The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1004 The idea of ​​playing Huangquan fruit

Chapter 1004 The idea of ​​playing Huangquan fruit

Ye Weiyang understood it, and it is estimated that Chongxu Sect also has these materials.It's just that I didn't expect that the Yellow Spring Tree would bear fruit, so I gave her some information.but……

She suddenly thought of the Yellow Spring Tree taking root in the Yellow Spring Eye, wouldn't it be to absorb the Yellow Spring Liquid?

Immediately, he clasped his hands again and said: "Senior, this junior is here to find the Yellow Spring Liquid. This Yellow Spring Tree won't absorb the Yellow Spring Eye, right?"

"Grass, not only did he call himself a senior this time, but he also called himself a junior. This old yin man should have hated me. If it was normal, I wouldn't be afraid. But I will fight for Huangquanguo later, if there is such a The old Yin man is staring at him, so don't try to snatch Huangquan fruit."

That big guy hated Ye Weiyang extremely, but there was a smile on his face, and he didn't call Ye Weiyang a junior anymore.He didn't want anything else, he just hoped that Ye Weiyang wouldn't stare at him when he was vying for Huangquan fruit.

"Friend Daoist, the Yellow Spring Tree takes root in the Yellow Spring Eye, it must be to absorb the Yellow Spring Liquid. However, it will not completely absorb it, there will still be some."

Ye Weiyang saluted the other party again, then stepped back more than a dozen steps, distanced herself from the crowd, and looked at the Huangquan fruit tree with a calm expression.

It's nice that this is the Eye of the Underworld, but now is obviously not the time to collect the Eye of the Underworld.The Huangquan tree absorbs the Huangquan liquid to make the Huangquan fruit ripen.If I go to collect Huangquan Ye now, it will prevent the Huangquan fruit from ripening.These monks will definitely attack themselves together.

When is the best time?
Wait until they finish grabbing Huangquan fruit?

That doesn't work!
Ye Weiyang immediately denied this idea, once the competition started, she would definitely not dare to participate.This will make those bosses doubt themselves, even if they don't grab Huangquan fruit, is it really for Huangquanye?
Huangquanye is better than Huangquanguo?

In this way, there will definitely be big bosses to test yourself, as long as you try a little, you will know that you are a good one.At that time, he was dead.There is no other reason, I can get here alone, if there is no secret, I don't believe it.For this secret, these people will also arrest themselves for questioning, or directly kill themselves and search their bodies, or search their souls.

Ye Weiyang thought for a long time, and finally thought that they could only collect the Eyes of the Underworld during the period between the start and end of their robbing.

During this period, there must be danger. If you are close to the Yellow Spring fruit tree, there is a great possibility that you will be considered as a robbed Yellow Spring fruit.However, compared to the danger after robbing Huangquan fruit, it is less dangerous.

Let's see the situation then.If it really doesn't work, forget it, the task is not done.Or leave first by yourself, and come back by yourself after these big guys finish robbing.But at that time, Huang Quanyan probably moved so much that he didn't know where he went, and it was hard to find it.I don't know if I can find it.

Time passed day by day, and everyone was waiting patiently.Soon half a month passed, and Ye Weiyang saw that the nine fruits on the tree were about to ripen, probably within three or two days.My heart couldn't help but tense up.

In about two and a half days, a fragrance that Ye Weiyang had never smelled suddenly diffused from that tree, and the nine Huangquan fruits had turned golden yellow.

But it was quiet all around, no one was going to grab it, everyone looked at me, and I looked at you.Ye Weiyang stood at the outermost edge, some distance away from the hundreds of monks.She knew that this silence was only temporary, and it was impossible for it to last forever. After all, some people would not be able to bear it, and once they could not bear it, if someone made a move, it would cause a fierce melee.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour of this silence, they became a mess.The reason is that he is a great monk who breaks the boundary, and he is still good at speed.But it’s useless to say goodbye, hundreds of monks are staring at it, the big monk who broke the boundary just moved, and he was still more than ten meters away from the Yellow Spring tree, the attack like a sea wave drowned the monk who broke the boundary, and then they all fought together group.Although the fight was fierce, no one could get within ten meters of the Huangquan tree.Any cultivator within ten meters will immediately receive a joint attack from all the cultivators.

Totally messed up!
Ye Weiyang was dumbfounded, with this state of mind, if he dared to get close to the Huangquan tree, he would be turned into flesh after a wave of attacks.

Or, go first by yourself?
But if he left, he might not be able to find Huang Quan next time.

After thinking about it for a while, anyway, I have time, so I don't want to take this risk, I'd better leave first, and wait a month later, when this matter subsides, I will come back by myself.


Just as Ye Weiyang was about to leave, a world-maker cultivator was knocked down from the air and landed about five meters in front of Ye Weiyang, covered in blood, he was seriously injured and passed out.Ye Weiyang thought for a while, raised her hand and grabbed that cultivator.Then he took out a world-making pill and stuffed it into his mouth.The monks in the sky have actually been paying attention to Ye Weiyang with a little bit of energy.

This kind of old man has to be on guard.Then they saw Ye Weiyang saving the World Creator cultivator, and they were taken aback.

What do you mean?
She didn't snatch Huangquan fruit, but also saved lives and healed the wounded?

What does this old bastard want to do?
This time, these monks are more wary of Ye Weiyang, but it is also beneficial, no one will take the initiative to provoke Ye Weiyang, as long as Ye Weiyang does not grab the Huangquan fruit.

After taking a World Creation Pill, the cultivator soon regained consciousness.Seeing Ye Weiyang standing in front of him, and feeling the situation in his body again, he knew that Ye Weiyang saved him, and he was puzzled, why did this old yin man save himself?

What are the ulterior motives?
But now he is only awake, [-]% to [-]% of his strength has gone, how dare he sneer in front of Ye Weiyang, an old yin man.With a grateful look on his face:
"Shang Qingzong, Li Duobao thank you senior for saving your life."

Ye Weiyang waved her hand and said, "I'll ask you a question."

Respect immediately appeared on Li Duobao's face: "Excuse me, senior."

"If the nine yellow spring fruits are picked, will this yellow spring tree leave the yellow spring eye?"

"Yes!" Li Duobao nodded immediately, but his heart was even more frightened. How could this old Yin man not know such basic knowledge?

"The Yellow Spring Tree ran away, did the Yellow Spring Eye also run away?"

"Yes! And because the Yellow Spring tree bears fruit this time, the Yellow Spring consumes too much and will disappear for a while."

"How long will it be gone?" Ye Weiyang was anxious.

"About a hundred years!"

"About a hundred years?" Ye Weiyang asked another more serious matter: "Is that because the Yellow Spring liquid has been absorbed by the Yellow Spring tree, and now there is no Yellow Spring liquid? So, it takes a hundred years to recover?"

"It took a hundred years to recover the Yellow Spring Liquid, but now there should be Yellow Spring Liquid in Huang Quan's eyes, but it is much rarer, and it has almost been absorbed by the Yellow Spring Tree."

"Thank you!"

Ye Weiyang ignored that Li Duobao, frowning tightly.For a while, I looked at the monks fighting fiercely in the sky, and for a while, I looked at the eyes of the underworld.Gritting his teeth, he released his consciousness and looked towards Huang Quanyan.The spiritual sense penetrated into the eyes of Huang Quan, and immediately wove it into a fishing net, and searched downwards.I was anxious in my heart, I didn't see Huangquanye.Taking a deep breath, Ye Weiyang began to search the lower part of Huang Quan's eye with his consciousness.

After more than ten breaths, Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, she saw an eye of the underworld, the size of a fingernail, round and golden.Ye Weiyang immediately shrank the net of spiritual consciousness towards the yellow spring fluid, wrapped it tightly, and then recovered her spiritual consciousness.But the Yellow Spring Liquid seemed to have some connection with the Yellow Spring Eye, and he struggled violently, and the strength was not small.This made Ye Weiyang tense up, using all the power of her consciousness.


When Ye Weiyang started to use her entire power of consciousness, the fluctuations in the space would be huge.All of a sudden, it attracted the attention of those fighting monks in the air. One of them, who was close to Ye Weiyang, slapped Ye Weiyang with a slap without even thinking about it.

This is secretly picking Huangquan fruit with spiritual consciousness, and it must be stopped.

Ye Weiyang is not an idiot, she has been paying attention to the monk above, and when she saw the world maker slap towards her, she stepped on the yin and yang steps, and hurriedly dodged away.But if she wanted to dodge the attack of a late-stage world-making monk, she had to use all her strength. In such a response, most of her energy was spent on catching Huangquanye.As soon as the yellow spring liquid left the eye of the yellow spring, Ye Weiyang's consciousness became weak because he tried his best to avoid the attack of the late stage of the world creation. The yellow spring liquid broke free, and in an instant, he got into the eye of the yellow spring and disappeared.

Ye Weiyang became angry immediately, she knew that she had to be angry at this time, she had to put pressure on the other party, otherwise she wouldn't even think about capturing Huang Quan Ye, maybe those big guys in the air would wipe herself out first.And she was really pissed off.Is it easy to grab a yellow spring liquid by myself?

Ye Weiyang stomped her right foot on the ground, and her figure shot towards that late-stage world-making like a sharp arrow.

Ye Weiyang is not stupid!
She knew that she couldn't use the divine channel method, once she used the divine channel method, she would reveal her aura of conformity.Therefore, she decided to use her body strength, which has reached the fifth level of cracking.

The distance between the two of them was not far away, and the power of cracking made this distance into a ignorance, but in an instant, Ye Weiyang had already rushed in front of the monk, and punched him out.After the cultivator attacked Ye Weiyang, he was also on guard against Ye Weiyang, but he was on guard against him, he still had an opponent, and he never thought that Ye Weiyang would rush towards him in such a way of cautious hand-to-hand combat.

too fast!
Another part of his experience was entangled by another world creation. In a panic, he punched Ye Weiyang and greeted Ye Weiyang, and raised his guard against old Yin people like Ye Weiyang to the peak, preferring to be hurt by the world creation in the air When he got a little closer to himself, he released the domain condensed, and a fist that condensed the domain and Ye Weiyang's fist bombarded together.


The power of the world-making blasted the domain condensation in an instant, and then bombarded his shoulders. He heard the sound of bones breaking, and then saw the late-stage world-making projectile shooting away like a projectile. .

The breath in the sky fluctuated a little, these bosses have been paying attention to Ye Weiyang, and seeing Ye Weiyang punching that late-stage world-making half to death, they feel more certain in their hearts.

You old man, you can't run away!

However, it seems that it is only in the middle stage of the cracking, and some big guys who cracked the late stage let go of their hearts.

It's just that the fight between them didn't stop. At this time, their attention was divided into three parts, one part was placed on the opponent's body, and the other part was placed on the Huangquan tree, so as to beware of hidden monks, or those who were fighting fiercely. The monk rushed to the Yellow Spring Tree, he had to be killed, so naturally he still focused his energy on Ye Weiyang.


Ye Weiyang's feet landed on the ground, looked up at the big guys who were fighting fiercely in the air, built up confidence in her heart, and then shouted with anger on her face:

"Fellow daoists, the purpose of my coming here is to take away ten yellow spring liquids. I'm not interested in that yellow spring fruit. If I get enough ten, I'll leave immediately. I hope all fellow daoists will show you some face."

When the words fall, there is no need to wait for the big shots in the sky to respond, and in fact it is impossible to respond, everything depends on the action.And Ye Weiyang said ten, just to let those bosses know that he will not stay here for a long time, pretending to look for Huangquanye, but actually the goal is Huangquanguo.So, after she finished speaking, she started to fetch Huangquanye again.

There was still fierce fighting in the air, but this time no one disturbed Ye Weiyang.It's already messy enough, if Ye Weiyang can really leave after taking the Yellow Spring Liquid, they will lose one opponent, after all, Ye Weiyang is not weak.But they didn't just believe in Ye Weiyang, they still allocated a little energy to pay attention to Ye Weiyang.

Li Duobao wanted to repay his favor, after all it was Ye Weiyang who rescued him, and wanted to help Ye Weiyang grab Huangquanye together, but after thinking about it, forget it, once he was misunderstood, those people above would beat him to death.Should I leave, or stay here?
It was really not reconciled to leave.Then stay far away, once these people lose both sides, how about picking a cheap one?

He glanced at Ye Weiyang again, it's better to protect Ye Weiyang first, it can be regarded as repayment.

Ye Weiyang went well this time, although there was very little Yellow Spring Liquid, most of it was absorbed by the Yellow Spring Tree.But it is still possible to find it, it just takes a little time, the key is that Ye Weiyang was in the process of collecting Huangquanye, the bosses fighting fiercely above did not disturb her, allowing her to successfully collect a Huangquanye.

He took out the jade bottle, put it in, and then began to spread his consciousness into a web, and then penetrated into the eyes of Huangquan again, looking for the liquid of Huangquan.In consciousness, it is communicating with Xingsuo.

"Xingsuo, there is no good luck here, no one should be faster than you, you become smaller, climb up that big tree secretly, and then run away after harvesting a yellow spring fruit, is it okay?"

"There should be no problem."

"Then you go over now, but after I leave... two hours, how about you grab Huangquan fruit after two hours?"

Thank you so much for Xiaozhang not to be messed with (100), book friends 160612124033950 (100), lammasfan (100), sweet corn baked (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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