The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1012 Invitation

Chapter 1012 Invitation

These low-spirited monsters instinctively perceive that there is something they need on the mountain, and that kind of breath seems to make them stronger, and that kind of breath makes them feel very kind, a kind of natural kindness.Therefore, these monsters came towards the mountain, and when they saw Ye Weiyang, they didn't dare to climb the peak, so they sat or lay down on the edge of the peak, greedily absorbing the rhythm of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

In this way, more and more monsters gathered.


Ye Weiyang, who was sitting cross-legged, has now entered a process of qualitative change, an unprecedented state.Even Ye Weiyang didn't know what consequences this qualitative change would bring.But she went with the flow and kept going.

Just for a moment, as if her sea of ​​consciousness had accumulated to the limit, the spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness converged towards one point, and as it converged, the sea of ​​consciousness began to vibrate, and the fluctuation of the vibration became stronger and stronger, and above the sea of ​​consciousness there were also Generated with a little light, it is formed by the gathering of countless spiritual consciousness, and every trace of spiritual consciousness contains Ye Weiyang's comprehension, the comprehension of Yin-Yang Zhoutian.

Like the first starlight at dawn, that spot of light finally stabilized, like a star spreading through the sea of ​​consciousness, the dark sea of ​​consciousness was illuminated by this starlight.

At this moment, Ye Weiyang has a qualitative leap in Yin-Yang Zhoutian, and has an unprecedented understanding of the way of heaven.Visualizing the starry sky has reached an unprecedented level.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and when the first star of the Consciousness Sea is formed, the second and third become easier.Each ray of consciousness is a rune, starting to gather in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The speed of consumption of spiritual consciousness is fast, and Ye Weiyang continuously draws divine liquid from Luoshu space to replenish, and the stars light up in the sea of ​​consciousness, and each star emits a trace of starlight, which gathers in the voice of Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit , Ye Weiyang immediately felt that her primordial spirit was being tempered rapidly, and her realm was rapidly improving.


The primordial spirit vibrated, and the brilliance flowed. At this moment, she knew that her primordial spirit had broken through, and she should have broken through to the late stage of world creation.With the breakthrough of Yuanshen's realm, she felt that she had a faster comprehension of the way of heaven and a sharper understanding of exercises.Another thing that surprised her was that she was more comfortable and mellow in controlling her immortal power, and even her own body.

In fact, although Ye Weiyang's body and celestial power had reached the fifth level of cracking before, her strength became stronger.But there are also disadvantages, because her primordial state is not enough, and when she mobilizes the immortal power in her body and releases the divine channel method, she is still a little jerky.Even the movement of the main body has a slight hindrance.

This is the result of the great difference between the primordial spirit realm, the main body and the immortal power.

In other words, Ye Weiyang couldn't fully display her true strength because of the insufficient state of Yuanshen.

However, at this moment, although he still couldn't fully display his own strength, he was much more relaxed and rounded, and his combat power must have soared.

As more and more stars are visualized in the sea of ​​consciousness, the tempering of the primordial spirit must be faster and faster, and the realm of the primordial spirit must be raised higher and higher, so that it can be dug deeper and deeper. own real fighting power.

One year, two years, three years...

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged on the top of the peak without moving, and the stars in the sea of ​​consciousness were constantly lighting up.

Gong Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the highest mountain in Donghua Island, his eyes full of admiration.

Not only admiration, but also gratitude in his heart.

With the resources provided by Ye Weiyang, he broke through to Hedao after eight years of retreat in Ye Weiyang, and now he is at the peak of Hedao in the early stage, and he will be able to enter the middle stage of Hedao.He knew that if he was still in Xiaoyan Mountain, he should barely break through to Hedao now, but he estimated that he would be at the first level of Hedao at most. If he wants to have the current realm, he doesn't know when he will be.

It's just that in the past hundred years, the fairy crystals Ye Weiyang gave him were used up a year ago, and now his cultivation has stagnated.But she didn't dare to disturb Ye Weiyang.


Gong Xuan suddenly turned his head and looked towards the direction of the sea. From there came a breath, which was the breath of harmony.

Gong Xuan's eyes became serious. In the past hundred years, there has never been a Taoist monk, not even Hunyuan.And the other party's breath was obviously intentional, like a greeting.Sure enough, a voice sounded from the sea:
"I'm going down to Guanghanzi, please see fellow Taoist Chongxu Sect."

Gong Xuan's expression calmed down. From the words of the other party, it can be known that the other party knows Donghua Island, and even more that the monks guarding Donghua Island are Chongxu Sect monks, so there should be no danger.Then he took an empty step and went up to the sea.

A figure stood on the shore, saw Gong Xuan flying over from a distance, and couldn't help frowning slightly.Judging from Gong Xuan's aura, the opponent is only at the beginning of the Dao, but how could the guardian of the Chongxu Sect be at the beginning of the Dao?

"I've met fellow Taoist Guanghanzi!" Gong Xuan fell down and bowed his hands in salute.

Guanghanzi replied, "Are you the guardian of Donghua Island?"

"No, the guardian is Senior Ye, and I am Senior Ye's junior, helping to take care of Donghua Island."

"That's right!"

Guanghanzi secretly said in his heart, but he was also a little unhappy.He is also the guardian of one side, the guardian of Dongyue Island, from the Taiqing Sect who is also a super sect.Her status is no different from Ye Weiyang's.And he also knows that the monks guarding this island are all in perfect harmony, presumably the guards of Donghua Island are also the same.Since this is the case, if Ye Weiyang doesn't greet her personally, she will look down on herself a bit.

Gong Xuan is so smart, he can tell what the other person is thinking just by looking at the other person's expression, he bowed his hands and said in a salute:
"Senior Ye has been retreating on the mountain for a hundred years."

Guanghanzi's expression eased, and at this moment, a figure flew towards this side, but it was Ye Weiyang.This aura of harmony naturally alarmed Ye Weiyang, even though the distance was far away, Ye Weiyang could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly.Then he finished his practice and came to meet him. After all, this was the first time he came to the door in a hundred years.She was a little worried about Gong Xuan.

"Ye Weiyang met fellow Taoist." Ye Weiyang fell down and cupped his hands towards Guang Hanzi.

Ye Weiyang had just finished training, and her body was still exuding a powerful aura, which made Guanghanzi feel terrified, and hurriedly returned the salute:
"Guang Hanzi, Emperor of the Taiqing Dynasty, has met Fellow Daoist Ye."

Hearing that the other party is also a cultivator of the nine super sects, Ye Weiyang smiled even more:
"Fellow Daoist Guanghan, please!"

Back at the wooden house, Ye Weiyang took out the spiritual fruit and served tea.Then he knew that Guang Hanzi was also an Ascendant just like himself, and the atmosphere between the two became more harmonious.After chatting for a while, Guanghanzi got to the point:
"Fellow Daoist Ye, do you know about the whirlpool of the Divine Bead?"

"Shenzhu vortex?" Ye Weiyang shook his head in astonishment: "I don't know, what is the Shenzhu?"

Guang Hanzi smiled and said: "You Daoist Ye got to the point. The divine orb is a kind of treasure for the cultivation of the primordial spirit. It has a great effect on assisting the cultivation of the primordial spirit for the monks who created the realm, and it is also effective for the cultivators who break the realm. The effect is only [-]% of that of the world-creating monks. As for the fortune-telling monks, it cannot be said that there is no effect, but the effect is very small. For those of us who are in the same way, especially when the way is perfect, the effect is even more extraordinary.

Let's put it this way, if we use Shenzhu to practice and increase the strength of our spiritual consciousness, the speed will be a hundred times that of our usual practice.And this is because we are only in harmony with the Tao, we cannot swallow the divine orb, we can only hold it in our hands to practice, and one divine orb is enough for us to practice for a month. "

"Good stuff!" Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up: "Does this divine orb have the effect of raising the level of the primordial spirit?"

"No!" Guang Hanzi looked at Ye Weiyang strangely, which clearly meant that you want to eat farts.

Ye Weiyang hurriedly changed the subject: "Fellow Daoist, since it's called the Divine Bead Whirlpool, could it be that it's a huge whirlpool?"

Guang Hanzi gave Ye Weiyang a thumbs up: "Ye Daoist's guess is right, from Donghua Island to the east [-] miles, there is a huge whirlpool with a radius of [-] miles."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help being slightly startled, let alone seeing it, this was the first time she heard such a big vortex.

"The divine orb is formed in this vortex, but it is usually impossible to capture it. The vortex strangling power is very powerful. Not to mention us who are in harmony, once the good luck monks enter, they will be strangled. But this vortex will rotate every thousand years The speed slows down, and the strangling power becomes weaker, but it can only allow monks who are above the Tao to enter. And the further down, the stronger the strangling power, and monks like us who have perfected the Tao can only penetrate a thousand miles. Going further It's not something we can afford.

And this period is only one year, and next month is the beginning of the weakening of strangling power.

At this time, monks from the human race and the monster race would gather there. In order to compete for the orb, the human race and the monster race would fight fiercely.I am here this time to invite fellow night daoists, the guardians of these islands in the East China Sea, and the various island owners want to form an alliance to advance and promote together. Would you like to join the night daoist friends? "

"What level of monks are there to join?"

"At that time, the monks who will participate in the competition will come from all over the fairy world, but the good fortune monks will not come, and the ones with the highest cultivation level will break the boundary. And the guardians of our East China Sea are all consummated, and most of the island owners of those islands are also This level of cultivation. The few remaining island masters have the highest level of cultivation, that is good luck, and have not broken the boundary."

Ye Weiyang frowned involuntarily: "After this alliance, how will the divine beads be distributed?"

"This is one of the reasons for inviting fellow daoist Ye. Three days later, we will gather at Zixia Building on Zixia Island, and we will discuss a charter."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Ye Weiyang agreed, although it was expected, Guang Hanzi felt relieved, and cupped his hands and said:

"I still have to invite others, so I'm leaving."

"I'll give it to fellow daoists."

After sending Guanghanzi away, he returned to the wooden house.Ye Weiyang asked Gong Xuan: "It's been a hundred years now, is there someone from the sect to hand over the water copper mine?"

"Not yet!" Gong Xuan shook his head and said, "It's probably only a few days."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "I will set off for Zixia Island the day after tomorrow, you stay on Donghua Island, if someone from the sect comes, let him wait for me for a few days."

"it is good!"

"What problems did you encounter in cultivation?"

"There is... a little problem."

Seeing Gong Xuan's embarrassing and expectant expression, Ye Weiyang suddenly said: "Is the fairy crystal used up?"

"En!" Gong Xuan nodded impressively.

Ye Weiyang sensed Gong Xuan's cultivation: "That's right, it's already at the peak of the early stage of Hedao, so the consumption will naturally be higher. This time, I'll give you [-] million low-grade immortal crystals first. If you run out, tell me."

"Thank you, senior." Gong Xuan was overjoyed, and took the storage bag that Ye Weiyang handed over.

"Is there anything confusing about cultivation? I still have a day to explain it to you."

"I have, thank you senior."

On this day, Ye Weiyang explained to Gong Xuan tirelessly, and two days later, Ye Weiyang left Donghua Island and flew towards Zixia Island.

While flying, he looked inside his sea of ​​consciousness, and now his sea of ​​consciousness is dotted with stars, which really coincides with the principle of the universe of heaven and earth, and the universe of human body.The Sea of ​​Consciousness seems to be a microcosm of the universe, the primordial spirit is tempered by thousands of stars, so that the primordial spirit is tempered and promoted every moment.

Ye Weiyang suddenly realized something.

The big universe of heaven and earth, the small universe of human body.Then if I now regard the stars in the sea of ​​consciousness as the big universe, and the soul as the human body, will it be possible to condense the stars in the soul?
Like... like a hole?
Ye Weiyang's heart beat violently.

Corresponding to each acupuncture point of the human body, visualize a star in the primordial spirit.

It's better to let it go first. With this direction, there is no rush. Let's integrate all the inheritance of skills first.

After several hours, Ye Weiyang landed on Zixia Island.After inquiring with others, I came to Zixia Tower.After reporting his name, someone naturally led him upstairs.At this time, there were already many people upstairs, hearing the sound of footsteps, everyone's gazes were all focused on Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang glanced at everyone upstairs.

98 people.

"Friend Ye Daoist is here!"

Then I saw a person standing up on a chair, it was Guang Hanzi.Ye Weiyang walked towards Guanghanzi with a smile while looking around.

The 98 fell into three camps, obviously.

There were nine monks sitting together, and Ye Weiyang could easily sense that those nine were world-creator monks, but their aura was a bit weak, much weaker than the aura of the world-maker monks Ye Weiyang saw in Chongxu Sect.It seems that they are all weak creations.But the weak creation world is also a creation world, superior to others, these nine people sit together with a proud look on their faces.There are six empty chairs next to it, and it seems that there are six world-making monks.

Then there are only nine chairs on Guanghanzi's side, and now there are eight people including Guanghanzi.Presumably this is specially prepared for the guardians of the nine super sects in the East China Sea islands.Although the guardians of the nine super sects are only perfect in the Dao, their combat power is not weaker than that of the creation world, especially against the weakest creation world, not only is it not weaker than them, but they can also kill them.Therefore, in the East China Sea, the guardians of the nine super sects are fully qualified to be on an equal footing with the creation world.

What's more, behind the nine people are the nine super sects.

The third camp has more people, but they are all in harmony, and not all of them are perfect in harmony.These people should be the guards of other sects in the East China Sea islands and the island owners of some islands.

(End of this chapter)

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