. Whenever I think of my surname Fengjing, I feel ashamed, and whenever I mention that I am from Rongguo, I feel disgusted. "

"Well, I order you to fence this place for me"

"Yes!" Feng Jingyeyi's dog leg agreed, his figure flashed, and all of them disappeared, it was the hidden guard escape technique.Ma Yunteng clasped his hands tightly, and his vigilance was greatly improved. He signaled Ding Xu and the others to be on guard secretly.

The two sides fought without saying a word, and the second generation of Eagles each found their own opponents. With their excellent tacit understanding and combined attack, they were not at a disadvantage.And Liu Yi singled out Feng Jingyeyi and a hidden guard leader, and he still has the upper hand. This advancement has greatly improved his skill, and he probably has the strength of a ninth-level warrior. If he is given time to get familiar with it , It is estimated that he can display the strength of the peak of the ninth level.

Seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, Feng Jingye screamed, "Blood shadow appears, kill without mercy!"

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