
Chapter 1351

The night is dark and deep, and the east wind blows dark clouds like tulle. Sometimes the sky and earth are clear, and sometimes the moon is dim and the stars are dim.

Tens of thousands of lamps and lanterns are turned on and off in the Jinping Palace, bringing together the highest honor in the world.

Outside the palace city, the long streets were deep and quiet, the doors of thousands of households were closed, and the words fell silent.

A crisp sound of "Boom" suddenly came from a deep house on the Sixth Street of Yujie Street.

A wild cat nearby was frightened, meowed, and jumped towards the neighbors.

Shu Yuezhen looked down at the teacup on the ground, the thick base fell to the ground first, but did not break.

She leaned over to pick it up, glanced at the cracks on it, put it back on the case pretending to be calm, and looked back at Wen Dai and Liu Hui.

Wen Dai looked at her fingers.

Shu Yuezhen's hands were still trembling violently, and she said that she was doing it to save face, but it was clearly a convulsion from fright.

Shu Yuezhen put her hands behind her back and said coldly, "So, is it Yu Yanchi's or Chen Zhiwei's idea?"

Wen Dai said, "It's Master Yu."

Shu Yuezhen couldn't restrain the anger in her chest: "All the letters from Qingque Pavilion have been sent to me, but you still go to provoke Qianjin Rice Noodle Shop, you are really afraid that I will die too slowly!"

Wen Dai looked at her: "Shopkeeper Shu Da, didn't you say that Qing Que Pavilion's letter was for you to do a business?"

"No matter what you ask me for, this Qianjin rice noodle shop is my business, and I have my own way of doing things, but this trick of yours completely disrupted my plan."

Liu Hui said coldly at the side: "Why is the Qianjin rice noodle shop the business of Shu Da alone? You used our Madam Yan's troops without authorization, causing dozens of deaths and injuries. This has also become our business. We have reason to come forward." To visit and take revenge."

"But I see that apart from getting more people, you haven't reported your revenge at all. These people, wouldn't they also be blamed on me, Shu Yuezhen?"

Liu Hui was furious, Wen Dai stopped him, and said, "Shopkeeper Shu, Mr. Yu, as long as we come to tell you about this matter, you can figure out how to do it yourself. We can guarantee that we will not interfere again."

Shu Yuezhen frowned: "What do you mean by not intervening again? You leave a mess behind, so you don't plan to take care of it?"

Wen Dai said, "Yes."


Wen Dai continued: "Master Yu said that the Thousand Catty Rice Noodle Shop will also blame Shopkeeper Shu Da for the second wave of attacks in the afternoon, so Shopkeeper Shu Da, please ask for blessings."

Shu Yuezhen was furious for the first time: "How could such a thing happen? How could such a thing happen! You just dumped the blame like this?!"

Wen Dai said, "Yes."

Shu Yuezhen was so angry that she laughed instead: "So you, Wen Dai, will always be crushed by Chuzheng. Chuzheng will not be as shameless as you. She has a very strong temper!"

Wen Dai also laughed: "One is a stray dog ​​who doesn't even know whether he is alive or not. Why does Master Shu mention her?"

"If it's really Ah Li, she's just a slut, and she actually scared Yan Qinglin's masters like this? Hahaha, yes," Shu Yuezhen pointed to the door, "You two, I'll take care of the mess myself!"

Wen Dai smiled and raised her hand: "Then leave."

Wen Dai and Liu Hui left, Shu Yuezhen grabbed the teacup on the desk and threw it towards the door where they left.

At this moment, the cracked tea cup was hard to withstand the heavy blow, and it was shattered into pieces.

The subordinate dressed as a peasant woman came out from a corner and said, "Boss, what should we do?"

Shu Yuezhen didn't know what to do, the content of the letter she received today was already extremely rude, and she still wanted to take advantage of Li Hao's influence to suppress it.

Although the letter to Li Hao had been handed over now, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and the other party did not express his opinion, and on her side, there were actually a few pig teammates who ran away after causing trouble!

Seeing that she was silent, the peasant woman said: "Da Dong, otherwise, we would have listened to Qingquege's words?"

"You're crazy!" Shu Yuezhen glared, "20 taels of silver!"

List all the shops and contact points of Yan Qinglin in various places. It doesn't matter that she, Shu Yuezhen, is Yan Qinglin's death, so she can sit back and relax.

However, 20 taels of silver, cut her with a knife!

You don't need to talk about righteousness, anyway, Yan Qinglin is not a benevolent person, so you can't live without money, money is life!
"Then what should I do now, big boss? Or... write a letter to discuss? Ask the other party to choose a compromise?"

"Then why don't I bow my head? Then don't I let others rub me round and flatten me?"

The peasant woman was silent and stopped talking.

Shu Yuezhen slumped on the chair: "I'm really pissed off. It's a difficult chess game, and these idiots are here to make trouble for me."

And run away after messing up, shaking hands cleanly.

At this time, there was the sound of horseshoes running on the lonely long street outside.

Shu Yuezhen was like a frightened bird, she immediately got up, walked towards the window, and opened it slightly.

But I saw that it was the Jinwu Guard in the palace.

Shu Yuezhen sighed softly, "It's really not a peaceful day."

Halfway through the sigh, suddenly the leader of the Jinwu Guard stopped, right in front of her mansion.

Shu Yuezhen's eyes widened, her heart skipped a beat, and her whole body froze at the window.

The leader of the Jinwu Guard was tall and handsome, raised his head slightly, and looked at the facade.

The first few shops were all shops. In order to deceive others, Shu Yuezhen leased these shops to several people.

The several big houses pierced all over the back are all hers, Shu Yuezhen's, and she bought it specially for a "big hermit living in the city" at a high price. It is extremely hidden, and it is impossible for anyone to find out.

Because of the angle, the face of the leader cannot be seen, but under the light in front of the door, there is a three-dimensional shadow on his face, which is caused by the deep outline. His skin is also very fair, and his appearance should be good.

He stood upright on the horse like this, quietly looking at these facades.

The longer she watched this person, the more afraid Shu Yuezhen became.

There are too many shops that have been copied today. If it is copied here, where will she go?

Just when Shu Yuezhen was about to lose her composure, the leader pulled the horse's rein lightly and walked away.

Seeing that they finally left and their figures disappeared at the end of the long street, Shu Yuezhen's legs gave way and she almost fainted.

The peasant woman who was also half-dead from fright at the side quickly reached out to help her: "Master!"

Ye Zheng looked back at the shops that had gone away, and asked Shen Lie: "Master, what happened to those shops?"

"It's nothing," Shen Lie said, "It's just to help Ali fuel the fire."

Ye Zheng seemed to understand, and nodded: "Oh..."

They wandered around the long street, then wandered around in front of the palace gate, and finally disappeared into the night without a sound.

In the Jinping Palace, Li Ju, who had just been given acupuncture by Du Wenping, was taking medicine. He took a pill with a strong medicinal fragrance, and took another sip of warm tea.

In recent days, Li Ju's head and eyes have become clearer and his spirit is very good. He said to Du Wenping, "You should have entered the palace a long time ago. Your father shouldn't overwhelm you with such medical skills."

The princes on the side heard it in their ears and lowered their heads, not daring to raise their eyes.

Maybe Li Ju just said it casually, but it fell into everyone's ears and felt quite meaningful.

Du Wenping bowed and said, "Your Majesty's words are serious, my medical skills are all inherited from my father."

An old servant came in and hurried to Li Ju's side: "Your Majesty, the Jinwu guards have finally returned. Those corpses are just outside Jianwumen. The guard asked if you want to send it to the palace."

Li Ju said disgustedly: "Why did you send these unlucky villains into the palace? Dirty my imperial court! Where's Zhang Jun? Why didn't he come with you?"

"The guard outside the palace, Zhang Xiaowei said that there are still remnants of crimes, and he will take them down together."

Li Ju nodded in satisfaction: "I hope he can do it."

After talking about the murderer, Li Ju said again: "I also hope he can find the murderer."

The old servant asked, "What about these corpses?"

"Chop them up, then go door-to-door and ask which houses raise pigs, and send them to feed the pigs."


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