
Chapter 1350

Xin went to feed Zhuge Qing water, Xia Zhaoyi got up and went to the table, raised his hand and poured himself a bowl of water.

She drank slowly, and the voices of Zhuge's family came from outside the house, all of which were attracted by the howling just now.

Xin raised his voice to let them all go, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off Zhuge Qing's forehead: "Master, how do you feel?"

Zhuge Qing was cold all over, and said: "The body is cold."

His voice was hoarse, but at least his words became clearer. Xin stretched out his hand to open his mouth, and found that the thick tongue coating had changed back.

Xin sighed softly, wiped off his sweat, and looked at Xia Zhaoyi: "Miss A Li, how is Doctor Du's injury?"

"He is too old, has bad bones, and needs to lie in bed for a long time."

"Since we came to Hejing, we have been worried every day, and it was difficult to live. This time, the master took poison, and the vitality of the whole body was really damaged. Miss A Li, without this turbid cream, there are other ways to make our master pretend to be sick. go down?"

Zhuge Qing sat up from the half-reclined bed and looked at Xia Zhaoyi pleadingly: "Miss Xia, I am the Yi'an Zhuge family, so I must not break it in my hands."

Xia Zhaoyi smiled lightly, put down the bowl in his hand, turned around and sat upright, with a straight body.

"Go to the Palace of Three Treasures for nothing," Xia Zhaoyi looked at them and said with a smile, "Detoxification for the adults is just a matter of convenience. I came to your mansion today to discuss with the adults what should not be broken or established."

Zhuge Qing and Xin looked at each other.

"No breaking, no standing?" Zhuge Qing asked puzzled.

The girl's voice was unhurried: "Master Zhuge has been forced by Li Ju to take poison and pretend to be paralyzed, and the Zhuge family has also been driven into the abyss step by step. Master Zhuge, if you want to continue to be beaten and not fight back, you will dedicate a hundred years to the Zhuge family! Jiye, or do you want to stretch out your hands and tear Li Qian's royal family's face, and drag Li Ju off the throne?"

Xin was surprised when she heard the words, and looked at Zhuge Qing in fear.

Zhuge Qing was still chilling all over, but his mood was unusually calm, and he looked at her without blinking.

The girl smiled: "With a history of thousands of years, there are hundreds of emperors. There are not a hundred emperors who died at the hands of others, but fifty. Among them, there are at least ten who died at the hands of concubines and eunuchs. The powerful ministers and relatives killed at least twenty. The so-called emperor and the so-called son of heaven are nothing more than that. Li Ju, he took off his dragon robe, and he is not even as useful as a soldier in his early thirties."

Xin Shi leaned towards Zhuge Qing and said in a trembling voice, "Master..."

Zhuge Qing raised his hand and bowed lightly: "Miss Xia, it doesn't matter to me whether Li Ju is alive or dead. But, there is something I have to ask. If Li Ju is dead and Li Qian is gone, then the whole world will be destroyed." Who is the new owner, Miss Hope?"

Xia Zhaoyi was silent for a while, and said: "Since Master Zhuge said the world, then the so-called new master will return to the world."

"The world?"

"On the journey of the great way, the world is for the public, select the virtuous and capable, and build trust and harmony."

Zhuge Qing frowned: "The position of the Son of Heaven is passed on to the virtuous but not to the son...?"

Xia Zhaoyi smiled: "Since the world is public, who needs the emperor, the people can live and rest on their own, why set up a fake puppet and choose a new Li Shi to oppress the people."

Zhuge Qing couldn't understand, his small eyes were filled with confusion, and his brows were tightly knit: "Then in this world, don't you lose the dogma, lose the order, and the rites and music break down?"

Xia Zhaoyi's eyes were bright, and he said with a light smile, "Master Zhuge, let's solve the immediate suffering first, I need your power from the Ministry of Rites."

A young eunuch looked around, and finally found Yu Shiling among the white ministers sitting cross-legged.

"Master, Master Yu!" The little eunuch called for a long time, and Yu Shiling opened his eyes to look.

The little eunuch waved: "Master Yu!"

Thinking that the emperor had something to order, Yu Shiling propped himself up and went over. After hearing what the little eunuch said, Yu Shiling's eyes darkened and he almost fell down.

The little eunuch quickly supported him: "Master Yu!"

Many nearby ministers cast their gazes.

The same party friend as Yu Shiling looked puzzled and a little bit worried.

Seeing Yu Shiling was unhappy all the time, even bored to the point of screaming in his heart, fall down!fall down!Come on, come on!
Better never wake up.

Fortunately, Yu Shiling was calm, slowed down, and lowered his voice: "What did the other party say in the letter, and what conditions did they set?"

The little eunuch leaned over and whispered in Yu Shiling's ear.

Yu Shiling's eyes went dark again, the little eunuch couldn't hold him up anymore, and he fell to the ground.

"Oh, Master Yu!" The nearby ministers got up to help him.

After he got up, another old eunuch came in from the outside with his head poking his head. His eyes swept away among the ministers, and he saw the target: "Master Hu, Master Hu!"

The adult who was called turned his head to look, and also got up to go.

After listening to the old eunuch's words, he was dumbfounded, and quickly reached out to support the old eunuch to stabilize his body.

A bunch of courtiers sitting on the ground turned their heads to look at him again.

This Lord Hu's voice is very soft: "Really? These rebellious sons, beasts!"

Yu Shiling looked at Mr. Hu, but at this moment a little eunuch came in again.

All the ministers looked at the little eunuch in unison.

Including those servants and guards standing around, with hundreds of pairs of eyes, the little eunuch who sneaked in kept the posture of about to walk, stiff and motionless, with his legs still raised in the air.

This was the first time this little eunuch had received such "treatment" in his life. The next moment, he knelt down with a plop, looking at everyone in fear.

Yu Shiling spoke first, his voice obviously weak: "Who are you looking for?"

The little eunuch didn't dare to say anything and hurriedly lowered his head.

"Say!" Yu Shiling shouted.

All the ministers in the hall looked at him.

The little eunuch's scalp was numb, and his hands on the ground trembled.

As a result, two more people came in at this time, led by the big maid in the harem, followed by a little eunuch.

The courtiers of the former court didn't know which palace this maid belonged to, but she was of a high rank in this big aunt's palace attire.

When the big maid came in, she felt that the atmosphere was not right, she looked at the little eunuch on the ground, and then looked at everyone.

But whatever.

The big palace lady turned her head to let the little eunuch behind her come forward and call for someone.

Then I saw the little eunuch running up to Di Zian, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, not far away: "My lord! My lord!"

Di Zian was dumbfounded, and he took it easy, he got up and walked over, followed the little eunuch to the big palace lady.

With more than 100 pairs of eyes staring at her, the grand maid felt very uncomfortable and called Di Zi'an outside the hall.

All the ministers look at me, I look at you, and then look at Yu Shiling and that Mr. Hu.

Suddenly I heard the exclamation of the little eunuch just now: "Master Di, wake up, Master Di!"

There was an uproar in the hall.

But right after, another eunuch came running...

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

A terrible feeling lingers in everyone's heart, this, is this the King of Hades ordering troops!

Something happened to some of my dogs today, I will make up a chapter of QAQ tomorrow!

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