The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1038 Climbing

Chapter 1038 Climbing

It is said that this Stairway to Heaven was originally refined by gathering all the talisman masters in the fairy world. At that time, the entrance to the demon world was opened, and the monks in the fairy world were united to fight against the monster race in order to survive.That's why it was possible to gather all the talisman masters from the entire fairy world to jointly refine this ladder to heaven.

In fact, the holy lands of the seven major sects were all jointly refined at that time by gathering all the leaders from all walks of life in the fairy world.That is to say, in that era, people will be united, and such a thing will happen. If it is the current environment, it is completely impossible.

This ladder to heaven is not only a treasure to suppress the entrance of the demon world, but also a sacred place of talisman.

The talisman realm of each step of this ladder to heaven is different.Moreover, each step forms a world of its own, a world of inheritance of talismans.It starts from the most basic, that is, the fundamentals of talismans that Ye Weiyang first learned, and then the first level is higher than the first level.It is said that the top layer is the highest talisman realm in the entire fairy world.

Ever since those talisman masters who forged this climbing ladder fell one by one with the passage of time, there are only two people who are still alive on the top floor.

One is Chen Pingan, an elder of the Shang Qingzong.One is called Fan Lin, an elder of Taiqingzong.They are not too young, they are said to be hundreds of thousands of years old.

It is not that simple to step up this ladder to heaven.Every step has a test, and you can only enter if you break the test.

Ye Weiyang knew it when she stood in front of the first step, but she also wanted to see how many steps she could pass.She looked up, and there was a monk on the eighth step of the ground, and there was no more at the top.And there are the most monks under the 760 ​​nine steps. These monks are not immortal talisman masters, but talisman masters.No matter what world, low-end monks are always the most.Then on the 360th step up to the 370th step, there are quite a few monks, but there are much fewer monks than the 360th level and below.These are all Immortal Talismans.From the [-]th step upwards, there will be fewer monks.

For Ye Weiyang, the first level is completely stress-free.She stood in front of the steps, swept her mind, and instantly found a way to break through the barrier. She drew a talisman in the void, pressed forward, stepped up, and stood on the first step.

As soon as you enter this level of steps, you will find that this is an independent space.

Very big.

It is not a problem to accommodate 1 people, and there is no one else in this space at this time, only Ye Weiyang is alone.It is really too simple to inherit the talisman at this level.Those who come in quickly comprehend and step onto the second level.Ye Weiyang didn't leave immediately, she raised her head and stared at the sky, hanging a huge talisman above it, and slowly circling it, Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged, and transmitted her spiritual consciousness into the huge talisman.

Immediately, endless talisman dao poured into his consciousness, Ye Weiyang realized carefully, after all, this is the foundation of talisman dao in the fairy world, and it is slightly different from what she practiced back then, this is not a rush The Talisman Dao in Zongzangshu Pavilion is the opinion of one family, and it is the most complete and systematic foundation of Talisman Dao in the entire fairy world.

How could Ye Weiyang miss it?

It took her a day to accept these talisman inheritances, but it took Ye Weiyang less than an hour to sort out and comprehend these inheritances. On the day she received the inheritance, she was actually receiving and sorting out the inheritance. comprehend.She can perceive that her talisman foundation is deeper and more comprehensive, and her foundation is more solid.

"What a place! It's worthy of being a holy place!"

Ye Weiyang stood up, broke through the barrier easily, and came to the second floor. The second floor is the same as the first floor. In fact, the appearance of each floor is the same, and there is a huge talisman hanging above it. The ground rotated, so Ye Weiyang still sat cross-legged, penetrated into the spiritual consciousness, and the inheritance came continuously.

Around the Stairway to Heaven, there are also countless monks watching, but the monks watching here are not like the enlightened lotus of Yuqingzong, there are monks regardless of the direction of cultivation, and the monks watching here are all practicing Talisman monk.Even if he doesn't specialize in talisman, he is also a monk who also practices talisman.

These people are all people who came down from the ladder to the sky. The ladder to the sky is very humane. Each step gives you three attempts. If you still can’t pass the third time, you will be sent out, and these people are all sent out. monk.

Ye Weiyang's arrival still attracted some monks, after all, he is the only one on the first step.Today there are only two steps where there is only one person on a certain step.

One is Ye Weiyang on the first step, and the other is the young man on the 760th and eighth step. That young man is a disciple of the Shang Qingzong, a direct disciple of Chen Pingan, and his name is Liang Shidong.Since the day when the ladder was opened, Liang Shidong has been climbing the ladder until now.Haven't failed yet.

It is not ruled out that he is a disciple of the Shangqing Sect, and he often comes to climb the ladder. The Shangqing Sect opened the ladder, on the one hand, to absorb the spiritual power of the monks to replenish the ladder, and on the other hand, it does not rule out making Liang Shidong famous.Even now, in the past 20 years, Liang Shidong has become famous in the fairy world for climbing the ladder.

Just like this, two people are on the same step, which inevitably attracts attention.But no one underestimate Ye Weiyang, he came late, you can't say he can't do it.It takes one day to absorb the inheritance, and it mainly depends on Ye Weiyang's comprehension speed after one day.

Sure enough, Ye Weiyang arrived at the second floor in less than an hour. This is the average time spent by everyone. Ye Weiyang has nothing outstanding, but there is nothing ridiculous about it.

In fact, the moment Ye Weiyang received the inheritance, she had already sorted out and comprehended it, and the Luoshu space also copied the huge talisman, but Ye Weiyang wanted to sort it out again and again to ensure that there were no omissions. It took another hour.

Contrary to Ye Weiyang's imagination, she originally thought that on the second step, it would take more time to receive the inheritance, but it turned out that it only took one day.

Think about it, this second layer is the inheritance left on the basis of the first layer, and it didn't start from the most basic, so the inheritance will not be outrageous. I am afraid that the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps are the original ones. Dao Dao is divided according to the receiving time.It takes one day for each step to infuse the inheritance. As for how long it takes for a monk to comprehend after receiving the inheritance, it doesn't matter about climbing the ladder.

(End of this chapter)

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