The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1042 The Strong Comes

Chapter 1042 The Strong Comes

"Shouldn't it be a breakthrough? How long has it been? It's less than four days, right?"

Then they saw Ye Weiyang boarded the [-]th floor.


Chen Ping'an accidentally pulled off a few beards.He asserted that Ye Weiyang could climb to level [-] within one month, but he absolutely never thought that it would take more than three days for Ye Weiyang to fully comprehend the talismans of this level.

Chen Pingan and Fan Lin looked at each other.

"Do you think she can catch up with Liang Shidong?" Fan Lin's questioning tone at this time was no longer joking, but very serious and solemn.

At this time, Chen Pingan did not hesitate like last time, but pondered for a moment and said: "It depends on whether Shidong can reach the [-]th floor before she catches up."

"Eight hundred floors!"

Fan Lin nodded, stepping into the [-]th floor means stepping into the realm of the Great Master of Immortal Talisman.There is a gap like a moat between this realm and the realm of the master, and the hidden way of heaven is extremely mysterious and profound.If Liang Shidong could advance to the eight hundredth floor, Ye Weiyang would have a chance to catch up, but it would be too difficult.At that level, it is not uncommon for a step to take decades, or even a hundred years.And climbing the ladder will not give such a long opening time.


He glanced at where Liang Shidong was.

Level 780.

There are still nineteen floors!
And Ye Weiyang is [-] floors away from Liang Shidong. Seeing that Liang Shidong has an absolute advantage, but with Ye Weiyang's speed, does he really have an advantage?

When Ye Weiyang climbed to the 720th and sixth floors in about three days for each floor, Hu Qingsong, the master of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Chongxu Sect, rushed over in person.Then he saw Ye Weiyang on the ladder.

"Grandmaster Immortal Talisman..."

His face darkened, he found two of his subordinates, listened to their reports in detail, and frowned slightly.

Any guru is a precious role in any sect.Whether it is alchemy to make talismans, or refining weapons to form an array.

Grandmaster, his status is already equivalent to that of a world-making monk in a big sect like Chongxu Sect, that is to say, he is qualified to become a low-rank elder in the nine super sects.

Is such a person really going to offend?
He had offended Ye Weiyang before and sent him to Donghua Island.But that didn't offend to death, and there was still room for both sides to turn around.If this time it is true that the Shang Qing sect captured Ye Weiyang back to the sect in front of the public, it would be an offense to the death.Moreover, Ye Weiyang's mistake of leaving Donghua Island without permission will not kill Ye Weiyang.

If you can't beat him to death, you will offend people...

Hu Qingsong was struggling.

But this kind of entanglement is gradually fading away. Whenever he sees Ye Weiyang get up and step on the first floor, it's like stepping on his own heart, which makes him gradually give up the idea of ​​taking Ye Weiyang back. Thinking about how to make Ye Weiyang owe him a favor.

Ye Weiyang stepped onto the 750th floor, there are less than [-] people on this floor.This is the Grandmaster of Immortal Talisman in the entire Immortal World, even if there are still some who haven't come, there are not many.

Ye Weiyang basically needs more than four days to climb to the first floor. When it reached the 760th floor, it found that there was no one on this floor.Looking up, there is only one person on the 780th floor, except for that person, there is no one else in front of Ye Weiyang.

She couldn't help but think, this level should be equivalent to the late stage of the master.In the fairy world, there are no monks in the later stage of the immortal talisman master?

There must have been, or it must have left before I came.Or it hasn't come yet for some reason, but it definitely has.

What about the quantity?

Should not be much!

And at this time, more than a dozen monks flew from the gate of the Shangqing Zong Mountain, and half of the monks had one thing in common, that is, their heads were silver-haired, in other words, they were all very old monks.The other half of the monks are much younger, and they seem to be the disciples of those old men.

Fan Lin on the mountain saw the dozen or so old guys: "Why did they come together? I thought they wouldn't come."

Chen Ping curled his lips: "Why else? You don't know those old guys? They must have gathered together first and discussed the Tao with each other for decades, and at the same time let their disciples listen to the Tao. They have reached the acme of their comprehension, so they come here, wanting to obtain more inheritance, and also want their disciples to obtain greater fame."

Fan Lin couldn't help laughing, the two of them didn't have to greet those people because of their identities, they still watched coldly.But they didn't care, the monks outside the ladder did care, and the noise immediately became several times louder.These old men are masters of Taoism who are active in the fairy world, and even their disciples are famous for thousands of miles.

These dozen or so people looked calm, and it seemed that they were used to being flattered by the crowd.Their eyes looked towards the climbing ladder.

"Is that Liang Shidong?"

"Yes, besides him, which young man can climb that high?"

"Hey, who is that woman?"

"do not know!"

"It's kind of interesting!" The old man turned his head and said to his disciples, "They are all young people, don't disgrace Master, let's all go up."

"Yes, Master!"

One by one, the young people rushed to the ladder, and then the eight old men also fell on the first floor of the ladder.They moved forward very quickly, reaching the first floor in almost half an hour. In less than three days, the eight old men had already set foot on the [-]th floor, and the eight disciples followed closely behind. Not to show respect, they are also standing on the [-]th floor at this time.

There was a lot of commotion from these sixteen people, and there were cheers outside the ladder.Chen Ping's expression was gloomy: "The eight wastes are still the same until now, and they haven't improved at all."

Fan Lin said with a smile: "Thinking back then, ten of us were known as Fu Jie of the Ten Fangs. Now two of us are standing in the position of Fu Sheng, while eight of them are lagging behind. I feel unbalanced."

Speaking of this, he said with emotion: "Our era is really an era where heroes are born. The young people today are not good enough. Look at their disciples, are they qualified to compete with our disciples?"

Just talking, the eight old men had already stepped on the [-]th floor, and then continued to climb in about half an hour.And their eight disciples did not show any weakness, they were just one level shorter than their master.

In less than three days, and in the early two days, the eight old men had passed Ye Weiyang, and they turned their heads to look at Ye Weiyang, seeing Ye Weiyang's eyes closed, they ignored her.Continue to climb forward.

(End of this chapter)

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