the first god

Chapter 78 Coercion

Chapter 78 Coercion
Yes, after Chayanbao and Imperial Beastmen reached an agreement, to be on the safe side, they also bought a fifth-order spirit beast at a high price.

However, the Imperial Beast Gate still wants to tear up the agreement and attack again maliciously.

The treasures that Ji Yao had found in six days were snatched away by the Imperial Beast Gate, and he protected a fifth-order congealing grass.

Ning Yuan Grass is only a higher rank. If it is not for someone like Wang Xizhi who has suffered a severe loss of vitality, it will not be of much use.

The Royal Beastmen came with great fanfare and prepared, could it be some new conspiracy?
"I don't know why Elder Liu came here with such a big show? Ask me that Chayanbao has not offended your family in recent years, but your family has been aggressive several times. What does the door mean?"

Thinking of Ji Yao, who is still bedridden, Wang Youfeng's gentle and sweet voice has a bit of sternness.

Liu Zhihe, the elder of the Imperial Beast Gate, had an extremely dignified and indifferent facial expression, and said with a sneer, "The Castle Lord injured my chief disciple of the Imperial Beast Gate. Did you forget it? It's really a noble person who forgets things!"

Wang Youfeng couldn't help laughing angrily, "Could it be that I, the chief executive of Chayanbao, will be bullied for nothing? Your people from the beast-guarding gate can only hurt people and steal treasures, and they came to my Chayanbao to be wild, I Shouldn’t it be right to give a lesson to the disciples who lacked discipline for your sect’s Clan Master Xiao?”

Liu Zhihe gave a disdainful and weird smile, "Ji Yao is just a general manager of your Chayan Fort, how can he be compared with the chief disciple of my dignified beast gate?"

Wang Youfeng was too angry, but calmed down.

Liu Zhihe was obviously mocking Chayanbao and Ji Yao.

Who do not know that Ji Yao is her fiancé in the entire Lingjiu Island, still speaks like this.

What's more, Ji Yao was looking for medicinal herbs for Xi'er to nourish qi and nourish blood.

Her fiancé and younger brother, she herself is not willing to say a heavy word, why did this Liu Zhihe come to Chayanbao to humiliate him.

It is unbearable!
Not much more to say!She is not afraid that the castle owner of the Imperial Beast Gate is here, not to mention that he is only a third-rank first-order elder.

Wang Youfeng released his fourth-rank fifth-rank coercion.

Liu Zhihe just smiled contemptuously, took an elixir, and he quickly soared to the fourth and fifth rank.

"Little Luo Dan, the secret medicine of Dan Shenzong?"

Wang Youfeng took a deep breath and was shocked.

Has Dan Shenzong and Yu Beast Gate allied?
No wonder Liu Zhihe was so rampant at the third rank and first rank.

Liu Zhihe laughed wildly and said: "I heard that your salted fish castle is in short supply of food, and Lingyuan wine will not be able to be brewed immediately. However, there are still some good things in Qianqiu Tian. Flame Flying Tiger, use your soul eater Yan, burn everything in Qianqiutian!"

Although Huo Feihu was not willing to obey Liu Zhihe's control, but with the Dementor in his body, he could only obediently fly to Qianqiutian.

Wang Youfeng was extremely angry, she hurried up with her sword and blocked the way of the flame flying tiger.

How could Liu Zhihe let her succeed? He threw the magic weapon, the Golden Wheel, to bully him, and met Wang Youfeng.

Flame Flying Tiger took the opportunity to escape and continued to go to Qianqiutian.

The disciples of the two sects were about to scuffle together.

Ma Yunteng hurriedly exerted the coercion of the seventh-rank Immortal Monarch, and made the golden tiger obediently descend to the ground. Ma Yunteng rode on the tiger's body and let the flame flying tiger rush into the disciples and spirit beasts of the Imperial Beast Gate.

Flame Feihu opened his mouth and spewed out golden soul-devouring flames. The disciples and spirit beasts of the Beast Sect were instantly stunned. The disciples and spirit beasts of the Beast Sect, who had no time to dodge, were burned and wailed.

Liu Zhihe naturally had no intention of fighting with Wang Youfeng, and shouted loudly at the stupid tiger, "You bastard, you still don't stop, aren't you afraid of the Conjuring Curse?"

Seeing that the Flame Flying Tiger ignored him, Liu Zhihe continued to spray flames at the disciples and spirit beasts of the Imperial Beast Sect.

Unexpectedly, the Dementor Charm didn't have any effect. The stupid tiger seemed to be insane, and continued to spray hot golden flames at the disciples and spirit beasts of the Imperial Beast Sect.

For the disciples and spirit beasts of the Imperial Beast Sect, as long as they accidentally get a little spark, their whole body will feel as uncomfortable as their souls are burned.

The next moment, Liu Zhihe himself couldn't move. He was firmly suppressed by some powerful coercive force, and his knees couldn't help but knelt down.

Everyone in Chayanbao was stunned.

Ma Yunteng smiled indifferently and said, "Why are you all still standing there? Take out your magic weapon and tie him and those who have no fighting power! All the things in the storage bags are taken away. It's over, everyone. All points."

Wang Youfeng and Zhang San stared at each other for a while, and hurriedly organized the merchants of Chayanbao to quickly clean up the battlefield.

When the battlefield was about to be cleaned up, three bald eagles flew from a distance.

Chao Wang Youfeng screamed with excitement and circled above her head!
"Daying, Erying, Sanying, where did you go? How did you come back?"

Wang Youfeng greeted the three eagles eagerly while continuing to chase down the remaining defeated soldiers.

The big eagle was the first child of the fifth-order vulture king she met when she was three years old, and the two eagles and the three eagles were the little eagles who were born later.

The rest of the vulture eggs were sold at that time because she didn't know how to take care of spirit beasts at that time.

These three eagles have been going out for food and feeding themselves.

However, don't worry, there are fat sheep delivered to your door this time, you can choose at will.

The IQ of the three eagle babies is very high, after all, they are all fourth-order monsters.The big eagle is the peak of the fourth-order, and it can enter the fifth-order at any time. The second eagle and the three eagles are also in the early stage of the fourth-order.

They understand Wang Youfeng's thoughts very well, and their ability to cooperate with each other is also very strong. After a while, the battlefield will be cleaned up.

The disciples of Chayanbao got a lot of treasures, they were very excited, and they came to thank Ma Yunteng one after another.

More and more people came to thank him.

However, Ma Yunteng became more and more unhappy, and even a little depressed.

Because, he didn't get the value!
Even if it is worth a little bit, it is not worth it.

Wang Youfeng accidentally found an elixir to replenish vitality and blood from the treasures that were confiscated.

This is probably also the elixir of Dan Shenzong.

It seems that Dan Shenzong's plans are not small.

They thought that this Spirit Vulture Island was really surnamed Dan?
Wang Youfeng detained the fifth-order flame flying tiger and the spirit beasts of the beast gate in a restricted water cellar, and together with Ma Yunteng came to the concentration camp where the prisoners of the beast gate were held.

Liu Zhihe was full of disdain and arrogance: "You guys are killing yourself, so you can't blame us at the Imperial Beast Gate!"

He also pointed at Ma Yunteng: "You are a fifth-rank, can you stand up to the sixth-rank Immortal Venerable of Dan Shenzong?"

Ma Yunteng smiled, with a gentle and graceful smile.

"Who said I was a fifth grade?"

He once again released the pressure of the seventh-rank Immortal Venerable, and all the dozens of disciples of the Imperial Beast Sect locked in the concentration camp knelt down involuntarily.

"You tell me, which rank am I?"

The disciples of the Imperial Beast Sect were all too frightened to speak, they were just panting with trembling all over their bodies.

Liu Zhihe also knelt down tremblingly, like an ant, sweating all over his body.

He clearly remembered that when the Dan Shenzong said that he would cooperate with the Imperial Beast Sect, the suzerain of the Dan Shenzong once released a sixth-grade coercion.

However, there is no such terrifying coercion in front of him at all.

At least, he just couldn't move at the time, he wouldn't kneel on the ground involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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