Chapter 1044
There is a monk on the sixth floor of 760, who is still comprehending at this time.More than seven hundred floors are the realm of the Immortal Talisman Grandmaster, and each floor is extremely mysterious.Ye Weiyang is cheating, comprehended in the Luoshu space, and time is at a standstill.But these people are different.It's a real waste of time.

At this time, there was no noise outside the climbing ladder, but it was eerily quiet.Everyone is staring at Ye Weiyang, they now have a thought in their hearts that they didn't dare to think about before, maybe this time they can really witness the birth of a legend with their own eyes.At this time, Hu Qingsong was ashamed.Looking at it this way, the realm of the Grandmaster of Immortal Talisman may not be her limit. If she reaches the 100th floor, she will be the Great Grandmaster of Immortal Talisman. Although Ye Weiyang's cultivation is just in line with Dao, but it is completely incompatible with Chongxu The master of Zongfu Hall is at the next level.It is completely possible to be a middle-rank elder.You must know that there are more than [-] mid-level elders in the entire Chongxu Sect, that is to say, Ye Weiyang's status in the Chongxu Sect was already equivalent to a great boundary-breaking monk at that time.

The better Ye Weiyang is, the heavier the blame they received for those who targeted Ye Weiyang.Even if Zongmen didn't punish them, but just blamed them, but what about Ye Weiyang going to target them?
Kill Ye Weiyang now?
Just kidding, finally a Talisman Wizard appeared in Chongxuzong.Even if Ye Weiyang didn't reach the [-]th floor, sooner or later such a person would become a great master of immortal charms, would he be crazy to do such a thing?

Although the sect has internal strife, no one dares to do such a thing that is detrimental to the future of the sect when it comes to such a major event of the sect, and is unwilling to do so.

What a headache!
A little more than five days later, Ye Weiyang stood up again, and stepped onto the 760th floor, where there are three of the eight handsome men.At this time, they are also closing their eyes to comprehend.Ye Weiyang walked to the side and sat cross-legged.At this time, Ma Chao, who was on the fourth floor of 760, finally comprehended the Talisman of this floor.He looked up to the upper floor.

Well, Zhao Qian is still there.I have already caught up with him.He then looked directly at Liang Shidong, frowned slightly, and Liang Shidong went up another floor, now on the second floor of 780.

It doesn't matter, I will definitely catch up with him.His eyes move down...

Why is there one more person?

that person……

He suddenly turned his head, and sure enough, the female cultivator had disappeared.Then turn back and look carefully at the back of the nun.

It's that woman!

She... actually boarded the 760th floor!
In an instant, Ma Chao's mentality collapsed!

Originally, he surpassed Liang Shidong and Fang Xuance with confidence.Although Fang Xuance did not come, it was the same as Liang Shidong.But he didn't expect that he was still far away from Liang Shidong, and he was surpassed by a female cultivator he didn't know.


I must not let an unknown person surpass me, I must chase it back.He climbed up to the 760th floor, sat cross-legged, and penetrated his divine sense into the huge talisman.

After a while, he opened his eyes, both eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't calm down.Yun Gong calmed down his mind, and once again penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the huge talisman, but within a quarter of an hour, he withdrew again...

After more than five days, Ye Weiyang stepped onto the 760th floor.There is only one monk on this floor.And at this moment, the monk sitting side by side with Ma Chao on the fifth floor of 760 also understood this floor and opened his eyes.At the same time, the monk on the 760th floor and Ye Weiyang also opened their eyes.

At the first moment, the monk on the fifth floor of 760 felt someone around him, turned his head and saw Ma Chao cross-legged, leaning on his chin, looking up.He couldn't help being surprised:
"Ma Chao, you don't understand, what are you looking at?"

"Look at the top!" Ma Chao raised his finger.

The monk looked up, and then his face changed, he saw Gu Tu and Ye Weiyang's back on the 760th floor.He suddenly turned his head, looked down, and then suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Weiyang's back.

"That's...that female cultivator?" The cultivator lost his mind in an instant.


Ma Chao exhaled a sigh of relief, his mentality was balanced, and his confidence was restored.

Gu Tu has been caught up, the most important thing is in such a short period of time, what is there to be unconvinced about?
This is the case with a person. If this person is only a little stronger than you, you will be jealous and lose confidence.But if this person is much stronger than you, he will lose his comparability, and his mentality will be very stable instead.This is the case with Ma Chao now, and then he looked at Gu Tu on the 760th floor with his eyes wide open, then Gu Tu suddenly turned his head, looked down, and turned his face to Ma Chao, Ma Chao could see Gu Tu because he was shocked , and the muscles on his face were twisted, he couldn't help laughing out loud, and then waved his hand at Gu Tu.

Gu Tu ignored him, and suddenly turned to look at Ye Weiyang who was standing beside him: "You you... who are you?"

Ye Weiyang cupped his hands in salute to him: "Chong Xuzong, Ye Weiyang!"

At this moment, Hu Qingsong who climbed outside the ladder actually felt a kind of pride and pride in his heart, straightened his waist, and stared at him.

Gu Tu was stunned for a moment, and mechanically bowed his hand to return the gift: "Tian Yunzong, Gu Tu!"

Ye Weiyang nodded, then turned around, drew a talisman in the void, broke the barrier, and walked up to the 770th floor.On the ninth floor of the 760th floor, Gu Tu's mentality collapsed, and he forgot to go up to the 770th floor.

Ma Chao on the fifth floor of 760 felt comfortable and balanced.He glanced at the back of Liang Shidong on the second floor of 780.Look at Ye Weiyang on the 770th floor now.I secretly said in my heart:
"It's only [-] floors away. With the comprehension speed of this female cultivator, it shouldn't be a problem to surpass Liang Shidong, right?
must die!

He closed his eyes, his spiritual sense penetrated into the huge talisman above, and he entered comprehension in an instant.And the monk beside him was still in a daze, not coming out of the collapse.

After a while, Gu Tu finally woke up from his sluggishness, drew a talisman in the void, broke the barrier, and climbed to the 770th floor.He glanced at Ye Weiyang again, confirming that he didn't know him, there had never been such a person in Fu Dao before.He looked up at Liang Shidong on the second floor of 780 again, trying to force himself to calm down, but found that he couldn't do it.Simply sit next to Ye Weiyang, look at Ye Weiyang, see why Ye Weiyang caught up with him so quickly?
How long will it take her to comprehend this level?

On the lower floors, the other members of the eight horses came to their senses one after another. They instinctively looked up first, then suddenly turned their heads to look down, then turned their heads to look up again, and finally their mentality collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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