the first god

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 The Return
The two beautiful chefs in this barbecue restaurant are so beautiful!
The beautiful ones are not very real, just like people who came out of ancient scrolls, and each has its own style: one is tender and graceful, and the other is seductive and charming.

The hearts of many diners were just around the corner, but no one made any obscene and outrageous actions.

Because the white-haired animal, which is said to be very powerful, is following him, like a flower-guardian messenger.

Bai Mao Er Ha looked really well-behaved, and jumped onto the high platform on the right, lying on his stomach quietly.

However, no diners really underestimate it.

In its eyes, a strange light suddenly appeared.

Ma Yunteng couldn't help but be shocked, and some strange pictures popped up in his mind:

"Yoko, what should I do? That sleeping Mouri Kogoro is coming. I heard that he is very good at solving cases."

"What's the panic! You didn't kill the person. It's not easy for him to find evidence. Even if he finds evidence, the police will only look for me, and it's none of your business."

Homeless old woman in Tokyo!

Horse Farm Night!
He clearly remembered that when Xiao Yezi fell asleep at the racecourse, he returned to the second world and even got the Chaos Yuan Banner.

The horse farm Xiaoyeko woke up, and the message from the mobile phone showed that he was going to deal with the little ghost who was hiding behind Maori Kogoro and shot anesthesia. He is the mysterious genius detective who created the myth of "Sleeping Kogoro".

However, he suddenly heard the voice of Orange from the Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm: "Sect Master! Are you going to be promoted to the seventh rank so soon?"

Then, he was teleported to Elpis and Ice Desert.

In fact, he has never been able to recall the second life. Later, he has a little memory, and the memory is very vague. However, he has never seen Chaos Yuanfan in the second life, and this impression is still there.

If he can get the Chaos Yuan Banner, his second life will not end bleak.

He has also never met Liu Xiahui, the leading figure of the Cloud Lan Sect.

So, Chaos Yuanfan is really on him, has he got it?

In Tokyo, I took the 200 points of the horse farm Sayoko.

When the racecourse Sayoko fell asleep, he turned his hand and took Liuxia Hui's 1000000 points.

Are those values ​​real and valid?

Ma Yunteng couldn't help but have doubts.

Also, if he didn't rush over to deal with the clever kid who was hiding behind Kogoro Mouri and shot the anaesthetic, what would happen to the horse farm Sayoko?
Will she be caught or even sentenced to death?
Also, the original horse farm Xiaoyezi left after three days.

If he can't make it back, will the corpse of Xiao Yeko, a homeless old woman who died on the street, be cremated by a kind person?

So, if he fails the mission, will he also suffer backlash accordingly?

Did you die directly in the thunder calamity?
Or lose mental power and become a walking body?

Did he choose to stay in Bingmoxing and bring back the seventh sister Bai Youchun, or did he choose to help Xiao Yezi on the horse farm, an elderly homeless woman who was in trouble?
Or, he went directly back to Wanlin Immortal Realm?
Is this a three-choice multiple-choice question?

Oh, he is a guest at Chayan Castle on Lingjiu Island in Wanling Immortal Realm.


What happened?
The impression seems a little fuzzy.

Ma Yunteng felt a splitting headache.

But it came to my mind quickly.

Details are getting clearer.

Well, to a banquet.

The banquet at Chayan Fort was indeed very sumptuous. There were as many as 28 courses of meat dishes, and more than ten courses of vegetarian dishes. Desserts and drinks were also extremely rich.

Cheng Zi burped and once again praised the deliciousness of the food, and then continued to gossip with Wang Youfeng, the owner of Chayanbao.

Xue Yuan and Heng Er also joined the chat circle. The four women seemed to be as familiar as sisters who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

When he was bored, he found that Hengzhi, the king of Mylabris, seemed to be very interested in the women's words, and the women seemed to be quite willing to join them in their chats.

So, he left the dining room alone, intending to visit the main mansion of Chayan Fortress carefully.

He found that there was a huge lake that could not be seen at the end of the Chayan Fort, as well as a dense forest that was deep and did not know the end. Obviously, it has a deep meaning.

He was fine at this time, just to investigate and be prepared.

Soon, he discovered that the endless lakes and the dense forests that were connected to the mansion exuded a strong spiritual energy.

This spiritual energy was protected by the barrier formed by the Immortal Array, which deliberately prevented the aura from leaking out, but it couldn't hide it from him.

The aura in lakes and forests is really too strong, and it is not inferior to the aura in Tianyuan Xianshan.

Maybe, there are spiritual roots, spiritual sources, spiritual veins, or fairy crystal ore veins hidden in the lake and forest.

He intends to investigate carefully.

He thought it was very strange. Since Chayan Fort has talents who are good at visiting the land of spiritual roots, and there are many monks in the fort, why are they generally not high in cultivation and are often bullied?

Either the Daxianmen deliberately suppressed it, or the wealth was exposed and coveted.

Wang Youfeng's seeking blessing must be true.

Is it really a question of the secrets of the exercises?

It's just that this Chayan Fort is a piece of delicious fat.

Could it be that there has never been a Daxianmen willing to bless Chayanbao?
It really doesn't make sense.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

He felt that a small island in the middle of the lake that could not be seen at a glance, the aura was extremely strong, and when he used [Yihong Qingpi] [Baili Nose], he felt that his sixth-rank ninth-rank immortal product was just a smell. It is about to break through the Great Perfection and be promoted to the seventh grade.

Then Yujian flew to the small island in the middle of the lake by himself.

There are also blinding fairy formations on the periphery of the island, but to him, it is not a problem at all.

This small island is indeed small and flat, like a peach pit, with a radius of less than three miles.

The island is planted with fairy pomelo, and among the pomelo plants, it is full of manzhushahua, red, white, yellow, blue, pink, orange, purple, colorful, and bright on it.

There is also a blinding fairy formation on the island!

There is a triple blind eye formation guarding it, so it is no wonder that no one is sent to guard it.

What's more, in the entire Chayan Fort, apart from the fort master who is a fourth-rank, most of the rest of the monks are immortals below the first-rank, and there are very few first-rank and second-rank monks. Second-rank monks like Zhang San and Li Si already belong to the elite of Chayan Fort. , even if you send someone to guard it, you can't keep it.

He found that the eye-obscuring fairy formation on the island in the heart of the lake is more subtle, with the chaotic treasure virtual black stone as the eye, it can completely confuse the immortals below the seventh rank, but he is an exception.

Between the fairy pomelo plants, the enchanting and dazzling Manzhu Shahua, red, white, yellow, blue, pink, orange, and purple, are colorful, forming a colorful path, which leads directly to an exquisite pavilion with carved beams and painted buildings.

And this exquisite pavilion surrounded by the Immortal Array is the place where the spiritual energy is most prosperous.

He felt more and more that his breakthrough was imminent, and he had to quickly enter this pavilion to absorb the massive spiritual energy needed for breakthrough.

The pavilion is not big, passing through a small living room and study, and there are only three rooms in the back.

The room in the center has the strongest aura.

Even more intense than the spiritual energy of his cultivation place in Tianyuan Xianshan.

Pushing open the door, he found that the room turned out to be a hot spring pool surrounded by mist.

The rich aura was gushing out of the hot spring pool.

He had a premonition that a breakthrough was imminent, and without thinking much, he undressed and jumped into the hot spring pool.

Touching the hot spring water, countless auras rushed in like a tide, directly to the sea of ​​​​dantian aura.

It didn't take long for him to hear the rolling sound of thunderclouds, which he had long been unfamiliar with.

That is... the thunder tribulation of entering the seventh grade!

He has not been baptized by lightning for many lifetimes.

At this time, he can be described as a lot of emotion.

Tension, joy, excitement... all kinds of emotions are intertwined.

However, in this case, he will not continue to die.

He has to quickly set up a magic circle to resist the thunder robbery!
It would be a joke if he unexpectedly died in a thunder tribulation that was promoted to the seventh rank and passed away early.

Entering the seventh rank, there will be seven thunder tribulations. He has experienced it once before. Although the memory is far away, it is very clear when he recalls it now.

【Drive thunder and switch electricity】!
[Drive Thunder and Control Electricity] There was a sudden flash of silver lightning on the magic circle, and Ma Yunteng felt a burning sensation, and he dodged subconsciously, not daring to look directly.Immediately afterwards, a roar sounded, and a pale thunder light circled from the sky like a silver dragon and flew down.


A burst of dense thunder and lightning explosions continued to sound, and the electric light collided with the thunder sound, blasting countless golden and silver sparks, and the lightning beams shot out like a nine-day waterfall, hitting all directions.Ma Yunteng only felt that an incomparably hot yang gang force penetrated from it, making his whole body scorching hot.

He remembered!
He remembered it all!

The burning sensation gradually subsided, and he suddenly felt extremely smooth and comfortable, a bit like cupping, a bit like moxibustion, and in addition, there was a sense of extreme joy of indulging in the waves...

The skin, bones, meridians, blood, etc. all over his body all radiated a faint golden light from the outside to the inside. Moreover, in the center of his Spiritual Qi Sea, there was suddenly a sparkling pale golden exquisite tower.

Thunder Tribulation Tempered Body!

It turned out that this dharma body has cultivated both immortal and physical techniques. This time, the thunder tribulation is not only a seventh-level thunder tribulation that is promoted to the seventh rank, but also a thunder tribulation of the body refining technique. It is transformed into the power of yang and is inhaled into the body for storage.

Most of the power of thunder and lightning generated by the first stage of thunder tribulation was dispersed by the [Lightning and Lightning] array, and the remaining power of lightning and lightning was transformed into the power of Yang Gang and entered his body.

Just when he thought he had interpreted the thunder tribulation correctly, a vision suddenly appeared in his spiritual consciousness.

The thick fog that did not know when it started to rise suddenly appeared very mysteriously, shrouding his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

A guqin that could not be seen clearly emerges slowly from the bottom of the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness. Due to the thick fog, only the outline of the body of the qin can be seen vaguely.

A string suddenly jumped.

His brain was aching with excruciating pain.

It turned out that this time the thunder tribulation, in addition to the thunder tribulation of promotion to the seventh rank and the thunder tribulation of the body refining technique, there is also the thunder tribulation of spiritual power!

The three-story duplex seven-layered thunder tribulation!

Moreover, it is definitely not a simple superposition of 21 heavy thunder tribulations.

His spiritual power and soul were transferred to the spiritual power transcending tribulation illusion.


Absolutely fantasy!

It's all fantasy!
This time, the lightning tribulation is the easiest to advance to the seventh rank, followed by the lightning tribulation of the body refining technique, and the most difficult is the lightning tribulation of spiritual power.

If he continues to struggle, whether to help the hiding body, Baba Sayoko, to solve the troubles of Conan Edogawa, or to rescue the innocent Bai Youchun with all his strength, then he may be trapped in these two illusions and unable to break free.

Because this is not a simple slaughter-type illusion, everything is so real, and even when he was still asleep at the racecourse Sayoko, he entered the second world and obtained the chaotic primordial banner.

He was originally going to save people, but the patient hadn't saved them yet, but the patient took the initiative to give him Chaos Yuan Banner!

This is a trick to coax ghosts!

He was almost fooled into believing it.

As long as he returns to the Myriad Spirit Immortal Realm, checks his private space, and checks the value, he will know it completely.

Returning is the best choice to break all illusions!

(End of this chapter)

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