The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1011 Retreat

Chapter 1011 Retreat
Reading geography is to let yourself know the geography of the fairyland, where you can go and where you can't go.Reading the treasure history is to let yourself know what treasures are in the fairy world, and what effects the treasures have.

There was no such thing in the memory of the library in the outer door, and she began to recall the treasure records she saw in the library of the inner door.Then his eyes lit up involuntarily.

She remembered that there was a record in a certain book of treasures.When she first saw this record, she thought it was a legend.Because that record mentioned the beginning of the fairy world, so she felt a little nonsense.

According to records, when the fairy world was first formed, gods and demons were everywhere, and treasures were also extremely numerous.That time was the brightest time in the fairy world.At the same time, it is also the most humble time for the human race.Later, a war broke out between gods and demons, breaking the fairy world to pieces.It is said that the original fairyland was the boss, and the current fairyland is not as good as one tenth of the original one.

Seeing this at the beginning made Ye Weiyang curl her lips in disbelief.

In her opinion, the current fairyland is big and big. She has not traveled around the fairyland, and it is impossible for her to travel all over the fairyland in her lifetime. However, she speculates that this fairyland is at least a hundred times larger than the Jiugong Realm, maybe a hundred times bigger. more than.

This is astonishingly big. When the fairy world was first formed, it was ten times bigger than it is now?
Just kidding!
But that was the war between gods and demons that was said to have lasted for an unknown number of years, and the units were calculated in tens of thousands of years. It caused a large number of deaths of gods and demons, and a large number of treasures from heaven and earth were also shattered.Then this kind of war attracted the backlash of heaven, that is, the punishment of heaven, which made more treasures disappear, and gods and demons even disappeared.

This allowed the race to develop and gradually become stronger.

At that time, there were treasures everywhere, but there was only one kind of treasure, which was called Hongmeng Xianyun.

This Hongmeng fairy rhyme is divided into seven levels, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, Hongmeng purple rhyme is the best, and Hongmeng chirpy rhyme is the worst.And the seven grass-like things in front of me are blue.

Could it be Hongmeng Qingyun?
Ye Weiyang carefully looked at it, the seven strands of Hongmeng Qingyun seemed to be rooted in the current, shaking slightly, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the record.

If this is Hongmeng Qingyun, Ye Weiyang will post it.

Hongmeng Qingyun...

Do not!
In fact, do the seven levels of Hongmeng fairy rhyme have any effect on the monks who have just made the world?
However, the energy contained in it is not something a cultivator can bear. Basically, if he takes it, he will die, and his body will explode.What is really effective is the monk above the world.According to records, when the Immortal Realm first opened, monks above the Constructor Realm all practiced with the Primordial Immortal Rhyme.At that time, the speed of cultivation was so fast.

However, the roaring fairy rhyme gradually disappeared, so he had to rely on the immortal power to cultivate.Therefore, the current speed of cultivation is really slow. From the cultivation of the world to the cracking, it takes ten thousand years as a unit. This is still very few talents who can break through.If we have Hongmeng Xianyun, we don't need to eat Hongmeng Xianyun as a meal every day like those old ancestors, and if we eat it once in a while, I am afraid it will have extraordinary effects.

No matter how much it is, it must be put away.

Ye Weiyang approached Hongmeng Qingyun, originally she was afraid that Hongmeng Xianyun would run away, but she didn't.Ye Weiyang very smoothly put the Qisi Hongmeng Qingyun into the jade bottle, and then sealed it.

Putting away the jade bottle, Ye Weiyang looked at the bottom of the trench, with anticipation in his eyes.This is going to continue.

It's just that she also knows that the lower the depth, the more dangerous it is. It is estimated that no monk has ever dived to her current level, not even by good luck.Because the spiritual consciousness of the good fortune cultivator can't bear such consumption, that is to say, Ye Weiyang has the divine liquid, which can constantly replenish his consumption, which makes him dive so deep.But further down, Ye Weiyang didn't know if her body could withstand the washing of the ocean current.

Try it!
If you dive until you can't bear it, you will return by yourself.

Ye Weiyang carefully dived down, and she found that with the depth of her dive, the frequency of those tiny water droplets explosions began to increase, which made Ye Weiyang have to dodge in advance.This requires a curve reversal, wasting more time and wasting more divine liquid.

This kind of depth is really not something that anyone can dive into, it is purely a struggle for resources.However, as long as those seven silks are really Primordial Azure Charm, no matter how much divine liquid is wasted, it will be worth it.

Gradually, Ye Weiyang dived for more than 50 miles.Ye Weiyang's ontology has almost reached its limit.Fortunately, all she had to face was the current, and she didn't find a powerful sea monster.

If a sea monster is found here, it will be a narrow escape.

Even so, it is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and may be injured by the explosion of tiny water droplets at any time, because the frequency and intensity of explosions have increased.


Ye Weiyang encountered the biggest crisis of this trip, and suddenly countless tiny water droplets exploded. Under the flow speed of this trench, the ocean current suddenly lost control, like countless powerful supernatural powers, rushing towards Ye Weiyang Come.There is no doubt that if covered by this power, Ye Weiyang will die so that there is not even a scum left.

Ye Weiyang held the long sword in his hand, at this moment, it was too late to dodge.Only by cutting through this surging power can one gain a chance of life.

Ye Weiyang saw all the firepower, yin and yang enveloping the whole body, the Five Elements sword slashed continuously and intensively, and cut out as many as a hundred swords in just an instant, you must know that each sword will continue to differentiate into countless swords Light, like a river of swords.Chop out a hundred swords, that is a river of rolling swords.Every sword light is not just a sword light, it has powerful power.Every sword light contains a magnificent sword intent.At this time, with Ye Weiyang as the center, a bright sword light was released, like a sun, blocking all the raging power of the trench outside, rushing past both sides of the body.

The time was only about seven breaths, and the power of the trench explosion dissipated.Ye Weiyang stopped, her face was a little pale.Although it was only seven breaths, Ye Weiyang did it with all her strength, consuming an unprecedented amount.

No wonder Haigou has been here for countless years, but no one has discovered that there is a Hongmeng fairy charm here.On the one hand, the fairy rhyme of Hongmeng exists in the trench too deep, and on the other hand, the explosion in the trench is indeed too dangerous.Ye Weiyang felt that even a world-maker cultivator might not be able to survive if he was in the situation he was in just now.What's more, even the monks who created the world may not be able to dive to such a deep level, because those who created the world do not have the supplement of divine liquid, and their own spiritual consciousness is not enough to consume.

The trench has returned to calm.

This kind of calm is only a visual calm. In fact, the ocean current in the trench is extremely fast, so fast that you can't even see the flow, as if it is still.

Ye Weiyang let out a breath slowly, she felt that she couldn't continue diving.It would be too dangerous to continue.She waited quietly for a while again, she wanted to see if there would be any sea monsters attracted by such a big commotion just now.If there were sea monsters here, they would definitely come and take a look if there was such a big commotion.

Ye Weiyang was very patient, and waited for about half an hour, but still no sea monster appeared.Ye Weiyang felt relieved.There should be no sea monsters in this trench.Think about it too, if there is a sea monster, then Hongmeng Qingyun will keep it for yourself?
I'm afraid it has been eaten by the Kraken long ago.

Ye Weiyang felt relieved and began to float upwards.She's in no hurry to search here, she has plenty of time.It is not worthwhile to spend a lot of time looking for the Primordial Charm here and delay your own practice.The most important thing is that it may not be found.Maybe the seven primordial green charms I found are the only ones left in this trench.

Ye Weiyang returned to her wooden house on Donghua Island, took out a recliner from the storage ring, lay down on it, then took out a square jade stone the size of a fist, took out a carving knife and began to carve it. It took less than an hour After a short period of time, the carving was completed, and Ye Weiyang made a treasure that contained the Dao Realm.At sunset, Gong Xuan came back from his busy schedule.


"How is it? Are you busy?"

"Only these few days, when the junior gets familiar with everything here, he will only be busy one day a month."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "I'll leave this to you."

"Senior, don't worry." Gong Xuan said seriously.

"But you can't delay your cultivation, you come with me."

Ye Weiyang got up and flew towards the sea with Gong Xuan.Gong Xuan was a little confused, but he still flew to the surface of the sea.The two walked on the waves, Ye Weiyang said to Gong Xuan:

"At the bottom of the sea, you can use the pressure of sea water to temper your body and consciousness. Go down and try it out."

Gong Xuan's eyes lit up: "I'll try."

The body sank below the surface of the sea, and Ye Weiyang stepped on the waves and looked towards Donghua Island. She saw the peaks on Donghua Island, and finally her eyes fell on the highest mountain.

Looking at the stars in the ocean, she found, was an excellent spot, even better than in the desert.If you retreat on the highest mountain and visualize the stars, it should have an excellent effect.


A spray of water splashed, and Gong Xuan jumped out, with a happy expression on his face: "Senior, this place can really temper the body and consciousness, and the effect is amazing, it is several times stronger than the effect I cultivated in Xiaoyanshan, and I'm not afraid that if my cultivation level is too high, it will lose its effect, because the further I go, the greater the pressure."

"That's right!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "However, if you go over there, about three hundred miles away, there is a trench, and your current cultivation is not enough to go there."

"Oh, I see!"

"Okay, you come back with me!"

The two returned to the wooden house again, Ye Weiyang looked at him and said: "Gong Xuan, now that your body and spiritual consciousness cultivation problems have been solved, the rest is the problem of immortal power and comprehension. The problem of immortal power is easy to solve .”

"Ah?" Gong Xuan was stunned. In his opinion, the problem of immortal energy is the most difficult to solve. The concentration of immortal energy here is impossible to cultivate at his cultivation level, so Ye Weiyang said this problem Best solution?
Ye Weiyang took out a storage bag and handed it to him, saying: "There are [-] million low-grade fairy crystals here, you can use the fairy crystals to practice directly every day, and ask me for them when you run out."


Gong Xuan was completely stunned, and then hurriedly checked the storage bag, and there were indeed [-] million immortal crystals in it, he was a little at a loss.

Did the monks of such a big sect as the Chongxu Sect cultivate directly with immortal crystals?

Is it so extravagant?
No wonder they are so powerful that they can become a super sect.

"As for comprehending the Dao of Heaven, don't worry." Ye Weiyang took out the piece of Dao Realm Jade that she made, and handed it to Gong Xuan, saying:

"This is for you, you can penetrate the divine sense, and then you can comprehend the mystery of harmony."

Gong Xuan took the jade and was overjoyed.

The senior was really thoughtful, the immortal power, the main body, the divine sense, and the way of heaven were all prepared for him.With such resources, and the place is not busy, it is completely equivalent to retreating.In a decade or so, you will be able to break through Hedao, right?
"Thank you senior!"

"See that tallest mountain?"

"I see!"

"I'll be practicing in seclusion there from now on. If there's nothing you can't handle, don't go to me."

"Yes, senior!"

"Okay, go get busy, I'm going to retreat."

Ye Weiyang is a straightforward person, after explaining, he got up and took a step forward, and the next moment, he had already landed on that mountain peak.Spiritual consciousness descended like a waterfall, covering the entire mountain in an instant.There are many monsters in this mountain, but the strongest one is only the Three Flower Realm.Ye Weiyang didn't bother to clean them up, so she withdrew her consciousness, took out the jade slips of the exercises she copied, and began to read and comprehend the deduction.

From then on, Ye Weiyang read, comprehended and deduced the inheritance of exercises during the day, and visualized the starry sky at night.

Time flies, and a hundred years have passed.

Under the starlight.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged on the mountain peak.

In the past hundred years, she has fully comprehended one-third of the inheritance of the copied skills, and integrated them into the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue.Moreover, she visualizes the starry sky every night, so this Yin-Yang Zhoutian Jue incorporates not only the skills in Chongxu Zong's library, but also her own understanding of the starry sky. Her Yin-Yang Zhoutian Jue is more profound and mysterious, The Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue on the first page of the Yuanshen book also became thicker, followed by a slight increase in the level of the Yuanshen, but it was still far away from the top-rank Yuanshen.

The mysterious aura hovers around Ye Weiyang, and the starlight in the night sky sprinkles and gathers on Ye Weiyang's body surface, making Ye Weiyang like a shining star. When you look down, you can see that you are sitting on the mountain, or There were monsters lying on their stomachs. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the mountain was no longer visible, and all they saw were monsters.Each of these monsters looked completely obsessed.

Since 40 years ago, the aura of Ye Weiyang's comprehension began to fall downward from the mountain peak, and then spread to the surroundings.The first ones to perceive are naturally those monsters on this mountain. The reason why monsters are called monsters is that they do not have high intelligence, but they still have low intelligence. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the human race to train monsters to become monsters. Pet.

Thanks a lot to lammasfan (100) for the tip!

(End of this chapter)

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