The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1028 Origin of Mortal Island

Chapter 1028 Origin of Mortal Island
Ye Weiyang's body is at the peak of the Nine Levels of Boundary Breaking, with extremely fast speed, and within a few breaths, he has returned to the wall, hidden in the shadows, but Lou Diexing did not appear, and the sound of fighting is still coming from the other side.

Ye Weiyang only thought for a moment, then decided to go up to her.Otherwise, with Lou Diexing's strength alone, he may not be able to escape.She walked through the shadows carefully, not to be found, otherwise she would be surrounded by the guards of the palace before she could save someone.Fortunately, all the guards of the current palace were attracted to Lou Diexing's side, but they were not attracted away. At this time, they also guarded their protective place tightly, not daring to leave.Let Ye Weiyang quickly approach in that direction without fear or danger.

Is Lou Diexing over there?
There are buildings stacking stars!

In fact, Lou Diexing was also very depressed, he hadn't been discovered in the first place, the strategy he and Ye Weiyang had decided was to step on the spot to explore the terrain and buildings tonight.It's not from colorful stones.With this kind of plan, there is no rush. If you encounter a slight danger, you will hide and wait for the danger to pass.Anyway, Ye Weiyang also paid attention to it, and spent a month, or even two months, slowly investigating the palace, even if he came into danger tonight, and hid for a night, it didn't matter if he didn't investigate at all.

So, how could two such cautious people be in danger?
It was another person who was in danger, and this person happened to be a disciple of the Shang Qing Sect, Lou Diexing's senior brother in the sect, and they had a pretty good relationship.When Lou Diexing did not break through the world, he helped Lou Diexing a lot.It is a middle period of world creation.It's called kudzu.

This kudzu root was a little impatient, not as stable as Ye Weiyang and Lou Diexing, he just rushed to the five-colored stone, looking for the treasure house everywhere, the danger became greater, and he was discovered and hunted down in the end.Then Lou Diexing found out, if it was someone else, even if it was a monk of the Qing Dynasty, Lou Diexing would not make a move, but Ge Gen, he really couldn't just watch Lou Diexing get killed.

Therefore, Lou Diexing made a move.And then got entangled.

"Come with me!"

Lou Diexing took Pueraria to kill him in the direction he came in, he was familiar with this direction and the path, and he was sure that Ye Weiyang would rescue him in this direction.

But it is really not easy to kill all the way.If this wasn't on Mortal Island, with Lou Diexing's spatial attributes, killing these people would be like killing chickens.But this is Mortal Island, a world of body training.After fighting for only a moment, Lou Diexing sighed in his heart, these people are really powerful in the blessed place of Mortal Island.He felt that relying on the two of them to fight out, there was almost no hope.

At this time, the two of them were surrounded by dozens of people, and the two of them kept killing in the direction they came from. Although they were also moving in that direction, they were still surrounded by dozens of palace guards.

where is this place?

It can be said that the most powerful group of body refiners among the natives of Mortal Island gathered here.Lou Diexing and Ge Gen fought very hard and moved very slowly.

Ge Gen and Lou Diexing are very familiar, they don't need to talk, they just know each other's meaning through their eyes.While fighting, the two of them exchanged glances.

"Junior Brother Lou, why did you kill in this direction?"

"Someone answered!"

Ge Gen cheered up: "Our sect?"

"No!" Then Ge Gen gave a reassuring look.

Ge Gen immediately understood that although the person who responded was not from the same sect of the Shang Qing Sect, he must be a monk from the nine super sects, and he must also be a Boundary Creator, maybe a Boundary Breaker.Impossible to be in harmony.

If Ge Gen knew that Lou Diexing was waiting to meet him, Ge Gen would not follow Lou Diexing, but would lead Lou Diexing to kill him in the direction he came in.

What are you kidding about a Hedao supporting our two creators?
When the time comes, will she take care of us, or should we take care of her?
At this time Ye Weiyang has arrived, hiding in the shadows at the corner of the wall.Looking carefully, the mood is very dignified.

There are too many guards in Ouchi, there can be more than 50, and Lou Diexing and Ge Gen killed several of them.But there are not many masters.From the battle scene, Ye Weiyang can tell who is stronger.This strength is easy to distinguish, it just depends on who is faster and stronger.This is a place for body training.

She saw that the people who are equivalent to the world-making power are individuals, and these four people are the biggest trouble for Lou Diexing and Ge Gen.The rest are equivalent to Hedao, but the lowest is also equivalent to Hunyuan.

After all, it is the palace, the place where masters gather.

She believes that there are more than just four world-makers in the palace, there should be many more.There should even be monks who are equivalent to breaking the boundary.But as for good fortune, it should be impossible.She had been in contact with Wanqingzong several times, and she could feel from Wanqingzong's words that good fortune had already transformed people in essence.It is conceivable that this kind of essential transformation must be an all-round transformation without dead ends, a kind of life leap.Physical training can't do it.

As far as this mortal island is concerned, the possibility of breaking the boundary is very small.Even if there are, it is impossible to have many, maybe only one or two.Experts like this should protect the emperor personally, and will not easily come out to arrest them. Even if they escape in the end, as long as the emperor's safety is not endangered, they should not make a move.

Well, what Ye Weiyang faces most is the world-making, even if there are still world-making in the imperial palace who did not make a move, beware of monks suddenly rushing out from other directions, Ye Weiyang is not very afraid, because her body strength has already reached the breaking point World Jiuzhong.In this world, she is an absolute master.

But as Wan Qingzong said at the beginning, good fortune came to this place, if you encounter a large number of troops, even if these soldiers are not high-level, but tens of thousands come, good fortune will have to kneel, let alone Ye Weiyang Boundary?

What she needs is to rescue the two people as quickly as possible, and then flee away as quickly as possible. Maybe the royal army has already begun to mobilize.Once surrounded by the army, it is really dead.

Ge Gen was a little anxious, the two of them were surrounded by four body refiners who were equivalent to world creators, and there were dozens of other body refiners besieging them, and they were already unable to do what they wanted.

Lou Diexing also feels a little uneasy, Ye Weiyang won't escape by herself, right?
As soon as this thought arose, he saw a bright light, accompanied by the howling of the sword like a dragon's chant, which made the ears ring and the teeth hurt.It shoots towards this side like a meteor.

Lou Diexing and Ge Gen were overjoyed, why didn't they know that reinforcements had arrived?
Both of them are veterans, they know that they can't stop at this time, let alone turn around and join forces with Ye Weiyang to kill, in that case, even if they kill a few together, they will be surrounded again soon, and if they want to kill them again, then It's not easy, because there are no reinforcements coming in from outside.Therefore, the two of them headed out very resolutely.Perfectly achieved at this moment, cooperating with Ye Weiyang inside and outside.

Ye Weiyang's speed was too fast, and the power at the peak of the Nine Layers of Boundary Breaking suddenly came out.And even though there is no divine channel method, the cultivation in the mortal world can also achieve the unity of human and sword.

At this time, Ye Weiyang is a human and sword united, and Ye Weiyang's body cannot be seen in human vision, only the bright sword light is seen, and even the stars in the sky are lost under the bright sword light. up the color.

The sword light shot towards Ye Weiyang like a meteor, and all the body refiners in front of Ye Weiyang were like harvested crops, falling to the ground one by one, including the two who were intercepting Lou Diexing and Ge Gen with their backs to Ye Weiyang. The body refiner who is equivalent to the creator of the world didn't even react, so his head left his neck cavity, and blood spurted out.

Lou Diexing and Ge Gen didn't slow down at all, they rushed out from both sides of Ye Weiyang's sword light, the front was wide open, there were no Ouchi guards, the two spread their feet and ran forward.At the same time, Ye Weiyang exhausted all her strength and fell in the air. Her feet kicked on the chests of the two fitness practitioners, and the sound of bone shattering sounded in her ears, and the two big inner guards flew away. stand up.Knocked the Ouchi guards behind him into pieces.And Ye Weiyang, with the help of this rebounding force, shot towards Lou Diexing like a sharp arrow.


It flew over the heads of the two of them, hovered in the air, and landed on the ground, with its back facing Lou Diexing and Ge Gen, flying towards the front.What are Lou Diexing and Ge Gen waiting for, they try their best to catch up with Ye Weiyang.At this time, the Ouchi guards behind him also caught up.


Before Ye Weiyang passed by a stone lion, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a stone from the stone lion. With one hand, he crushed the stone into dozens of pieces, looked back, and raised his hand.


These were stones thrown by the power of the Nine Levels of Boundary Breaking. The Ouchi guards who were chasing behind couldn't see the stones clearly, so they fell over a dozen at once.This can't help but make the inner guards' hearts tremble, and they feel fear, and they can't help but slow down in pursuit.It's just this slowness, the three of Ye Weiyang have already arrived under the wall, jumped out of the wall, and disappeared into the night.

Night's Young's room.

The three of them were drinking tea, Lou Diexing and Ge Gen were no longer in a mess just now, so they could relax.Ge Gen also lost the surprise that he just found out that Ye Weiyang was only in harmony.There was a lot of admiration on his face. As a world-making cultivator, he knew very well that for people like Ye Weiyang, breaking through the world-making was a certainty. There was no breakthrough now, only because of the identity of the Ascended, which had not been inherited.Once it is inherited, it will quickly break through the world.Moreover, it is definitely a top existence in the world, and there is a great chance of breaking through the world in the future.Such people naturally want to make friends.

Lou Diexing sighed: "It seems that it is impossible to go to the palace to steal the colorful stones. From tonight onwards, the palace must be strictly guarded, there is no chance."

Ye Weiyang also nodded, feeling that going to the palace again would feel like courting death.Unless you wait here for decades, until the palace forgets about it...

Impossible to forget, Ye Weiyang suddenly reacted, it is estimated that in the next few decades, even hundreds of years, monks from the seven major sects will continue to go to the palace to steal colorful stones, and the palace will continue to be broken into. How could the emperor forget?

This is really no chance!
Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then asked: "Do you know anything about the mountain that spews colorful stones?"

Lou Diexing looked at Ge Gen, he was young and did not know about these histories.Ge Gen said:

"I've read the records of the Zongmen. In fact, the Mortal Island was not like this 50 years ago. At that time, the Mortal Island was full of immortal energy, and it was also a place where one could cultivate."

Ge Gen thought for a while, and then said: "About 50 years ago, the immortal energy here began to decrease, and the decrease was very sudden. When it started to decrease, the monks on this island sent people to go inland by sea boat. Want to call in some smart people to see what's going on.

But before the people they sent back came back, the immortal power on the entire Mortal Island was gone.And the fairy charm here has also become very thin.Later, the people they sent out to invite arrived, and it took three years to find the reason.Naturally, the monks on the island were not reconciled, so they invited more powerful monks. After such a batch of invitations, they finally invited the top leaders of our nine sects.

The high-level officials of our nine major sects also came, but they didn't find the reason in the end, but they discovered that this mortal island was absorbing the immortal vitality and immortal charm from the surrounding sea area.But the absorption is very subtle, because it is absorbed through the seabed at the bottom of the sea.It does not absorb the immortal vitality and immortal charm in the sea water, so it is extremely hidden and cannot be discovered.

This has attracted the attention of our nine super sects, and sent a large number of people to investigate and study here.However, after 500 years of research and investigation, no reason could be found.At this time, the Mortal Island was already very unfriendly to the monks, and the ability of the monks was basically lost here.So, our nine sects withdrew.

However, who would have thought that about 500 years later, an ordinary mountain here would suddenly vibrate.A passage from the top of the mountain to the interior of the mountain appeared in the mountain. I don't know the passage leading there, and three colorful stones were ejected.

This incident was not spread at the beginning, because Mortal Island is too far from the inland, and it is a place where cultivation is not allowed.I have been alone overseas for a long time.On Mortal Island, it has become a world of mortals.

A new repair system has been formed here, which is body training.And established a mortal kingdom. "

Speaking of this, Ge Gen sighed: "If the news spread at that time, the nine sects would occupy this mortal island and turn it into a place controlled by sects. But this place is a closed place. After more than 1 years, the mountain sprayed several colorful stones, and it was only by accident that it was passed on."

This caused a shock in the fairy world, not only our nine major sects came, but also many sects and monks who received the news came.

(End of this chapter)

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