Chapter 1010
Gong Xiu's eyes lit up: "Fellow Daoist Ye, can you let Xuan'er follow you, and let Xuan'er handle some small matters for you?"

Ye Weiyang looked at Gong Xuan, and saw Gong Xuan looking at him expectantly.After thinking about it, having a person by my side to help me deal with some trivial matters saves me a lot of trouble and gives me more time to comprehend.Then nodded and said:


Gong Xiu was overjoyed, and that night, the Gong family held a large banquet, and then the news that Ye Weiyang was a disciple of Chongxu Sect was consciously spread by the Gong family.Ye Weiyang didn't like this kind of noise, so she took Gong Xuan and left the next day.I went to a nearby city, then took a fairy boat and headed towards Donghua Island.

After changing trains like this, after three months, I arrived at Wanghai City.Where to take a sea boat and sail towards Donghua Island.

This is a route opened up by human monks, and there are no powerful sea monsters.Passing through many islands, some people disembarked and some boarded. After more than four months, Ye Weiyang finally arrived at Donghua Island.

The guardian monk of the Chongxu Sect on Donghua Island was called Du Yu, who immediately handed over the task to Ye Weiyang, boarded the boat and left.Donghua Island really didn't want to stay for a moment.

Gong Xuan, who has been following Ye Weiyang's side all the time, has a look of astonishment, he didn't expect that Ye Weiyang's mission is here, how can he cultivate with the concentration of immortal energy here?

Ye Weiyang didn't care, at this moment she was sitting in the hall, listening to the manager here, Du Yu's deputy, making a detailed report to her.

The Chongxu Sect only sent one monk to guard Donghua Island, like this monk named He Heifu, who is a native of Donghua Island.Chongxu Sect guards the monks and selects some monks from Donghua Island to serve him.

Donghua Island lacks immortal vitality, and the highest cultivation level of the aborigines here is only the Three Flowers Gathering the Top, not a single Taoist.And this He Heifu is a monk with three flowers gathered together.There are still some people under him, who are in charge of the mining people.And the people who mined were all natives of Donghua Island.

After listening to He Heifu's report, and accompanied by He Heifu, he spent eight days looking at the sixteen ore veins.Three veins have been hollowed out.Ye Weiyang checked it herself, and it was indeed hollowed out.Now the fourth vein is being dug.

There is no large formation on the entire Donghua Island. According to He Heifu, even if there are powerful sea monsters in the surrounding waters, they are just imperial ways.There is no problem at all with Chongxu Zong and Dao monks sitting in the town, so Chongxu Zong didn't waste experience to set up formation here.Moreover, although water copper ore is not rubbish, it is not a precious thing, and monks above the world cannot afford to offend Chongxuzong.Therefore, Donghua Island has always been safe and free from danger.

In eight days, not only Ye Weiyang knew everything about Donghua Island, but also Gong Xuan, because he knew that he came with Ye Weiyang to do things.These management matters will be their own in the future.Fortunately, he is not afraid, since he is also the eldest son of the Gong family, and he started to manage the family very early.Has extensive experience in this area.

Of course, Ye Weiyang and Gong Xiu knew Donghua Island well.It is only limited to the surroundings of these sixteen veins.Donghua Island is very large, with a large area, neither of them understand.But presumably there won't be any powerful monster clan, as long as they don't invade the mine veins, Ye Weiyang won't bother to bother.

Introduce He Heifu to Gong Xuan and tell He Heifu that everything on the island will be managed by Gong Xuan.Then Gong Xuan and He Heifu left, there were many things that needed to be understood in detail, just now Ye Weiyang just took a look at the flowers, and really took responsibility, although it was not complicated, but Gong Xuan still wanted to do things well.

Seeing that Gong Xuan was so serious, Ye Weiyang nodded, and then began to think.

Since Gong Xuan is so serious, I don't want to delay Gong Xuan's cultivation, I don't need to practice, I just need to comprehend, but Gong Xuan can't.Gong Xuan is now Hunyuan Great Perfection, this is a critical juncture, it is very important for Gong Xuan to be able to break through the harmony one day earlier.

She asked Gong Xuan, all the basic conditions of Gong Xuan now are Hunyuan Dzogchen.This means that Gong Xuan needs four aspects in order to break through to Hedao.

First, the strength of the body must reach the Dao.Second, the condensed degree of Xianyuanli must reach the Dao.The third is that the strength of spiritual consciousness must reach harmony.After these three basic conditions are met, one will finally comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth.Once the comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth breaks through the path of harmony, it will be a matter of course to become a monk of the path of harmony.

It is not difficult to comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth, Ye Weiyang can preach to him.And Ye Weiyang can also carve him a rune jade that contains Dao Realm, let him comprehend it by himself, comprehending the Dao of Heaven will definitely be fast and won't take him much time.This is what Ye Weiyang is best at.

There is no problem with immortal energy, although the concentration of immortal energy here is extremely thin, but Ye Weiyang has immortal crystals, which are equivalent to one trillion low-grade immortal crystals, allowing Gong Xuan to directly use immortal crystals for cultivation.In this way, the speed of cultivation is not only not slow, but extremely fast.That is to practice directly with fairy crystals.

The problem is the cultivation of consciousness and noumenon, and there is no place to practice secret realms here...

Cultivate the secret realm?

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, and she looked towards the sea.Then he took a step forward and stood by the sea.Then walk into the sea.As he walked towards the depths of the sea, the sea water gave Ye Weiyang full pressure.Ye Weiyang felt while walking, and finally nodded with satisfaction.Practicing on the seabed can completely achieve the effect of quenching the body, and the effect is not bad.In particular, Ye Weiyang found a trench, where the pressure of the sea water has a slight effect on the body of Ye Weiyang's realm.Not to mention Gong Xuan with Hunyuan cultivation.

Ye Weiyang stood in the trench again, releasing his consciousness to fight against the current in the trench.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Weiyang withdrew her consciousness, sensed it, and a smile appeared on her face, using her consciousness to fight against the current here, the tempering of her consciousness is stronger, better than the effect of tempering her body.

In this way, all problems are solved.


Ye Weiyang looked at the trench below, she did not dive to the bottom of the trench at this time.She is a little worried now, there won't be any powerful sea monsters under this trench, right?
Often, the harsher the environment, the more powerful the monsters are, where the human monks are not suitable.Of course, this kind of monster is also reluctant to come out of this environment because it is suitable for this environment.This kind of environment is its territory. If you don't enter its territory, it won't bother to talk to you, but if you enter its territory, it will be furious.

If there is a powerful sea monster in this trench, in fact, Ye Weiyang has already entered the territory of that sea monster, maybe because he is still on the periphery of that sea monster's territory. Wei Young.

However, Gong Xuan will practice here for a long time in the future.

That is to practice here for hundreds of years. What if the sea monster gets tired of watching it one day?
With just one blow, Gong Xuan was beaten to death.

Let's check it out.

Ye Weiyang is going to thoroughly investigate Haigou, no matter what, Gong Xuan is following her now, and will be following her for at least 700 years.Can't let him die.

She slowly dived downwards, like this kind of trench, the further you go down, the faster the flow of sea water, this kind of speed of sea water washing, Ye Weiyang dare not use any speed-type supernatural powers to dive, such as yin and yang stepping on the stars One step, once it rushes down to an unbearable current speed, it is a death.

Ye Weiyang was very patient, and slowly dived down, while spreading her spiritual consciousness out.Horizontal spread.Now Ye Weiyang's consciousness strength is at the realm of world creation, and according to Ye Weiyang's estimation, his primordial spirit should have reached the middle stage of world creation, and the corresponding strength of consciousness has also reached the early stage of world creation.With this kind of spiritual strength, I can spread it for more than a thousand miles.

However, the consumption of spiritual consciousness in this trench is really high, because Ye Weiyang needs to use spiritual consciousness to investigate.On the contrary, Xianyuan power is not consumed much.

Ye Weiyang is a prudent person, a person with a perfect harmony, when he was in Jiugongjie, he was a big boss.But in the fairy world, they are ants.Powerful ants.

Mighty ants are also ants.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang not only dived slowly, little by little, but also constantly replenished the divine consciousness and immortal energy that he had consumed.What she used was not elixir, it would take time for the elixir to restore the power of immortality and consciousness, and what she used directly was the celestial liquid and divine liquid in the Luoshu space.

Immortal liquid restores immortal energy, and divine liquid restores spiritual consciousness instantly.Moreover, Ye Weiyang will not consume too much of her divine sense and celestial energy before taking celestial liquid and divine liquid.As long as [-]% is consumed, I will replenish it immediately, almost maintaining my state at its peak state all the time.

She has never been so cautious like now, her body is washed by the sharp ocean current, you can no longer see the sea water here.It feels like a vacuum in the ocean because the current is so fast.Both the fast and the sea water have undergone some qualitative changes.

The further down the dive the more so.

But after all, it is still within the scope of the attribute of water, so the water attribute of Ye Weiyang's five elements played a huge role.Ye Weiyang even has a feeling that he has continuously integrated too many kinds of five-element supernatural powers. Among these supernatural powers, there are naturally many water-attribute supernatural powers, which allow him to have a qualitative improvement in the five elements.If it was placed before, I am afraid that diving to the current depth is already the limit.But now, Ye Weiyang is like a fish in water with this evasion technique. Even so, she is always cautious, covering the range of thousands of miles horizontally with her consciousness at all times, and this covering a range of thousands of miles made her have a discovery.

The speed of the ocean current in this trench is not the same. Even the water flow next to it has extremely small changes in speed and strength, and sometimes because of the sharp collision of the water flow, those water droplets become extremely small due to the excessive speed. There will be an explosion, and in this extreme environment, a tiny explosion can cause huge destructive power.

After diving for more than 100 miles like this, Ye Weiyang felt a little bit withdrawn.At this depth, she has dived nearly [-] miles into the the depth of the submerged trench, not the depth of the submerged ocean.The surrounding environment was getting worse and more dangerous, but she found nothing.But this matter can't be abandoned halfway, and she can still bear the pressure here, so let's continue, it's all about comprehending the attribute of water.

Ye Weiyang didn't dive straight down. Under the cover of her spiritual consciousness, sometimes she needed to turn around in a curve to avoid the collision and explosion of some tiny water droplets. Ye Weiyang had tried to resist those explosions, but even she couldn't resist.If it goes deeper, the explosive power there will be even greater, and Ye Weiyang may be injured.In this harsh environment, even a small injury would be magnified infinitely, posing life-threatening danger.Therefore, Ye Weiyang spent very little time.

It is a world-making monk. If she dives slowly to explore like her, this depth is already the limit of the world-making monk.It is impossible to dive anymore, because the spiritual consciousness will be exhausted, that is, Ye Weiyang, who is constantly replenishing with the divine liquid, can reach this depth, but is still at the peak state.


Ye Weiyang felt something was wrong, she had been in the trench for more than a day now, her spiritual sense has been covering thousands of miles horizontally, she already had a good understanding of the trench, at this time she suddenly felt a little fluctuation.This kind of fluctuation is very small, but it is completely different from the fluctuation of the ocean current in the trench.

Like what?

It's like there is a reef in the ocean, and the waves of the sea hit the reef, that is, something blocks the current.

Is this possible?
There is nothing in the trench, how could something appear to block the current?

She sneaked towards that trace of fluctuation very carefully, the closer she got, the slighter the fluctuation began to enlarge slightly, and then a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

She saw the seven grasses...


It wasn't grass, it just looked like grass, about an inch long and as thin as two hairs.Just hanging in the trench.No matter how the ocean current in the trench washed away, it couldn't wash away the grass-like thing, it just shook slightly, and it was this slight shaking that caused Ye Weiyang to perceive the fluctuations.

where is this place?
It's a trench, and it's still deep in the trench. Not to mention grass, even a stone will be washed by the ocean currents into an existence smaller than fine powder, but now there is something like seven-thread grass, which is completely unharmed here.

Ye Weiyang was excited!

This is definitely a baby.

She didn't get any closer, but used water-attribute supernatural powers to stabilize her figure in the trench, thinking about memories quickly in her mind.

You must know that she is not only reading exercises and supernatural powers in Chongxuzong, but also reading some other miscellaneous books.Of course, not all miscellaneous books are read, but some books that you must understand.

Such as geography and treasure records.

(End of this chapter)

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