The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1037 Climbing the Ladder

Chapter 1037 Climbing the Ladder

She was delighted, opened her eyes, and saw two people standing in front of her.In fact, as soon as these two people came to her side, she felt it, but they just stood there obediently, so Ye Weiyang ignored it until she was sure that her comprehension had increased by about [-]%, and there was no change in other aspects , and then opened his eyes.

"Junior Sister Ye, I am Yuan Quan from Chongxu Sect."

Ye Weiyang hurriedly stood up, saluted and said: "I have seen Senior Brother Yuan."

Yuan Quan has already decided in his heart that he wants to befriend Ye Weiyang, and this understanding is stronger than Jian Cangqiong.I'm afraid he will become a master of elixir in the future, right?
Even if he can't become a grand master, he will become a master of elixir, right?
Who can do without the elixir?

"Junior Sister, you're welcome!" Yuan Quan was very affectionate, and gave Ye Weiyang a thumbs up: "Junior Sister's understanding is this."

"It's lucky to stay longer."

Jian Cangqiong at the side saw that he was from the same family and seemed to have something to talk about, so he turned and left. Not far away, he flew up a big tree and sat cross-legged.

Yuan Quan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jian Cangqiong leave. Jian Cangqiong put him under a bit of pressure.He lowered his voice and said:
"Ye Shimei, aren't you Donghua Island? If you come here, if someone from the sect sees you, you will be punished."

"Then I can't miss the opportunity." Ye Weiyang said lightly.

"Why don't you hurry back and wait for me to go back to help you operate and cancel your Donghua Island mission."

Ye Weiyang was stunned for a moment, he and Yuan Quan didn't know each other, why did he treat him so well?
It should be because I saw myself staying on the Enlightenment Lotus for a longer time, so I started to make friends, right?
Ye Weiyang thought about it, but she still didn't know Yuan Quan's true thoughts.But now she has confidence in her heart, because she got the colorful stone, no matter what happens to her, the suzerain has to bear it for herself.Then he laughed and said:

"It's okay, I promised the suzerain to go to Mortal Island, so the suzerain agreed that I would leave Donghua Island temporarily, and the suzerain on Donghua Island has arrangements."

"Are you going to Mortal Island?"


"Ye Shimei, you are confused. What you are good at is alchemy, not fighting. In Mortal Island, if you just buy and sell some resources, it is not a big problem. But you are rushing to the five-colored stone, it is too dangerous .”

"I'll go and see, and I won't force myself."

"That's good, go and don't force yourself."

"Yes, I know."

The two chatted for a while, Yuan Quan left Ye Weiyang, and went to his friends again.Ye Weiyang looked towards Jian Cangqiong, just now Jian Cangqiong obviously had something to look for him, so he flew towards the big tree, landed on the branch, and said to Jian Cangqiong:

"What's your name, friend Daoist?"

"The Sky Sect, Sword Sky."

"Chongxuzong, Ye Weiyang."

Jian Cangqiong looked at Ye Weiyang who was sitting on the opposite branch, frowned and said, "Your comprehension is so high, how can you be right?"

Ye Weiyang smiled: "I am an ascender."

Jian Cangqiong curled his lips: "There are so many stinky rules in this fairy world, they are rotten."

Ye Weiyang's impression of Jian Cangqiong improved a lot all of a sudden: "Senior brother Jian, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to get to know you because you have a high level of comprehension. By the way, do you know Ling Wuxu?"

"I don't know, but I've heard of it."

"Haven't seen him?"


Jian Cangqiong's face darkened: "It seems that his injury is still not healed."

Ye Weiyang nodded.

Jian Cangqiong looked at Ye Weiyang and said with a smile: "My ears are too sensitive, I just heard that you were sent to Donghua Island?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang didn't care that he heard the conversation between himself and Yuan Quan, the two of them didn't want to hide it, and it wasn't a secret, so Jian Cangqiong was not the only one who heard the two of them talking.

"It seems that you have offended someone in the sect."

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "I don't have any specific offenders, it's just that I want to be an ascetic monk."

Jian Cangqiong immediately understood that Ye Weiyang wanted to keep the two out of trouble.If you are an ordinary monk, there is nothing to do, if you want to practice hard, you can go hard.

But Ye Weiyang is different!
He has seen Ye Weiyang's understanding, this kind of arrogance, no camp wants to let it go.

"Have you had a hard time?"

"It's nothing bad. I'm a master of alchemy, and I don't lack resources. Zongmen can't hold me back in terms of resources. So they sent me to Donghua Island. And now my basic conditions have reached the conditions for breakthroughs. The only thing missing is to comprehend the way of heaven. Going to Donghua Island will not delay my comprehension of the way of heaven, and it is far away from the sect, so there is no trouble, which is exactly what I want."

Jian Cangqiong smiled and said, "Alchemy isn't your major direction, is it?"

"of course not!"

"Yeah!" Jian Cangqiong nodded: "I didn't expect that after Ling Wuxu was injured, there would finally be someone who caught my eye."

"I don't dare to compare with senior brother. I've heard of you. The most powerful in the fairy world. Besides, I'm just a little Hedao now. Don't talk about other sects, just say that my sect is Chongxu Sect, which is stronger than me everywhere."

Jian Cangqiong sneered when he heard the words: "Just them? They are only better than you in the realm, a bunch of chickens and dogs."

Ye Weiyang's expression was indifferent, because she didn't think how powerful those world-creating monks in the Zongmen were.Not only the Chongxu Sect, but also the world-building of the entire nine major sects, she didn't think it was that powerful.The current Ye Weiyang is no longer the one who just ascended to the sky. She has challenged the world-building of third-rate sects and second-rate sects, and has fought against individual world-builders of the nine major sects, and even beheaded them.She didn't think they were any big deal.

Of course, she didn't swell to the point where she felt that she could compete with all the world-making monks of the nine sects, but when she broke through the world, she felt that there would be no problem at all.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's indifferent face, Jian Cangqiong laughed: "I really didn't misunderstand you, I look forward to the day when you break through the world."

After the words fell, Jian Cangqiong broke through the air and left.

Ye Weiyang also left. After thousands of miles away from Yuqingzong, she took the Xingsuo and went straight to Shangqingzong. Shangqingzong's climbing ladder was her second goal.She originally didn't intend to comprehend it on the ladder, but let the Luoshu space copy it, so that she would leave Shangqingzong in the shortest time and rush to the next holy place without wasting time.

But it wasn't until she stepped on the ladder that she realized that her previous vision could not be realized at all.

This climbing ladder is not something you can go up if you want to.

The ladder to the sky looks like a point-to-point platform. It is a trapezoid with four sides.There are steps on all sides, a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine steps.All kinds of talismans are branded on the entire climbing ladder.

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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