The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1041 Level 7

Chapter 1041 Seven Hundredth Floor

Ye Weiyang began to cheat. Whenever the Luoshu space copied huge talismans, she would enter the Luoshu space to comprehend them, and make various talismans of this realm in this virtual space.After comprehending everything, he will come out of the Luoshu space, practice for about an hour, replenish the spiritual consciousness he has consumed, and continue to ascend to the first floor.

Gradually, people outside the ladder realized that Ye Weiyang's speed finally started to slow down.From the time it took about one day and one hour to ascend each floor, it has now changed to one day and two hours. At this time, Ye Weiyang has already ascended the 660th floor.

The reason why it took an extra hour is because the consumption of spiritual consciousness has increased, and Ye Weiyang needs time to practice to restore it to its peak state.

But others don't know, from their point of view, Ye Weiyang is just sitting there comprehending.It should be that the inheritance of talisman is getting more and more difficult, so the time Ye Weiyang spends is getting longer and longer...


Is this a growing question?

It's only an hour longer, so is that called long?

If you don't look at the steps above [-], not only are there fewer and fewer monks on it, but the time for which monk to climb a level is not calculated in years?

It’s okay for you to use days to calculate the steps below. Those Talisman cultivators almost use days to calculate, and even hours to calculate.But after ascending to the [-]th floor, you can use the day as the unit of calculation, which is barely reasonable, and the number in front of it cannot be one.Or a few days, or a dozen days, or even dozens of days.As for using time as a unit of calculation, that's impossible.

But above the [-]th floor, you still use the sky as the unit of calculation, and that's over.Even if you don't use years as a unit of calculation, you should use months, right?

You still use days to calculate, and there are 660 floors, just an hour longer?
The fate of the two Chongxu Zong Law Enforcement Halls was a little confused.

"I just contacted the hall master, and the hall master asked us to catch it. But do you think Ye Weiyang's speed will reach level [-]?"

Another Creation also had a solemn face: "It's very possible!"

"Then if she really becomes a Grandmaster of Immortal Talisman, can we still catch her?"

"Just wait and see, we will contact the hall master when she really reaches level [-]."

"That's all it can do!"

"However, no matter what, Ye Weiyang is very difficult to suppress."

"She seems to be a little easygoing. When she was sent to Donghua Island, she never sent a request to Zongmen to be transferred back. Hundreds of years have passed like this. It seems that Zongmen has forgotten her, and she will Forget about the sect."

"That's the hard way!"

"Why is it so difficult?"

"It is difficult for such a person to have a sense of belonging to the sect. Once she is not only a master of elixir, but also a master of immortal charms, and is known by the suzerain and those high-level officials, in order to give Ye Weiyang a sense of belonging to the sect, the sect will definitely give Ye Weiyang some The inclination of resources. It will be difficult to target her again."

Another world-maker glanced at the back of Ye Weiyang on the ladder: "What if she is the master of fairy charm?"

The Law Enforcing Hall opened its mouth, but finally fell silent.

Wen Yufei tilted her head and looked at Ye Weiyang's back on the ladder, curious.

"Sister Ye is so pitiful. It seems that she can't practice in Donghua Island. She can only study talismans to pass the time. However, Sister Ye's talent in Fu Dao is really high. If she can step up to level 790 or above, wouldn't she be in Fu Tao with Master?" The realm of Dao is the same? Master seems to have said that she has only climbed to level [-] and eighth, and has never climbed to level [-]."

Ye Weiyang got up and boarded the first floor again.Looking around, there were less than five thousand monks.No one pays attention to Ye Weiyang, everyone is comprehending the huge talisman hanging above their heads.Only people like Ye Weiyang who just came up have the mood to look around.

Time passed day by day, and every time Ye Weiyang climbed to a floor, the number of people on this floor began to decrease. When Ye Weiyang climbed to the 690th floor, there were only 2000 people in their early years.

But at this time, Ye Weiyang's time to climb the ladder has been extended to about one day and three hours.

So, after one day and three hours, when Ye Weiyang stepped on the [-]th step, it can be said that everyone was looking forward to it.They all want to see how long it will take for her to reach the [-]th level?
No one would think that she would still be able to reach the [-]th floor in just over a day.Because this level is the realm of the immortal talisman master.No one can comprehend the realm of a master of immortal talisman in more than a day.Unless you were originally a grandmaster of Immortal Talisman.

But no one thinks that Ye Weiyang can't reach the [-]th level.With Ye Weiyang's climbing speed, it proves that her foundation is very solid and her background is very profound.Even if she is not a master of immortal talisman now, she can comprehend it at the [-]th level and break through to the realm of master of celestial talisman.

The difference is only the length of time.

After being silent for about a quarter of an hour outside the climbing ladder, it immediately became noisy.

"Come on, I bet that female nun will reach the [-]th level within a year."

"I bet ten months."

"I bet five months!"

"I bet for three months!"

"Is there any more? The shortest bet now is three months. Is there any shorter?"

The two world-builder cultivators of Chongxu Zong's law enforcement hall looked at each other and sighed, please contact the hall master.

on top of the mountain.

Fan Lin smiled like a spring breeze: "Senior brother Chen, how long do you think it will take for that female cultivator to climb to the [-]th floor?"

Chen Pingan said without hesitation: "It won't take more than a month."

"Oh? Are you so optimistic about her?"

"Her background is too deep, her foundation is too solid. I really want to see how far she can go in the end?"

This time Luoshu Space took longer to copy the huge talisman. It took about a day and a half to copy the huge talisman. After it was improved, it became a spherical object.Ye Weiyang entered the Luoshu space and penetrated into the spherical object, and inside was a world of talisman inheritance.

When two days passed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Ye Weiyang would not be so against the sky, and kept the original speed.Everyone's eyes couldn't help but move away from Ye Weiyang, and began to look at the monks on the other steps, commenting one by one.

three days.

It took Ye Weiyang a total of three days to fully comprehend the talismans on this level, and then it took more than two hours to recover the consumed consciousness before getting up.

When she got up, she immediately attracted a lot of people's attention, and then someone made noise, which attracted the attention of others even more, that is, in about a breath, everyone's eyes outside the ladder were focused on Ye Weiyang.I can't help but guess:
"Has she made a breakthrough, or is she unable to comprehend, ready to come down?"

(End of this chapter)

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