The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1029 5 Caifeng

Chapter 1029 Colorful Peak

When these monks came to Mortal Island, they found that it had become a powerful country, and this country had a powerful army.But when the monk came here, he lost the divine channel method.But these monks are all proud, and they definitely look down on these mortals, so they want to occupy that mountain.As a result, this mortal country taught the monk a painful lesson.

The monks who lost their supernatural powers faced these body-refining troops. In the beginning, they were slaughtered. Many powerful monks fell on Mortal Island.This place has become a monk's nightmare.

In the end, the nine sects began to negotiate with the royal family here.In fact, it is not impossible to destroy the royal family.But too many casualties.The other is that even if the royal family is wiped out, the various sects will still compete before, and there will be a lot of casualties, and the gains outweigh the losses.After some negotiations, the royal family was very tough.If you want colorful stones, you don't need to talk about it, because they find that colorful stones can increase their longevity.If you want, you can exchange it with treasures that increase your lifespan.

There is no way for the monk here, it is really impossible to start a war with the royal family here because of the colorful stones.In that case, I don't know how many people will die.And the rest of the sect families and casual cultivators also understood that if they helped the nine major sects, even if Mortal Island was wiped out, they would not have a chance to get the colorful stone.Those five-colored stones belong to the nine super sects. Isn't this a waste of effort, or even death?
Therefore, those monks simply left.

And the nine major sects don't want the monks of their own sect to die here, it is really aggrieved to die here.There is no chance to show your strength at all.In the end, he agreed to exchange it with the life-extending treasure, but where is the life-extending treasure so easy to get?

At the beginning, the Nine Great Sects still had some inventory and exchanged it with the royal family here.But after 10 years, the stock was used up, and after 20 years, almost all the life-extending treasures in the entire fairy world were looted.Therefore, it has been a long time since I could change to colorful stones.But here gradually formed the largest market in the fairy world. "

Ye Weiyang asked: "I heard that many monks went down, but it's true that no one came back?"

"It's true. No one came back. For 50 years, countless monks went down, and there were even good fortune monks. But without exception, no one came back. Later, fewer and fewer people went down. No one went down."

Lou Diexing said, "Weiyang, what are you going to do next?"

"Stay for a while and have a look, you can't just go back like this?"

"That's right!" Lou Diexing nodded: "Are you planning to stay here and observe the palace?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head, actually she wanted to visit that mountain peak, now that mountain peak is called Wucai Peak.It's not that she wants to go down, but she has to go and see.This is because maybe she will go down to have a look, so she doesn't want people to know about it. Once she is very talented, if she goes down, can she still come up?
This might be!
I have a star chain, maybe it really came true?

Once it is realized and people know it, it will be a huge trouble, and people will be hunted down to take the colorful stones.Even if he didn't get the colorful stones down there, no one would believe it.So, she decided to go by herself.

"I might walk around, not only in the imperial capital, but also in the entire Mortal Island."

After chatting for a while, Lou Diexing and Ge Gen said goodbye.Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry to leave, and walked around the imperial capital every day, also observing the palace.Sometimes I also get together with Lou Diexing and Ge Gen.Half a month later, it was Lou Diexing and Ge Gen who bid her farewell and wanted to walk around.The three of them got together once, after which Ge Gen and Lou Diexing left.

Ye Weiyang didn't leave immediately, and stayed in the imperial capital for more than two months, and finally felt that there was no chance to go to the palace to steal the colorful stones.In the past two months, five waves went to the palace and fought fiercely with the Ouchi guards.

Why are you still here?

Waiting for the emperor of this mortal empire to forget?
How could the emperor forget that monks entered the palace with such a high frequency?
Not an idiot, let alone dementia!

Therefore, Ye Weiyang left, she went to Wucai Peak to have a look.

Not being able to fly is troublesome, and Ye Weiyang didn't want people to know, so she sold a horse, and after more than a month, she finally came to Wucai Peak.

When I came to Wucai Peak, I was a little dumbfounded.

There are really many people, feeling that this place has become a tourist attraction.All monks who come to Mortal Isle for the first time will come here to have a look.So above the mountain, it is overcrowded.

Ye Weiyang didn't give up, and sneaked here again at midnight, and found that there were still people here at midnight.

Ye Weiyang only needs to leave secretly. During these two visits, in fact, she didn't climb the mountain. She just stood at the foot of the mountain, looked up the mountain from a distance, and left after confirming that someone was there.

I went back and thought about it, and the next night, she came again.It's just that this time she changed her appearance, and opened a gap in the door of the second floor of the Natal Talisman Tower, allowing a little bit of magic energy to leak out, changing the breath.Make yourself like a magus.Then she came to the mountain peak clearly, and saw that there were more than a dozen people on the mountain peak, all looking down at the entrance of the cave.Seeing Ye Weiyang with a violent aura, the dozen or so people looked at Ye Weiyang vigilantly.But no one dared to provoke.

Ye Weiyang stood on the edge of the cave, looking down.It is dark and bottomless, but one can see a kind of cloud rapidly circling, forming a strangling force.

Just standing on the edge of the hole, she could feel a kind of suction.

Ye Weiyang was not impulsive, she came here every day, but it was changed to daytime, to explore and observe carefully.A month passed in a flash, and Ye Weiyang's eyes were full of disappointment.It is impossible to use the divine channel method here, so nothing can be found out.It can only be seen with eyesight, and it can be seen that there is a hammer.

Ye Weiyang's mind was a little shaken.

Do you want to go down and have a look?
Ye Weiyang is very courageous. This comes from her many adventures. She survived in the turbulent flow of space, and her cultivation base has grown, which makes her have a strong confidence in herself.

Most importantly, be curious!

Don't think that immortal cultivators are not curious, and don't think that those with high cultivation bases are not curious. In fact, the higher the cultivation base, the more curious the immortal cultivators are. If they are not curious, how can they study the true meaning of life, the true meaning of heaven and earth?

Not curious, how could so many people die?
I'm not curious, how could it be possible for this colorful peak to have good fortune?

Ye Weiyang really wanted to go down and have a look, how can there be no adventures in the treasure that can spray out five-colored stones?

How could there be no treasures?

She has never seen a colorful stone, so she doesn't know what it is, but as long as she hears the name of the colorful stone, she almost knows that it should be related to the five elements.

This is exactly what I need!
(End of this chapter)

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