Chapter 1005

Ye Weiyang collected the second Yellow Spring Liquid, then raised her hand to wipe the sweat with her sleeve, the Xingsuo fell into her sleeve, and as her sleeves fell to the ground, the Xingsuo that was the size of a pinpoint burrowed into it. After entering the ground, he slowly drilled towards the direction of the yellow spring tree.

Xingsuo's speed is much faster than Ye Weiyang's grasping Huangquanye, that Xingsuo is like a little black bug, climbing up bit by bit, and finally climbed onto a Huangquan fruit, and then lay there motionless, But it's under the fruit, well hidden.Now Ye Weiyang felt relieved, and began to concentrate on capturing Huangquanye.

There is really very little Yellow Spring Liquid, it took about four hours before Ye Weiyang finished catching the last one.At this time, those people in the air were still fighting, and from time to time, new monks came to join the battle, and the battle became more and more cruel.And the new monks don't know what happened to Ye Weiyang before, but they saw a Hedao grabbing Huangquanye there, and the monks fighting fiercely in the sky didn't seem to have seen it. There is a reason, so I didn't go to provoke Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang put the tenth Yellow Spring Liquid into the jade bottle and closed the lid.Put it away, cupped his hands to Li Duobao and said:

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for protecting the law."

"It should be, it should be."

"I'm leaving now, Li Daoyou will go together, or stay?"

"I'll stay and take a look, take a look." Li Duobao said awkwardly.

"Okay then, goodbye!"

Ye Weiyang cupped his hands to Li Duobao, and Li Duobao hurriedly cupped his hands back, and then Ye Weiyang cupped his hands to those big guys in the sky, and then stepped on the yin and yang steps, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

"This old Yin man is really straightforward, he really left." The big guy in the air didn't even move his mind, his consciousness spread out, and Ye Weiyang really disappeared.

Ye Weiyang was flying, and a figure joined him from afar: "Girl, have you finished grabbing the Huangquan fruit?"

On the opposite side is a broken boundary, Ye Weiyang stopped: "No, it's hitting."

"Whoosh!" The crack disappeared.

Along the way, Ye Weiyang was stopped six times, all of them were master crackers.Fortunately, no one did anything to her, and they were all in a hurry to grab Huangquan Guo, not wanting to waste any time.

When Ye Weiyang came in, she wasted a long time looking for Huangquan, but when she left, she went straight to the exit, very fast, in less than two hours, she returned to the mouth of Huangquan well, and her figure jumped , appearing on the surface.

"Boom boom boom..."

Above the surface, Yin Lei makes up for it.

Ye Weiyang quickly left the mouth of the well, and then found a place to sit cross-legged.Waiting for Xingsuo in this thunderous area.This is the safest place, and Xing Suo will not be found when he returns.

On the other side of the yellow spring tree, two hours passed.Still, none of those bigwigs snatched a Huangquan fruit, but many monks died, and they were all attacked to death when they went to grab the Huangquan fruit.


Although these bosses were fighting fiercely, they were all paying attention to the nine yellow spring fruits.


Why is one missing all of a sudden?
Then I saw a little bit of starlight, lasing away towards the distance.

too fast!
Before they could react from the unexpected shock, that bit of starlight disappeared.


This time, these bosses could no longer control themselves, and released all their hole cards without hesitation, and the battle suddenly became extremely fierce.

No one is chasing stars.

On the one hand, it seems impossible to catch up.In the second aspect, even if he catches up, he may not be able to defeat the owner who snatched Huangquan fruit. In the third aspect, there are still eight of them here.

Therefore, no one went to chase Xingsuo, and the sky was darkened.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged in the Yinlei area, and the Yinlei bombarded her body intensively, suddenly her heart moved, she turned her head to look in the direction of Huangquanjing, a little starlight flew over, and directly crashed into Ye Weiyang's sea of ​​consciousness.Ye Weiyang immediately got up and left the Yinlei area, left the ruins, and flew in the direction of Chongxuzong until there was no one there, then entered Xingsuo, Xingsuo went straight to Chongxuzong.

In the Xingsuo space, she saw the yellow spring fruit, took out a jade box, put it away and sealed it, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Well worth the trip!

After completing the task, you can finally become a real inner sect disciple of Chongxu Sect, and you can go to Zangshu Pavilion to read books. Although you can't read secret books above the creation world, it is not bad to be able to read Hedao.And after 700 years, I can see the inheritance above the world.

Go back this time and eat this yellow spring fruit first to see what effect it has.


Xing Suo stopped a hundred miles away from Chongxu Zong, Ye Weiyang put Xing Suo away, then walked towards the Zongmen, entered the Zongmen, and went straight to the mission hall, the road was unimpeded, because there were almost no People know Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang has joined the Chongxu Sect for many years, except for retreating, he has never left the sect.That is to say, those one hundred ascended knew Ye Weiyang back then, and the rest of the sect cultivators knew Ye Weiyang too limitedly, so no one greeted Ye Weiyang.

"Uncle, hand in the task."

Martial Uncle Wei looked up at Ye Weiyang, with a look of surprise on his face: "Have you completed the task?"

"hold head high!"

"How is this possible? Show me."

Ye Weiyang handed the jade bottle to Wei Martial Uncle, Wei Martial Uncle took the jade bottle and opened it, his face was even more shocked:

"Really. But... how did you complete it? Didn't Huangquan fruit appear in Huangquanjing, and many cracking and world-making have gone?"

Ye Weiyang was ready to speak, so she nodded and said: "Yes, the fight was fierce."

"Then how did you get it?"

"Junior Sister, have you come back from Huangquanjing?" Some disciples in the task hall heard the conversation between the two, and surrounded them with a huff. Ye Weiyang didn't know many people, and those who knew them were all from the same group of ascended people. Squeezed to Ye Weiyang's side:
"Weiyang, have you gone to Huangquanjing?"

"hold head high!"

"Is there really Huangquan fruit over there?"

"hold head high!"

Uncle Wei knocked on the counter, everyone fell silent, Ye Weiyang hurriedly explained to Uncle Wei:
"Those big guys are fighting in the air, and no one can get close to the Yellow Spring Tree. I saw with my own eyes that some big monks wanted to rush to the Yellow Spring Tree to snatch the Yellow Spring Fruit, and then they were attacked by hundreds of big guys together, not even leaving a corpse. Come on, it's turned into a meat paste."

"Ah?" The crowd exclaimed for a while, thinking about the grandeur of the fight between the big guys, all of them showed yearning in their eyes: "Then how did you complete the task?"

"I don't dare to get close to the Yellow Spring Tree! But I have gone, I have to try it? If I just retreat like this, isn't it for nothing? I shouted to those people in the sky, I just came to get ten Yellow Spring Liquid Yes, I will leave after taking it. Then I will use my spiritual sense to take it from a distance, and those big guys are too lazy to talk to me, so I will come back after taking it."

The surrounding was quiet, everyone looked at Ye Weiyang strangely, so they felt that this matter was so fake!

Martial Uncle Wei looked down at the jade bottle, and there were ten yellow spring liquid in the jade bottle.He sighed and said:

"Wei Young, you are so courageous. Those big monks can slap you to death with just one slap."

"I was just trying, but I didn't expect that they would really take care of me. By the way, uncle, have the people from our sect gone?"

"Going, but our sect is too far away from the ghost sect. When we get the news, we don't know if all those Huangquan fruits have been robbed when we get there. By the way, have you seen our sect?" monk?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said: "I don't know those uncles of our sect, but I haven't seen anyone wearing our sect's costume."

"That means it hasn't arrived yet. When you left, how many of those Huangquan fruits were left?"

"It's all there."

A gleam of joy appeared on Uncle Wei's face: "Maybe it's still too late."

"Uncle Wei, I saw that those monks were breaking and creating realms, why didn't they make good fortune?"

"The Yellow Spring Fruit can kill the five evils, and once a monk breaks through the good fortune, he can kill the five evils. There is no need for the Yellow Spring Fruit at all. Therefore, the Yellow Spring Fruit is only useful for monks who have cracked it."

"Oh. Uncle Wei, my mission has been completed, right?"

"Well, it must be considered complete. Give me your identity card. From now on, your punishment will be erased. Don't disappear at any time. There may not be such an opportunity in the future."

"I know, thank you Uncle Wei."

Uncle Wei handed back the ID badge to Ye Weiyang, who put it away.Zhang Tiandao: "Weiyang, let's go, let's get together."

"Alright, let me inform Senior Brother Mao."

Zhang Tiandao: "I'll also find a few people, let's go to my cave."

For more than ten days in a row, Ye Weiyang participated in many exchange meetings.Ye Weiyang is different from Mao Jiudu, she is not a real ascetic monk, she just avoids some troubles in the name of ascetic monk.She knows the importance of Taoist friends, and now she can be regarded as a true inner disciple of Chongxu Sect, and she must make friends who should be made.Of course, with Ye Weiyang's experience, after a few exchanges, he knows who he can make friends with, who he can make friends with, and who he can't make friends with.

In the past ten days, Ye Weiyang has a clear plan for her future.

That yellow spring fruit can't be eaten now.At the exchange meeting, one question that everyone must ask is the matter of Huangquanguo. After all, they have never seen it before, and Ye Weiyang also witnessed hundreds of big bosses fighting with his own eyes. After asking, I learned some effects of Huangquan fruit after taking it.

In addition to killing the five evils, the most important effect for monks is enlightenment.

During the period of killing the five declines, because the five declines have just been cut off, it will be extremely easy for the monks to comprehend the way of heaven during that period. This is like a person who has had a full sleep and has a very clear head during the period of time when he just wakes up.After this period of time, it has no effect.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang decided not to eat Huangquan fruit, but to go to Neimen Zangshu Pavilion to read cheat books.Then, after taking Huangquan fruit, through that period of time to comprehend the way of heaven, maybe you can also derive the follow-up exercises of Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue.

In fact, she has already derived her follow-up exercises for Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue from several world-making exercises, but she feels that the grade is not very good. After all, the grades of those few world-creating exercises are also average.Just taking advantage of the effect of Huangquan fruit this time, let's see if I can improve my grade and comprehend more of the Dao of Heaven.

However, if you want to read a lot of books, you need a lot of points, and now Ye Weiyang doesn't have any points.Therefore, Ye Weiyang needs to earn points now.It is relatively easy for her to earn points. She doesn't need to leave the sect to do any tasks, just alchemy.Ye Weiyang is going to accumulate enough points at once, so that she doesn't have to read half of the cheats and earn points again.This kind of interruption is of no benefit to the comprehended monks.

She is going to refine the five-year world-making pill first, without her own herbs, since it is a task, just get the herbs from the sect.My own herbs continue to grow in the talisman, and now they are more than 300 years old.If it grows to a thousand-year medicinal age, then the elixir that is refined will be top-grade, and it may be able to produce top-grade medicine, which will be of great value.Moreover, with Ye Weiyang's current ability to refine elixirs, besides handing over to the sect to complete the mission and gain points for each batch of elixirs, there are still some elixirs left over.These pills are his own and can be handed over to Mao Jiudu to sell.Earn fairy crystals for yourself.

Five years later, I will do a ten-year mission for the sect, and then start refining and trying to refine the cracking pill. Once I can successfully refine the cracking pill, I will be at the level of the master of elixir.There are not many elixir masters in the nine super sects, and it is said that there are only a dozen in the Chongxu sect.At that moment, his status was elevated.

Even if you are an ascetic monk, the local camp and the Ascension camp will not be too specific to yourself.

After ten years, I should have accumulated enough points, and then I would spend time in the Library Pavilion, reading all the cheat books I was supposed to read, and finally I would eat Huangquan Guo.

Ye Weiyang went to Mao Jiudu and told him about his alchemy plan.In the next ten years, Mao Jiudu will not go out to do long-term tasks, and go to the alchemy room he rented to get the elixir every other month.Of course Mao Jiudu readily agreed.

Ten years is too short for a cultivator of their level, but selling pills to Ye Weiyang can accumulate cultivation resources for the next hundred years.

This is Ye Weiyang taking care of herself, what else does she disagree with?
Ye Weiyang retreated to practice alchemy.

At the beginning, there were still people who came to visit Ye Weiyang, both from the local camp and the Ascended camp, they still did not give up their intention to win Ye Weiyang over.After all, it is too beneficial for me to win over an elixir master.At the very least, Mao Jiudu earned the share of immortal crystals, so he could earn it himself?
Then they heard that Ye Weiyang had retreated to practice alchemy, and everyone couldn't help feeling sad.There is also criticism of Ye Weiyang in my heart.

What is the arrogance of a well-behaved monk?

Isn't he just an elixir master?

There are more than 300 Chongxu sects.

Shameless, do you really think that the life of an ascetic monk is easy?

And they saw that Mao Jiudu sold a lot of pills every month, and many monks were jealous.Wanting to talk to Ye Weiyang to break up.

(End of this chapter)

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