Chapter 1020
"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded: "But if you lose..."

"Then naturally agree to your conditions." Chen Yuan said decisively.

"Okay! Please!"

Ye Weiyang stepped on the sky and flew towards the sky.The three of Tianjingzong also flew into the air.At this time, there was an uproar inside and outside Tianjingzong.

He Dao fights to create a world!
And it appears that both sides have placed a bet.

One must know that at this time there were also monks from other sects who were guests of Tian Jingzong, and the news spread quickly.

above the sky.

Ye Weiyang was surrounded by the finished characters of the three world-making masters of Tianjingzong. Chen Yuan said with a smile:

"The three of us teamed up, isn't it a violation of the rules?"

"Of course not!"

Ye Weiyang said calmly, seeing Ye Weiyang being so calm, the expressions of the three world-makers turned cold, and they exchanged glances, feeling a lot more dignified in their hearts.


The first elder is in the middle stage of world creation, and the second elder is in the early stage of world creation. The two of them have not practiced out of the world to condense. Therefore, the two of them released their own worlds, one on the left and the other on the right, and hit Ye Weiyang, standing in Ye Weiyang. The suzerain on the opposite side, Chen Yuan, was in the late stage of world creation, but he had comprehended the world, but he was just getting started, similar to the suzerain of Xiuyun sect.He blasted out a circle, and the world condensed.

Ye Weiyang's body hovered like a crane dance, and she punched four times with both hands. In order to hide her identity, she used all her body strength, and then her divine sense touched the first floor of the Talisman Tower, and thunder burst out.

"Boom boom boom..."

The realms of the two elders were instantly bombarded by the tyrannical force, and the thunderbolt hit the two of them, and the two world-maker cultivators sprayed blood and flew out backwards.In the front direction, Ye Weiyang smashed the opponent's boundary cohesion with one punch, and the second punch went straight to the opponent.Although the opponent defended repeatedly and even released his own fairy weapon, he was still beaten until he vomited blood.

Ye Weiyang didn't make another move, and stood quietly in the air.

above the sky.

There was also silence on the ground, and those monks raised their heads as if they were half stiff, and looked at the four people in the sky in shock.

quite a while.

Chen Yuancai woke up from the shock of being defeated by a single move after besieging a Hedao by three world-makers.On the contrary, there is a trace of gratitude towards Ye Weiyang in his heart.

It is said that the ghost sect cultivator has a strange personality, but Ye Mo in front of him didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Fellow Daoist Ye, please join the sect."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said, "No need."

"That's good!" Chen Yuan also realized that he didn't want to enter his sect. Once he opened the sect formation, it would be a threat to Ye Mo, so he decisively took out a jade slip and sent it to Ye Weiyang's in front of you.

Ye Weiyang stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade slip, his divine sense penetrated in, the Yuanshen copied it in the Talisman Tower, confirmed the correctness of the exercises, soon after copying, he sent the jade slip back in the air and said:
"Give me the jade slip, and I will unseal it."

Chen Yuan was overjoyed, the other party really kept his word, he didn't look like a ghost sect cultivator, he immediately took out the jade slip and sent it over in the air, Ye Weiyang lifted the seal in the jade slip, sent it back in the air, and stepped on the Yin-Yang pedal Xingbu disappeared without a trace.

The great elder looked at the direction where Ye Weiyang disappeared: "Is this still a ghost sect cultivator?"

Chen Yuan shook his head and said: "It still has the style of the ghost sect. If it is a decent family, it will not directly hit the door like this and force our inheritance."

Ye Weiyang travels extremely fast on the Xingsuo, one sect per day, the situation he encounters is the same as that of the Tianjing sect.

On this day, she came to the No.19 sect.At this time, this sect is holding a grand ceremony of the sect.This made Ye Weiyang feel a little embarrassed, and when he caught up with the grand ceremony of his sect, he called him.But she didn't want to delay the time, so she still blocked the mountain gate in the old style and sent jade slips.Soon, two world-making monks came, and the two world-making monks were also very depressed.The grand ceremony of his own sect was beaten.

And they are already very familiar with Ye Weiyang, although they haven't seen it before, the news of Ye Weiyang's challenge to the eighteen sects has already spread widely.The two of them know that they are not Ye Weiyang's opponent together.The previous battles are there. Among the eighteen sects, some sects are stronger than their sects. None of them can defeat Ye Weiyang. How can the two of them fight?
After exchanging names with each other, the great cultivator in the late stage of World Creation cupped his hands and said with a wry smile:

"Ye Daoyou, I know that the two of us are not your opponents together. The two of us also know about your experience of challenging various sects, and know that you just want to see the inheritance of martial arts, but you have never killed others. So , the two of us want to attack you with all our strength, and after this pose, the inheritance of skills will naturally be sent."

Ye Weiyang knew what the other party meant, that meeting such a tyrannical opponent as her would not hurt their lives, this was a rare opportunity to learn from each other, and it would allow them to see their own shortcomings in this match, Realizing the confusion before, he nodded decisively and said:
"it is good!"

The three of them flew up into the sky and rushed to the sky, the three of them finished the shape of a character, and then the two world-makers attacked Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang still looked at him, using his body strength, smashed the opponent's boundary with two fists, and at the same time, the thunder bombarded the opponent's body, causing the opponent's figure to fall from the sky for a certain distance, and his face turned pale.Then he flew up with lingering fear, cupped his hands towards Ye Weiyang and said:

"Thank you Daoist Ye for your mercy!"

Ye Weiyang waved his hand, staring at the suzerain, and the suzerain simply took out the jade slip and gave it to Ye Weiyang.

No way!
If you don't give it, the other party will really block the door.Not only will the face of the sect be lost, but with the method of the ghost sect, the sect does not know how many people will die, and the sect may be exterminated.

As for asking for help from the super-big sect, don’t be kidding, they only fight and exchange, such things, the super-big sect won’t care about it, is it because of you, a second-rate sect, that the super-big sect and the ghost sect go to war?
Ye Weiyang quickly copied the jade slips, and then unsealed the jade slips that she gave to the other party, and then disappeared.

After more than two months, Ye Weiyang has placed more than 70 sects, and the news that she challenged the second-rate sects spread more and more widely.The fairyland is very vast, so although her news has not spread to every corner of the fairyland, it has spread far.

this day.

She came to Guanglingzong.

These are the No.70 nine second-rate sects she challenged.

This sect is not a decent sect, but has some connection with the ghost sect, although it does not practice the ghost sect's kung fu.

The suzerain is called Wang Qianwei, and she is a female cultivator.In the late stage of World Creation, she had a serious and detailed understanding of Ye Weiyang, whose alias was Ye Mo.Because Ye Weiyang has already challenged more than 70 sects, there is a great possibility to challenge Guangling Sect.After her detailed understanding.This cultivator named Ye Mo is very likely to be a cultivator of the Ghost Sect. Although she has inquired with the cultivators of the Ghost Sect through her relationship, there is no such person named Ye Mo in the Ghost Sect.But what if Ye Mo is the Tianjiao secretly cultivated by Guizong?

Moreover, she found that although Ye Mo's fighting methods are exactly the same as those of the ghost sect, and he is very sinister, he is not as cold and cruel as the monks of the ghost sect. At least so far, Ye Mo has not killed a single person. , just read the opponent's exercises on the spot, and then left cleanly.

This is also the reason why other big sects, such as Taiqing Sect, Chongxu Sect, etc., did not intervene in Ye Weiyang's challenge.

Don't let the monks challenge?

This is normal, okay?
This can't help but make Wang Qianwei have an idea in her heart. From this point of view, this ghost sect Ye Mo is very gentleman.A gentleman can deceive him.Since I can't beat Ye Mo, and the result of a fight is to show Ye Mo the skills, it's better not to fight, and trade some resources with the other party.

Therefore, at this time, Wang Qianwei had a bright smile on her face, like an old friend, and was about to try to communicate with Ye Weiyang, but suddenly heard a shocking shout from a distance:
"Ye Mo, you dare to leave the sect to challenge other sects in private without the consent of the suzerain, come back with me."

The person who came was Hei Fan, the elder of Ghost Sect Law Enforcement Hall.

Speaking of the fate of the Ghost Sect and the Bone Sect, let's take the Ghost Sect as an example. I wanted to establish the Ghost Sect in the first place and grow a little bit.When they grow so strong that they touch the edge of the super sect, their special cultivation method makes the ghost sect monks cruel and cruel, killing many monks and taking their souls.It is because the sect is getting bigger and stronger, which affects the division of resources of the seven super sects, and finally ushered in the encirclement and suppression of the seven super sects.

The encirclement and suppression of the seven super sects can be described as vigorous and vigorous, and it is not that the ghost sect has not thought of fighting.At that time, the ghost sect was at the time when it was as powerful as the sea, and it had developed to a large sect.Naturally, it is necessary to stand firmly on the heel of Dazong.As long as they block the attacks of the seven super sects, they will truly be on an equal footing with the seven super sects and share resources.

But they underestimated the strength of the seven sects and their determination to encircle and suppress them.

Their sect was broken.The ghost sect monks fled in all directions.He was knocked down from the super sect all of a sudden.

But the monks of the ghost sect are also tenacious. They hide and go underground. After thousands of years, they found a place suitable for the development of their ghost sect, that is the ruins.

The sect they re-established there, with the help of the unique environment, allowed the sect to develop step by step.After thousands of years, it finally developed to the level of a super sect.

It is really a place of ruins, so suitable for ghost cultivation.

At this time, the ghost sect's idea of ​​carve up the resources of the fairy world came up again.They cannot always hide among the ruins.It is safe to hide in the ruins, even the seven super sects will not easily come to encircle and suppress the ghost sect, the gain outweighs the loss.However, they hid in the ruins and lost the possibility of sharing resources with the seven super sects.What if the resources of the ruins are exhausted by them one day?

Therefore, Ghost Sect started their second struggle against the Seven Great Sects.

They took the initiative to attack and compete with the seven sects.In the end, they were united again by the seven major sects, so big that they huddled in the ruins and dared not come out.And this time the seven major sects also invaded the ruins. If the ruins were not too dangerous, and there were great restrictions on the monks of the seven major sects, this time they would take the blame for the ghost sect.

Even so, the ghost sect was severely injured, and it was no longer a super sect.

But the ghost sect had ruins, and finally recovered.But Guizong also has worries.They found that the resources in the ruins were getting less and less.And they also discovered one of the most important problems, their Ghost Sect has no real peerless talent.Although there are great monks of good fortune, their combat power is not the good fortune grown up by the peerless geniuses of the seven sects.

Can't beat others!
The reason why they were able to break through the good fortune was that the resources in the ruins piled them up to that level.Instead of growing up as a real peerless genius.

In the history of Ghost Sect, the most powerful person is Tianjiao who has grown up, and there really is no peerless Tianjiao who has appeared in Ghost Sect.

The ghost sect also wants to have a peerless genius, but which peerless genius will join the ghost sect?

However, now they have received a definite message.That is to say, there is a ghost sect monk who is just a perfect combination, but he even challenges the second-rate sects, and even challenges several world-making sects at a time, and is able to win them all.

There is an absolute difference between winning this battle and killing the opponent. It is relatively easier to kill the opponent, but there is room for defeating the opponent. This shows that Ye Mo's true strength is far superior to those who created the world.

This is definitely a peerless arrogance!
Guizong was excited.

Immediately search the sect, but the final result is that there is no such person as Ye Mo in the ghost sect.After high-level discussions and speculations, this is likely to be the first and second protests of the Ghost Sect, and the descendants of the Ghost Sect monks scattered outside.

What has the ghost sect always lacked?
What is missing is the peerless genius, and then this peerless genius grows up, breaks through the good fortune, and becomes an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with those of the seven major sects.

The ghost sect just lacks such a high-end combat power.Such a leader is missing.If there is such a person, it may not be impossible to completely walk out of the ruins. There is no need to hide in the ruins and become an upright super sect, who can share the interests of the fairy world with the seven super sects.

Therefore, the Ghost Sect has made a decision that such people must be brought back, brought back to the Ghost Sect, focused on training, and gathered the strength of the entire sect to train them.

But such a descendant of the ghost sect scattered outside must be rebellious, and may not be willing to return to the ghost sect.This requires Ye Mo to know how powerful the Ghost Sect's true inheritance is.

This requires two things.

The first point is to defeat Ye Mo.And you can't send boundary-breaking monks there.

Ye Mo is in the same way, if you send a Boundary Breaker, it will exceed two great realms, even if you defeat Ye Mo, Ye Mo will not admire Guizong.Therefore, it can only be sent to create a world.

It should be said that the world-making is also a big realm higher than Ye Mo, but hasn't Ye Mo been challenging the world-making monks all the time?
In this way, there would be no problem for the ghost sect's world-building monks to go, as long as they defeated Ye Mo with the ghost sect's supernatural powers, captured Ye Mo back, and grinded Ye Mo's temper.

The second point is that Ghost Sect defeated Ye Mo with Ghost Sect's supernatural powers, and let Ye Mo know that the real powerful inheritance lies in Ghost Sect. If she wants to go further and become stronger, she can only come to Ghost Sect.

Therefore, the ghost sect sent the strongest one in the sect, Consummation of the Realm, who is confident in defeating Ye Mo and capturing Ye Mo back.This confidence comes from the object of Ye Mo's challenge.

Thank you very much for the rewards of North Latitude 37 (500) and Poetry and Wine Years of Meeting a Beautiful Woman (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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