the first god

Chapter 89 As a Guest

Chapter 89 As a Guest
Because, just now, he had been silently thinking of appearing in the undersea tunnel, appearing in the aerial tram...

As a result, he was still standing in the super-luxurious living room of this sea-view mansion.

Of course, while regretting that he couldn't teleport, he was still happy.

Such a luxurious mansion will be his from now on!
Moreover, in this space, there are more than thousands of his mansions.

Because if the system does not fool him, the main island has 220 million square kilometers, and there should be replicas of all the luxury houses in the top ten big cities in the world. How many?
There are also a thousand affiliated islands, each of which is a tourist and leisure resort, and the mansion inside is naturally his.

Alas, he is really not low-key enough, really not stable enough...

It was probably because Cheng Youyou's parents looked down on him too much, and he wanted to prove that he also had great ambitions.

If you want to be a god, then be proud.

Thoroughly proud!


In addition to the large living room on the first floor, there is also a kitchen and dining room.

He could only scold: What the heck, rich people really enjoy it!
Then, the intelligent robots that seem to have invisible functions put a variety of drinks, desserts and a table of meals.

Lobster, king crab, shark fin, bear paw, foie gras...

They are all served according to his old hat's will.

Huh, bear paw?

Are there bears in the mountains in this dimension?
which mountain?He's not bald...don't go into the mountains!
It seems that this mansion is built on the cliff by the sea...

... The mountain where this cliff is located is not big, is there a cave where bears hide?

Should he change his location and live in a mansion?

But, which mansion would be built in a mountain full of tigers, wolves and bears?
However, his life is now precious!Be sure to be steady.

What is a hundred million at the beginning, what is a billionaire, what is a pocket island...

Well, only he dares to think and do it the most.

The point is, he did it!

In this space, it seems that it is not bad to spend the rest of your life!

However, he still felt that there seemed to be a lack of a mistress.

So, with the bear's paw shark fin in his mouth, the figure of Cheng Youyou appeared in his mind again.

Because of the panic in his heart, Ma Yunteng didn't eat to his fullest.

Sure enough, it doesn't matter what you eat, what matters is who you eat with.

Eating alone, even if you eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, you have no appetite.

His parents would probably eat in a teahouse run by the villagers, of course there is no such rich and luxurious food.

He has never come to experience it himself, so it is not easy to bring his parents in, in case something unexpected happens.

In the future, there will be more opportunities to bring parents in.

Ma Yunteng tried to summon Brother Octopus to come in for dinner, but it was unsuccessful.

This was clearly what he expected.

After eating and drinking at will, the activity of digestion is to visit the villa at will.

Of course, the word "visit" is actually inappropriate, and it feels a bit like a guest.

He is not a guest.

There are five houses in the villa.

There are three main buildings and two smaller annexes.

The five houses are each connected by two covered promenades.

One is a fully enclosed promenade with glass domes on three sides. The glass windows on both sides can be pushed open horizontally, which is more Western-style.

One is a long corridor with carved glazed roof, with columns and carved railings on the side, open and Chinese style.

There are two promenades, probably due to the weather.

Usually you can take the open promenade, and the closed glass promenade can be used during wind and rain.

Ma Yunteng regretted that he did not set snowfall in winter.

In the eyes of rich and leisurely people, the scenery of ice and snow is also very charming.

Because he is a child of a poor family. Last year, the heavy snow in the family froze a lot of orange trees in the family, and then the road was frozen by ice and snow. It was difficult to travel, and the rural passenger vehicles were stopped. Therefore, he did not like to go out. Snow.

I don't like the heat either, and the crops and vegetables in the vegetable garden have been sunburned to death.

So, he only likes temperatures between 22°C and 24°C.

Obviously, in this space, he doesn't have to worry about ice and snow disasters and extremely hot weather.

His current location is only within one of the main buildings.

This is the owner's daily living building.

The master's dining room, kitchen, and bedroom are all here, as well as cloakroom, shoe room, laundry room, entertainment room, music room, painting room, study room, gym...

The architectural design and decoration are extremely elegant.

There are 10 bedrooms, each of which is more than 100 square meters. They are equipped with sofas, bookshelves, writing desks, bar counters, as well as oversized cloakrooms, bathrooms and balconies. The lighting, electrical appliances and green plants seem to be carefully designed. , not only luxurious atmosphere, but also very comfortable and eye-catching.

Moreover, each bedroom has a direct drinking water hot water room, a refrigerator, and an incubator. You can drink water, drinks, coffee, ice cream and snacks without going out of the bedroom.

In each bedroom, there is an intelligent robot docking room, which can be summoned to serve the owner at any time.

The intelligence level of this space world is obviously higher than that of the real world.

The beds in the bedrooms are all large beds with a width of more than 3 meters. In some rooms, there are also round and fan-shaped beds with embroidered drapes hanging down, which are about women's bedrooms.

The children's room and the baby's room are also unique. The shape of the bed not only considers safety protection, but also considers the romance of fairy tales.

However, if it is not used for a long time, it may be replaced in the future.

Recalling the brick and tile house built in his home in the early 80s that was about to become dusty, the corners of Ma Yunteng's mouth twitched.

There really is no comparison, no harm!

Well, his house is the most outdated in their village.

Over the years, without the support of Brother Jin from the same village, he might have dropped out of high school.

Brother Jin is a capable person and has invested in many playgrounds. There are playgrounds he invested in in provincial capitals and even in other provinces.His house is also the most luxurious and luxurious in the village.Probably the most amazing house in the entire township is Brother Jin's house.

Thinking of the playground where Brother Jin invested, an idea suddenly flashed in Ma Yunteng's head.

Ma Yunteng was stunned for a moment. If this method is feasible, he can build a mansion in reality.

However, there is still some gap between the mansion of Brother Jin's family and the mansion in front of Ma Yunteng.

The mansion in front of him covers a large area, as if it were a park.

It took Ma Yunteng almost an hour, and he hadn't finished reading the facilities in the villa.

Haven't even seen half of it yet.

For the other two main buildings, Ma Yunteng got some clues about it.

One is a fitness building, which has more than a dozen fitness venues, bowling alleys, basketball halls, baseball halls, indoor swimming pools... It is taller and more majestic than the owner's living building.

One is a special reception building, with a very spacious large kitchen, banquet hall, entertainment hall, four indoor hot spring pools, and many guest rooms.

Tsk tsk, it's really inhumane!

There are two smaller houses, about one is a servant building, and the other is a pet building and a green plant cultivation building.

There are naturally no servants in the servant building. It is the energy supply building and habitat building for various intelligent robots.

(End of this chapter)

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