Chapter 1043

Liang Shidong stood up, his face full of excitement.He finally comprehended this layer, raised his hand to draw a talisman, cracked the light curtain, and stepped on the 780th floor.

"Swish, swish..." Seeing eight old men appearing around him, they looked at him and nodded: "That's right, it's good to be able to come this far."

Then the eight people stood there and directly penetrated into the huge talisman hanging in the air.

Liang Shidong's face changed, and then he recognized that these eight people were from the same generation as his master.I was relieved in my heart, being overtaken by these eight people, it's not shameful, it's normal.He couldn't help but look back, his face changed again.

He found that on the steps not far from him, nine more people entered the originally empty steps.

Nine young men.

At this time, Ye Weiyang just finished comprehending the third floor of 760 and was about to step on the fourth floor of 760.


She found a person sitting cross-legged on the fourth floor directly in front of her.Looking up, there are two people on the 760th floor.There is a person on the 760th sixth floor.There are three people on the seventh floor of 760, and one person on the eighth floor of 760.

"Someone rushed up so soon? Huh?"

"those people?"

He saw the backs of the eight people on the same steps as Liang Shidong, and he couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring. It seemed that the masters of the fairy world were starting to come.

On the mountain peak, Chen Pingan nodded and said: "Their disciples are good, similar to Shidong."

"The current level should be the limit of their eight disciples. Next, look at the speed at which they break through, and you can guess their talent. I'm still talking about that female cultivator... By the way, you can find out about her information Yet?"

"Her name is Ye Weiyang, a disciple of Chongxu Sect."

"The Chongxu Sect was able to cultivate such a talent for talisman dao. It surprised me. I am still interested in Ye Weiyang. I guess it is her who can pose a threat to Shidong, not the disciples of those eight old guys."

"I think so."

On the ladder.

Ye Weiyang boarded the fourth floor of 760, and glanced at the monk sitting cross-legged.Every monk who climbs the ladder is extremely relieved, because it is impossible to fight on the ladder. Once an attack occurs, you will be strangled by the ladder above before your attack is released.Therefore, every monk who ascends the ladder comprehends the Talisman and Dao in a self-conscious manner, and is completely unaware of what is happening outside.Therefore, the monk still closed his eyes to comprehend.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged not far from the cultivator, her spiritual consciousness penetrated into the huge talisman.

Outside the climbing ladder suddenly became lively.

"Hey, do you think Ye Weiyang or Ma Chao can comprehend this level first?"

"Although Ma Chao has been famous for a long time, he is known as the Eight Steeds of Fu Dao in the fairy world, and Ye Weiyang is not well-known, and I have never heard of her before. But I still think that Ye Weiyang is stronger than Ma Chao, and he will definitely be the first to ascend to the next level. "

"Me too!"

"I think so!"


Hearing the surrounding monks support Ye Weiyang one-sidedly, Hu Qingsong's face became more bitter.I didn't have a specific impression of Ye Weiyang before.But now the Talisman Eight Juns are here.This is a very intuitive comparison.The Eight Horses of Talisman Dao did not rush to Xuzong.Strange to say, there is no Chongxu Sect, no Shang Qing Sect, no Tai Qing Sect, no Ghost Sect, and no Bone Sect among the Eight Steeds of Fu Dao.Of the nine super sects, five sects have been eliminated.

The Shang Qingzong did not have it because of Liang Shidong.Emperor Taiqing didn't have it because of Fan Lin's disciple, Fang Xuance.Liang Shidong and Fang Xuance are known as Fu Dao Shuangying, higher than Fu Dao Eight Jun.Ba Jun came here today, no doubt to challenge Shuangying's position.It's just that Fang Xuance didn't come.But it doesn't matter, as long as they surpass Liang Shidong on the ladder, their Bajun will surpass Shuangying.

They came prepared, with enough confidence.

Although Liang Shidong is ahead now, the ladder to the sky will still be open for hundreds of years. This is a long-term competition.They Ba Jun always thought that their understanding was better than Liang Shidong's. The reason why Liang Shidong was better than them was because he had the ladder to climb to heaven and a master like Chen Ping'an.Today, let the heroes of the world see how they surpassed Liang Shidong on the ladder of Shang Qingzong.

Like these eight people, no matter which one is a talisman wizard, no matter which one appears in the nine super sects, they will be regarded as treasures.Now Ye Weiyang is on a par with Ma Chao among the Eight Steeds.I'm afraid that this level is enough for the sect to focus on training and treat it as a treasure.The Hall of Talismans of the Chongxu Sect begged Ye Weiyang to join, whoever dared to bully Ye Weiyang, the entire Hall of Talismans would go berserk.

In this situation, to catch Ye Weiyang?
Don't mention this matter, what I'm thinking about now is that I am afraid that when I return to the Zongmen, those people in Fudian will pester Ye Weiyang before.

Let's take a look again, I hope Ye Weiyang is not as good as Ma Chao, so that I don't have to catch Ye Weiyang, and even remind her of the consequences of leaving Donghua Island without permission, and then let her go, it can be regarded as a good relationship.As for going back to the sect, it has nothing to do with me if those elders want to target Ye Weiyang by themselves.

on top of the mountain.

Fan Lin suddenly laughed, and Chen Ping squinted at him: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laughed at those eight old guys. They came this time, on the one hand, they wanted to hit the ladder, and on the other hand, they wanted their disciples to surpass our two disciples. But they didn't expect Ye Weiyang to appear suddenly. Once they find out that they have been surpassed by a monk they don't know before they are waiting for themselves to surpass Liang Shidong, their confidence will collapse. I am afraid it will affect them for a long time, and they will not make any progress in the talisman path."

Chen Pingan also showed a smile on his face: "They came at the wrong time."

Fan Lin still had something to say in his heart, what he thought was, once Ye Weiyang surpassed Liang Shidong, would Liang Shidong's confidence collapse?
Fortunately, my disciple Fang Xuance didn't come because of retreat, so when he came out, I could remind him first, so that if I was mentally prepared, I wouldn't lose my confidence.Thinking of this, his smile grew wider.

This level takes a little longer. In fact, Ye Weiyang comprehends the talisman in the Luoshu space, and the time in the Luoshu space is static. The time she spends comes out of the Luoshu space. , the time for recovery of luck.But it also took almost five days to fully comprehend this level.Stand up and board the 760th floor.

There are two monks on this floor, those two monks are still in the comprehension state, Ye Weiyang walked a little farther, and then sat cross-legged, his spiritual sense penetrated into the huge talisman.While beginning to comprehend, Luoshu Space copied.This time it took a little over five days, Ye Weiyang stood up and stepped on the 760th floor.

(End of this chapter)

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