the first god

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Ma Yunteng's nose moved.

From the tip of the nose, a burst of seductive orange aroma slowly penetrated into the nostrils and penetrated into the heart and spleen, and the internal organs felt particularly comfortable.

He felt refreshed, spiritually aware of the sea, the mist gradually disappeared, the sea suddenly became clear, and a simple nine-stringed qin slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea of ​​his spiritual awareness to the sky above the sea.

A string, I don't know who plucked it, suddenly jumped, making a crisp and sweet sound.

Then, several strings were plucked one after another.

A peaceful and peaceful song, flowing out slowly, like a clear spring, like a ring...

Ma Yunteng suddenly opened his eyes.

He was sitting upright in the formation.

In this formation, [Drive Thunder and Disconnect Electricity].

here is……

Wanling Xianjie, Lingjiu Island, in the main mansion of Chayan Fortress.

In a lake that cannot be seen at a glance, the island in the center of the lake is rich in spiritual energy.

It is generally flat in the shape of a peach pit, with a radius of less than three miles.

In the past, the island was planted with pomelo, and among the pomelo plants, manzhushahua was blooming, red, white, yellow, blue, pink, orange and purple, colorful and bright.

At this moment, it is already a black scorched earth.

He suddenly remembered that the most aura of Lake Heart Island was an exquisite pavilion surrounded by a blinding fairy formation, and among the only three rooms, the room with the most aura was filled with mist from the hot spring pool...

Yes, he is still in the hot spring pool.

The pavilion and the living rooms and rooms within it have been completely destroyed.

However, the hot spring pool was obviously not affected much because of the protection of the [Lightning and Lightning] magic circle.

And he himself has undergone tremendous changes.

Seven products!

He has successfully advanced from the sixth-rank Immortal Monarch to the seventh-rank Immortal Monarch!

At this point, the thundercloud had completely dissipated.

The sky is blue as wash.

The seventh-layer thunder tribulation, when he was unaware, had all been bombarded?

Ma Yunteng was stunned.

It's too easy.

Also, his body...

The skin, bones, meridians, blood, etc. of the whole body all exude a dazzling golden light from the outside to the inside!

His body was forged like golden jade!

The advanced power of lightning turned out to be a great tonic for his body!

Moreover, in the center of his Spiritual Qi Sea, there is also a crystal and bright bright golden exquisite tower.

Outside the Linglong Pagoda, there are dragons and phoenix auspicious clouds around, and inside the pagoda, there are many decorations and runes that cannot be seen clearly.

This advancement is too weird and too easy.

Could it be... is it because he has multiple chaotic treasures in his body?
However, with such a big battle on the island in the heart of the lake, the surrounding area was so quiet that no one came to watch and disturb it.

This is not right!

Although Ma Yunteng was puzzled, he did not get up immediately.

Being surrounded by people watching the hot springs, of course, was not what he wanted to see. Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

He has to quickly check his own value, as well as Chaos Yuanfan.

Sure enough, there was no Chaos Yuanfan in his personal storage space, the finger-wrench space.

It was indeed a fantasy.

Is it also a hint?
Chaos Yuanfan, who had disappeared for a long time, was in the world where he lived in the second world, and in the hands of Liuxia Hui of Yunlan Sect.

The authenticity of this clue has yet to be tested, but he still has to keep this clue in mind.

So, what is his value?Has it grown?
Turning on the smashing god system, he saw the expected smashing value and progress bar.

Total value: [8520530 points]

Progress bar for primary task [Opening the Realm of the Gods]: [8520530/10000000]

Then, the reward he got from Xiaoyeko and Liuxia Hui were all fake.

Those are all illusions!

Of course, the value obtained in the illusion is also illusory.

But what if he enters the real time and space?
Is the value illusory, or real?
I'm afraid it has to be tested by practice.

After determining what he wanted to determine, Ma Yunteng began to care about Chayanbao.

Maybe something happened in Chayanbao, and his oranges probably went to watch the fun.

"[Ming Cha Qiu Hao]!"


After a quick search, the screen of the light mirror locked on a certain spot.

In the light mirror, it is the discussion hall of the main mansion of Chayan Fortress.

Wang Youfeng's younger brother, Wang Xizhi, is asking what happened.

Wang Youfeng hesitated for a moment, still organizing the words in his mind, Zhang San has already interjected quickly: "Director Ji, he was injured by the people of the beast gate, and he is lying in bed to heal his injuries!"

"What? When did it happen? Where was it injured?"

Wang Xizhi felt a little heartbroken. He just slept for a while, but such a big thing happened. It seems that the days of Chayanbao were a little uneven.

"Just three days ago, Director Ji went to the Monster Beast Forest in order to find the treasures that nourish your vitality and blood. Unexpectedly, after the people from the Royal Beast Sect robbed the treasure, they chased all the way to our tea. Yan Bao is here, if it wasn't for the fort master's action, Director Ji would probably die!"

In the meeting room, everyone in Chayanbao echoed in unison: "Yes! The Imperial Beastmen is simply too deceiving! They also said that our Chayanbao is a tasteless salted fish! Say we are the salted fish castle! We tea Yan Bao is clearly ranked above the Imperial Beast Gate, and their gate owner is still the defeated general of our castle owner!"

Wang Xizhi heard it badly, but asked another question: "Director Ji Da...Why do you want me to find treasures from heaven and earth?"

Zhang San spoke quickly again: "Because you lost your vitality and blood energy too much, you were in a coma. In the past ten days, it was only supported by the treasures of heaven and earth that nourish blood and vitality, and you can wake up..."

Wang Youfeng also nodded, "Just wake up, you are weak, take good care of you."

Wang Xizhi took it seriously, and was about to go back to his room to lie down and continue his cultivation, when suddenly a rash housekeeper rushed in and shouted, "It's not good! The castle master! The people from the Imperial Beast Gate are here again! A large group of people!"

"Xi'er, go back to your room and have a good rest!"

Wang Youfeng didn't say much, and quickly left with a group of merchants from Chayanbao.

Zhang San was the last to leave, and he told Wang Xizhi, "Xi'er, hurry up and rest. If you have extra energy, just take care of Xiaobai, he is very good, and he eats less!"


Zhang San pointed to the small iron cage that contained a little white rabbit.

Wang Xizhi followed the direction of his fingers, and the little white rabbit was happily nibbling on the carrots.

If you can eat an active rabbit, the meat is probably more delicious, and his oranges must be liked.

It's about to become a roast rabbit. This rabbit is afraid that its meat is not fat enough, which will affect the appetite of rabbit meat eaters. This little white rabbit is very caring.

Ma Yunteng turned off the mirror while slandering.

When Ma Yunteng came to the Shimen Square of Chayanbao, the atmosphere was a little tense and he was ready to go.

The people of the Imperial Beast Gate are very frantic, because they are well prepared this time and have frenzied capital.

A third-rank first-order elder brought the fifth-order town sect spirit beast Flame Flying Tiger, two fourth-order spirit beasts and a number of third-order spirit beasts.

Dozens of disciples of the second and first grades came.

The merchants and cultivators of Chayanbao felt puzzled and talked a lot.

"Is the Imperial Beast Gate all out of the nest?"

"I think so! Except for the fact that their sect master didn't come, the spirit beasts used are all top-notch."

"The flame flying tigers are brought out!"

"It's just too deceiving! We Chayanbao are not easy to mess with!"

"The lord of the castle might as well invite Senior Pegasus. Their Imperial Beast Gate is famous for domesticating spirit beasts, but they only have a fifth-order spirit beast. Don't we have a fifth-order spirit beast in Chayan Fort?"

(End of this chapter)

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