the first god

Chapter 88 Super Island Game

Chapter 88 Super Island Game (seeking monthly pass)

Farms, theme parks, and recreational facilities all simulate the top ten in the world.

The main island is 220 million square kilometers, and the subsidiary islands are [-].

Hey, why do you feel like you've become an island lord?

Is this still a rich space designed for parents?

Otherwise, "220 million square kilometers of the main island" should be changed to "20 square kilometers of the main island" or "2 square kilometers of the main island"?
Several tangled villains in Ma Yunteng's heart finished fighting.

He still hasn't changed.

It seems that you can continue to add text.

Really worried, he really doesn't know Shenhao's daily life.

Otherwise, just follow the needs of yourself and your parents.

His parents have never been to a few places of interest and historical sites, so he wrote "simulation of the top [-] tourist attractions in the world".

He didn't take a hot air balloon, so he wrote "hot air balloon [-]".

Alas, he also wanted to take a ride in an ancient carriage, plus "hundreds of carriages".

The carriage doesn't need much.

Who will lead the horse to feed the horse?

Nature is also a smart robot!
Forage is also intelligently processed and transported after the robot is harvested.

Because he has set that "all walks of life are fully automated and intelligent, and robots provide intelligent services."

Well, there are also modern means of transportation, "one hundred thousand flying cars for land, sea and air, ten thousand air trams..."

I used to go to the "Underwater World" theme park in the provincial capital with my classmates. A short section of the underwater tunnel passed in a few minutes, and it was a simulated tunnel built on land. It was not enjoyable.

"There are [-] undersea tunnels between the main island leading to Qian Fu Island and Fu Island..."

What other ideas are there? Naturally, you can take a spacecraft to the moon and Mars...

This is not Shenhao, this is an outer space exploration, forget it, stop there.

It's getting more and more off-topic.

"Island space. The main island is 220 million square kilometers, and the affiliated islands are 23. The annual temperature is about [-]°C, there is no natural disaster, the proportion of animals and plants is balanced, harmless and non-aggressive, and all walks of life are fully automated. Intelligent operation, robots provide intelligent services. The main island city, rural farms, villas, theme parks, leisure and entertainment construction simulate the world's top ten, simulate the world's top [-] tourist attractions, freshwater lakes, rivers, rivers, waterfalls, streams, springs, mountains, canyons, grasslands, jungles, and other major scenic spots. Simulate the construction of major tourist and leisure resorts, including one million luxury yachts, ten thousand luxury cruise ships, ten thousand private jets, ten thousand hot air balloons, one hundred carriages, one hundred thousand flying cars for land, sea and air, ten thousand aerial trams, and the main island leads to Thousands of Fudos and [-] undersea tunnels between Fudos..."

The panel finally popped up: [Level 0.33 users, the maximum number of characters in the space description is 240 words! 】

It turned from a level 0 user to a level 0.33 user?
All of a sudden from 140 words of space description text to 240 words?

Ma Yunteng was a little surprised.

【Submit? 】

He didn't think much, and immediately chose [Submit].

[My space] began to flicker again.

Ma Yunteng clicked in and took a look, and there were two spaces inside:
[Elixir Spirit Spring Space No. 001]

【Island Space No. 002】

He will soon be the lord of a 220 million square kilometer giant island and its thousand affiliated islands!
Ma Yunteng was very excited!
This weekend, he will happily spend a wonderful weekend in this splendid space built by himself.

He lived to be 22 years old and had never seen the real sea with his own eyes.

White and soft island beach, here I come!
Will there be many stunning beach beauties in it?

Only when Ma Yunteng thought of this, the appearance of Cheng Youyou in a swimsuit suddenly appeared in his mind unconsciously.

The background is blue sky and white clouds and sea water, and on the white and soft sandy beach, her figure is everywhere, with a bumpy figure, a gentle and charming smile, her hair flowing in the wind, and long white and straight legs... The front is too full, and the ribbon tied into a bow at the back seems to fall off if you pull it at will...

Quickly stop thinking about it.

His eyes wandered from the sky, and returned to [My Space] again.

[Elixir Spirit Spring Space No. 001]

【Island Space No. 002】

He already has some experience.

The first time you enter the space, you need to click on the control panel to enter.

And after he entered the space, the space seemed to be able to automatically recognize the master.

As long as his thoughts move, not only can he come in and out freely, but he can also control the free entry and exit of others.

He still had two doubts.

First, I don't know if I can send people farther away from him into the space.

If so, wouldn't he have the supernatural ability to catch people from the air?

This... seems unlikely!

It's probably easier to do it remotely.

Arresting people from the air, tsk tsk, it's really against the sky!

He felt that he was really just thinking.

Second, he is currently unable to see through the space outside the space, and he must enter the space to see it.

In other words, when the aroma of Xuantian ivy in [Elixir Spirit Spring Space No. 001] dissipated, the flower of the soul that condensed into the flesh and bones of the living dead, as the owner of the space, could not be discovered immediately.

Even if the space cannot be taken out, he can store it in the space, and he can bring those who need it into the space for treatment.

Alas, I don't know when he will have the ability to see through space at any time.

There is no reason why the owner can't see his own things.

The second space is so big, if he wants to check a certain item, does he have to run into the space and wander around?

You know, playing a game, there is also a map guide, he doesn't even have a space map.

Could it be that when he creates a space next time, he has to waste some words, specifically stating that this space can be seen through and has a guide map?
With doubts and regrets, Ma Yunteng clicked on [Island Space No. 002].

This time, he appeared directly in a mansion with a sea view.

He appeared in a luxurious living room, or, in the hall, because this living room was tall and large, with a feeling like the golden hall of a movie theater, with an extremely wide field of vision.

Because of the high terrain of the house, through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, across the garden and swimming pool, you can see coconut groves, palm groves, sandy beaches, sea water...

On the other side, through the open window, the wind was blowing, but the fishy smell of sea water could not be smelled.

The scenery outside is so beautiful!

As for the interior decoration, he really didn't know what words to use to describe the luxurious scene in front of him.

Bright crystal chandelier, glossy like a diamond.

Those furniture and decorative paintings are not ordinary at first glance.

The various items on display made him feel a sense of timidity that he did not dare to touch.

Even the curtains surprised him a little.

He did not rush to visit the mansion, but calmed down and thought about the problem.

Here, it is very quiet, there seems to be no trace of human beings.

No servants to serve.

Not a single person could be seen on the beach in the distance.

Naturally there are no beauties in bikinis playing beach volleyball.

So what about other places?Will there be anyone?
Of course not!

Well, if his space is full of humans, he will panic instead.

Isn't he the king of space, the god of space?

Will the government allow him to become a big lord who dominates one side?

Where there are human beings, there will be disputes. Does he want to intervene in the disputes?

How can he be?It's just a mantra.

Well, it's still a smart robot!

Easy to manage!

What if the intelligent robot turned on its intelligence and wanted to dominate or rebel?
How should he be?
There is a system!

He doesn't panic!
So, Ma Yunteng began to think about another problem.

He appears in the space in a good position.

if outside.

Then, on a rainy day, wouldn't he be drenched in a mess?
If he appeared on the rails, wouldn't his life be in danger.

Only then did he consider the third question.

When he enters the space next time, can he just move his mind and appear directly where he wants to appear?
For example, on a private plane, on a flying car, in an underwater tunnel, on a luxury yacht or on the bed of a luxury cruise ship...

The entry and exit jump points in the game are basically fixed. His space is not a game. The entrance and exit jump points can be made as mobile jump points as you like.

If it is said that this is a super island game space, he is the GM.

Alas, his GM seems to be a little aggrieved, a little useless, and there is no actionable command.

(End of this chapter)

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