The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1019 Relief

Chapter 1019 Relief
She looked at the brief introductions of the exercises one by one, leaving ten sentences in each jade slip and sealing eight sentences. 290 eight exercises, 290 eight jade slips.

After finishing all this work, Ye Weiyang traded for Gong Xuan, explained something, and then left Donghua Island.Came to the uninhabited sea, and took the star cable to shuttle away.

Qingshan sect.

A stream of light suddenly stopped in the sky, according to which, thousands of miles away, there is a sect called Xiuyun Sect, which is the first second-rate sect that Ye Weiyang wants to visit that possesses Yin-Yang and Five Elements skills.This trip passes through Qingshanzong.That is the sect that Qin Jie joined.

Originally, she didn't want to see Qin Jie. After all, she should be in Donghua Island now, so it's not good for others to see her.However, she found that the Qingshan Sect was being attacked at this time, and Ye Weiyang couldn't help but stop.She is also very strange in her heart, Qingshan Sect can also be regarded as a subordinate sect of Chongxu Sect, the big dog still looks at its master, which power is it, so it doesn't take Chongxu Sect seriously?
Put away the star cable, stand in the sky, and look down.


She recognized the sect that attacked the Qingshan Sect, not because she knew the monks of that sect, but because she knew the clothes of that sect. The word Xiuyun was embroidered on the front of the clothes, but it was the Xiuyun Sect that she wanted to visit. Attack Qingshanzong.Ye Weiyang recalled that Xiuyun Sect is also a subordinate sect of Chongxu Sect.The two subordinate sects fought, but Ye Weiyang didn't feel anything strange.

If the subordinate sects of other super sects attacked Qingshan sect, Chongxu sect would definitely attack.But these belonged to the subordinates of their own sect, which belonged to internal fighting, and Chongxu Sect didn't care at all.If you have the ability, you can destroy other sects. Anyway, there will be a lot of offerings at that time.Moreover, Chongxuzong also supports this kind of internal fighting, thinking that only in this way can the survival of the fittest and make its affiliated sect stronger.

Ye Weiyang's thoughts flashed now, did she take this opportunity to destroy Xiuyunzong?
In this way, he directly obtained the exercises?
Ye Weiyang shook her head, feeling that she should not get involved in this kind of sect battle at will, and it's not easy to expose herself.But most importantly, what does Qin Jie think?
Her eyes wandered, and then she found Qin Jie.Qin Jie is still perfect in the Dao, and has not broken through the world, but it can be seen that his strength has improved a lot, it should be the main body, the immortal essence and the spiritual consciousness have all improved.At this time, Qin Jie was also being flanked by two He Dao Consummations. Although he was slightly at a disadvantage, he was not defeated.Ye Weiyang sent a sound transmission with his spiritual consciousness:
"Qin Jie, what's the matter?"


Qin Jie heard Ye Weiyang's voice all at once, and was overjoyed in his heart, following Ye Weiyang's consciousness backtracking, he transmitted the sound:

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be on Donghua Island?"

"Don't talk about me, why did your Qingshan sect fight with Xiuyun sect?"

"It's not a question of resources."

"do you need my help?"

"Are you ready to make a move now?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. I can change my appearance and change my breath. However, I also have a request. After I help you deal with these people, your sect must immediately counterattack Xiuyunzong. I want Xiuyunzong's inherited skills. "

"There is no problem. But, Wei Young, why are you here?"

Naturally, Ye Weiyang couldn't say that he came to grab the skills, so he said: "Now the seven major sects have opened their secret realms, I want to go and see."

"You...don't you want to guard Donghua Island?"

"I'm going in disguise!"

Qin Jie, who was in the middle of the battle, couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't you know that once the seven great secret realms go up, they will show their true colors, and it is impossible to pretend."

Ye Weiyang's news is still blocked, since this is the case, Ye Weiyang thought about it, and there is no need to change her appearance.Just take this opportunity to see what is your cultivation strength other than body strength?

Ye Weiyang swooped down from the thick clouds in the sky, and swooped directly towards the two monks who were pinching Qin Jie. The Yin-Yang entanglement field covered the two monks who joined the Tao, and the two monks who joined the Tao were instantly restrained. How could Qin Jie give up such an obvious opportunity, a magical power, ended the lives of two opponents.Ye Weiyang landed in front of Qin Jie.

"Wei Young!" Qin Jie said happily, but at the same time he was shocked.

How long has it been?

The two Hedao who put themselves at a disadvantage, are like ants under Ye Weiyang's domain.The gap between himself and her is getting bigger and bigger.

I heard that she was dispatched by Chongxuzong to Donghua Island where the aura is extremely thin?
Why is it getting stronger and stronger?
Ye Weiyang's eyes fell on a monk who exuded the power of the late stage of world creation.

"Is that the suzerain of Xiuyun Sect?"


"I'm going to fight him!"

Ye Weiyang stepped on yin and yang and starred, and rushed towards the Xiuyun Sect Master. The Xiuyun Sect Master saw a Hedao rushing towards Ye Weiyang, and he didn't care about it, but it was a Hedao. Cover into your own boundaries and let yourself decide.

Ye Weiyang slapped towards the spreading world with a palm.

This is a condensed palm of the domain, Ye Weiyang condenses the entire domain into a palm, which is the same size as a normal palm, and the palm prints on the palm are clearly visible, exactly the same as the real palm.

The field is condensed into Dzogchen.

The head of the Xiuyun Sect still didn't care.

A realm is a realm, a realm is a realm, and there is a chasm-like gap between realms and realms.


Ye Weiyang used all her strength without any reservations, the condensed domain collided with the realm spread by the opponent.

The face of the Xiuyun sect master changed drastically, and his realm was exploded.Moreover, the palm condensed in the domain hadn't dissipated after blasting his realm, and slapped towards him.

The Xiuyun sect master hastily punched that palm.Cohesion is also used, but he is not domain cohesion, but world cohesion.

A fist as big as a hill collided with a field the size of a normal person's palm, and both collapsed.

Xiu Yunzong's complexion changed again, but Ye Weiyang was overjoyed.

Looking at the size of the opponent's fist, you can know that the opponent's realm concentration is only in the entry state, while your own realm concentration is Dzogchen.The most important thing is that the cohesion of her own domain is formed by the fusion of her primordial spirit realm in the late stage of world creation and the immortal power that broke the nine layers.This time, she just wanted to see what kind of strength she would have in her current cultivation realm.

The result surprised her.

She can't use her own body power, but her Taoism and supernatural powers are no different from any world-creating monk.


With a wave of Ye Weiyang's hand, another palm condensed and bombarded the past, and the opponent also bombarded with a condensed field.At this moment, the Daqing Sect Master who had originally fought against Xiuyun Sect Master stood aside, looking at Ye Weiyang in shock.

He knows Ye Weiyang, he saw it when Ye Weiyang came to see Qin Jie last time.At that time, Ye Weiyang was just a consummation of harmony...


Now Ye Weiyang is also a consummation of harmony!
How can a perfect harmony match a tie with a world-making late stage...


In front of his eyes, the palm and the fist collided again, this time the fist collapsed directly, but the palm was only missing a finger, and it slapped towards the opponent.

Last time, Ye Weiyang's domain condensed first blasted away the opponent's world, and then collided with the opponent's world, and then it collapsed.But this time, it directly collided with the opponent's world, so that it not only defeated the opponent's world, but also had spare power to bombard the opponent.

"This..." The Patriarch of the Daqing Sect looked stunned: "Where is it a tie..."


Ye Weiyang slapped the opponent three more times in a row, killing him.Stretching out her hand, she grabbed the other party's storage ring, her spiritual sense penetrated, and she was overjoyed that she discovered Xiuyunzong's Five Elements Cultivation Technique.In this case, there is no need to go to Xiuyunzong.


When the monks of Xiuyun Sect saw that their suzerain had been beaten to death, they scattered and fled one after another.Hai Hengxu, the patriarch of Daqing Sect, flew over, cupped his hands towards Ye Weiyang and said:

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Ye."

Ye Weiyang waved his hand, and his spiritual sense said: "I just passed by the Holy Land, now you are sure to destroy Xiuyunzong?"


"Weiyang!" At this time, Qin Jie also flew over, and a world-making elder from Daqingzong saluted Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang bowed her hands and returned the salute: "Then I won't be with you. Also, you need to keep the matter of my appearance a secret."

"no problem!"

Hai Hengxu immediately nodded and promised that they were the only ones who knew Ye Weiyang in Daqingzong, even if the other disciples saw Ye Weiyang now, they didn't know who it was.And they also know that Ye Weiyang is sent to Donghua Island now, after all they are the affiliated sect of Chongxu Sect, and they still need to know some things about Chongxu Sect.Naturally, Ye Weiyang's whereabouts will not be revealed.


Ye Weiyang stepped on the yin and yang steps, and her figure disappeared instantly.Hai Hengxu looked at the direction where Ye Weiyang disappeared, and said with emotion:

"This is the strength of the super sect. A combined path can crush the world!"

After staying away from Daqing Sect, Ye Weiyang entered Xingsuo and flew towards Tianjing Sect, which was the second sect she wanted to visit on her route.

a day later.

Ye Weiyang appeared in front of the Tianjing Sect's mountain gate. At this time, Ye Weiyang's appearance had changed, but her body was cold and gloomy. People could tell at a glance that she was from the Ghost Sect.And exudes a powerful breath.

The disciples of the Tianjing Sect who guarded the mountain gate tremblingly bowed their hands and saluted, but the opposite was one of the super sects, and it was the most unreasonable and vicious sect, the monk of the Ghost Sect.

"I have seen this senior."

Ye Weiyang threw two jade slips over: "Give it to your suzerain."

"Yes, senior, wait a moment!"

The monk left in a hurry, and Ye Weiyang stood on the steps in front of the mountain gate, lowering his eyes slightly.The monks guarding the mountain gate all looked nervous.

One by one thought to themselves, what is this old ghost doing in our sect?
Could it be that someone in our sect offended her?
After seeing the jade slips, the head of the Tianjing Sect immediately summoned the elders of the sect and the other two great monks who created the world.When the other two world-making great monks also read the content of the jade slip, hesitation appeared on their faces.

These two jade slips, one jade slip contains two sentences, but these two sentences gave them too much enlightenment, it is about their sect's sect's world-restraining technique, the derivation of turning yin and yang, Just these two sentences revealed a lot of confusion in their hearts.And there is a seal inside, one can tell at a glance that this seal contains more understanding about turning yin and yang.

This is of great benefit to them and to the sect.

However, the content of the other jade slip made them embarrassed, even a little angry.

The content of the other jade slip is that Ye Mo, Ye Weiyang's pseudonym, wants to compete with them.If she wins, I hope she can read the inheritance of the Yin-Yang technique.Of course, she would break the seal on the jade slip that was given to them, and she also told them that there were still eight sentences sealed inside.And if Ye Mo loses, he will unseal the seal, and at the same time give them a world-making inheritance.Then leave by yourself.

However, if they don't agree, Ye Mo will block the door and challenge.If you see one and kill the other, Tianjingzong will not even think about anyone coming out of the sect.If he had the ability, Tian Jingzong killed her.

But from the lines in the jade slip, they could feel that Ye Mo, a ghost cultivator, had extremely strong confidence.Even if she blocked the door, Tianjingzong couldn't help her, even if the three of them created worlds to besiege her, they couldn't beat her.

In other words, as a ghost cultivator, Ye Mo has one of the nine super sects behind him. The background of the ghost sect makes Ye Mo confident that even second-rate sects like the Tianjing sect dare not besiege and kill her.

This is exactly where the three of them are in trouble. Ye Mo's ghost sect status makes them like a tiger eating a hedgehog, unable to speak.

The Great Elder thought for a while and said, "Sovereign, this Ye Mo said in the jade slip that he is only a consummation of Daoism. Even if the monks of the nine major sects are strong and able to leap to fight, even if the ghost sect's divine channel method is mysterious and unpredictable. The three of us besieging one of her should be able to defeat her, right?"

"So what if you can beat her well? How dare you kill her?" the Second Elder asked worriedly.

"That's not possible!" The Great Elder shook his head and said, "As long as we defeat her, didn't she say that once defeated, she will leave? We just defeat her, but we will not kill her. With the three of us joining forces, we will definitely The strength is far beyond her, and there is no possibility of killing her by mistake. Defeat her steadily and send her away."

The suzerain nodded and said: "In order to do this matter thoroughly, and to prevent Ye Mo from having a chance to repent, and to avoid revenge from the ghost sect, we must fight Ye Mo in front of the mountain gate openly. Let the fairy world be known."

"Good! That's right!"


In front of the mountain gate!
Ye Weiyang raised her eyes suddenly, and saw three monks coming out from the mountain gate.The monk walking in the middle cupped his hands and said:
"Chen Yuan, the lord of Tianjing Sect, has met Daoist Ye."

Ye Weiyang bowed her hands and returned the salute: "I have seen Sect Master Chen."

Chen Yuanhong said in a loud voice: "Friend Ye Daoist, you have promised that if our Tianjingzong defeated you, you will send a copy of the world-making technique to break the seal in the jade slip that was given to me before, and leave immediately, never to come again Tianjingzong?"

Thank you very much for the reward at N37 (500)!

(End of this chapter)

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